The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Running the Blockade-- Confederate Flagburning-- Confeds in Columbus, Oh-- Court Martial Re-enacted-- Mike Triplett

Running the Blockade-- Some New News of an Old War.

1. CONFEDERATE FLAG-BURNING IN NEWARK, NJ-- My friend Ed Briggs sent me a video clip from You-Tube showing a group of people cheering and chanting as they burned a Confederate flag. This is just one other reason to belong to the SCV. You can view it at

Sure burned me seeing them do that, but, I guess everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how misguided it is.

2. CONFEDERATES IN COLUMBUS, OHIO FOR FIRST TIME-- Well, not exactly in Columbus, but in nearby Grove City, Ohio, southwest of Columbus. This is a major military and history re-enactment featuring soldiers from the American revolution, frontier days, and the Civil War. In the past, a lone Confederate or small group would take part. This weekend, a sizable contingent of Southerners will be on hand.

3. FORT MCHENRY COURT MARTIAL RE-ENACTMENT-- This past weekend, Fort McHenry in Baltimore had the re-enactment of the court martial of Confederate soldier George McDonald who had been captured at the Battle of Antietam. He had been given the option of staying in prison or joining the Union Army and he took the latter. In 1864, while AWOL, he shot a man in Montgomery County and stole his horse.

He was found guilty and killed by the last-ever firing squad at the fort.

4. MIKE TRIPLETT-- Member of the Camp Douglas Camp 1507 has been appointed Illinois Division Communications Officer and takes charge of the division newsletter and website. Congratulations Mike!!!

And the War Goes On. --Blockade-Runner

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