The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Iowa SUVCW Tracking Down Iowa Civil War Monuments

MPC Newspapers of Iowa had an article back in December 2008 about the state's Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War camps tracking down and completing a list of all of the markers and statues of the war.

There is a 35 foot high monument in Brooklyn Memorial Cemetery in Powesiak County that was built in 1882. There is a Civil War cannon at Grinnell's Hazelwood Cemetery and a Civil War soldier statue at Chester Cemetery. In Montezuma, there is a GAR Hall, Civil War monument and a soldier at Sheridan Cemetery.

Tom Gaard, Iowa Monument Officer for the SUVCW Department of Iowa, says they are also locating the graves of Union veterans and even those who served with Confederate armies. Not only that, but they are also looking for monuments and memorials in need of cleaning or repairs.

You can view their list of markers at

The website also includes Iowa markers outside the state including one at Andersonville Prison in Georgia which was dedicated November 17, 1906. The state of Tennessee has 15 markers, including 13 at the Battle of Shiloh.

Always Great to See Civil War History Preserved. --Old B-Runner

There are still five original Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Halls still standing: the one in Montezuma, Veterans Memorial Hall in Waterloo, Redfield GAR Hall, Hampton GAR Hall and Woodbury County GAR Hall in Correctionville. Only the Montezuma Hall is no longer used.

--Old Secesh

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