The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ten Notable Civil War Coincidences-- Part 2

From March 4th List Universe.

7. IRISH FIGHTING IRISH-- At the December 13, 1862, Battle of Fredericksburg, the Union Irish Brigade fought a nearly all-Irish Confederate regiment. The Union soldiers were cut down by the Confederates.

6. BAD MEDICINE-- President James Garfield survived his service in the Civil War unhurt, but in July 1881, he was shot by an assassin. Doctors probed for the bullet with unwashed hands. The president would have survived the wound, but died of a massive infection.

5. HOLE IN HAT SAVES LIFE-- This saved the life of Confederate General John Brown Gordon September 17, 1862, at the Battle of Antietam. He was shot in the face and fell face first into his hat which filled with blood, but a hole in the hat let the blood out, otherwise he would have drowned in it.

4. DIES CLOSE TO HOME-- Todd Carter of Franklin, Tennessee, was wounded almost in his front yard at the Battle of Franklin, November 30, 1864 as he called out, "Follow me boys, I'm almost home." He died two days later.

Some Interesting Stuff. Thanks List Universe. --Old B-Runner

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