The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Master Thomas L. Wragg, CSN

Today, a new marker will be dedicated at the Eastern Cemetery in Quincy, Florida, for Master Thomas L. Wragg. A member of the Civil War Navy and Marine Forum on Yahoo posted it.

I looked up his name on the internet, but couldn't find anything so asked the group about it.

A member said he served on the CSS Richmond and was captured on the CSS Atlanta. After release, he served on other Confederate ships. After the war, he moved around a lot until finally settling and practicing medicine in Quincy, Florida.

he was murdered (that has to be an interesting story as well) and buried in Eastern Cemetery.

Of interest, his great uncle Christopher Gadsden created the famous Gadsden Flag during the Revolutionary War. It was yellow with a coiled rattlesnake and the words "Don't Tread on Me." Christopher was a major leader of the patriots in South Carolina. I remember carrying one during our strike in 1994. Kind of sums up my feeling at the time.

A Tip of the Hat to the Florida SCV for Remembering History. --Blockade-R

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