The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Workers Find 151-Year-Old Civil War Flag in Basement-- Part 1

From the Jan. 2014 Denver Post by Grant Welker of the  Lowell (Mass) Sun.

There were many Union soldiers from Lowell, Massachusetts, who had been recruited by Gen. Benjamin Butler at the battlefield at Clinton, Louisiana, near the Mississippi border.

Lt. Solon Perkins of the 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry was shot in the arm at the Battle of Clinton on June 3, 1863, just after shouting to his troops, "Now boys, let us show these scoundrels that we can fight!"  He was shot again just minutes later, dying two hours later.

His tattered and torn flag was found by workers in the basement of the Lowell Memorial Auditorium in Lowell.  They contacted the Greater Lowell Veterans Council who will have it preserved and displayed in the auditorium's Hall of Flags.

--Old Secesh

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