The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 106: Time for Kirby Smith to Go?

From the Oct. 30, 2015, Google Alerts for Confederate.

Virginia recall of Confederate battle flag plates challenged.  (Loss)  I'm calling it a loss in advance, although the challenge is a (Win).  We know that we can't win in the justice system.

Young: Controversy of Confederate Flag is overblown.    (Win)  Civil Rights leader and former mayor of Atlanta Andrew Young says the whole controversy is overblown because of those who oppose it.  He says, "To hell with where we fly it."  When he sees it, he sees the Cross of St. Andrew Christian symbol even though he understands that some who see it regard it as a symbol of racism.  During the heyday of the Civil rights Movement he never heard mention of the Confederacy or the flag.

Is it time for Confederate general to go?  (Palm Beach (Fla.) Post)  (I agree with the removal in this case.)  This is referring to the statue of Confederate Gen. Kirby Smith at the U.S. Capitol, one of two statues representing the state of Florida.    Smith was born in St. Augustine and spent childhood there, but other than that spent no time in the state.  The other statue is that of John Gorrie, a doctor and early air conditioner pioneer.  I'm sure Florida can find someone more deserving of the honor.

--Old Secesh

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