The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Pleaing for John Yates Beall's Clemency-- Part 2: Change Death Sentence To Imprisonment

"This is brief time for preparation for so solemn and appalling an event.  The friends of Capt. Beall desire to appeal to your clemency for a commutation of the sentence from death to imprisonment and that they might have the opportunity to prepare and present to your consideration the reasons which they hope may induce to a commutation.

"They now beseech you to grant the unhappy man such respite as you may deem reasonable  and just under circumstances.  As a short respite is all that is asked for now and as that can in no event harm, I forebear at present to make  any other suggestion.  Most respectfully your friend.

O.H. Browning"

--Old Secesh

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