The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Pleas To Lincoln For John Yates Beall's Life

Same source as previous post.

I have already mentioned the large number of Members of Congress who appealed for Beall's life.

Here are some more:

Abraham Lincoln at the White House, February 23, 1865.

President Lincoln's log of visitors the day before Beall was hanged reflect the heavy volume of pleas  that Lincoln  spare Beall's life, leniency having been Lincoln's tendency with scheduled death sentences.

**  President receives J.W. Forney and W. McLean regarding pardon for J.Y. Beall.

**  Informs Montgomery Blair and friends, who call at the White House,  that if their visit concerns Beall they will not be granted an audience.

**  In evening, O.H. Browning sees Lincoln about Beall.

**  President undecided.    Looks badly and feels badly.

From the Browning Diary.

--Old Secesh

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