The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Army Medals of Honor at Fort Fisher

Two Army officers were among those receiving Medals of Honor at the Second Battle of Fort Fisher.

GALUSHA PENNYPACKER-- Colonel, 97th Pennsylvania. Issued 17 August 1891-- led the charge across a traverse and planted the colors. Seriously wounded.

NEWTON MARTIN CURTIS-- Brigadier General-- Issued 28 November 1891-- first man to pass through the stockade fence, personally led each assault, wounded four times.

I wonder what transpired for both to be issued Medals of Honor that long after the event, and, in the same year.

Curtis is especially interesting. You don't see generals leading charges that often. After the war, he became really good friends with the fort's commander, Col. William Lamb, who referred to him as "My friend, the enemy."

Mighty Gallant Men. --Old B-Runner