The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cradle of the Confederacy

Here I sit again, in the Cradle of the Confederacy, Charleston, SC, well, actually, North Charleston, but close enough.

We were here this past Wednesday and Thursday and left for Bluffton, SC, by Hilton Head for the weekend.

Thursday, we visited Fort Moultrie and saw American coastal defenses spanning from 1776 to just after World War II. That is an extremely interesting historical epoch in itself. Planning on taking a boat ride out to Fort Sumter tomorrow. Would have liked to see the H. L. Hunley submarine, but didn't get here early enough today.

Thinking about getting a room out at Folly Beach, SC, and doing the BEACH THING. This is by Morris Island, where Fort Wagner was, where the 54th Massachusetts made their valiant attack.

Went up that way Thursday, but it appears to me in the rich boys' lair.

Fighting the War One State at a Time. --B-R