The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The State of the US Navy, October 1860-- Part 3

Continued from Oct. 28th blog entry.

With war looming on the horizon, it was apparent the US government wasn't doing too much to prepare for the possibility when you look at this report on what was going on at the naval yards.

PORTSMOUTH-- $10,000 allocated. Corvette CUMBERLAND in commission and will leave for New York in a few days. SANTEE on the stocks. Sloops MACEDONIAN and MARION recently returned from sea and are in the river.

WASHINGTON-- $17,000 allocated. Working on the PENSACOLA's machinery is the main business. Also busy working on the removal of the Naval Monument.

PENSACOLA-- $10,000 allocated. Not much going on other than the FULTON being laid up.

SACKETT'S HARBOR (western New York on Lake Ontario) AND MARE ISLAND (San Francisco) Not much going on.

So, there it is, the state of the US Navy on the eve of war.

Not Too Impressive. --Old B-Runner

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