The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Steamer Star of the South

On the 19th, I wrote about the steamer Star of the South arriving at Fort Pickens and found the name of interest since that was who the Union forces were fighting. I also had to wonder whether this ship had anything to do with the steamer Star of the West which made the unsuccessful attempt to bring provisions to Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor back in January.

I found an article in a New York paper regarding the US steam transport Star of the South, Captain Woodhull, arriving in New York City's harbor on July 19, 1861.

It had left Pensacola on July 11th and Key west on July 14th.

The article listed ships on station at the two places:


USS Vincennes, sloop-of-war
Maria Wood, schooner
Young Eagle, ship
Evelyn, bark
C.F. O'Brien, brig


USS Santiago de Cuba, steamer
USS Quaker City
USS Pomona
USS St. Lawrence
USS Pursuit

Also, the prize steamer Adela, captured by the Quaker City and a prize schooner loaded with cotton, taken by the steamer Pomona. These two ships were captured blockade-runners.

Just a look at the Blockade. --Old B-R'er

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