From the December 5, 2010, Listverse.
10. BATTLE NAMES-- The Union named battles after natural objects, Confederates after towns. For example, the Union Battle of Bull Run (named for the creek) was called Battle of Manassas by Confederates (for the nearby town). Some 230 actions in the war have two or more names.
9. GEOGRAPHY-- The Confederacy had 750,000 square miles and 3,500 miles of coastline, 200 harbors, bays and navigable river mouths.
8. CAPITAL-- Originally in Montgomery, Alabama, then moved to Richmond, Virginia.
7. MONEY-- Confederate money began circulating in April 1861 (I believe I remember hearing the first notes were printed in the North). Approximately $1.7 billion in currency issued. Only a one cent and a fifty cent piece were issued.
More to Come. --Old Secesh
This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Another Loss for the Home Team
From the Sept. 26, 2012, CBS News
The Selma, Alabama, City Council voted to stop work on the statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest in the cemetery because of black marches and opposition. Ten years ago, their demonstrations led to the statue being removed from outside a public building in a very visible site to the cemetery's Confederate section.
More recently, someone, wonder who, cut the head off the statue. Groups are trying to restore it, but the blacks and their supporters don't want it.
Looks Like They Have Won This One, At least Temporarily. --Old Secesh
The Selma, Alabama, City Council voted to stop work on the statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest in the cemetery because of black marches and opposition. Ten years ago, their demonstrations led to the statue being removed from outside a public building in a very visible site to the cemetery's Confederate section.
More recently, someone, wonder who, cut the head off the statue. Groups are trying to restore it, but the blacks and their supporters don't want it.
Looks Like They Have Won This One, At least Temporarily. --Old Secesh
Friday, September 28, 2012
Charlotte's Involvement in the War
From the August 31, 2012, Charlotte (NC) Observer "Charlotte put men, ships, gunpowder into Civil War" by Sam Shapiro.
A review of Michael C. Hardy's new book, "Civil War Charlotte: Last Capital of the Confederacy."
Charlotte was fortunate in having been spared the havoc of fighting, but it was completely involved in the war effort. Even so, in the waning days of the war, Charlotte and Mecklenburg County were on high alert with Sherman's Army heading its way, but it turned toward Wilmington.
Then, on April 19th, with the Confederacy in its death throes, Stoneman's Raiders got as far as the Catawba River before withdrawing.
Charlotte became a major strategic point because of its railroads. By 1862, supplies, machinery and troops were streaming through town. The railroad accessibility caused the Confederate government to establish a navy yard in what today is the First Ward. Shipbuilding became a primary Charlotte industry.
Also located in the city were industries supplying the war machine: the Sulphuric Acid Works, Mecklenburg Iron Works and North Carolina Powder Manufacturing Company.
All this caused Charlotte's population to grow.
On April 19, 1865, Confederate President Jefferson Davis and his cabinet along with the Confederate Treasury arrive in Charlotte. Today, a marker on Tryon Street shows where Davis stood when he received news of Lincoln's assassination. Seven days later, Davis and his cabinet met for the last time at the William Phifer home on North Tryon Street.
A Navy Yard That Far From the Coast? --Old Secesh
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Sometimes, You Win One: Skynyrd Keeps the Flag
From the Sept. 25, 2012, The Boot "Lynyrd Skynyrd's Confederate Flag Waves On" by Gayle Thompson.
As the headline suggests, Gary Rossington and Lynyrd Skynyrd have had a change of heart and the 40-year tradition of hanging the huge Confederate flag on the stage will continue. They listened to their fans.
Rossington did say that his reason for the move in the first place was that many times hate groups have used the Confederate flag.
Now, this whole thing isn't all that big of a deal, but considering the increasing attacks and pressure to do away with all things Confederate just seems to have taken on a life of its own. We now know how the folks at Vicksburg felt back in 1863.
But, I agree with Rossington in that I hate to see hate groups using the flag. It is too bad that they don't get fined thousands of dollars when they use it in a racist way, or, even be arrested.
But, today, I also see that a biracial group of 60 people marched in Selma, Alabama, protesting the repairs to the Nathan Bedford Forrest monument in that city.
So These Confederates Attacks Continue, But One Little Ray of Light. --Old Secesh
As the headline suggests, Gary Rossington and Lynyrd Skynyrd have had a change of heart and the 40-year tradition of hanging the huge Confederate flag on the stage will continue. They listened to their fans.
Rossington did say that his reason for the move in the first place was that many times hate groups have used the Confederate flag.
Now, this whole thing isn't all that big of a deal, but considering the increasing attacks and pressure to do away with all things Confederate just seems to have taken on a life of its own. We now know how the folks at Vicksburg felt back in 1863.
But, I agree with Rossington in that I hate to see hate groups using the flag. It is too bad that they don't get fined thousands of dollars when they use it in a racist way, or, even be arrested.
But, today, I also see that a biracial group of 60 people marched in Selma, Alabama, protesting the repairs to the Nathan Bedford Forrest monument in that city.
So These Confederates Attacks Continue, But One Little Ray of Light. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Fans Outraged at Lynyrd Skynyrd
From the September 19, 2012, Examiner "Fans outraged after Lynyrd Skynyrd denounces the Confederate flag."
Just one original member of the Southern Rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd remains, Gary Rossington. Before now, the band never cared about being politically correct and featured a Confederate flag prominently behind them on stage during concerts as well as on their official tee shirts.
Their biggest song was "Sweet Home Alabama" where they praised former Alabama George Wallace, who is vilified for defending racial segregation.
But, now Rossington says he doesn't want to offend anybody with the flag so the band will no longer display it or feature it on clothing they sell.
Fans are outrages and there are a lot of great comments.
I can't help but feel stabbed in the back by the move. And, those folks Rossington is afraid to offend, aren't really fans anyway.
Now, they'll also have to drop "Sweet Home Alabama" from their set list as it might offend somebody.
Perhaps we ought to send the NFL Scab referees to their concerts as they can't see anything anyway.
Sweet Home It Ain't No More. --Old Secesh
Just one original member of the Southern Rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd remains, Gary Rossington. Before now, the band never cared about being politically correct and featured a Confederate flag prominently behind them on stage during concerts as well as on their official tee shirts.
Their biggest song was "Sweet Home Alabama" where they praised former Alabama George Wallace, who is vilified for defending racial segregation.
But, now Rossington says he doesn't want to offend anybody with the flag so the band will no longer display it or feature it on clothing they sell.
Fans are outrages and there are a lot of great comments.
I can't help but feel stabbed in the back by the move. And, those folks Rossington is afraid to offend, aren't really fans anyway.
Now, they'll also have to drop "Sweet Home Alabama" from their set list as it might offend somebody.
Perhaps we ought to send the NFL Scab referees to their concerts as they can't see anything anyway.
Sweet Home It Ain't No More. --Old Secesh
Monday, September 24, 2012
Lincoln Assassination Items in New York
From the June 12, 2011, Tarrytown-Sleepy Hollow Patch.
The Historical Society of these two towns has two objects of interest to Lincoln assassination people.
One is a check signed by John Wilkes Booth.
The other is co-conspirator Mary Surratt's last letter, which includes the line, "God knows I am innocent, but for some cause I must suffer today."
Of Interest. --Old Secesh
The Historical Society of these two towns has two objects of interest to Lincoln assassination people.
One is a check signed by John Wilkes Booth.
The other is co-conspirator Mary Surratt's last letter, which includes the line, "God knows I am innocent, but for some cause I must suffer today."
Of Interest. --Old Secesh
While On the Subject of Antietam and Connecticut-- Part 3: A Bloody Mess
Field surgeons were overwhelmed by the wounded and soon ran out of bandages and began using corn leaves.
B.F. Blakeslee of the 16th Connecticut described the scene at the field hospital: In a room 12-by-20 feet a bloody table stood and around it five surgeons. A wounded man was laid on the table and it took but a few seconds for them to decide what to do and but a few minutes to do it.
The amputated limbs were thrown out the window. In 48 hours there were as many as two cartloads of amputated legs, feet, arms, and hands in the pile."
Of note, the Battle of Antietam was fought on the 75th anniversary of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Old Secesh
B.F. Blakeslee of the 16th Connecticut described the scene at the field hospital: In a room 12-by-20 feet a bloody table stood and around it five surgeons. A wounded man was laid on the table and it took but a few seconds for them to decide what to do and but a few minutes to do it.
The amputated limbs were thrown out the window. In 48 hours there were as many as two cartloads of amputated legs, feet, arms, and hands in the pile."
Of note, the Battle of Antietam was fought on the 75th anniversary of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Old Secesh
Saturday, September 22, 2012
While On the Subject of Antietam and Connecticut-- Part 2
Captain John Griswold of Lyme tried to bypass the three bridges over Antietam Creek, each about a mile apart, He waded across through waist-deep water and was shot in the chest in the crossing. He made it to the other side where he collapsed and died.
Colonel Henry Kingsbury of the 11th Connecticut, was engaged on one of the stone bridges. A Confederate shell wounded him in the foot, then a cannon shot from point blank range wounded him in the leg. While being taken back, he received two more wounds: one in the shoulder and another in the stomach. The stomach one killed him.
The 14th Connecticut, made up largely of men from Middletown received dozens of casualties advancing through a cornfield near the William Roulette farmhouse. When they emerged from it, they were cut down by Confederates in the sunken road that became known as Bloody Lane.
More to Come. --Old Secesh
Colonel Henry Kingsbury of the 11th Connecticut, was engaged on one of the stone bridges. A Confederate shell wounded him in the foot, then a cannon shot from point blank range wounded him in the leg. While being taken back, he received two more wounds: one in the shoulder and another in the stomach. The stomach one killed him.
The 14th Connecticut, made up largely of men from Middletown received dozens of casualties advancing through a cornfield near the William Roulette farmhouse. When they emerged from it, they were cut down by Confederates in the sunken road that became known as Bloody Lane.
More to Come. --Old Secesh
Friday, September 21, 2012
While On the Subject of Connecticut and Antietam-- Part 1
From the Sept. 20, 2012, Middletown (Ct) Patch "Connecticut Blood Flowed Freely at Antietam 150 Years Ago This Week" by Philip R. Devlin.
Yesterday, I wrote about Lyman Wilcox of the 16th Connectucut Infantry who was at Antietam and later captured and sent to Andersonville. I was looking for some sort of a tie-in with the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862. And that was a good one. Then, today, I came across yet another article featuring the men of Connecticut at the battle, so here goes.
The Battle of Antietam (Battle of Sharpsburg) to Confederates resulted in 12,400 Union and 10,300 Confederate casualties giving the battle the distinction of being the single bloodiest day in US military history. Of the Union, Connecticut regiments suffered 600 casualties, including 136 dead.
There were four Connecticut regiments at the battle, the 8th, 11th, 14th and 16th (Wilcox's regiment).
Without a doubt,the most famous Connecticut soldier to die that day was General John K. Mansfield of Middletown, one of six generals dying at the battle. The 40-year veteran graduated second in his class of 1822 from West Point. He fought in the Mexican War and commanded the 12th Corps at Antietam. leading his men, he was shot in the chest and died the next day at age 58.
After a big funeral, he was buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown.
A Bloody Day for Connecticut. --Old Secesh
Yesterday, I wrote about Lyman Wilcox of the 16th Connectucut Infantry who was at Antietam and later captured and sent to Andersonville. I was looking for some sort of a tie-in with the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862. And that was a good one. Then, today, I came across yet another article featuring the men of Connecticut at the battle, so here goes.
The Battle of Antietam (Battle of Sharpsburg) to Confederates resulted in 12,400 Union and 10,300 Confederate casualties giving the battle the distinction of being the single bloodiest day in US military history. Of the Union, Connecticut regiments suffered 600 casualties, including 136 dead.
There were four Connecticut regiments at the battle, the 8th, 11th, 14th and 16th (Wilcox's regiment).
Without a doubt,the most famous Connecticut soldier to die that day was General John K. Mansfield of Middletown, one of six generals dying at the battle. The 40-year veteran graduated second in his class of 1822 from West Point. He fought in the Mexican War and commanded the 12th Corps at Antietam. leading his men, he was shot in the chest and died the next day at age 58.
After a big funeral, he was buried at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown.
A Bloody Day for Connecticut. --Old Secesh
Battle of Antietam,
Mansfield John K.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Union Veteran Survived Antietam and Andersonville
From the Sept. 19, 2012, Berlin (Ct) My Town "Berlin Historical Society Members Write Book Based On Letters From Local Civil War Veteran" by Bill Leakhardt.
Lyman Wilcox enlisted as a drummer boy at the age of 17, survived eight months at the Confederate prison Andersonville and died at age 30 in 1870.
The book is titled "Field Music: From Antietam to Andersonville-- The Letters of Lyman B. Wilcox."
The letters were donated to the society decades ago.
Wilcox was orphaned at age 13 and raised by his granmother. He enlisted in 1862 in the 16th Connecticut and had been in uniform just three weeks when he fought at Antietam September 17, 1862 where 23,000 Americans were killed, wounded and missing after just 13 hours at Sharpsburg, Maryland, near Antietam Creek. He was one of 209 who served from Berlin and of that number, 70 died.
Wilcox survived that battle, but was captured in 1864 at Plymouth, North Carolina and sent to Andersonville.
He survived that ordeal, but died soon after the war at age 30, reason unknown.
Just One of Millions of Stories from the War. --Old Secesh
Lyman Wilcox enlisted as a drummer boy at the age of 17, survived eight months at the Confederate prison Andersonville and died at age 30 in 1870.
The book is titled "Field Music: From Antietam to Andersonville-- The Letters of Lyman B. Wilcox."
The letters were donated to the society decades ago.
Wilcox was orphaned at age 13 and raised by his granmother. He enlisted in 1862 in the 16th Connecticut and had been in uniform just three weeks when he fought at Antietam September 17, 1862 where 23,000 Americans were killed, wounded and missing after just 13 hours at Sharpsburg, Maryland, near Antietam Creek. He was one of 209 who served from Berlin and of that number, 70 died.
Wilcox survived that battle, but was captured in 1864 at Plymouth, North Carolina and sent to Andersonville.
He survived that ordeal, but died soon after the war at age 30, reason unknown.
Just One of Millions of Stories from the War. --Old Secesh
Battle of Antietam,
Flags and Bell Returning to North Carolina
From the Aug. 15, 2011, Worcester (Mass) Telegram & Gazette "Worcester sending Civil War artifacts south" by Bill Fortier.
The Worcester GAR (Grand Army of the Republic) Board of Trustees voted to return three captured Confederate flags from the Battle of New Bern, March 14, 1862, to the Museum of the Albemarle in Elizabeth City, NC.
In addition, the 50 pound, cast iron ship's bell of the CSS Albemarle is being sent to the Port O' Plymouth Museum in Plymouth, NC.
One of the flags is a 36-inch by 66-inch one with the words Freedom and Victory on it.
Two of the flags were captured by the Union's 21st and 25th Divisions.
The flags were presented to Worcester Mayor P. Emory Aldrich by Major Matthew McCafferty on April 21, 1862, at a huge gathering at Mechanic's Hall.
Twenty Massachusetts soldiers were killed in the four-hour battle and another 55 wounded.
A Mighty Nice Thing to Do. Thanks Worcester. --Old Secesh
The Worcester GAR (Grand Army of the Republic) Board of Trustees voted to return three captured Confederate flags from the Battle of New Bern, March 14, 1862, to the Museum of the Albemarle in Elizabeth City, NC.
In addition, the 50 pound, cast iron ship's bell of the CSS Albemarle is being sent to the Port O' Plymouth Museum in Plymouth, NC.
One of the flags is a 36-inch by 66-inch one with the words Freedom and Victory on it.
Two of the flags were captured by the Union's 21st and 25th Divisions.
The flags were presented to Worcester Mayor P. Emory Aldrich by Major Matthew McCafferty on April 21, 1862, at a huge gathering at Mechanic's Hall.
Twenty Massachusetts soldiers were killed in the four-hour battle and another 55 wounded.
A Mighty Nice Thing to Do. Thanks Worcester. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Civil War Dead
Quite accidentally last night, I came across the TV show on PBS concerning the Civil War dead. In typical, but predictable fashion, yet another Burns has put together a great piece of history, this time delving into what became of the war's dead on both sides.
Unfortunately, I only saw the last 30 minutes, but that was of great interest with the Union's movement toward National Cemeteries and the business of locating all the wide-scattered burial sites and identifying as many of the soldiers as possible.
And, these were numbers never before encountered.
It was interesting that black US soldiers were the ones who mostly dd the work for the North.
In the South, it was the women who did the most in recovering and reburying the Confederate dead.
I found the account of the nation's first Memorial Day observance by blacks in Charleston, SC, of particular interest. I had never heard of the Confederate prison at the Hampton Park that had formerly been for horse racing. Several hundred Union prisoners died there and in May 1865, the blacks of the city held an observance.
A fitting way to close the show.
I'll Need to see the Whole Thing. --Old Secesh
Unfortunately, I only saw the last 30 minutes, but that was of great interest with the Union's movement toward National Cemeteries and the business of locating all the wide-scattered burial sites and identifying as many of the soldiers as possible.
And, these were numbers never before encountered.
It was interesting that black US soldiers were the ones who mostly dd the work for the North.
In the South, it was the women who did the most in recovering and reburying the Confederate dead.
I found the account of the nation's first Memorial Day observance by blacks in Charleston, SC, of particular interest. I had never heard of the Confederate prison at the Hampton Park that had formerly been for horse racing. Several hundred Union prisoners died there and in May 1865, the blacks of the city held an observance.
A fitting way to close the show.
I'll Need to see the Whole Thing. --Old Secesh
150th Anniversary Stirs a Trove of Memories
From the Dec. 26, 2011, Fox News.
There is a diary with a life-saving hole in it and a homemade Valentine's Day card.
The Valentine is on pink paper shaped like a heart using an intricate basket weave and was sent to Confederate soldier Robert H. King by his wife Louisa. King was killed in 1862.
There is also a diary kept by a soldier in his breast pocket. It stopped a bullet that would have killed him. Thankful, no doubt, but the soldier continued writing in it. Of course, he had to write around the hole.
Just Some Interesting Little Bits of the War. --Old Secesh
There is a diary with a life-saving hole in it and a homemade Valentine's Day card.
The Valentine is on pink paper shaped like a heart using an intricate basket weave and was sent to Confederate soldier Robert H. King by his wife Louisa. King was killed in 1862.
There is also a diary kept by a soldier in his breast pocket. It stopped a bullet that would have killed him. Thankful, no doubt, but the soldier continued writing in it. Of course, he had to write around the hole.
Just Some Interesting Little Bits of the War. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The "Boy Colonel" Dies at the Podium-- Part 2
Arthur MacArthur retired and came home to Milwaukee. On September 5, 1912, while speaking at a reunion of his Civil War regiment, he suffered a heart attack at the podium and died there on the stage..
I had to wonder about the name. Was he related to, possibly father of, the more famous Douglas MacArthur? Turns out, he was Douglas's father. This would give General Douglas MacArthur a connection to the Philippines before he commanded there and "returned."
The two men were also the first father and son to both win Medals of Honor.
Strange that the article would not mention the family connection.
Also, the article didn't mention the elder MacArthur's regiment in the Civil War. It was the 24th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry.
In addition, Arthur MacArthur was originally buried in Milwaukee, but in 1926, he was moved to Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. I wonder if this was his son's idea?
Just A Bit More. --Old Secesh
I had to wonder about the name. Was he related to, possibly father of, the more famous Douglas MacArthur? Turns out, he was Douglas's father. This would give General Douglas MacArthur a connection to the Philippines before he commanded there and "returned."
The two men were also the first father and son to both win Medals of Honor.
Strange that the article would not mention the family connection.
Also, the article didn't mention the elder MacArthur's regiment in the Civil War. It was the 24th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry.
In addition, Arthur MacArthur was originally buried in Milwaukee, but in 1926, he was moved to Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. I wonder if this was his son's idea?
Just A Bit More. --Old Secesh
The "Boy Colonel" Dies at the Podium-- Part 1
From the September 5th Wisconsin State Journal (Madison) "Odd Wisconsin: 'Boy Colonel' died while speaking during regiment reunion."
Died 100 years ago today.
General Arthur MacArthur (1845-1912) was the celebrated "Boy Colonel." At age 18, he won the Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery at the Battle of Missionary Ridge outside Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the next year given command of his regiment.
After the war, he fought in the west for thirty years and was promoted to general in 1898 and sent to the Philippines. The U.S. had gotten the islands in the Spanish-American War and refused to turn the government over to the Filipinos who started a guerrilla war against the Americans.
MacArthur was there to suppress it and was extremely harsh, establishing concentration camps, deporting agitators, executed civilians and committed other inhumane actions.
As details of the occupation became known and American deaths surpassed 4,000, Washington declared its military mission accomplished and withdrew.
More to Come. --Old Secesh
Died 100 years ago today.
General Arthur MacArthur (1845-1912) was the celebrated "Boy Colonel." At age 18, he won the Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery at the Battle of Missionary Ridge outside Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the next year given command of his regiment.
After the war, he fought in the west for thirty years and was promoted to general in 1898 and sent to the Philippines. The U.S. had gotten the islands in the Spanish-American War and refused to turn the government over to the Filipinos who started a guerrilla war against the Americans.
MacArthur was there to suppress it and was extremely harsh, establishing concentration camps, deporting agitators, executed civilians and committed other inhumane actions.
As details of the occupation became known and American deaths surpassed 4,000, Washington declared its military mission accomplished and withdrew.
More to Come. --Old Secesh
Monday, September 17, 2012
150th Anniversary of the Battle of Antietam
Considered the single bloodiest day in American history, the battle ended Robert E. Lee's first invasion of the north. A Confederate defeat.
Old Secesh
Old Secesh
Some More Postwar Union Organizations
Continued from September 4th.
There was also a Soldiers and Sailors of Licking County (Ohio) reunion from 1885 to 1916, many held in Wickham's Grove in Toboso. The crowds numbered 6,000 in 1900 and increased to 10,000 by 1910. Toboso had an interurban rail stop which made it convenient for such gatherings.
In 1916, the reunion was hosted at Baughman Park, just over the county line in Muskingum County on Ohio 586. This one attracted 3,000 to attend.
As the veterans died, the counties merged events. The 1916 reunion included veterans from Muskingum, Cashocton and Fairfield counties.
Gathering and Remembering. --Old Secesh
There was also a Soldiers and Sailors of Licking County (Ohio) reunion from 1885 to 1916, many held in Wickham's Grove in Toboso. The crowds numbered 6,000 in 1900 and increased to 10,000 by 1910. Toboso had an interurban rail stop which made it convenient for such gatherings.
In 1916, the reunion was hosted at Baughman Park, just over the county line in Muskingum County on Ohio 586. This one attracted 3,000 to attend.
As the veterans died, the counties merged events. The 1916 reunion included veterans from Muskingum, Cashocton and Fairfield counties.
Gathering and Remembering. --Old Secesh
Saturday, September 15, 2012
A Civil War in the SCV?
From the September 10th Tampa (Fl) Tribune "Confederate group splits, says it is not a civil war" by Keith Morelli.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) has split into two groups. The General Jubal A. Early Camp No. 556, chartered nine years ago, once had over 100 members. Earlier this year, a dozen broke from it and formed the Judah P. Benjamin Camp No. 2210.
The given story was that the two groups split because of a difference in philosophy.
The Early Camp is best-known for flying the huge Confederate flag over US-92, which can easily be seen from I-4 and I-75.
Always good to have more camps, but, splitting in the face of this constant attack on our heritage is not in the SCV's best interest.
Seceding From a Secession. --Old Secesh
The Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) has split into two groups. The General Jubal A. Early Camp No. 556, chartered nine years ago, once had over 100 members. Earlier this year, a dozen broke from it and formed the Judah P. Benjamin Camp No. 2210.
The given story was that the two groups split because of a difference in philosophy.
The Early Camp is best-known for flying the huge Confederate flag over US-92, which can easily be seen from I-4 and I-75.
Always good to have more camps, but, splitting in the face of this constant attack on our heritage is not in the SCV's best interest.
Seceding From a Secession. --Old Secesh
Friday, September 14, 2012
Confederate Officers Who Later Served as Generals in the Spanish-American War
From a thread in the Civil War Talk Forum.
There were four such men. I was only aware of Joseph "Fighting Joe" Wheeler.
The three others:
Matthew Calbraith Butler
Fitzhugh Lee
Thomas L. Rosser
Trading gray for US Army Blue. --Old Secesh
There were four such men. I was only aware of Joseph "Fighting Joe" Wheeler.
The three others:
Matthew Calbraith Butler
Fitzhugh Lee
Thomas L. Rosser
Trading gray for US Army Blue. --Old Secesh
You Can Have the Gettysburg Electric Map for $5, But...
From the September 19th York (Pa) Daily News "Gettysburg Electric Map for sale" by Tim Stone Sifer.
That $5, however, is an opening bid for a 12-ton, 29 square-foot piece of Gettysburg history. The catch, another $100,000 would have to be spent to "refurbish and display the beloved, but beleaguered, tourist display." The General Service Administration has it up for auction.
The map was a centerpiece at the old visitor center and installed during the war's centennial in 1963. One problem with it is that its plaster surface has a 3% friable asbestos mix in it. It had almost been destroyed when the center moved to new quarters and didn't want it anymore, but a public movement saved it.
As of Monday, the 10th, no one had bid it on it.
I remember seeing it, and it was impressive for its time. Let's hope somebody in some small museum somewhere, gets it.
Could Be Yours. --Old Secesh
That $5, however, is an opening bid for a 12-ton, 29 square-foot piece of Gettysburg history. The catch, another $100,000 would have to be spent to "refurbish and display the beloved, but beleaguered, tourist display." The General Service Administration has it up for auction.
The map was a centerpiece at the old visitor center and installed during the war's centennial in 1963. One problem with it is that its plaster surface has a 3% friable asbestos mix in it. It had almost been destroyed when the center moved to new quarters and didn't want it anymore, but a public movement saved it.
As of Monday, the 10th, no one had bid it on it.
I remember seeing it, and it was impressive for its time. Let's hope somebody in some small museum somewhere, gets it.
Could Be Yours. --Old Secesh
Battle of Gettysburg,
Gettysburg Electric Map,
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Those Mean-Old, Slave-Owning Confederate Statues
From the Sept. 12th Tri-State (Ky) website. "Confederate Statue Sparks Slavery Debate in Owensboro" by Zakk Gammon.
Jim Wilkins of the Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer wrote an editorial saying the Confederate soldier statue in front of the Davies County Courthouse needs to be taken down because it promotes slavery.
Steve Moreland of Owensboro said, "What it stands for, we believe, is bigotry, prejudice, and is against everything our Founding Fathers ever stood for."
He continued, "I assure you if George Washington was alive today and he was a resident of Davies County, Ky, he would probably say the statue honoring confederate soldiers is awful."
Perhaps Someone Should Get their Facts Straight before They Speak. --Old Secesh
Jim Wilkins of the Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer wrote an editorial saying the Confederate soldier statue in front of the Davies County Courthouse needs to be taken down because it promotes slavery.
Steve Moreland of Owensboro said, "What it stands for, we believe, is bigotry, prejudice, and is against everything our Founding Fathers ever stood for."
He continued, "I assure you if George Washington was alive today and he was a resident of Davies County, Ky, he would probably say the statue honoring confederate soldiers is awful."
Perhaps Someone Should Get their Facts Straight before They Speak. --Old Secesh
The New York Times Reports the Battle of Washington, NC-- Part 2
Another Account of the Battle.
Fortress Monroe, Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1862
The attack came at daybreak. "The First Regiment of North Carolina Union Volunteers, under Col. Potter. fought with the greatest bravery and most determined heroism. Col. Potter had a horse shot under him.
Companies B and D, of the Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Regiment, were in the action. None were killed. Several, however, were wounded.
Our force engaged was only five hundred. In addition to our killed and wounded, we have four men missing.
A large number of rebels were wounded.
I Imagine the 1st NC (Union) Would Definitely Not Want to Be Take Prisoner By NC Troops. --Old Secesh
Fortress Monroe, Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1862
The attack came at daybreak. "The First Regiment of North Carolina Union Volunteers, under Col. Potter. fought with the greatest bravery and most determined heroism. Col. Potter had a horse shot under him.
Companies B and D, of the Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Regiment, were in the action. None were killed. Several, however, were wounded.
Our force engaged was only five hundred. In addition to our killed and wounded, we have four men missing.
A large number of rebels were wounded.
I Imagine the 1st NC (Union) Would Definitely Not Want to Be Take Prisoner By NC Troops. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
The New York Times Reports the Battle of Washington, NC-- Part 1
From the September 10, 1862 New York Times.
The steamer Gide had arrived in Hampton Roads from New Bern, NC, with news of the battle on the 6th.
It reported that 1,200 Confederates had attacked the town and after a two hour fight, were repulsed and pursued seven miles.
"The gunboat Louisiana rendered essential service in shelling the rebels out of the strong positions they had seized.
The gunboat Picket was blown up by an accidental explosion of her magazine, Capt. Nichols and nineteen men were killed and six wounded.
Our loss on shore was seven killed and forty-seven wounded.
Thirty rebels were killed and thirty-six taken prisoner."
Old Secesh
The steamer Gide had arrived in Hampton Roads from New Bern, NC, with news of the battle on the 6th.
It reported that 1,200 Confederates had attacked the town and after a two hour fight, were repulsed and pursued seven miles.
"The gunboat Louisiana rendered essential service in shelling the rebels out of the strong positions they had seized.
The gunboat Picket was blown up by an accidental explosion of her magazine, Capt. Nichols and nineteen men were killed and six wounded.
Our loss on shore was seven killed and forty-seven wounded.
Thirty rebels were killed and thirty-six taken prisoner."
Old Secesh
Monday, September 10, 2012
Another Heritage Attack: The Flag on Tee Shirts
From the Sept. 8th KSPR ABC 33 "Branson students sent home over Confederate memorial shirts" by Mary Moloway and Brandon Foster.
Preston Baughman was always wearing his Confederate flag, but died in a crash after graduating high school. His family made tee shirts with crosses and the flag to honor his memory. His brother Austin Baughman wore one to school and got kicked out as the school forbids anything that can be perceived as offensive or distracting.
The student has to change it or be sent home or even suspended.
Friday, several girls were also made to change tee shirts for wearing it.
This is not a flag of hate and should be allowed to be worn at school.
Preston Baughman was always wearing his Confederate flag, but died in a crash after graduating high school. His family made tee shirts with crosses and the flag to honor his memory. His brother Austin Baughman wore one to school and got kicked out as the school forbids anything that can be perceived as offensive or distracting.
The student has to change it or be sent home or even suspended.
Friday, several girls were also made to change tee shirts for wearing it.
This is not a flag of hate and should be allowed to be worn at school.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
An Order from Goldsboro
From the Civil War Day By Day blog, UNC-Chapel Hill Libraries.
"Head Quarters Dist. of Pamico & Cape Fear
Goldsboro August 13th 1862
In compliance with the instruction from Major Genl D.H. Hill commanding the district of North Carolina, all the counties in the eastern part of the state bordering on the lines of the enemy are required to furnish at once one fourth of the able bodied slave laborers within their limits, to be used in the vicinity of the cities of Richmond and Petersburg, Va.
The following counties are specially designated
New Hanover, Onslow, Duplin, Lenoir, Craven, Jones, Cartaret, Pitt, Martin, Bertie, Hertford, Gates, Green
As the loyal and patriotic citizens of these counties have suffered, and are suffering much from the depredations and outrage of the enemy, it is earnestly and confidently hoped that they will promptly respond to this call and by so doing contribute to the expulsion of the invader from our soil."
Old Secesh
"Head Quarters Dist. of Pamico & Cape Fear
Goldsboro August 13th 1862
In compliance with the instruction from Major Genl D.H. Hill commanding the district of North Carolina, all the counties in the eastern part of the state bordering on the lines of the enemy are required to furnish at once one fourth of the able bodied slave laborers within their limits, to be used in the vicinity of the cities of Richmond and Petersburg, Va.
The following counties are specially designated
New Hanover, Onslow, Duplin, Lenoir, Craven, Jones, Cartaret, Pitt, Martin, Bertie, Hertford, Gates, Green
As the loyal and patriotic citizens of these counties have suffered, and are suffering much from the depredations and outrage of the enemy, it is earnestly and confidently hoped that they will promptly respond to this call and by so doing contribute to the expulsion of the invader from our soil."
Old Secesh
Friday, September 7, 2012
Civil War Cannons Back at Confederate Park-- Part 2
These replicas have cast-iron carriages donated by the Shiloh National Military Park, which is in the process of replacing its own cannon carriages. The Steen Cannon company made the gun tubes.
The cannon types at the park represent those used by two Memphis Confederate units. Bankhead's Battery, formed in 1861 by attorney Smith P. Bankhead and the Appeal Battery, sponsored in 1862 by the Memphis Appeal newspaper, one of the forerunners of the Commercial-Appeal.
There were no Confederate cannons on the bluff June 6, 1862, when eight Confederate cotton-clads were defeated in just 90 minutes by eight Union ironclads.
Great to Have Them Back. --Old Secesh
The cannon types at the park represent those used by two Memphis Confederate units. Bankhead's Battery, formed in 1861 by attorney Smith P. Bankhead and the Appeal Battery, sponsored in 1862 by the Memphis Appeal newspaper, one of the forerunners of the Commercial-Appeal.
There were no Confederate cannons on the bluff June 6, 1862, when eight Confederate cotton-clads were defeated in just 90 minutes by eight Union ironclads.
Great to Have Them Back. --Old Secesh
Civil War Cannons Back at Confederate Park-- Part 1
From the September 6th Memphis (Tn) Commercial Appeal "Civil War look returns with cannons at Confederate Park" by Kevin McKenzie.
Four replica Civil War cannons have been placed in Confederate Park in downtown Memphis on a bluff overlooking Mud Island in the Mississippi River.
Two are 12-pound field howitzers, one a 3-inch ordnance rifle and the other a 6-pound field gun.
The park was dedicated in 1908 and originally there were six Civil War-era cannons there. However, Memphis donated them in 1942 for a war scrap drive and they were melted down. After the war, sic World War II cannons replaced the originals.
Efforts were made by the Sons of Confederate Veterans Nathan Bedford Forrest Camp, the Shelby County Historical Commission and the Riverfront Development Corporation to bring these guns to the park.
That's More Like It, World War II Cannons Do Not Belong in a Confederate Park. --Old Secesh
Four replica Civil War cannons have been placed in Confederate Park in downtown Memphis on a bluff overlooking Mud Island in the Mississippi River.
Two are 12-pound field howitzers, one a 3-inch ordnance rifle and the other a 6-pound field gun.
The park was dedicated in 1908 and originally there were six Civil War-era cannons there. However, Memphis donated them in 1942 for a war scrap drive and they were melted down. After the war, sic World War II cannons replaced the originals.
Efforts were made by the Sons of Confederate Veterans Nathan Bedford Forrest Camp, the Shelby County Historical Commission and the Riverfront Development Corporation to bring these guns to the park.
That's More Like It, World War II Cannons Do Not Belong in a Confederate Park. --Old Secesh
Confederate Park,
Memphis Tennessee,
Thursday, September 6, 2012
The First Battle of Washington, NC
From the
You can see the remains of the US Army ship Picket jutting from the Tar River where it blew up September 6, 1862.
War came to Washington in March 1862 when US troops escorted by the Picket arrived, shortly after capturing New Bern. According to Charles Warren, "Two companies and a band marched from the wharf to the courthouse playing the national aires."
On the morning of September 6, 1862, a Confederate force surprised the Union troops and captured their artillery. Federal cavalry, en route for Plymouth were alerted by the gunfire and charged down Main Street, meeting Confederate cavalry at Market Street.
A back-and-forth battle ensued.
During it, the Picket mysteriously blew up, killing the captain and 19 of the crew.
The Confederates were eventually driven off.
Another battle took place at Washington in the spring of 1863.
I have been writing about the gunboat Picket(t) the last several days in my Running the Blockade blog.
So, That's About It. --Old Secesh
You can see the remains of the US Army ship Picket jutting from the Tar River where it blew up September 6, 1862.
War came to Washington in March 1862 when US troops escorted by the Picket arrived, shortly after capturing New Bern. According to Charles Warren, "Two companies and a band marched from the wharf to the courthouse playing the national aires."
On the morning of September 6, 1862, a Confederate force surprised the Union troops and captured their artillery. Federal cavalry, en route for Plymouth were alerted by the gunfire and charged down Main Street, meeting Confederate cavalry at Market Street.
A back-and-forth battle ensued.
During it, the Picket mysteriously blew up, killing the captain and 19 of the crew.
The Confederates were eventually driven off.
Another battle took place at Washington in the spring of 1863.
I have been writing about the gunboat Picket(t) the last several days in my Running the Blockade blog.
So, That's About It. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
An Interesting Grave at Wilmington's Oakdale Cemetery
I'm not sure if I saw it during my 1982 trip to the cemetery when I located Gem. Whiting's grave or some other time.
But, as I was walking around, I saw one grave with an interesting name for one Pierre Gustavant Touvant Walker. Sounded kind of French or Cajun to me, but the last name Walker didn't fit with the first names.
Then, I saw the date of birth which was April 15, 1861. This P.G.T. Walker was likely the son of pro-Confederate parents in Wilmington and he had been named after the Southern Hero of the Battle of Fort Sumter which had taken place a few days earlier, Pierre Gustavant Touvant Beauregard.
The proud parents had named their new-born son after the new hero.
Just one of those little things that make history so much fun.
Hey, P.G.T. Walker!! --Old Secesh
But, as I was walking around, I saw one grave with an interesting name for one Pierre Gustavant Touvant Walker. Sounded kind of French or Cajun to me, but the last name Walker didn't fit with the first names.
Then, I saw the date of birth which was April 15, 1861. This P.G.T. Walker was likely the son of pro-Confederate parents in Wilmington and he had been named after the Southern Hero of the Battle of Fort Sumter which had taken place a few days earlier, Pierre Gustavant Touvant Beauregard.
The proud parents had named their new-born son after the new hero.
Just one of those little things that make history so much fun.
Hey, P.G.T. Walker!! --Old Secesh
Oakdale Cemetery,
P.G.T. Beauregard,
Wilmington NC
Veterans Formed Groups-- Part 2
Founded in Pittsburgh in 1884 for those who had served at least three years in Union forces, or two years if wounded.
General John H. Short of the Union Veterans League visited the Lemont Post of the GAR in 1889 to make arrangements for a national reunion in Newark, Ohio.
I had never heard of this veterans organization before, so will have to do more research.
UVL, OK. --Old Secesh
Founded in Pittsburgh in 1884 for those who had served at least three years in Union forces, or two years if wounded.
General John H. Short of the Union Veterans League visited the Lemont Post of the GAR in 1889 to make arrangements for a national reunion in Newark, Ohio.
I had never heard of this veterans organization before, so will have to do more research.
UVL, OK. --Old Secesh
Monday, September 3, 2012
Goodbye Cyclorama?
From August 27th WITF "Study calls for demolition of Gettysburg Cyclorama Building" by Megan Lello and Rachael Prensner.
A National Park Service environmental study recommends getting rid of this building which once housed a huge painting of Pickett's Charge which was moved to the new museum and visitors center in 2008.
The building has been vacant since then. Its presence conflicts with the NPS's goal of preserving the landscape the way it looked in 1863.
I always hate to see a building torn down and hopefully they could use it for more displays. If not, tear it down.
To Save or Not to Save. --Old Secesh
A National Park Service environmental study recommends getting rid of this building which once housed a huge painting of Pickett's Charge which was moved to the new museum and visitors center in 2008.
The building has been vacant since then. Its presence conflicts with the NPS's goal of preserving the landscape the way it looked in 1863.
I always hate to see a building torn down and hopefully they could use it for more displays. If not, tear it down.
To Save or Not to Save. --Old Secesh
Battle of Gettysburg,
Cyclorama Building
Saturday, September 1, 2012
The Sad Fate of UGA's Dixie Redcoat Marching Band
Still on the subject of the removal of the Confederate flag from the top of the General Lee car in "The Dukes of Hazzard."
Something like this happened with the University of Georgia's marching band, which was established in 1905 as part of the UGA Military Science Department. Since then, it has grown from 20 cadets to over 400 and is nationally-known. It was originally called The Dixie Redcoat Marching Band.
Only, today it is called The Redcoat Marching Band. Back in the '70s, the word Dixie became a racially-charged epitaph and was dropped along with the playing of "Dixie." A lot of people, including myself as I was a student there at the time were definitely not happy with the decisions.
I remember a political cartoon in the student newspaper in the time that particularly hit the point. It went something like this:
First, some were offended by the word Dixie in the band's name, so that was dropped and it became just The Redcoat Marching Band.
Second, someone remembered that British troops wore red coats and we had to fight them for our independence so that was dropped and it became The Marching Band.
Oh, my, then someone else said that marching was militaristic so that had to be dropped and UGA's band became The Band.
Then, someone remembered their ancestors were killed by a band of Indians, so that had to be dropped.
Not True, of course, but it could happen.
Now, "The" performs at half time.
Wait, yet another person hates short words so the The was also dropped. Now performs at half time. Let's hope no one objects to empty space.
Now, Is Everybody Real Happy? --Old Secsh
Something like this happened with the University of Georgia's marching band, which was established in 1905 as part of the UGA Military Science Department. Since then, it has grown from 20 cadets to over 400 and is nationally-known. It was originally called The Dixie Redcoat Marching Band.
Only, today it is called The Redcoat Marching Band. Back in the '70s, the word Dixie became a racially-charged epitaph and was dropped along with the playing of "Dixie." A lot of people, including myself as I was a student there at the time were definitely not happy with the decisions.
I remember a political cartoon in the student newspaper in the time that particularly hit the point. It went something like this:
First, some were offended by the word Dixie in the band's name, so that was dropped and it became just The Redcoat Marching Band.
Second, someone remembered that British troops wore red coats and we had to fight them for our independence so that was dropped and it became The Marching Band.
Oh, my, then someone else said that marching was militaristic so that had to be dropped and UGA's band became The Band.
Then, someone remembered their ancestors were killed by a band of Indians, so that had to be dropped.
Not True, of course, but it could happen.
Now, "The" performs at half time.
Wait, yet another person hates short words so the The was also dropped. Now performs at half time. Let's hope no one objects to empty space.
Now, Is Everybody Real Happy? --Old Secsh
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