The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Civil War Cannons Back at Confederate Park-- Part 1

From the September 6th Memphis (Tn) Commercial Appeal "Civil War look returns  with cannons at Confederate Park" by Kevin McKenzie.

Four replica Civil War cannons have been placed in Confederate Park in downtown Memphis on a bluff overlooking Mud Island in the Mississippi River.

Two are 12-pound field howitzers, one a 3-inch ordnance rifle and the other a 6-pound field gun.

The park was dedicated in 1908 and originally there were six Civil War-era cannons there.  However, Memphis donated them in 1942 for a war scrap drive and they were melted down.  After the war, sic World War II cannons replaced the originals.

Efforts were made by the Sons of Confederate Veterans Nathan Bedford Forrest Camp, the Shelby County Historical Commission and the Riverfront Development Corporation to bring these guns to the park.

That's More Like It, World War II Cannons Do Not Belong in a Confederate Park.  --Old Secesh

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