This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Confederates In DeKalb Saturday
The Camp Douglas Memorial Camp #516 and the Rock Island Memorial Camp #2229 will be having a joint meeting/luncheon this Saturday, September 30, 2017, in DeKalb, Illinois.
That's right, there are Confederate hereditary groups right here in Lincoln's home state.
Both camps are named after Civil War prisons in which Confederates died, some 6,000 at Camp Douglas in Chicago alone.
Steve Quick will give the keynote address on "The Past and Future of the hereditary Societies."
--Old Secesh
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Other Events Affecting the Civil War-- Part 5: Improvements in Artillery
** A turning point of the war was the firing on Fort Sumter. It didn't have to happen and made the Confederacy look like the bad guys for starting the war.
Fort Sumter would have had to surrender in a few days because of lack of provisions.
** Incredible improvements in artillery velocity and accuracy made masonry forts obsolete.
** Ironclads made wooden warships obsolete.
** Incredible fortunes were made during the war.
** After the war, the GAR had a huge impact on politics.
** Was Albert Sidney Johnston as good of a general as everyone thought?
--Old Secesh
Fort Sumter would have had to surrender in a few days because of lack of provisions.
** Incredible improvements in artillery velocity and accuracy made masonry forts obsolete.
** Ironclads made wooden warships obsolete.
** Incredible fortunes were made during the war.
** After the war, the GAR had a huge impact on politics.
** Was Albert Sidney Johnston as good of a general as everyone thought?
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Civil War II-- 575: VMI Says They'll Keep Their Confederate Statues
From the September 13, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Battle grows over Confederate remnants. ((t)ampa, Fla.) (Loss) Now want to rename R.E. Lee Elementary School. Again, I have no problem with that if the majority of the students are Blacks.
** Another city could furl state flag with the Confederate emblem. (Meridian, Ms) (Loss) The state flag is not flown at all eight state universities.
** Virginia military college to keep its Confederate statues. (Virginia Military Institute) (Win) With their history, taking them down would have been ridiculous.
** Liberty man places 'Slaves 4 Sale' sign over Confederate Flag to reject racism label. He had been criticized for flying the flag. He said he wasn't a racist. I can't think of a dumber or worse thing he could have done.
Way to Go, VMI!! --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 574: Another Statue "Vandalized" Isn't It About Time To Call This a "Hate Crime"?
From the September 12, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Cincinnati church considers removing Confederate memorial.
** Driver killed in crash with crane en route to remove Confederate statues. (Dallas)
** Ellwood Park Confederate statue vandalized. (Amarillo, Texas) (Loss) "Vandalized?" I think not. This is nothing short of a hate crime.
** Boat in Confederate Flag hubbub draws cops. (Folly Beach, S.C.)
Nothing Short of Boat Hatred. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 573: Confederate Statues in Cemetery Will Need 24-Hour Security
From the September 12, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Fox News host suggests opponents to Confederate memorials will want to take down 9/11 memorials too.
** The battle over the nation's Confederate remnants.
** Marchers in Decatur push for removal of Confederate monument. (Georgia) (Loss)
** Confederate monument to be repaired after it was scratched in move.
** Lexington cemetery agrees to conditionally 2 Confederate statues. (Kentucky) The cemetery says the statues will need 24-hour protection.
--Old Secesh
Civil War-- 572: N.C. Governor Wants Confederate Monuments Removed from Capitol Grounds
From the September 11, 2017, Google Alerts for Civil War North Carolina.
** Three monuments with combined age of 330 years is Cooper's latest stunt. (North Carolina) (Loss) Roy Cooper is governor and he wants them removed from Capitol grounds.
The article did mention that eleven haters were arrested for knocking the Confederate statue over in Durham last month. I'm glad they were arrested and really thought they'd just get away with it. However, Governor Cooper failed to condemn their criminal activity.
** Back to the lawmakers group in North Carolina calling for the removal of Confederate markers in public places.
""WHEREAS, visible and systematic markers of racism and white supremacy, including those commemorating the Confederacy, were erected outside courthouses and centers of government power specifically to reclaim those public spaces for the unjust causes the markers and symbols represent."
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Civil War II-- 571: Ohio and Washington Cities Shame Selves, Welcome to the Lower Case
From the August 21, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate Fort.
** Black mayor: Remove Florida Capitol's Confederate monument. It is 135 years old.
** Ohio cities remove Confederate markers in wake of protests. (Loss) (f)ranklin and (w)orthington. Lower case for their shame.
** Indiana State Fair asks vendors to drop Confederate goods. (Loss)
** Swastikas pop up in (b)ellingham after bride signs honoring Confederate soldier removed. (Washington State) (Loss for the removal of the markers) Captain George E. Pickett, later Confederate general, built Fort Bellingham. The bridge is currently Pickett bridge and will be renamed.
--Old Secesh
Monday, September 25, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 1: Princeton Battlefield
The Civil War Trust is a major battlefield preservation organization, primarily for the Civil War, but they have expanded to buy acreage in American Revolution and War of 1812 battlefields. Like they say, once its gone, its gone. Here are battlefields they have purchased land.
JANUARY-- Princeton, N.J., 6.7 acres. Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777. Princeton battlefield State Park.
In November 2014, Princeton, N.J., served as the backdrop for the official launch of Campaign 1776, our initiative to protect Revolutionary War and War of 1812 battlefields. The next year, we returned to celebrate the new project's first successful acquisition and transfer the land to Princeton Battlefield State Park.
--Old Secesh
JANUARY-- Princeton, N.J., 6.7 acres. Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777. Princeton battlefield State Park.
In November 2014, Princeton, N.J., served as the backdrop for the official launch of Campaign 1776, our initiative to protect Revolutionary War and War of 1812 battlefields. The next year, we returned to celebrate the new project's first successful acquisition and transfer the land to Princeton Battlefield State Park.
--Old Secesh
Civil War Trust,
Revolutionary War,
War of 1812
Civil War II-- 570: Confederate-Haters Show True Colors
From the August 20, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate Fort.
** Charlottesville mayor: I changed my mind about Confederate monuments. (Virginia) (Loss) Mayor Mike Singer voted against removing the Lee statue initially, wanting a new context marker by it. he now wants it gone. My opinion is that the clash in Charlottesville, though both sides had a part in the blame, is the final nail in the coffin of all things Confederate. It started with the idiot murderer in Charleston.
** SC Heritage Act means fate of Fort Mill 4 Confederate monuments will not be decided by public debate. (Win) The legislators will decide.
** Dallas police pull 4 protesters over barriers for their protection in clash over Confederate monument. The four pulled over were there in defense of the statue. This shows you the true colors of the other side just as they did at Charlottesville. The Confederate haters are dangerous.
This monument is in a cemetery. Many of the Confederate haters yelled at the police (not nice words) and threatened the defenders. Sadly, there are a real lot of the haters.
--Old Secesh
Don't Bury the Past, Understand It-- Part 2
Confederate monuments were erected after the Civil War to honor generals and the common soldiers. Many of those common soldiers never owned a slave. They were fighting not to be able to own a slave, but to defend their homes from invasion by enemy soldiers.
Nothing can justify slavery No person or group can be proved innocent of that aspect of our history. "But it did occur. We should not bury it, but we must make an effort to understand it realizing that understanding it does not justify it."
The author thinks taking down the monuments should be done democratically through city and county governments. I would go a step further and really make it a democratic process and have the people vote on it. Majority rules in my country. If the majority votes to take them down, then take them down. Too often, city and county governments are made up of a lot of Blacks or Whites afraid to upset Blacks by retaining the monuments.
"Remember, we are looking at history through 21st century eyes. The people who erected those monuments looked at it and lived through 19th century eyes worth no impact from black comment."
Something to Think About. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 569: Don't Bury the Past, Try To Understand It-- Part 1
From the August 21, 2017, Google Alerts for Civil War North Carolina.
From the August 29, 2017, Salisbury (NC) Post, Post Opinion.
The North Carolina governor wants all Confederate monuments taken down.
The real cause of the Civil War was the geographic differences between North and South. Agriculture was suited for the Southern climate and was the economic means by which the South made its money. Slavery made that money. Slavery made the South economically thrive.
The North's climate was not as conducive to agriculture. Industry grew in New England, powered by an unending flow of free labor from immigrants coming over the Atlantic. The North did not need slavery.
However, the North was not innocent when it came to slavery. At one time New York City was one of the largest cities in the world to which slaves were imported. Also, many Northern ships were used in the slave trade.
By the time of the Civil War, slavery was confined to the 14 states where the climate would support large scale farming which was, in those pre-machinery days, labor intensive. Slaves provided that labor.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, September 23, 2017
The 2017 Great Purge of American History
I must admit that I like this name for what is going on right now with Confederate history. It sums it up quite well.
I first used the term in yesterday's post "Will Dallas Join the 2017 Great Purge of American History.
I am now including this as a label for the Civil War II posts.
It is nothing short of a purge, so let's call it that.
--Old Secesh
Other Events Affecting the Civil War-- Part 4: Month of July 1863
Continued from August.
These were ideas put forth at the MCCWRT discussion group on July 29, 2017.
** Trent Affair and capture of the CSS Florida in Brazil in a highly questionable action on the part of the Union Navy.
** Month of July 1863: Vicksburg, Gettysburg and the capture of Port Hudson.
** Sanitary Commission and advancements in medicine: hospital ship and Ambulance Corps.
** Camp cleanliness. Suturing up wounds with horsehair (after it was boiled).
** Nevada being admitted to the Union. Lots of silver coming out of it to finance the war.
** 1864 Presidential election. Lincoln winning meant that the war was to continue. Essentially the last hope the Confederacy had at this time.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 568: What Should Be Done With All Those Empty Confederate Monument Plinths?
From the September 11, 2017, Google Alerts for Civil War North Carolina.
** What should be done with all the empty Confederate monument plinths? (OK, a plinth is the base supporting a statue.) "As more Confederate statues come down around the U.S., the fate of the remaining, often colossal pedestals with a dark past is now up for debate." A good question. With the words "dark past," I have to wonder what the author wants? This was from Architectural Digest and a lot of the article was about what happened to Soviet Union and German monuments to the Communists and Nazis after they fell.
Sadly, many of these articles rely on information from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is quite an anti-white organization, posing as a fair, unprejudiced, information gathering group, which right now seems to really be involved in counting up and pointing out any and everything remotely connected with the Confederacy with the intention of inciting certain groups to have it all brought down.
This organization says that most Confederate monuments were erected during the Jim Crow Era and the Civil Rights Era. Because of this, the monuments were erected to keep the Blacks in their place. They contend the Jim Crow Era began in the late 19th century and ran until 1965 and the Civil Rights Era. I always thought the Jim Crow Era began shortly after the Civil War ended, as a part of the Black Codes. Another site I found said it began in 1870.
In the late 19th century, Confederate veterans and general were fast fading away to death and the statues were an attempt to honor them while they still lived.
--Old Secesh
Friday, September 22, 2017
MCCWRT Discussion Group Meets Saturday, Sep. 23
The McHenry County Civil War Round Table will be meeting Saturday, September 23, 2017, at the Panera Bread Company in Crystal Lake, Illinois located at the intersection of Main Street and US-14.
The topic of discussion will be Great Innovations of the Civil War.
We will meet from 10 a.m. to noon.
I picked 11 innovations in the Navy and have listed them on my Running the Blockade: Naval Civil War Blog.
--Old Secesh
Civil War-- 567: The 2017 Great Purge of American History
From the September 11, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate Fort.
** Naval Academy to discuss two buildings named for Confederates.
** Whitewashing the realities of history helps nobody.
** Mayor Rawling's task force on Confederate monuments. Does Dallas need a new name? U.S. Vice President George Mifflin Dallas supported the Fugitive Slave Act. Will Dallas join the 2017 Great Purge of American History?
** Last-minute court decision blocks removal of Confederate statue in Dallas.
I Like That 2017 Great Purge of American History Name. --Old Secesh
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Civil War II-- 566: Crane Crash On Way to Remove Confederate Statue in Dallas Causes a Death
From the September 11, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Fox News host asks of 9/11 memorial will come down next. One hundred years in the future, perhaps people won't see things the way we do today.
** Fighting the rhetorical Civil War.
** Kevin O'Brien Norwell: Confederate monuments should be preserved, not razed.
** Fayetteville's Confederate cemetery: Ruminations on the futility of war. (Arkansas)
** Rally to remove Decatur's Confederate monument draws divisive crowd.
** 'Lost Cause puzzle.' Many Kentucky towns have Confederate statues. Here's how they got there. This article lists towns and statues with a short history on each.
"* Crane crashes heading to remove Confederate statue. (Dallas) This was an accident resulting in a fatality.
I Imagine Certain People Will Blame the Death on the Confederate Statue. --Old Secesh
** Fox News host asks of 9/11 memorial will come down next. One hundred years in the future, perhaps people won't see things the way we do today.
** Fighting the rhetorical Civil War.
** Kevin O'Brien Norwell: Confederate monuments should be preserved, not razed.
** Fayetteville's Confederate cemetery: Ruminations on the futility of war. (Arkansas)
** Rally to remove Decatur's Confederate monument draws divisive crowd.
** 'Lost Cause puzzle.' Many Kentucky towns have Confederate statues. Here's how they got there. This article lists towns and statues with a short history on each.
"* Crane crashes heading to remove Confederate statue. (Dallas) This was an accident resulting in a fatality.
I Imagine Certain People Will Blame the Death on the Confederate Statue. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 565: How Far Is Too Far in Removing Confederate Monuments?
From the September 11, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** How far is too far in removing Confederate monuments? Columbus, Ohio, Dispatch, Jack Torry, Sep. 10, 2017. He mentioned the Confederate statues on Capitol Hill in D.C. and the stained glass windows at the National Cathedral.
Last month about 100 people gathered at Columbus City Hall demanding the removal of the city's three Christopher Columbus monuments.
In Durham, New Hampshire, the post office has a mural of an Indian in a menacing pose and there are some who want it removed.
In Memphis, an iconic theater has ended its annual showing of "Gone With the Wind."
He describes this as "the increasingly divisive debate."
And for those of you who still believe these people will stop when all the Confederate monuments are gone from, public spaces, think again.
No Kidding. They're Just Starting. --Old Secesh
Mapping During the Civil War-- Part 1: In Its Infancy
From the September 8, 2017, Coastal Point "Civil War Profiles: Mapping During the Civil War.
This was the age before GPS (Global Positioning System in case you're wondering).
Mapmaking was in its infancy during the Civil War. Military officers often complained about the inaccuracy or nonexistence of maps in the areas in which they were operating. There was, especially for Union commanders, the serious problem of unfamiliarity with their territory.
Jedidiah Hotchkiss, however, was one of the foremost mapmakers of the war. he was Confederate and spent much time with Gen. Stonewall Jackson.
On February 23, 1863, he noted in his diary, "I got secret orders from the General to prepare a map of the Valley of [Virginia] extended to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and then to Philadelphia." The order came from Jackson, but his map was used for his June-July incursion into Pennsylvania leading up to the Battle of Gettysburg.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
"Fighting Guy" Henry-- Part 3: A Commendable Service Record
From the Arlington National Cemetery site.
He served in the First Regiment U.S. Artillery in the early fighting in the Civil War and in 1863 was elected to command the 40th Massachusetts Infantry regiment. Some of his battles and postings: Bull Run Campaign, Key West, Hilton Head, S.C. and the Battle of Pocotaligo, S.C., the attack on Charleston and bombardment of Fort Sumter.
Guy Vernor Henry was brevetted to brigadier general in the U.S. Army for gallantry at the Battle of Rosebud, Montana, June 17, 1876, where he was shot through the face. This was just a few days before Custer's Last Stand.
Later, he commanded the all-black 10th U.S. Cavalry.
The obituary for him saluted "Fighting Guy" Henry for his "brilliant and fearless campaigning."
His grandfather was Daniel D. Thompkins, governor of New York and vice president of the United States.
Again, I Had Never Heard of Him Before. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 564: Confederate Rally Planned for Richmond on September 16
From the September 10, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Booker wins support for his push to remove Confederate statues from Capitol.
** Stonewall Jackson window memorialized at black church in Virginia. (Roanoke) Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. They seem to want it to remain because Jackson was a man of Christ who led Bible study for his slaves and taught them to read and write, although that was illegal in the prewar South.
** Is it time to tear down monuments to the Confederacy?
** Committee for Augusta NAACP chapter to investigate Confederate monuments' history. (Georgia) At least, so far, they are not DEMANDING they be torn down.
** Richmond police prepare for clash as a Confederate group plans rally at Robert E. Lee statue. (Virginia) This coming weekend, September 16. The Confederate group is CSA II: The New Confederate States of America. There is fear that it will result in another Charlottesville.
Sure Hope the Richmond Rally Doesn't Become Another Charlottesville. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 563: Divisive Richmond, Va. Town Hall Meetings on Fate of Confederate Monuments
From the September 10, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Charitable group sporting Confederate flag raises concern.
** Here is the best way to handle Confederate monument issue. The Richmond town hall meetings are full of acrimonies and divisive.
** Cincinnati church considers removing Confederate memorial.
** Mayor: Confederate statues could come with endowment. (Lexington) Private donors have raised $100,000 for removal, upkeep and protection.
** Supreme Court asked to consider Mississippi's use of Confederate image. (On its state flag)
--Old Secesh
What Goes Around Comes Around in (b)altimore
And we're not talking about around the mountain.
Some more on the "hate crime" done to the statue of Francis Scott Key, who wrote the words to our National Anthem.
(b)altimore Mayor Catherine E. Pugh (D) recently removed four Confederate statues. She has no plans to remove the Francis Scott Key statue however.
A statue of Christopher Columbus was also "vandalized" in her city. I sure wish the media would stop using the term vandalism to describe these actions. They are nothing less than hate crimes.
She opened the door, now has to live with it.
Lower case (b) for the city because of its shame. I also do not plan to visit the city even though I really would like to visit Fort McHenry and other historic sites.
Now (b)altimore Has Opened the Door. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Civil War II-- 562: N.C. Governor Wants Confederate Statues on Capitol Grounds Removed to Bentonville.
From the September 9, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Southern Alamance students disciplined for Confederate attire, social media. (North Carolina) Depends upon how they were wearing the attire, especially if in a confrontational mode. Of course, Southern Alamance may have to change the name as Southerners is often used for Confederates during the Civil War.
** Sick of the sudden uproar over Confederate statues -- and response.
** Divide over Confederate statue's removal stands amid removal efforts. (Dallas)
From the Sept. 9, 2017, Civil War North Carolina Google Alerts.
** NC governor has new site in mind for 3 Confederate monuments on Capitol grounds. Wants to move them to the Battle of Bentonville State Historic Site.
** Tearing down prejudice, rather than statues.
** Civil War monuments should be removed, but preserved.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II--561: Three Victories
From the September 9, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Passer-by snags makeshift sign placed at former Franklin Confederate monument. (Ohio) The monument was 90 years old. the sign said, "We do not negotiate with terrorists. BLM is a terrorist organization."
** Tyrone Town Council keeps mural with Confederate soldier as is. (Fayette County, Ga.) (Win)
** County commission votes to keep Confederate plaque. (West Virginia) (Win)
** Manatee County Commission votes against removing Confederate monument. (Florida) (Win) The vote was 4-3. I'd like to know how many of the three voted to remove it were Black?
Can You Believe We Actually Won on Three Things? Maybe There Is a Spark of Hope Still Left. --Old Secesh
Monday, September 18, 2017
Mort Kunstler-- Part 2: September Dates
SEPT. 19-- 1863 Battle of Chickamauga
1864 Battle of the Wilderness
SEPT 24-- Sheridan lays waste to the Shenandoah Valley.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 560: A Cathedral and Re-Enactors
From the September 9, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** A Confederate soldier in this Virginia town should not stand alone. Leave him, but... (Leesburg Courthouse) (Put up one honoring Blacks) Opinion. I can agree with this. I say, leave the Confederate monuments where they are, but definitely put signage with the word slavery, or, even better, honor Blacks in the area who have accomplished things.
** The removal of Confederate windows at National Cathedral was no cause for celebration. (Washington, D.C.) (Loss) Removed September 6, 2017. Lee and Jackson were very devout Christian men.
** Maine's Confederate re-enactors say they show 'history' not racism. They are in the 15th Alabama. A professor at Bates College, a black woman who chairs the African-American Studies Department says their portrayal is disgusting. Coming from a black person, i am not surprised as to her opinion.
i was at the Civil War re-enactments in Wauconda and Hainesville, Illinois, and found no protesting by Confederate re-enactors. That was refreshing.
We're Just Portraying History. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 559: Dallas Preparing to Shame Self
From September September 8, 2017, Google Alerts for Civil War North Carolina and Sept. 9, 2017, Confederate Fort.
** Professors weigh in on statue debate.
** Equipment, manpower delay Dallas Confederate statue removal. (Robert E. Lee) Dallas evidently wants to shame itself as well.
** We can't only say Confederate symbols are ;heritage' not 'hate."
** North Carolina governor trying to remove old Capitol monuments.
From Sept. 9, 2017, Yahoo! News.
High school students disciplined after wearing KKK hoods, burning cross. (Creston Community High School, Iowa) (Loss) They posted on social media. There is no excuse for this type of behavior.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 558: New York Poll Says to Leave Confederate Memorials
From the September 8, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Another Confederate statue sparks debate in Mississippi. (Oxford, Mississippi)
** Confederate Flag banned in Indiana school after clashes among students. Depends upon how the Confederate Flag is worn. If just on a shirt, ok. If as a cape to flaunt in front of black students, no.
** Siena Poll: New Yorkers say leave Confederate symbols. Only, they used a small "c" for Confederate.
** Confederate statue cannonball thief caught on video.
** Controversy over Confederate symbols comes to Jefferson County. (West Virginia)
** Informal Discussion: Confederate memorials.
--Old Secesh
** Another Confederate statue sparks debate in Mississippi. (Oxford, Mississippi)
** Confederate Flag banned in Indiana school after clashes among students. Depends upon how the Confederate Flag is worn. If just on a shirt, ok. If as a cape to flaunt in front of black students, no.
** Siena Poll: New Yorkers say leave Confederate symbols. Only, they used a small "c" for Confederate.
** Confederate statue cannonball thief caught on video.
** Controversy over Confederate symbols comes to Jefferson County. (West Virginia)
** Informal Discussion: Confederate memorials.
--Old Secesh
Friday, September 15, 2017
"Fighting Guy" Henry-- Part 2: His Medal of Honor
Continued from Tuesday, September 12, 2017.
He was in Cuba during the Spanish-American War and later in Puerto Rico, alongside of General Nelson Miles and is buried at Arlington Narlational Cemetery.
Guy Henry's Medal of Honor came while commanding the 40th Massachusetts at Cold Harbor on June 1, 1864 where he led assaults of his brigade upon the enemy's works. he had two horses shot out from under him.
He had a son named Guy Vernor Henry, Jr. (1875-1967). he became the third member of the family to graduate from West Point in the Class of 1898. He earned a Silver Star in the Spanish-American War, was in the Puerto Rico Campaign, Philippines and in both world wars. He spent a lot of time in the cavalry and even won a bronze medal in the Olympics.
--Old Secesh
He was in Cuba during the Spanish-American War and later in Puerto Rico, alongside of General Nelson Miles and is buried at Arlington Narlational Cemetery.
Guy Henry's Medal of Honor came while commanding the 40th Massachusetts at Cold Harbor on June 1, 1864 where he led assaults of his brigade upon the enemy's works. he had two horses shot out from under him.
He had a son named Guy Vernor Henry, Jr. (1875-1967). he became the third member of the family to graduate from West Point in the Class of 1898. He earned a Silver Star in the Spanish-American War, was in the Puerto Rico Campaign, Philippines and in both world wars. He spent a lot of time in the cavalry and even won a bronze medal in the Olympics.
--Old Secesh
Why Is It OK for Blacks to Be Racist, But Not Whites?
A whole lot of this Black hatred to all-things Confederate, currently directed at statues, but primed to expand to anything having to do with slavery, (watch out Mt. Rushmore). This is primarily designed as attacks on things a lot of white Southerners hold dear. When one group hates and goes out of its way to attack something of another group, this would seem to be racism to me.
Now, I understand why Blacks would not like the Confederacy and don't blame them. As I have said before, if I was a black person I am sure I wouldn't like them either.
But in this country, you have to learn to live with some things you don't like. Again, there are things about Blacks that I don't like.
I Guess, the Racism Thing Is Like Saying the "N" Word. Something That Is OK for Blacks to Say or Do, But Not Whites. --Old Secesh
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Statue of Francis Scott Key in Baltimore "Vandalized": Wrote That 'Racist Anthem'
September 13, 2017 "Statue of Francis Scott Key in Baltimore vandalized with graffiti."
Wednesday morning, Baltimore residents found the Francis Scott Key memorial at 1200 Eutaw Street spray pained in red and black from the sidewalk to the top of its columns.
Francis Scott Key was the lawyer, author and poet from Frederick Maryland who wrote the poem "The Defense of Fort McHenry" which later became the National Anthem of the United States, "The Star-Spangled Banner."
The vandalizing (I call it a hate crime) took place exactly 203 years after he wrote it. The statue is located at 1200 N. Eutaw Street.
The words "Racist Anthem" were written on the monument. The seldom sung third voice contains the words "No refuge could save the hireling and slave from the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave." This would refer to slaves who fought for Britain who gave them a promise of freedom.
Francis Scott Key owned slaves and opposed abolition. He died in 1843, so was not a Confederate.
And some of you think these people will be satisfied when all Confederate symbols are gone. That is JUST the BEGINNING!!
Silly People. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 557: N.C. Law Enforcement Group Wants All Traces of Confederacy on Public Spaces to Go
From the September 8, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** All traces of Confederacy must go, NC law enforcement group says. (Loss) Hard to believe a law enforcement group would say something like this. They also want the repeal of the N.C. Cultural History Artifact Management and Patriotism Act of 2015, which protects all monuments, but especially Confederate ones.
The headline is misleading. When I saw it, it sounded as if they wanted all traces of the Confederacy everywhere removed.
The name of the group is the North Carolina Commission on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Criminal Justice System. I would also like to know if it is mostly a black organization, or bipartisan.
Some follow up, I went to their site and on their blog, they have the announcement. The newspaper article made it sound like they wanted everything, everywhere removed.
"WHEREAS, visible and systematic markers of racism and white supremacy, including those commemorating the Confederacy, were erected outside courthouses and centers of government power specifically to reclaim those public spaces for the unjust causes the markers and symbols represent."
Evidently, it is just those by courthouses and in public places.
They also want the 2015 act removed so communities can act on Confederate statue removal.
The Statues Being Put Up to Promote Racism and White Supremacy Needs to be Proven, Not Just Thought. If They Can Find Actual Proof, Then Take It Down.--Old Secesh
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Civil War II-- 556: Richmond and Washington D.C.
From the September 8, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Democrats offer bill to remove Confederate statues from Capitol. (Loss) It turns out that the two Democrats are both Blacks. There are 12 Confederate leaders in the National Statuary Hall.
** Former Confederate capital considers removal of statues. (Richmond, Va.) (Loss) Even for it to be considered is a loss.
** A major US church decided to remove memorials to Confederate leaders. (National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.) (Loss) If there were ever two men more committed to their church than Robert E. lee and Stonewall Jackson, I'd like to know who they might be.
** Confederate monument to be removed from downtown Tampa Thursday. (Florida) (Loss)
** Confederate statues, memorials in Washington, D.C., scrutinized. And, you know what they want to do to them.
Sad Times. --Old Secesh
** Democrats offer bill to remove Confederate statues from Capitol. (Loss) It turns out that the two Democrats are both Blacks. There are 12 Confederate leaders in the National Statuary Hall.
** Former Confederate capital considers removal of statues. (Richmond, Va.) (Loss) Even for it to be considered is a loss.
** A major US church decided to remove memorials to Confederate leaders. (National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.) (Loss) If there were ever two men more committed to their church than Robert E. lee and Stonewall Jackson, I'd like to know who they might be.
** Confederate monument to be removed from downtown Tampa Thursday. (Florida) (Loss)
** Confederate statues, memorials in Washington, D.C., scrutinized. And, you know what they want to do to them.
Sad Times. --Old Secesh
Junping the Blog Ahead
Because I am so far behind on my posts about all this Confederate hating, I am going to jump ahead to September 8, 2017. I will endeavor to catch up from August 13 to this new date.
Sure wish all this would stop, but at this point it will not stop until every last vestige of the Confederacy is, sadly, erased.
I wish something could be done to stop all this desecration.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 555: Richmond, Ireland and Commies
From the August 13, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Richmond, Va., grapples with fate of Confederate monuments.
** The Rubberbandits lead calls urging Cork fans not to flly Confederate Flags. (Ireland) Has it gotten to this?
** Nazis and Commies and violence, OH MY-- Why Confederate statues must come down. I am thinking that perhaps they should be taken down for the safety of those who want to pull them down in what is called "vandalizing" but in actuality is a "hate crime." Now, we're compared to Commies?
We certainly wouldn't want any of these "people" committing the crimes to get accidentally injured if a statue fell on them.
** The Confederacy isn't about heritage.
Commies? Really? --Old Secesh
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
"Fighting Guy" Henry, Union Army Officer-- Part 1: Medal of Honor Recipient
Today, Guy Vernor "Fighting Guy" Henry will be the topic of a presentation at the McHenry County Civil War Round Table in Woodstock, Illinois. As I said in an earlier post, I'd never heard of him before so had to do some research. Quite and interesting man.
From Wikipedia.
Born March 9, 1839. Died October 27, 1899.
Military officer, Medal of Honor recipient, Indian fighter and early governor of Puerto Rico.
His father was William Seton Henry, 1816-1851, was an 1835 graduate of the USMA and fought in the Mexican War.
Guy Vernor Henry graduated the USMA in 1861, right at the start of the Civil War and was a Union officer. Later he was in the Indian Wars. From 1891 to 1894, he commanded the famous 7th Cavalry.
--Old Secesh
7th Cavalry,
Guy Henry,
Indian Wars,
Medal of Honor,
Mexican War,
Puerto Rico
Civil War II-- 554: People Who Hate Confederate Statues
From the August 13, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Ky. mayor: 2 Confederate statues to come down after Charlottesville. (Lexington) Mayor Jim Gray is taking steps to remove statues of John Hunt Morgan and John C. Breckenridge. Sorry mayor, though, you will have to change your last name because you-know-who wore that color uniform. Mustn't offend anybody, you know.
** Enough of the Confederate statues, the alt-right heroes and Trump moral ideology.
** West Virginia group calls for removing Confederate statue. (Charleston) (Loss) Statue of Stonewall Jackson on state capitol grounds. And, you just know they will get their way.
** Cherokee Triangle statue of Confederate officer vandalized following Charlottesville violence. (Louisville, Kentucky) (Loss) Mayor asks Public Art Commission to prepare a list of any possible items connected to racism and slavery. That way he can have them removed. And here I was thinking that Louisville had been "cleansed" after the Confederate Memorial had been taken down. This particular statue that was "vandalized" was erected in 1913 and is for John Breckenridge Castleman.
I just love the way the media calls the desecration of monuments "vandalizing" when it actually is a hate crime.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 553: Pro-Confederates Are Not Nazis and Confederate Soldiers Are U.S. Military Veterans
From the August 12, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Debate over the Confederate monument in Caddo Parish continues. (Louisiana)
** What would Martin Luther King think of HBO's 'Confederate?"
** State law: Confederate monument stays. (Asheboro, North Carolina) (Win)
** This weekend's Charlottesville rally represents an alliance between pro-Confederates and Nazis. Don't you just love it when the Confederate-haters try to compare pro-Confederates with Nazis, especially when the Confederate-haters are essentially Nazis themselves? I am a Pro-Confederate and I really hate all things Nazi.
** Girl Scout mom concerned about Confederate Flag during Veterans Day parade. "Virginia Beach, Virginia) She is a black woman. The group was allowed to have the flag because Confederate soldiers are officially United States veterans. Sorry Mrs. Mom.
That's Right, As Much As Confederate-Haters May Hate It, Confederate Soldiers Are Every Bit As Much Of American Soldiers As the Union Ones They Fought. Something They Sure Won't Admit. --Old Secesh
Monday, September 11, 2017
Where Were You 9-11?
Yesterday, I asked several people where they were on 9-11. Most said at work. Most said they would like to go to the ceremony in McHenry, Illinois' Veterans Park today, but, alas, they had to work again.
Today, my waitress at Steak 'N Shake in McHenry said she was at work.
The checkout person at Wal-Mart said that she was in the Marine Corps in an aircraft hangar and watched the events unfolding in the sergeant-major's office.
Then, at the Spring Grove Walgreens a lady stocking the Halloween aisle said she was at home and her daughter called to say she had to turn on the TV and watch. Unfortunately, 9-11 is also her birthday so that kind of ruined the day for her. I wished her a happy birthday and sang one verse of "Happy Birthday" to her.
Most of the time I could remember Mom's birthday because of its closeness to 9-11. Her birthday was September 14.
I am devoting all my blogs to 9-11 today.
Saturday, September 9, 2017
MCCWRT Meeting Tuesday, September 12: Guy Henry
The McHenry County Civil War Round Table meets Tuesday, September 12 at the Woodstock Public Library at 414 Judd Street in Woodstock, Illinois, at 7 p.m..
The topic of the presentation will be on someone I know absolutely nothing about, Guy Henry and will be given by Frank Crawford.
A group will get together for dinner at 5:30 p.m. at Three Brothers Restaurant on Illinois Highway 47.
Eatin' and the Civil War. Sounds Like a Plan to Me. --Old Secesh
The topic of the presentation will be on someone I know absolutely nothing about, Guy Henry and will be given by Frank Crawford.
A group will get together for dinner at 5:30 p.m. at Three Brothers Restaurant on Illinois Highway 47.
Eatin' and the Civil War. Sounds Like a Plan to Me. --Old Secesh
Sadly, I Can't Get Into My "Second Civil War" Blog to Post
Well, at least I can get the blog up, but can't figure out how to post on it. Not enough options.
This is why I had the last two posts on this blog. I was hoping to have ones like this on the new one.
I'll Keep Trying.
Technologically Challenged Old Me. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 552: The Trouble With Tiki Torches
From the Aug 11 and 13, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate Fort and Civil War North Carolina.
** Protesters clash over Confederate monument in Dallas. (Loss) How long before the shooting starts?
** Charlottesville reignites Lee NAACP fight for removal of Confederate symbols in Fort Myers. (Florida) (Loss) Guess who wants the Lee statue removed?
** 1 arrest in San Antonio rallies about Confederate statue. (Travis Park)
** Rally planned at Confederate memorial set for relocation. (Tampa, Fla.)
** Why white nationalists drawn to Charlottesville. There was a photo of he tiki torch parade. Something as seemingly innocent and fun as a tiki torch gets ugly. Ban them from white nationalists as a safety hazard (we sure wouldn't want them burning their fingers or shirts), but mostly because it looks too much like a Nazi rally. No tikis for ticky-tocky idiots!!
Judging by the large number of tiki torches I see in stores around here, the stores around Charlottesville must have been emptied. Somebody made some money.
What was that old John Hiatt song? "The Tiki Bar is Open."
Tiki torches are supposed to be fun, not hate.
Tiki Torches Provide Great Lighting for Your Favorite Cocktail. Keep It Out of Hate. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 551: Statues, Statues, Statues and Snooty
From Google Alerts for August 11, 2017, for Confederate.
** Resident asks county to replace Confederate statue. (Asheboro, N.C.) (Loss) One person, a former NAACP president, asked for its removal. Sadly, today, all it takes is just one black person to be offended to accomplish the fact.
** Easthampton police investigate theft of Confederate Flag Makes you wonder why so many Confederate flag backers drive pick-up trucks?
** Confederates for Snooty: Southern group backs manatee statue. (Tampa, Fl.) Ha Ha!
** Competing protests at Travis Park Confederate monument expected to bring hundreds downtown. (San Antonio) This always scares me. There are idiots on both sides and always the chance for bloodshed.
** Landrieu: Confederate monument removal didn't add to drainage problems in New Orleans. Oh, really. The city spent $2 million for the monument removal. That could have gone to work on the city's water problem. (Especially in light of Harvey's near miss.)
** What to do with Confederate statues?
** Citizens Advisory Committee votes down a recommendation to remove Confederate monument. (Caddo Parish, Louisiana) (Win) A rare win, but for how long?
Little Ole Manatee Me. --Old Secesh
** Resident asks county to replace Confederate statue. (Asheboro, N.C.) (Loss) One person, a former NAACP president, asked for its removal. Sadly, today, all it takes is just one black person to be offended to accomplish the fact.
** Easthampton police investigate theft of Confederate Flag Makes you wonder why so many Confederate flag backers drive pick-up trucks?
** Confederates for Snooty: Southern group backs manatee statue. (Tampa, Fl.) Ha Ha!
** Competing protests at Travis Park Confederate monument expected to bring hundreds downtown. (San Antonio) This always scares me. There are idiots on both sides and always the chance for bloodshed.
** Landrieu: Confederate monument removal didn't add to drainage problems in New Orleans. Oh, really. The city spent $2 million for the monument removal. That could have gone to work on the city's water problem. (Especially in light of Harvey's near miss.)
** What to do with Confederate statues?
** Citizens Advisory Committee votes down a recommendation to remove Confederate monument. (Caddo Parish, Louisiana) (Win) A rare win, but for how long?
Little Ole Manatee Me. --Old Secesh
Friday, September 8, 2017
Big Change Coming To This Blog...Hopefully
I have been thinking about starting a new blog to tell the sad story of the desecration going on today of the Confederate statues and all things Confederate. This blog was originally set up to examine things dealing with the Civil War.
But, there was, even back in 2008, many heritage attacks. Today, those attacks of have become a regular deluge. Every where I look, the statues are either coming down, often in the process of hate crimes and often as the result of city's caving into Blacks.
Anyway, today I started a new blog called "The Second Civil War: The Confederacy Under Attack Again." And I hope to put all he sad stuff there and keep this one for the real Civil War history.
It is set up, but I am not satisfied with the way it looks, but will keep working on it.
We shall see how well it goes.
Like I Said, I DEFINITELY DO NOT NEED Any More Blogs, But, Oh Well. --Old Secesh
But, there was, even back in 2008, many heritage attacks. Today, those attacks of have become a regular deluge. Every where I look, the statues are either coming down, often in the process of hate crimes and often as the result of city's caving into Blacks.
Anyway, today I started a new blog called "The Second Civil War: The Confederacy Under Attack Again." And I hope to put all he sad stuff there and keep this one for the real Civil War history.
It is set up, but I am not satisfied with the way it looks, but will keep working on it.
We shall see how well it goes.
Like I Said, I DEFINITELY DO NOT NEED Any More Blogs, But, Oh Well. --Old Secesh
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Meanwhile, the Murders, Shootings and Mayhem in Chicago Continue
From Hey Jackass, Chicago Murder and Mayhem September 7, 2017.
While Blacks are so concerned about Confederate memorials, monuments and statues. So far in Chicago.
SEPTEMBER TO DATE-- 10 killed, 56 wounded
WEEK TO DATE (9-3 to 9-9)-- 8 killed 39 wounded
YEAR TO DATE-- 447 killed, 2159 shot
Every 2:18 hours a person shot. Every 12:21 hours a person murdered.
Again, most of the murders take place in Black neighborhoods and involve Blacks Killing Blacks.
So far this year: police-involved shootings-- 9 killed 10 wounded.
Some more stats:
Black 378 50
Hispanic 81 5
White/Other 14 2
Costs on average $55,000 per gunshot victim for ER (first 30 minutes). And guess who isn't insured?
Police clearance rate for homicides: 13.1%. Some people know who did it but just won't say.
The TV and radio stations reported fewer murders and shootings in Chicago over the Labor Day weekend, almost gleefully. According to Chicago CBS, there were 7 killed and 35 wounded from 11 p.m. Friday, September 1 to 5 a.m., Tuesday, September 5. That is 7 more killed and 35 more wounded than is acceptable.
I came across a news story that so far in 2017, the United States has had 6 soldiers killed in Afghanistan.
No Confederate Statues Are Suspected in the Mayhem. --Old Secesh
While Blacks are so concerned about Confederate memorials, monuments and statues. So far in Chicago.
SEPTEMBER TO DATE-- 10 killed, 56 wounded
WEEK TO DATE (9-3 to 9-9)-- 8 killed 39 wounded
YEAR TO DATE-- 447 killed, 2159 shot
Every 2:18 hours a person shot. Every 12:21 hours a person murdered.
Again, most of the murders take place in Black neighborhoods and involve Blacks Killing Blacks.
So far this year: police-involved shootings-- 9 killed 10 wounded.
Some more stats:
Black 378 50
Hispanic 81 5
White/Other 14 2
Costs on average $55,000 per gunshot victim for ER (first 30 minutes). And guess who isn't insured?
Police clearance rate for homicides: 13.1%. Some people know who did it but just won't say.
The TV and radio stations reported fewer murders and shootings in Chicago over the Labor Day weekend, almost gleefully. According to Chicago CBS, there were 7 killed and 35 wounded from 11 p.m. Friday, September 1 to 5 a.m., Tuesday, September 5. That is 7 more killed and 35 more wounded than is acceptable.
I came across a news story that so far in 2017, the United States has had 6 soldiers killed in Afghanistan.
No Confederate Statues Are Suspected in the Mayhem. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 550: Welcome to One Flag Over Texas
From the August 19, 2017, Yahoo! News "Six Flags drops Confederate Flag from Texas park Six Flags Over Texas."
The park opened in 1961, on the Civil War Centennial. Along with the U.S. flag and Confederate one, the flags of Spain, Mexico, France and the Republic of Texas flew over it. To cover the Confederate Flag removal, all but the U.S. flag were taken down.
Now, we know the Confederacy had that "S" thing going. But what about the other countries? There has never been a country in existence that didn't have things that embarrass us today. That is why.
Six U.S. flags now fly at the entrance.
They need to change the name to One Flag Over Texas.
One Flag Over Texas sure doesn't have the pizazz that Six Flags Over Texas did.
One has to wonder about Six Flags Over Georgia and Six Flags Over St. Louis.
Let Us Be Politically Correct and Not Offend One Of the Two Groups Who MUST NOT Be Offended. --Old Secesh
The park opened in 1961, on the Civil War Centennial. Along with the U.S. flag and Confederate one, the flags of Spain, Mexico, France and the Republic of Texas flew over it. To cover the Confederate Flag removal, all but the U.S. flag were taken down.
Now, we know the Confederacy had that "S" thing going. But what about the other countries? There has never been a country in existence that didn't have things that embarrass us today. That is why.
Six U.S. flags now fly at the entrance.
They need to change the name to One Flag Over Texas.
One Flag Over Texas sure doesn't have the pizazz that Six Flags Over Texas did.
One has to wonder about Six Flags Over Georgia and Six Flags Over St. Louis.
Let Us Be Politically Correct and Not Offend One Of the Two Groups Who MUST NOT Be Offended. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 549: Charlottesville Votes to Shroud Monuments
From the August 23, 2017, Dubuque (Iowa) Telegraph Herald by AP.
The Charlottesville City Council voted to drape two Confederate statues in black fabric during a chaotic meeting packed with irate residents who screamed and cursed at the council members over the city's response to the white nationalist rally. This anger resulted in three arrests
A photograph accompanying the article showed both Blacks and Whites yelling and doing the Black Power salute. They were looking every bit as hateful as the white nationalist had been.
The white nationalist rally was organized in part to protest the city's decision to remove the statue of Robert E. Lee.
The removal is in the midst of a legal challenge because a 1998 state law forbids local governments from removing, damaging or defacing war monuments. The city contends that this does no apply to the Lee statue because it was put up before 1998.
A judge has issued an injunction that keeps the city from removing it while the lawsuit plays out. Until then, the shroud will stay in place as the city's mourning for the woman killed.
The other statue is of Stonewall Jackson.
In the meantime, Charlottesville is looking to break the law, good law-abiding citizens as they are. But, under the circumstances of what happened, I would have to agree that the statue should be removed to some other place.
I Was Wondering Why the Statue Was Still There. --Old Secesh
The Charlottesville City Council voted to drape two Confederate statues in black fabric during a chaotic meeting packed with irate residents who screamed and cursed at the council members over the city's response to the white nationalist rally. This anger resulted in three arrests
A photograph accompanying the article showed both Blacks and Whites yelling and doing the Black Power salute. They were looking every bit as hateful as the white nationalist had been.
The white nationalist rally was organized in part to protest the city's decision to remove the statue of Robert E. Lee.
The removal is in the midst of a legal challenge because a 1998 state law forbids local governments from removing, damaging or defacing war monuments. The city contends that this does no apply to the Lee statue because it was put up before 1998.
A judge has issued an injunction that keeps the city from removing it while the lawsuit plays out. Until then, the shroud will stay in place as the city's mourning for the woman killed.
The other statue is of Stonewall Jackson.
In the meantime, Charlottesville is looking to break the law, good law-abiding citizens as they are. But, under the circumstances of what happened, I would have to agree that the statue should be removed to some other place.
I Was Wondering Why the Statue Was Still There. --Old Secesh
Dr. J. Marlon Sims, Controversial "Father of Modern Gynecology"
Yesterday, I wrote about critics in New York City wanting a statue to this man, J. Marlon Sims, removed from Central Park. His work is indeed laudable, but the way in which he did it was shocking.
From 1845 to 1849, in Montgomery, Alabama, he operated on 12 black slave women with fistula. They were brought to him by their owners. And, he did it without using anesthetics. This is where I find a serious problem with him.
Besides the statue in Central Park, there are also ones in the Alabama and South Carolina capitols as well as a marker at his birthplace in South Carolina.
If the memorials are allowed to remain, mention of the slave women and his not using anesthesia definitely need to be mentioned. This puts him in the same situation as the Nazi doctors who experimented on people in the concentration camps.
Again, I Would Have No Problem With the Statue's Removal. If It Stays, There Should Definitely Be Signage About the Slave Women He Used. --Old Secesh
From 1845 to 1849, in Montgomery, Alabama, he operated on 12 black slave women with fistula. They were brought to him by their owners. And, he did it without using anesthetics. This is where I find a serious problem with him.
Besides the statue in Central Park, there are also ones in the Alabama and South Carolina capitols as well as a marker at his birthplace in South Carolina.
If the memorials are allowed to remain, mention of the slave women and his not using anesthesia definitely need to be mentioned. This puts him in the same situation as the Nazi doctors who experimented on people in the concentration camps.
Again, I Would Have No Problem With the Statue's Removal. If It Stays, There Should Definitely Be Signage About the Slave Women He Used. --Old Secesh
J. Marlon Sims,
New York City,
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Civil War II-- 548: Critics Want Central Park, N.Y. City Statue Removed
From the August 23, 2017, Dubuque (Iowa) Telegraph herald "More Confederate memorials under fire," AP.
Critics want New York City to remove a statue in Central Park that honors a doctor who used slaves in developing a pioneering approach to treating physical problems women can develop after childbirth.
Dr. J. Marlon Sims was a 19th-century physician who is credited with developing a surgical technique to repair certain types of fistulas, or tears, which prior to that had been a seemingly insurmountable condition. He developed the technique through operations on enslaved black women in Alabama, without anesthetic.
I wonder why this did not become an issue before. Oh yes, Civil War II.
Controversial? Definitely. Operating on them without their consent and using anesthetic? No excuse, even if progress was made!
I Would Agree With Taking Down This Statue. --Old Secesh
Critics want New York City to remove a statue in Central Park that honors a doctor who used slaves in developing a pioneering approach to treating physical problems women can develop after childbirth.
Dr. J. Marlon Sims was a 19th-century physician who is credited with developing a surgical technique to repair certain types of fistulas, or tears, which prior to that had been a seemingly insurmountable condition. He developed the technique through operations on enslaved black women in Alabama, without anesthetic.
I wonder why this did not become an issue before. Oh yes, Civil War II.
Controversial? Definitely. Operating on them without their consent and using anesthetic? No excuse, even if progress was made!
I Would Agree With Taking Down This Statue. --Old Secesh
19th Annual Battle of Morseville Civil War Re-Enactment This Past Weekend
From the August 23, 2017, Flash.
This took place in Stockton, Illinois on Saturday and Sunday, August 26 and 27.
Gates opened at 9 a.m. on the David and Eloise Farm, in Stockton.
The encampment and re-enactment was presented by the 3rd Iowa Light Artillery.
Food available. Admission $5 and kids 6 and under free.
There were drills, General Grant, artillery dress parade and a battle.
Love Those Re-Enactments. --Old Secesh
This took place in Stockton, Illinois on Saturday and Sunday, August 26 and 27.
Gates opened at 9 a.m. on the David and Eloise Farm, in Stockton.
The encampment and re-enactment was presented by the 3rd Iowa Light Artillery.
Food available. Admission $5 and kids 6 and under free.
There were drills, General Grant, artillery dress parade and a battle.
Love Those Re-Enactments. --Old Secesh
Monday, September 4, 2017
Civil War II-- 547: Fort Bragg, Governor Vance, TV and Dallas
From August 11, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate Fort, Civil War North Carolina and Confederate.
** Fort Bragg name not going anywhere as Army resists Confederate name changes. (Win) Although, in today's political climate, how much longer they can is probably not going to be long.
** The future of the Vance Monument. (Asheville, NC) (Loss) Vance was the wartime governor of North Carolina.
** Reimaging Confederate history creates a dangerous reality. (About the HBO "Confederate" TV show.
** 'Confederate' danger: Fake history and uneducated public at an explosive moment. (TV)
** Vote: What should Dallas do with its Confederate memorial and statues? I would like to have found out how the vote went.
** Dallas' 4 black City Council members say Confederate statues 'must and will be removed'-- after process. (Loss) Very racist of them to say that. At least this is one time I didn't have to spend more time finding their race. I wish all newspapers and media would always tell the race of people in these stories.
And, There Is More From August 11. --Old Secesh
** Fort Bragg name not going anywhere as Army resists Confederate name changes. (Win) Although, in today's political climate, how much longer they can is probably not going to be long.
** The future of the Vance Monument. (Asheville, NC) (Loss) Vance was the wartime governor of North Carolina.
** Reimaging Confederate history creates a dangerous reality. (About the HBO "Confederate" TV show.
** 'Confederate' danger: Fake history and uneducated public at an explosive moment. (TV)
** Vote: What should Dallas do with its Confederate memorial and statues? I would like to have found out how the vote went.
** Dallas' 4 black City Council members say Confederate statues 'must and will be removed'-- after process. (Loss) Very racist of them to say that. At least this is one time I didn't have to spend more time finding their race. I wish all newspapers and media would always tell the race of people in these stories.
And, There Is More From August 11. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 546: Army, Richmond, Fairs, TV and Ole Miss
From August 10, 2017, Google Alers for Confederate.
** The Confederate Flag fight is back.
** ** Army denies Dem's demands to rename Confederate streets on historic base. (Win)
** 100s pack Richmond hearing on Confederate monuments. I would sure hate to see those historical monuments go. I side with the mayor about letting them remain but with signage.
** Emotions run high at first public hearing on Confederate statues. (Richmond, Va.)
** Resident asks NC county to replace Confederate statue. (Loss) Sadly, today, all it takes is one black person to request (or demand) removal and they get their way. I wish I counted that much.
** Burlington County freeholders denounce Confederate Flag at Farmer Fair, request ban. (Loss) Not sure what freeholder means?
** At Ole Miss, the debate about Confederate imagery and names never ends.
** HBO's 'Confederate' uproar sparks TV industry debate.
** Confederate flag at Wood County Fair a slap to Civil War veterans.
--Old Secesh
** The Confederate Flag fight is back.
** ** Army denies Dem's demands to rename Confederate streets on historic base. (Win)
** 100s pack Richmond hearing on Confederate monuments. I would sure hate to see those historical monuments go. I side with the mayor about letting them remain but with signage.
** Emotions run high at first public hearing on Confederate statues. (Richmond, Va.)
** Resident asks NC county to replace Confederate statue. (Loss) Sadly, today, all it takes is one black person to request (or demand) removal and they get their way. I wish I counted that much.
** Burlington County freeholders denounce Confederate Flag at Farmer Fair, request ban. (Loss) Not sure what freeholder means?
** At Ole Miss, the debate about Confederate imagery and names never ends.
** HBO's 'Confederate' uproar sparks TV industry debate.
** Confederate flag at Wood County Fair a slap to Civil War veterans.
--Old Secesh
Civil War-- 545: It Turns Into a Flood
From the August 9, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
These are the headlines of the stories for this date.
** Ole Miss edges out of its Confederate shadow, gingerly. (Loss)
** US Army refuses to rename streets honoring Confederate leaders. (Win)
** Time capsule found in base of Lake Eola Confederate statue. (Florida) (Win, but in a sad way because of the statue removal.)
** Group wants Forrest statue, other Confederate symbols removed. (Loss)
** Dem. rep. flips after Army refuses to remove Confederate street names on base. The representative was a black woman named Yvette Clarke. I can't help but think she needs to be addressing more serious problems her constituents face.
** Confederate flags, 'Black Flies Matter' shirts leave some New Hampshire county fairgoers disgusted.
** La Fayette: Walmart employee says woman damaged her car over Confederate Flag flap. (Loss)
** 5 solutions to Salisbury's Confederate marker controversy.(Maryland) 1. Let it be, 2. Give the full picture of its significance, 3. Add markers around it, 4. Put it in a museum, 5. Relocate it closer to Winder's home. The marker was put up by the Maryland Civil War Commission and is for Confederate General John Winder, former U.S. Army officer and in charge of Confederate prisons, including Andersonville.
This Just Keep Getting Bigger and Worse. --Old Secesh
These are the headlines of the stories for this date.
** Ole Miss edges out of its Confederate shadow, gingerly. (Loss)
** US Army refuses to rename streets honoring Confederate leaders. (Win)
** Time capsule found in base of Lake Eola Confederate statue. (Florida) (Win, but in a sad way because of the statue removal.)
** Group wants Forrest statue, other Confederate symbols removed. (Loss)
** Dem. rep. flips after Army refuses to remove Confederate street names on base. The representative was a black woman named Yvette Clarke. I can't help but think she needs to be addressing more serious problems her constituents face.
** Confederate flags, 'Black Flies Matter' shirts leave some New Hampshire county fairgoers disgusted.
** La Fayette: Walmart employee says woman damaged her car over Confederate Flag flap. (Loss)
** 5 solutions to Salisbury's Confederate marker controversy.(Maryland) 1. Let it be, 2. Give the full picture of its significance, 3. Add markers around it, 4. Put it in a museum, 5. Relocate it closer to Winder's home. The marker was put up by the Maryland Civil War Commission and is for Confederate General John Winder, former U.S. Army officer and in charge of Confederate prisons, including Andersonville.
This Just Keep Getting Bigger and Worse. --Old Secesh
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Mort Kunstler's 2017 Calendar, September-- Part 1
Dates from the September calendar
SEP. 2-- 1864 Atlanta surrenders
SEP. 5-- 1863 Britain seizes Confederate ships and shipyard
SEP.6-- 1819 General William S. Rosecrans, US, born 1861 Grant moves into Paducah
SEP. 8-- 1828 General Joshua Chamberlain, US, born
SEP. 10-- 1836 Gen. Joseph Wheeler, CS, born
SEP. 11-- 1861 Union victory at Cheat Mountain
--Old Secesh
SEP. 2-- 1864 Atlanta surrenders
SEP. 5-- 1863 Britain seizes Confederate ships and shipyard
SEP.6-- 1819 General William S. Rosecrans, US, born 1861 Grant moves into Paducah
SEP. 8-- 1828 General Joshua Chamberlain, US, born
SEP. 10-- 1836 Gen. Joseph Wheeler, CS, born
SEP. 11-- 1861 Union victory at Cheat Mountain
--Old Secesh
Civil War Calendar,
Mort Kunstler,
This Date
Friday, September 1, 2017
Mort Kunstler's 2017 Civil War Calendar, September: "Iron Horses, Men of Steel"
"In June 1861, Cplonel Thomas J. Jackson supervised the greatest overland movement of locomotives and railroad equipment done in the Civil War.
"Winchester citizens stared in wonder as 40-horse teams pulled their heavy loads through the streets."
In the painting, the horses are hitched four-across and pulling what looks like some sort of railroad car, team teams back. There is also a pair of oxen pulling what looks like a cowcatcher from a locomotive and a small engine. Mounted troops/cavalry ride alongside the teams. Young boys are running in the street and the sidewalks are packed with onlookers. Confederate First national and Virginia flags fly from the buildings.
I had never heard of this accomplishment of Stonewall Jackson.
Quite An Accomplishment. --Old Secesh
"In June 1861, Cplonel Thomas J. Jackson supervised the greatest overland movement of locomotives and railroad equipment done in the Civil War.
"Winchester citizens stared in wonder as 40-horse teams pulled their heavy loads through the streets."
In the painting, the horses are hitched four-across and pulling what looks like some sort of railroad car, team teams back. There is also a pair of oxen pulling what looks like a cowcatcher from a locomotive and a small engine. Mounted troops/cavalry ride alongside the teams. Young boys are running in the street and the sidewalks are packed with onlookers. Confederate First national and Virginia flags fly from the buildings.
I had never heard of this accomplishment of Stonewall Jackson.
Quite An Accomplishment. --Old Secesh
Were Confederate Generals Traitors?
I have been increasingly hearing that all who fought for the Confederacy, particularly those who had formerly been in the United States military, were traitors.
Was secession legal? If it was legal, then no one who fought for the Confederacy were traitors. Author William E. Williams believes secession was legal. After all, New England came dangerously close to secession because of their opposition to the War of 1812. They believed secession was legal. (And then, they said the South's secession was illegal 49 years later.)
"Confederate generals were fighting for independence from the Union just as George Washington and other generals fought for independence from Great Britain. Those who label Gen. Robert E. Lee as a traitor might also label George Washington as a traitor. I'm sure Great Britain's King George III would have agreed."
To be a Traitor Or Not To Be. --Old Secesh
Was secession legal? If it was legal, then no one who fought for the Confederacy were traitors. Author William E. Williams believes secession was legal. After all, New England came dangerously close to secession because of their opposition to the War of 1812. They believed secession was legal. (And then, they said the South's secession was illegal 49 years later.)
"Confederate generals were fighting for independence from the Union just as George Washington and other generals fought for independence from Great Britain. Those who label Gen. Robert E. Lee as a traitor might also label George Washington as a traitor. I'm sure Great Britain's King George III would have agreed."
To be a Traitor Or Not To Be. --Old Secesh
Two Things I Wish Newspapers Would Do: Where and Who
When I read the articles about this Confederate-hater thing going on these days, I wish newspapers would always include their town and city in their internet edition as I spend a lot of time having to figure out where they are. On the internet, people around the world read your articles and may not know where you're publishing.
Also, especially in articles where someone is really attacking the statues, I would like to know what race they are. In the case of politicians, you can look up their web page, but if they aren't politicians, sometimes it is very difficult.
The race of a person attacking the statues makes a big difference.
Sort of a Racism Thing, You Know. --RoadDog
Also, especially in articles where someone is really attacking the statues, I would like to know what race they are. In the case of politicians, you can look up their web page, but if they aren't politicians, sometimes it is very difficult.
The race of a person attacking the statues makes a big difference.
Sort of a Racism Thing, You Know. --RoadDog
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