The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Nathaniel Dawson Describes the Manassas Battlefield-- Part 2: "Dead Presented An Awful Appearance"

"I walked over the battlefield the next day after the fight.  The scene presented was horrible.  I counted in one small spot -- where Sherman's battery was taken -- thirty-seven horses that were dead and near one hundred dead Yankees, besides the wounded who had been removed.

"Near this place is a house, an old lady 90 years of age was killed by a cannon ball.  Her daughter told me  herself at the house.

"The dead presented an awful appearance, and I thought perchance that the fortunes of man might place me in a similar position.  I have learned it seems, however, to think philosophically  of these things and am inclined the opinion that I am hard-hearted."

--Old Secesh

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