The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Monday, November 21, 2016

The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 387: The Shame of louisville

From the November 20, 2016, Google Alerts for Confederate.

The Confederate Memorial in louisville was taken down over the weekend and now will be given to the town of Brandenbury.  It stood to honor those from the Louisville area who risked their lives fighting for the Confederacy and was 70 feet tall and stood there for 121 years.

Some want a statue to Muhammed Ali put up there in its place.  As we all know, he certainly risked his life for the country that enabled him to become so famous and rich.

And, I was thinking of going to louisville for the Kentucky Derby.  I think not.  For its shame, louisville now will be relegated to lower case.

And, the city and college did not even pay the required million dollars to remove a Confederate monument.

Like Rodney Dangerfield Said, "I Tell You, I Can't Get Any ...." --Old Secesh

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