The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Folly Island, S.C., in the Civil War-- Part 7: OK, What Is "Pluff Mud?"

In the last post I mentioned "Pluff Mud."  Not having an idea exactly how that might differ from regular mud, I had to look it up.

Pluff Mud, also spelled Plough Mud, is a Carolina Low Country term for a slippery, shiny brown-gray, sucking mud with a distinctive smell, like none other, of the tidal flats and spartina grass salt marshes.

It doesn't sound like something I'd like to go tramping  around in or being sucked into in that case.

There are several things in Charleston by the name of Pluff Mud, including an offering by the Holy City Brewing of Charleston called a Pluff Mud Porter.

I Might take a Pass On That.  --Old Secesh

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