The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Monday, May 19, 2008

And Now, Balls Are Under Attack

You've heard about the incessant attacks on the Confederate Battle Flag. Well, now it has been taken farther.

Two Escondido, California, middle schools have an annual tradition where, after a month-long course on the Civil War, boys dress up in Civil War uniforms and girls in dresses of the era for the "Confederate-Union Ball."

However, Kym Atkins said, "my child is black. If they are recreating history, my child would not be allowed to go to something like this."

The schools say it is one component of a month-long academic study by 8th graders at Bear Valley and Rincon middle schools "to understand what daily life was all about. They study the clothing, the food and all the things going on culturally."

Students dance waltzes and the Virginia Reel at the ball.

From the May 17th San Diego News TV.

I Wonder WHOSE Uniforms Mrs. Atkins Objects To? --Old B-Runner