The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

April 19th Illinois Division SCV Meeting- Part 6

The Dirt About Dirt-- The Division has a supply of dirt from all the Southern states and continues to collect it from family members, trips, and organizations. This dirt is used to sprinkle over the graves of Confederate veterans buried in the North so that they will have some dirt from their homeland on their grave.

North Carolina has sent five samples including from Orange County, High Point, the Fayette Arsenal where 59 Confederate soldiers were buried in a mass grave, and from the grave of Governor Zebulon Vance, the wartime leader of the state.

SOIL TRADITION-- Ceremony with the spreading of dirt from the home of each soldier buried in Illinois.

South Carolina Division Commander Randy Burbage has sent dirt from the Citadel. While modernizing Johnson Heygood Stadium, a cemetery was discovered in which Confederate soldiers were buried.

And, That's the Word on Dirt. --Old Blockade-Runner