The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Civil War and Me-- Part 2--

Back to Jame Malanowski's "My Civil War Centennial."

What the Civil War Centennial organizers wanted, of course, was to promote tourism, commercial enterprise and a little history as well. I'd say they achieved that.

It did cause people across the country, especially those with little knowledge to learn some more about that long-ago conflict. Of course, with people like me, it just farther flamed our interest. However, back then, my finances were very limited, a 50 cent allowance, so I wasn't able to buy as much as I'd like.

However, come birthday and Christmas, I was an easy buy-for. "What do you want?" "Let me see? Maybe something to do with the Civil War."

One thing Mr. Malanowski mentioned that I'd have to agree on was that the black experience in the war was pushed way to the back. I have no memories of anything about them.

At least, this time around, there will definitely be a focus on their role, as it should be.

Plenty More to Write About. --Old B-R'er

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