From the Feb. 16, 2014, Washington Times.
Archaeologists are going as fast as they can to learn as much as they can about a former prison camp near downtown Columbia, South Carolina. They have been given four months to excavate a small portion of the 165-acre grounds of the former S.C. State Hospital for the remnants of what was known as Camp Asylum which held 1,500 Union officers during the winter of 1864-1865.
One source says Camp Asylum was hastily constructed on the grounds of the S.C. Lunatic Asylum, hence the name. It also said that 500 Union officers were kept there.
Conditions were so dire that the prisoners dug and lived in holes. They would share the holes and walk at night so they didn't freeze. Enlisted men were sent off to Andersonville in Georgia.
The site was sold to a developer for development for $15 million. Some 40 diaries concerning life in the camp have been located and are being used in the search.. So far, researchers digging in the reddish earth have found buttons, combs and remnants of clothing. One hole contained crudely fashioned bricks.
From the diaries, they know that the camp commander told them "they could sing all the Yankee songs as they wanted, but they also had to sing a Southern song. So they'd sing 'Battle Hymn of the Republic,' and then they'd sing 'Dixie."
Three days before Gen. Sherman's Army entered Columbia, the prisoners were removed to Charlotte and from thereto Wilmington.
Hurry Up and Research. --Old Secesh
This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Fort Duffield: Near Louisville, Ky.
From the March 27,2014, Louisville Courier-Journal "Auction will benefit Fort Duffield.
And, I had never heard of it.
Fort Duffield Park and Historic Site is located about 20 miles from downtown Louisville. This Union Civil War fort sits 300 feet above West Point and includes a 1000-foot-long earthen wall, a cemetery and park area.
General William T. Sherman ordered a fort built here in 1861 to protect Union supply lines going south along the old Louisville & Nashville Turnpike through Elizabethtown.
The Fort Duffield Benefit Auction will be held this Friday by West Point's Fort Duffield Heritage Committee is conducting it, but may run into a problem because of the NCAA Tournament Kentucky-Louisville game on Friday.
Ten gun emplacements have been located which would have been manned by members of the 9th Michigan Infantry Regiment. The 172 acres were once in Fort Knox.
West Point was a supply depot for the Union Army for goods brought in by river and then transferred by wagon elsewhere.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
The Third Day at Bentonville: Death of the General's Son
From the March 21, 2014, Beach Carolina Magazine.
On March 21, 1865, Union and Confederate fought the third and final day of the Battle of Bentonville in southern Johnston County.
Three days before this, Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston had attempted to strike and overwhelm the left wing of Major General William T. Sherman's Union Army advancing northward toward Goldsboro, North Carolina.
His surprise attack failed and the two armies began skirmishing as Johnston's troops withdrew across a small bridge at Mill Creek.
On March 21st, Major General Joseph Mower of the 17th Corps, found a gap in the Confederate left and pushed his division forward to threaten Johnston's retreat path.
Confederate Lt. General William Hardee was able to gather enough troops to blunt Mower's attack, but unfortunately his son, Willie, who had just joined the army a short time earlier, was severely wounded.
The next day, Johnston completed his withdrawal across Mill Creek ans Sherman continued on to Goldsboro. Willie Hardee was taken to Hillsborough where he was died and buried.
A Son of the South. --Old Secesh
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Some More on Wisconsin's Camp Randall-- Part 2
After the war, Camp Randall again became the home of the state fairgrounds. In 1893, it was acquired by the university as an athletic field. In 1911, a section of it was set aside and became the Camp Randall Memorial Park with a memorial arch completed in 1912 to honor Wisconsin's Civil War soldiers.
The camp was temporarily reactivated during World War I for troops going overseas, many of them former university students.
--Old Secesh
Camp Randall Wis.,
training camps,
Some More on Wisconsin's Camp Randall-- Part 1
Located on the grounds of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, named for Governor Alexander W. Randall. Occupied 45 acres from Union Avenue to Monroe Street between Breeze Terrace and Randall Avenue.
The acreage was donated in 1861 by the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society (it had been the site of the Wisconsin State Fairgrounds) to the state to be used as a drill ground for Wisconsin troops. It became the main center for Wisconsin military training,
More than 70,000 troops trained there from these regiments: 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 23rd, 29th, 30th, 36th, 37th (part), 38th, 40th, 42nd, 46th and 49th.
Berdan'sSharpshooters also departed from there.
--Old Secesh
Friday, March 21, 2014
Not Just Football at Wisconsin's Camp Randall-- Part 2
The state of Wisconsin bought Camp Randall in 1893 and when the remaining Civil War veterans learned it was to have a building, there was a huge outcry against it.
The University of Wisconsin originally used it for track and field before football and baseball moved there in 1895.
The new stadium opened October 6, 1917, with 7,500 seats which still make up the lower portion of today's grandstand. Throughout the years, it has continued to grow in size.
--Old Secesh
Not Just Football at Wisconsin's Camp Randall Stadium-- Part 1
From Wikipedia.
I must admit that I always thought Camp Randall was a strange name for a major college football stadium and I found out there was a Civil War-related reason for it.
Built in 1914 and seats 80,321 and the oldest Big 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 stadium. It is the 5th biggest in the conference and 41st in the world.
When full for a home game, it becomes the 5th largest city in Wisconsin.
It was built on the former grounds of the Civil War Camp Randall and named for Governor Alexander Randall, who later became the U.S. Postmaster General. Many of Wisconsin's volunteers trained here.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, March 20, 2014
455 McHenry County Civil War Deaths
Donald V. Purn, is quite a Civil War researcher for all things and anything McHenry County, Illinois, in the war. Last week, I was fortunate enough to hear him give a talk on blacks from McHenry County serving in the United States Colored Troops as well as whites from the county who commanded the black troops.
Most of the McHenry County deaths occurred with Illinois units, but there were deaths in the 3rd Colorado, 30th Indiana; 3rd, 15th and 32nd Iowa, 31st Massachusetts, 5th Michigan, and quite a few Wisconsin regiments: 4th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 20th, 22nd, 25th, 28th, 30th and 33rd.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
NC Museum of History in Raleigh Shows Never Exhibited Flags
From the January 25, 2014, Columbia,(Ind) Republic by AP.
Civil War flags never before exhibited or not shown in many years are to be seen in the museum's "North Carolina and the Civil War: The Bitter End, 1864-1865."
It is the final exhibit in its three-part series commemorating the 150th anniversary of the war.
The flags have been conserved by re-enactment groups and organizations. They will be changed periodically to avoid prolonged exposure to light.
The era portrayed begin with the spring of 1864 and continues to the surrender of the CSS Shenandoah on November 6, 1865.
--Old Secesh
NC Museum of History,
North Carolina
Fayetteville Chosen As Site of N.C. Civil War History Center
From the March 15, 2014, Fayetteville (NC) Observer by Chick Jacobs.
Nearly 150 years ago, Union General Sherman ordered the Fayetteville Armory to be completely destroyed, but now, a $65 million history center is planned to be built.
Friday, the Cumberland Community Foundation announced that it will be built next to the Arsenal's footprint. The new center will replace the current Museum of the Cape Fear.
In March 1865, Sherman ordered that no stone of the arsenal be left standing and Army engineers began a slow, methodical demolition. When they were through, nothing remained except piles of rubble, some of which can still be seen.
--Old Secesh
Nearly 150 years ago, Union General Sherman ordered the Fayetteville Armory to be completely destroyed, but now, a $65 million history center is planned to be built.
Friday, the Cumberland Community Foundation announced that it will be built next to the Arsenal's footprint. The new center will replace the current Museum of the Cape Fear.
In March 1865, Sherman ordered that no stone of the arsenal be left standing and Army engineers began a slow, methodical demolition. When they were through, nothing remained except piles of rubble, some of which can still be seen.
--Old Secesh
Visitors Flocking to Gettysburg for Sesquicentennial-- Part 2
A huge turnout is expected for the July 3rd marchto commemorate Pickett's Charge at 3 PM.
Gettysburg National Military Park typically gets 1.2 million visitors a year and will easily break that mark this year with its 16-day anniversary period which ends July 7th.
David Runyon, 59, of Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, had his great-great-great grandfather, Union soldier Thomas Thombough, badly wounded at the Wheat Field. Then his ancestor was taken prisoner and died in a Virginia hospital.
Lots of History There. --Old Secesh
Visitors Flocking to Gettysburg for Sesquicentennial-- Part 1
From the July 2, 2013, Yahoo! News, AP by Genaro C. Armas.
Educational programs, one at Little Round Top, which usually attract maybe 50 people, had an overflow audience of more than 500.
Valerie Johnson, 72, of Stockholm, New Jersey, has visited Gettysburg ten times, but never on July 2nd, the anniversary of when her great grandfather, Mansfield Ham, of the 20th Maine was wounded in the thumb at Little Round Top.
--Old Secesh
20th Maine,
Battle of Gettysburg,
Little Round Top
Some More On Oyster Point, Pennsylvania
It got its name in the 1860s because the Oyster family owned a tavern there. Confederates advancing on Harrisburg in June 1863 after the surrender of Mechanicsburg were somewhat stopped here after a two-hour cannon barrage toward Harrisburg in which some shells reached as far as the Church of God on 21st Street.
--Old Secesh
Oyster's Point, Pa., High Point of Confederate Gettysburg Campaign
From the June 26, 2013, (Pa) Sentinel by Janel Knight.
The Confederates never made it to Pennsylvania's capital, Harrisburg, but they came close. On June 29th, just three miles west of Harrisburg in what is now Camp Hill, Union forces waited at Oyster's Point.
In 1863, the Carlisle Pike and Trindle Road intersected at Oyster's Point. The name of the site came from the family who lived there, not from oysters. They owned a tavern.
The Confederates were commanded by Brigadier General Albert Gallatin Jenkins. Facing him were mostly green Union troops hastily assembled for the capital's defense.
General Richard Ewell's 15,000 troops in the Army of Northern Virginia's 2nd Corps were awaiting word from Jenkins as to whether or not to attack Harrisburg.
Before anything major could come about, Confederate General Robert E. Lee ordered all forces to concentrate at Gettysburg.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
150th Anniversary of the Battle of Honey Springs, Oklahoma-- Part 2
Union forces at the battle numbered about 3,000 and Confederates had nearly 6,000. The Union victory paved the way to the Union capture of Fort Smith and much of Arkansas. It was also the largest of the 107 engagements that took place in Indian Territory.
It was also the most significant battle fought in what is now Oklahoma. The battlefield is now a National Historic Landmark near Checotah.
Phase 1 plans are to build a new $1 million, 6,000 square foot visitor center and museum at the battlefield.
Other Indian Territory battlefields and forts: Cabin Creek, Fort Gibson, Fort Towson and Fort Washita.
Five battles were fought at Cabin Creek, the first Battle of Cabin Creek was July 2, 1863, while Gettysburg was raging to the east.
Fort Gibson was established in 1824; Fort Washita in 1842 and Fort Towson in 1824.
--Old Secesh
Battles of Cabin Creek,
Indian Territory,
150th Anniversary of the Battle of Honey Springs, Oklahoma-- Part 1
From the July 1, 2013, Duncan (Stevens County, Ok.) Banner "Preserving the history of the Civil War Battle of Honey Springs' 150th Anniversary" by Max Nichols.
At 10 AM, July 17, 1863, Confederate Brigadier General Douglas H. Cooper ordered his men to begin firing four cannons at Federal artillery near Elk Creek in Indian Territory.
His adversary, Union Major General James G. Blunt, responded with his 12 pieces of artillery. Blunt then ordered Col. James M. William to take his 1st Kansas (Colored) Infantry and capture the Confederate cannons. They defeated the Confederates.
More to Come. --Old Secesh
Caledonia Ironworks Burned By Confederates On Way to Gettysburg
From the June 29, 2013, York (Pa.) Daily Record by Laura Cappucccio.
On June 25, 1863, troops under Confederate General Jubal Early looted and burned the Caledonia Ironworks. They went to great lengths to achieve the destruction due to Early's intense dislike of Thaddeus Stevens from Lancaster, an outspoken advocate of abolishing slavery. Stevens owned the Caledonia Ironworks.
The day after that, General Robert E. Lee issued General Order 72, prohibiting destruction of private property.
Early had also captured as many as 50 blacks who had been born and raised in Pennsylvania as free people.
Stevens also owned the Maria Furnace near Fairfield.
The Caledonia Ironworks was also a stop on the Underground Railroad.
--Old Secesh
One Man's Introduction to the Civil War
From the June 30, 2013, "150 years ago: the battle that saved the Union" by Jerry Jones.
He was introduced to the Civil War back in 1938, when Sister Mary Lambert at Our Mother of Sorrows School would read tales of heroics from "The Boys in Blue" and "The Boys in Gray." She had had relatives fight in the war.
Then, his maternal grandmother Sarah Laughrey Dillon, who came to the United States in the 1890s from Ireland, would show him a photo of her uncle who came to the United States as a young boy in the 1840s, attended Villanova College and was an officer in the 116th Pennsylvania, part of the famed Irish Brigade and fought at Gettysburg.
Then, there was the 75th anniversary of the battle July 1-3, 1938, attended by some 8,000 members of both armies in a week-long ceremony. Their average age then was 94, much like our World War II veterans now. They had a three-mile parade, heard a speech by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and shook hands across the Stone Wall at Bloody Angle.
In July 1963, Jerry Jones introduced his own kids to Gettysburg at its centennial, only this time, the soldiers were re-enactors.
Carrying On the Tradition. I Wonder If His Kids Took Their Kids to Gettysburg? --Old Secesh
Monday, March 17, 2014
Civil War Indentity Puzzle Solved-- Part 3
The copy in New York had a 1910 note made by Lt. John Hays (in the picture) and identified many of the soldiers. (A huge help and something people should always do on the backs of any old photographs for future historians.) Hays was in his 20s when the phto was taken and in his 70s in 1910.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to find the picture.
On the right of the group is Captain David Crist, then about 47, who was killed on May 30, 1864, at Totopotomy Creek outside of Richmond. Also in the photo is British-born Sgt. Thomas Bradley who was awarded the Medal of Honor many years after the war for action at the Battle of Chancellorsville.
James Crist, about 28, was wounded and captured near Totopotomy Creek and later died at the Andersonville prison camp. (It is not clear whether Captain Crist and James Crist were related.) Chester Judson, about 18, was killed by a sniper September 14, 1864, in trenches near Petersburg, Virginia.
--Old Secesh
124th New York,
Medals of Honor,
New York,
Civil War Identity Puzzle Solved-- Part 2: Finding It
The tintype of Co. H, 124th New York Infantry was donated to the Smithsonian by Tom Liljenquist of McLean, Virginia, who bought it four years ago for $3,500 at a collectors' show at Gettysburg.
There was no identification on it. Last month, Garry Adelman, vice president of the Center for Civil War Photography posted it on his Civil War Facebook Page.
That is when Ryan McIntyre, a high school social studies teacher in Ellenville, New York, saw the picture and recalled seeing it at the Historical Society of Walden and the Wallkill Valley in Orange County, New York, in what was a real "A-ha!" moment.
A-Ha. --Old Secesh
124th New York,
Library of Congress,
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Civil War Identity Puzzle Solved-- Part 1
From the March 8, 2014, Washington Post by Michael E. Ruane.
For years, the Library of Congress' tintype of 26 Union soldiers taken in late 1863 or early 1864 was captioned only as "unidentified company of soldiers."
But last month, a New York high school teacher spotted it on a Civil War Facebook page and recognized them. They were Co. H of the 124th New York Infantry, a unit called the Orange Blossoms because they were from Orange County, New York.
Two years later, at the end of the war, two had been killed in combat, one had been captured and died at the infamous Andersonville and another had been awarded the Medal of Honor.
More to Come. --Old Secesh
124th New York,
Library of Congress,
Friday, March 14, 2014
Rare Confederate Morse Carbine Up for Auction-- Part 2
How the weapon came to be at the auction is not entirely known. but etchings on the side provided clues. One inscription reads "Bloomington, Ind." and another "Robert" alongside an illegible last name and infantry number.
The late owner could have bought it or maybe he was a descendant of Robert himself.
There is even some confusion about the gun's inventor. Some believe he was George Morse, a nephew of inventor Samuel Morse, creator of the telegraph and Morse Code.
There is online bidding at
--Old Secesh
Morse Carbine,
South Carolina
Rare Confederate Morse Carbine Up for Auction-- Part 1
From the March 11, 2014, Indianapolis (Ind) Star "Rare Civil War gun up for auction at Indy" by Brian Eason.
The Morse carbine will be one of six Civil War guns offered by Wickliff Auctioneers of Carmel, Indiana. It is very rare and expected to fetch $30,000.
The Morse carbine was a .50 caliber, breech-loading gun made in Greenville, South Carolina, for state militia and was one of the most technologically advanced weapons of the Confederacy.
It is believed that just about 1000 were made and only a small number remain.
One big breakthrough was that the gun's hammer, used to cock the weapon, also served as a catch to keep the trapdoor closed over the ammunition chamber. Otherwise, if tilted up at an angle of 45 degrees or more, the shell would fall out.
Got $30,000? --Old Secesh
Morse Carbine,
South Carolina
Seward's Plan to Avoid Civil War
From the March 8, 2014, Listverse "10 Totally Bizarre Plans to Win Wars" by Marc V.
In short, Secretary of War William Seward's plan was to start a forign war to short-circuit the American Civil War. During the Southern State Secession crisis of 1861, Seward wrote Lincoln and urged him to get the Union into a war with a foreign country, especially France and Spain, who had surely done things that could provoke a war between them and the United States.
This would cause the Southern states to rejoin the fold to fight them.
It never came to pass.
I Wonder If That Would Have Kept the Southern States in the Union. --Old Secesh
Abraham Lincoln,
foreign countries,
William Seward
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Confederate "Slave Hunt" in Pennsylvania
From the June 30, 2013, Pittsburgh (Pa.) Post Gazette.
In June 1863, Brigadier General Albert Jenkins' cavalry, in Lee's vanguard, galloped into Pennsylvania not only to spy and steal supplies, but also to round up blacks as contraband.
Lee had issued specific orders to his troops not to act as Union soldiers had in the South.
It is estimated that around 1,000 blacks were taken.
--Old Secesh
Battle of Gettysburg,
Robert E. Lee
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
McHenry County Civil War Round Table
Weather permitting (we have a winter weather advisory around here with possibility of 1-8 inches of snow that I sure hope we don't get after so much of it has melted the last two days) I am going to Woodstock, Illinois, for the monthly meeting of the McHenry Civil War Round Table at the library, a few blocks off the historic town square.
They are celebrating their 16th anniversary this year. The topic of the presentation will be on the soldiers from McHenry County, Illinois, during the war.
--Old Secesh
Monday, March 10, 2014
Joseph Kimball's Medal of Honor for Capturing the "Bloody 6th's" Battle Flag/ Custer Connection
I looked it up and Joseph Kimball did receive a Medal of Honor while serving in Company B, 2nd West Virginia Cavalry, for capturing the 6th North Carolina's battleflag.
Also, Tom Custer, the brother of George Custer who later died alongside his brother at the Battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876, received two Medals of Honor within a week of each other.
One was for capturing the battleflag of the 2nd North Carolina and the other was at Sailor's Creek for bravery.
--Old Secesh
Battle Flag of "Bloody 6th" NC Conserved-- Part 2
The Cedar Fork Rifles Preservation Society raised the money to restore the flag. The museum has about 125 flags, only 30 of which have been preserved and cleaned.
The 6th North Carolina was formed in Charlotte in May 1861 and was the only North Carolina regiment at the Battle of Bull Run in August of that year. Its Colonel, Charles Fisher, was killed at the battle and the famed Fort Fisher at Wilmington named for him.
The 6th fought in all of the major battles of the Army of Northern Virginia. The day it was captured, it was a new flag that had replaced a series of other tattered ones. It is not known who was carrying it, but the Union soldier who came to possess it was Joseph Kimball of Littleton, New Hampshire.
He was awarded one of the 57 medals handed out that day. (Was it a Medal of Honor?)
It is missing one star which was probably cut off as a souvenir.
Glad to Have It Available for Viewing Again. --Old Secesh
Battle Flag of the "Bloody Sixth" NC Conserved-- Part 1
From the April 6, 2013, Raleigh (NC) News & Observer by Renee Elder.
The flag of the 6th North Carolina Infantry Regiment was lost to the enemy in the final month of the war. It was handed over to the North Carolina Museum of History after a $6.500 restoration.
It had been captured at the Battle of Sailor's Creek in Virginia on April 6, 1865 by a Union soldier. Forty years later, it was returned by the federal government but remained in storage because of its torn and dirty fabric. It has been 100 years since the public last saw it.
Col. Charles Fisher commanded this regiment and was killed at the First Battle of Bull Run. Fort Fisher was named after him.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Trees to Be Planted for Every Civil War Death
From the November 30, 2012, National Trust for Historic Preservation "History, Memory, Trees: A Civil War reflection at Oatlands" by Katherine Malone-France.
Oatlands, a former wheat plantation at Leesburg, Virginia, and a historic site of the National Trust had the first of a planned 620,000 trees planted, one for every soldier who died in the war. These trees will be planted along a corridor between Monticello and Gettysburg.
It is part of the Living Legacy Program and eventually there will be a total of 400 planted at Oatlands. The trees will be geo-tagged and smart-phone users can learn the story behind each soldiers honored with a tree.
The Rev.W. Morton Brown said: "We struggle to try to make sense of this conflict-- to forgive its horrors, celebrate its nobility and comprehend its enduring consequences.
This first tree is dedicated to an unknown soldier.
--Old Secesh
Friday, March 7, 2014
Ten Confederate Monuments-- Part 1
From the March 1, 2014, Huffington Post.
Includes photos of each one. There are hundreds of Confederate monuments throughout the South. And, there are those who would like every single one of them removed because it offends them.
1. CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL MONUMENT: Montgomery, Alabama. To honor the 122,000 Alabamians who fought for the Confederacy. The cornerstone was laid by Jefferson Davis in 1886.
2. ROBERT E. LEE STATUE-- Charlottesville, Virginia, in Lee Park.
3. AUGUSTA CONFEDERATE MONUMENT-- Augusta, Georgia. Life-size statues of Confederate generals Lee, Jackson, T.R.R. Cobb and W.H.T. Walker at the base.
4. CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL CARVING-- Stone Mountain, Georgia. Jackson, Lee and Davis.
5. MONUMENT TO CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS OF MONROE COUNTY-- In Union, West Virginia. Dedicated in 1901.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, March 6, 2014
The Smith Briggs Again
ACW: On This Day.
Federal expedition from Yorktown to Matthews County, Virginia. Navy gunboats USS Commodore Jones, Putnam, Stepping Stone and Army gunboats Flora Temple, C.P. Smith, Smith Briggs, General Jessup, Sam Ruatan, Young Rover and transport Maple Leaf destroyed over 150 small boats and sloops and captured beef cattle en route to Richmond.
The expedition reported that the countryside was full of forage, corn, fodder, oats, sheep, poultry and cattle.
--Old Secesh
Heritage Attacks
Of course, they continue.
Well, this first one isn't really an attack, though. 12-28-13 Savannah (Ga) Morning News. Georgia Benton became the first black member of the Savannah Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy. Her great grandfather, George W. Washington, a slave in Sumter County, went to war as the body servant of Lt. Alex McQueen and was at the Battles of Sharpsburg (Antietam) and Gettysburg. Personally, I am sure that her ancestor was really a soldier. Georgia Benton was very involved in the Civil Rights Movement.
12-23-13: Bullet dents Washington, DC, memorial to black Civil War veterans. The African-American Civil War Memorial and Museum reports that a bullet struck a panel of the Wall of Honor which lists 209,145 blacks who served the Union. The bullet came from two groups of people who began shooting at each other.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
99th New York Infantry: "Union Coast Guard"-- Part 8
SEPTEMBER 15TH: Regiment consolidated into Companies A-C.
DECEMBER 10TH: Colonel Waldrop discharged.
JANUARY: At New Berne, NC.
JUNE 15TH: Men from the 132nd New York transferred into the 99th.
JULY 15TH: Mustered out of service at Salisbury, North Carolina.
Not Your Standard Infantry Regiment. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
99th New York Infantry: The "Union Coast Guard"-- Part 7: 1864
JAN. 18TH TO FEB. 10TH: Operations around New Berne, NC against Confederate General W.H.C. Whiting.
JAN. 31ST-FEB. 1ST: Smithfield, Virginia, detachment. Capt. Frederick Rowe wounded and captured. Also 41 enlisted captured. (I have been writing a lot about this action)
FEB. 1ST: Action at Batchelor's Creek. Captain David Bailey and Lt. James Fleming and 52 men captured.
FEB. 2ND: Action at Beech Grove. Three captured.
JUNE 14TH: Old members mustered out and the regiment consolidated into Companies A-D.
More 1864 to Come. --Old Secesh
Monday, March 3, 2014
99th New York Infantry: "Union Coast Guard"-- Part 6: 1863
FEBRUARY: Assigned to General Terry's Provisional Brigade, Division at Suffolk, Virginia, 7th Army Corps.
APRIL 12-MAY 4TH: Siege of Suffolk. The regiment lost 22 killed or mortally wounded. Forty-nine wounded.
JUNE 16TH: Blackwater. Capt James Hart killed and 2 wounded near Franklinville, Virginia.
JUNE 24-JULY 7TH: Dix's Peninsular Campaign.
JULY 4TH: Battle at South Ann Bridge. Two wounded and two missing.
JULY: Duty at White House, Yorktown and Gloucester, Virginia.
OCTOBER: Duty at New Berne, NC.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, March 1, 2014
99th New York Infantry: "Union Coast Guard-- Part 5: 1862
MARCH 14TH, 1862: Battle of New Berne, NC. Co. B detached. Two killed, seven wounded and ten captured.
APRIL 12-26TH: Siege of Fort Macon, NC. Co. B detached.
JULY 4TH: James River. Company I (Capt. J.C. Lee's company) detached on steamer C.P. Smith. One killed, six missing.
AUGUST-OCTOBER: Duty by detachments at Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Fort Wool and Sewell's Point, Chesapeake Bay.
AUGUST 1862- MARCH 1863: Co. I detached on Army gunboats Smith Briggs and West End.
A Naval Infantry Unit? --Old Secesh
99th New York Infantry: the "Union Coast Guard"-- Part 4: 1862
These are events in 1862.
JANUARY: Designated as 99th New York Infantry Regiment.
JAN. 7-FEB. 8TH: Co. B detached to steamers Southfield and Hunchback and accompanied Burnside's Roanoke Island Expedition.
FEB. 8TH: Battle of Roanoke Island. Company B detached. Three men killed or mortally wounded, seven men wounded.
MARCH 7TH: Co. K organized. Co. D serving on the USS Congress.
MARCH 8-9: Battle of Hampton Roads between the CSS Virginia, USS Monitor and U.S. fleet. Destruction of the USS Congress and Cumberland. The 99th lost ten killed or mortally wounded, fifteen wounded and seven missing from Co. D serving on the USS Congress.
More to Come From 1862.
USS Congress Not a Good Ship To Be On in March 1862. --Old Secesh
The 99th New York Infantry: the "Union Coast Guard"-- Part 3: 1861
Continuing with 1861.
JUNE 14- OCT. 31: Eight companies mustered into U.S. service for three years. So, this unit began, was broken up and began again.
JULY 19TH: Battle of New Market Bridge.
AUGUST 21ST: Regiment reorganized as infantry under Col. William W. Wardop.
AUGUST 28-29TH: Bombardment and capture of Forts Hatteras and Clarke, NC.
SEPTEMBER 30, 1861: Company I organized (Capt. Lee's company).
---Old Secesh
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