This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Friday, December 29, 2017
Freeman Conner of the 44th New York-- Part 1
The next person our Ellsworth presenter mentioned was Freeman Conner, who he said was lieutenant colonel of the 44th New York eventually. He was wounded twice during the war at the battles of Fredericksburg and the Wilderness.
He commanded a brigade in the valiant defense of the Little Round Top on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg.
At this point in the presentation, Doug Dammann was just showing pictures of these men and saying a few things. I am doing a more involved research.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Lt. Knox Carries On His Friend's Legacy-- Part 3: "Remember Ellsworth"
Two months later, at the Battle of Bull Run, the 11th New York charged the Confederates with the fierce cry "Remember Ellsworth!" Two weeks after that, Lt. Knox left the 11th to join the new 44th New York Infantry.
On the battlefield, Knox was very brave, receiving three brevets, including one for gallantry at the Battle of Gettysburg where the 44th played a key role in the defense of Little Round Top.
After the 44th mustered out in 1864, Edward Knox joined the regular Army until wartime wounds caused his retirement in 1870. He returned to Chicago and joined the Illinois National Guard. One day in late 1889, while walking door-to-door to raise money for his guard unit, he suffered a stroke and collapsed.
He died at the age of 52 on April 9, 1898, the 25th anniversary of Lee's surrender at Appomattox. His funeral was held in the drill room of his unit's armory and he is buried at Hillside Cemetery in Eastport, Maine. He was born in Eastport in 1838.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Lt. Knox Carries On His Friend's Legacy-- Part 2: How Knox Met Ellsworth
"I could scarcely credit my own senses. There lay one whom I had seen only a few minutes before full of life and the vigor of early manhood, cut down without a moment's warning by the hand of an assassin. His face wore a very natural expression and excepting its pallor, his countenance looked the same as in life."
In the 1850s, both Elmer Ellsworth and Edward Knox had moved to Illinois from different states. Knox joined the National Guard Cadets militia in Chicago. In 1859, Ellsworth took over the group and really turned it into one of the crack drill units in the country. They even went on tour of the United States to show their prowess.
Accompanying Abraham Lincoln to Washington, D.C., Ellsworth went to New York City and raised the 11th New York Infantry. The captains of the regiment were elected by the men, but Ellsworth appointed the first lieutenants. Close personal friend Knox was 1st lieutenant of Company A.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Wofford College in the Civil War (Defeated UNC in Basketball Last Week)
Everything is still buzzing about that incredible upset that little Wofford College in Orangeburg, South Carolina, pulled over defending National Champion and #5 rated North Carolina last week!! I am a big Tarheel fan, but believe me, I always love it when one of the little guys knocks off one of the big guys.
I also learned some facts about Wofford College during the war:
** Baseball was introduced by Yankee soldiers.
** Trustees of the school invested their entire endowment fund in Confederate bonds, which proved to be worthless. However, you can still see those bonds in the school vault.
** Many of the students and alumni fought for the Confederacy.
-- Old Secesh
South Carolina,
Wofford College SC
Friday, December 22, 2017
Lt. Knox Carries On His Friend's Legacy-- Part 1: Friend of Elmer Ellsworth
From the May 24, 2011, New York Times Opinionator by Ronald S. Coddington.
Edward Knox was a trusted lieutenant and good friend of Elmer Ellsworth.
Minutes before he died, Ellsworth had dispatched a sergeant with the request for Knox and his men to come immediately. Knox was just blocks away when Ellsworth was shot and didn't hear the shotgun blast.
Knox was told to go in quickly to see his friend. He recounted: "Stepping over the body of Jackson who still lay where he had fallen, I entered the room where all that was mortal of my beloved friend and comrade lay in silent death.
"I will not attempt to describe my emotions while gazing at the sad scene."
--Old Secesh
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Major Edward B. Knox, One of Ellworth's Men
Doug Dammann also mentioned the name of Edward Knox as being one of Elmer Ellworth's men from the 11th New York and 44th New York regiments.
From the New York Unit History Project.
At age 23, Edward Knox was first lieutenant in Co. A, 11th New York.
After he left the 11th, enrolled August 8, 1861, at Albany, New York and mustered into Co. I, 44th New York as a first lieutenant, September 23, 1861, for a three year tour of duty. he became adjutant of the regiment September 25, 1861.
He was wounded in action on May 27, 1862, at Hanover Court House, Virginia.
Promoted to captain of Co. D on July 4, 1862 and mustered in as a major July 14, 1862. Wounded in action May 8, 1862 at Laurel Hill, Virginia.
Mustered out with the rest of the regiment on October 11, 1864.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Stephen W. Stryker-- Part 6: Battle of Yellow Bayou
Took place in Louisiana May 17-18.
The 18th's casualties for this battle were:
1 enlisted killed, 3 enlisted died.
Missing: 3 officers, 32 enlisted. This would be Stryker's group.
Yellow Bayou was the last battle in Gen. Banks' ill-fated Red River Campaign.
Also, one officer and 23 enlisted men died in the foundering of the steamer North America on December 22, 1864.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Stephen W. Stryker-- Part 5: What Happened
Also included was part of a journal about comings and goings in the regiment.
Captain Van Slyck resigned March 29 along with lieutenants Keats and White. Why did all these men resign at the same time? Another good story, probably.
Captain Palmer severely wounded at the Battle of Compta and gone to New York for ten days leave of absence. Captain Bacon was wounded at the Battle of Sabine Crossroads and taken prisoner.
On the 16th, the first squadron commanded by Captain Haratzpha, Cos. B & I and the whole under the direction of of Lt. Col. Stryker were caught in a trap and captured wholly including Lt. Col. Stryker, Capt. Haratzpha and Lts. Paine and Glass.
This could be the event that brought about Stryker's downfall.
--Old Secesh
Monday, December 18, 2017
Stephen W. Stryker-- Part 4: The 18th New York Cavalry
I came across a reason why Lt.Col. Stryker may have been dismissed from service in the 18th New York Cavalry.
From Unit History Project, the 18th NY Cavalry.
On May 11, 1863, Col. James M. Bryne received authority to raise the Corning Light Infantry. On June 24, their designation changed to cavalry. They organized in New York City for three years service. After first serving in the defenses of Washington, D.C., they spent the rest of their service in the western part of the war, including the Red River Campaign, where Stryker's fate may have been sealed.
The regiment was honorably discharged and mustered out on May 31, 1866 at Victoria, Texas.
During the 18th's service: KIA 1 officer and 8 enlisted, mortally wounded 8 enlisted and 6 enlisted from disease and other causes.
Old Secesh
Friday, December 15, 2017
MCCWRT Discussion Group Meets Saturday, Dec. 16
The McHenry County Civil War Round Table will meet this Saturday at Panera Bread in Crystal Lake, Illinois. The place is located on Northwest Highway (US-14) and Main Street. Starting time at 10 a.m. and goes to noon.
Everyone is welcome to attend,even non-members.
The topic will be Sherman's capture of Savannah.
I am hoping to be there if this cold/flu or whatever gets over. I have not been out of the house since Sunday.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Stephen W. Stryker-- Part 3: Buried in Chicago
After the war, Stryker was a member of GAR Post #5 (George H. Thomas) in Chicago, Illinois. He died May 9, 1917.
From Find-A-Grave.
There is a mystery as to why he resigned on June 29, 1862 (shown as being discharged July 4, 1862. The answer is put forth as to possible regimental politics.
He is buried at Rosehill Cemetery in Chicago.
--Old Secesh
Stephen W. Stryker, One of Ellsworth's Boys-- Part 2
On October 13, 1863, he was commissioned into the Field & Staff of the 18th New York Cavalry Regiment. On October 30, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and dismissed November 1, 1864.
Of two high ranking positions in regiments, he was discharged from command of the 44th New York Infantry July 4, 1862, and dismissed from the 18th New York Cavalry on November 1, 1864.
I bet there is a story there but haven't found it.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Stephen Stryker, 11th and 44th New York Infantry-- Part 1
The speaker, Doug Dammann, also talked about this man at the November 14, 2017, McHenry County Civil War Round Table meeting on Elmer Ellsworth.
I did some more research on him.
From Unit History Project for 11th New York Infantry Regiment.
He was 24 years old when he enlisted on April 20, 1861, in New York City as a first lieutenant. On May 7, 1861, he was commissioned into "B" Company , 11th NY Infantry, raised and commanded by Elmer Ellsworth, and resigned July 29, 1861.
Promoted to captain on August 8 and major on August 12.
On October 12, 1861, he was commissioned into the Field & Staff of the New York 44th Infantry. and promoted to colonel the same day to command the regiment. He was discharged from the 44th on July 4, 1862.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
44th New York Infantry: "Ellsworth's Avengers"
Formed in mid-1861 and wore Americanized zouave uniforms in honor of Col. Elmer Ellsworth. Its first commander was Colonel Stephen Stryker, who formed it and was a former lieutenant in Ellsworth's 11th New York. In his honor, they were known as the "Ellsworth Avengers."
Several other members were formerly in Ellsworth's Chicago Cadet Zouaves, including Col. Freeman Conner, Major Edward B. Knox and Captain Lucas Larrabee, who commanded Company B. and was killed at Gettysburg.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 598: Confederate Statues and Plaque Still Going Up
From the October 23, 2017, Yahoo! News "New Confederate monuments are quietly appearing across the U.S."
Statues and plaques are going up and Blacks and the Super Left hate it. This is some of thier reporting on it.
"The white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August inspired a wave of revulsion toward monuments honoring the slave-owning Confederacy.
"But those who honor the Confederacy have been quietly working to preserve, and even increase the number of Confederate monuments."
This according to the super-racist Southern Poverty Law Center who keeps watch on such things.Two recent honors went up in Orange, on the Texas-Louisiana border and Chickamauga, Georgia. More than 30 more statues, monuments and plaque honor the Confederacy have gone up since 2000.
--Old Secesh
Monday, December 11, 2017
Civil War II-- 597: (b)altimore Shames Self
From the September 18 and 20, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** While you were sleeping, (b)altimore quietly removes all its Confederate statues. (Loss) Big shame on the city. They now go lower case for their shame.
** NAACP pushes to remove Battle of Chickamauga monument in Tennessee. (Loss) A petition going around with 2000 names. They want to remove a statue of Confederate Lt. General Alexander P. Stewart.
Next (b)altinore Will Have To Tear Down Fort McHenry Because Of That Racist Anthem Written About It. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 596: Confederate Monuments Still An Issue
From the October 8, 2017, Yahoo! News.
** Tribute to Confederate and Union troops in the same Florida park reflect an ongoing war over the monuments.
The Union monument was constructed first.
There have been at least 50 Confederate monuments put up since 1990.
There have been two in Iowa in the last 12 years.
These figures provided by the Southern Poverty Law Center which takes a leading role in the purge of all-things Confederate.
Sorry that they don't work on ways to prevent their people from running afoul of the law.
--Old Secesh
Friday, December 8, 2017
Elmer Ellsworth-- Part 12: Edwin Mortimer Coates
I am listing some of the U.S. soldiers that Elmer Ellsworth, though he died very early in the war, had an effect on.
Frank Yates, 11th New York
From the Arlington National Cemetery Site.
Edwin Mortimer Coates-- served in U.S. Army until 1900. Appointed from Illinois as lieutenant in Ellsworth's 11th New York Infantry.
Resigned 4 August 1861 and became 2nd lt. in 2nd U.S. cavalry and transferred to 12th U.S. Infantry 20 September 1861 and served with them through the Civil War. Was brevetted to captain for his service at the Battle of the Wilderness and captain on April 11, 1865.
He was involved in the Big Horn Expedition in 1876.
Continued serving in the U.S. Army with the 4th, 19th and 16th. Became colonel of the 7th U.S. Infantry in 1893. Retired 19 January 1900 and promoted to brigadier general on the Retired List.
Died September 13, 1913 and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery alongside his wife.
--Old Secesh
Elmer Ellsworth-- Part 11: People Associated With Him
George Fergus-- Wrote 40 volumes on the early history of Chicago.
From Scots Great and Small, People and Places Blog.
George Fergus' father was Robert Fergus, born in Glasgow, Scotland, who arrived in Chicago July 1, 1839, and was a pioneer printer and publisher.
His oldest son was George Harris Fergus who became a partner with his father.
When Lincoln called for troops in 1861, he was appointed first lieutenant in Company K of the 11th New York Infantry, under the command of his old friend Col. Elmer Ellsworth. The 11th was detailed to protect Abraham Lincoln and George was present at the death of Ellsworth May 24, 1861.
--Old Secesh
11th New York,
Col. Elmer Ellsworth,
Thursday, December 7, 2017
A Pearl Harbor Timeline-- Part 2: Airfields and Battleship Row Under Attack
All posts in all blogs today commemorate the anniversary of Pearl Harbor.
All times a.m..
7:15: Japanese carriers turn east and launch the second wave of the attack planes.
7:48: Japanese planes begin bombing aircraft at the Naval Air Station Kaneohe Bay.
7:50: Japanese planes bomb Hickam Field.
7:55 Japanese planes bomb Ewa Field and ships in the harbor, including the battleship USS West Virginia.
7:57: Japanese planes bomb aircraft on Ford Island. Others attack ships along Battleship Row.
Continued in today's Running the Blockade Civil War Naval blog.
--Old Secesh
A Pearl Harbor Timeline-- Part 1: Flying In
All of my blogs today commemorate Pearl Harbor
From the December 7, 2016, USA Today "How Japan Struck in Two Waves."
Timeline of the First Wave:
December 7, 1941. FIRST WAVE: AIRFIELDS All times a.m..
6:05 The Japanese launch a wave of 183 aircraft -- fighters, bombers and bomber-torpedo planes -- from their carriers and divide into groups. Their targets are planes on airfields and ships at anchor in the harbor.
The attack starts at 7:48.
7:02: U.S. radar operators at Opana mobile radar site on the northernmost point of Oahu, report a large number of incoming aircraft.
The planes are believed to be a group of 11 U.S. B-17 bombers flying in from California.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
December Civil War Chronology-- Part 2: Battle of Nashville
Dec. 15, 1864: The Battle of Nashville, Tennessee, begins.
Dec. 16, 1773: Boston Tea Party, Massachusetts
Dec. 18, 1865: The Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery becomes a part of the U.S. Constitution.
Dec. 24, 1814: The Treaty of Ghent is signed (War of 1812)
Dec. 29, 1812: The USS Constitution defeats the HMS Java. (War of 1812)
Dec. 31, 1862: The Battle of Stones River (Murfreesboro) Tennessee, begins.
--Old Secesh
Elmer Ellsworth-- Part 10: Death
Was removing the Confederate flag an opportunity to take a trophy back to the White House as a present for his friend Abraham Lincoln? Was it a burst of patriotism? In either case, Elmer Ellsworth ended up dead. Within seconds, the shooter, James Jackson, was also dead.
The Union had its first officer killed and Ellsworth became an instant hero.
Francis Brownell who accompanied Ellsworth up to the roof then immediately killed Jackson. He later got the Medal of Honor for his action that day.
The flag Ellsworth had cut down ended up cut into many pieces as souvenirs.
--Old Secesh
December Civil War Chronology-- Part 1: 13th Amendment
From the 2017 Civil War trust calendar.
Dec. 6, 1865: 13th Amendment officially ending slavery is ratified.
Dec. 7, 1862: battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas.
1941: Pearl Harbor Day
Dec. 11, 1862: The Battle of Fredericksburg begins
Dec. 12, 1862: The USS Cairo sinks in the Yazoo River, Mississippi.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Elmer Ellsworth-- Part 9: Going to Alexandria
On May 23, 1861, Virginia seceded from the United States. Alexandria, Virginia, across the river from Washington, D.C., became a serious threat to the nation's capital. The 11th New York was sent across the Potomac to take control of the city the next day.
They were also to secure the B&O Railroad and cut the telegraph lines going to the south.
On King Street, there was a hotel known as the Marshall House. The owner, James Jackson, an ardent backer of secession and the new Confederate States of America, had hoisted a large First National Confederate flag atop his building. It was said that Abraham Lincoln could see this flag from the White House, but that is not likely.
--Old Secesh
Elmer Ellsworth-- Part 8: Raises a New York City Regiment, The Fire Zouaves
Continued from December 1.
Elmer Ellsworth went to New York City and raised what became the 11th New York Infantry. Most of the men were firemen. The men elected their captains, but Ellsworth appointed the lieutenants who were mostly men from his famous tour. A popular name for them was the Fire Zouaves.
According to Wikipedia, the 11th also was called many names:
Ellsworth Zouaves
First Fire Zouaves
First Regiment New York Fire Zouaves
United States National Guard
By May, the regiment was in Washington, D.C., a very tense place with Virginia getting ready to secede as well as Maryland. The city was surrounded.
--Old Secesh
11th New York,
Col. Elmer Ellsworth,
Fire Zouaves,
Washington DC,
Monday, December 4, 2017
Events From the Civil War, December-- Part 2: Clara Barton Born 1821
13-- Battle of Fredericksburg 1862
13-- Fort McAllister, Ga. surrenders, 1864
15-16-- Battle of Nashville, 1864
20-- South Carolina secedes, 1860
25-- Clara Barton born, 1821 Yesterday, December 3, our McHenry County Civil War Round Table had our Christmas dinner at the 1966 Grand Old Mill in Wonder Lake, Illinois, and we heard Clara Barton speaking about her very interesting life.
31-- Union Gen. George Meade born, 1815
31-- Second Battle of Murfreesboro, aka the Battle of Stones River begins, 1862
--Old Secesh
Strategy In the Snow: Mort Kunstler's Dec. 2017 Calendar
Fredericksburg, VA, November 28, 1862. In late November of 1962, Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia held a long line through the city of Fredericksburg and along the south side of the Rappahannock River. Across the river lay the federal Army of the Potomac.
Lee was left to wait on the inevitable Northern attack, while trying to predict where and when it would come. On the evening of November 29, 1862, General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson arrived at Lee's headquarters. Jackson had been summoned by Lee to help plot a defense against the impending Northern attack.
Amid the silently falling snow of a severe winter storm, Lee and Jackson left to prepare for the battle to come. The strategy plotted in the snow would again thwart the Northern advance on Richmond, destroy the ambitions of another Federal commander and earn Jackson and Lee greater reputations for invincibility.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction
In the last post, I mentioned December 8, 1863, as being the date of Abraham Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction.
This was a plan to reunite the country after the Union victory, which was looking more and more likely. Large parts of the South were now in Federal hands.
The Proclamation was divided into three main parts:
1. Full pardon and restoration of property (except former slaves) to all engaged in the rebellion except for the highest Confederate officials and military leaders.
2. New state governments could be formed when 10% of eligible voters has taken the Oath of Allegiance to the United States.
3. Newly admitted Southern states would be encouraged to enact plans to deal with the freed slaves so long as their freedom was not compromised.
This was Lincoln seizing the initiative from Congress.
--Old SecAmnesty
Friday, December 1, 2017
Events From the War in December-- Part 1: 13th Amendment Passed
From Mort Kunstler's Civil War 2017 Calendar.
Dec. 3, 1826: Gen. George B. McClellan, US, born.
Dec. 5, 1839: Gen. George Custer, US, born.
Dec. 6, 1833: Col. John S. Mosby, CS, born.
Dec. 6, 1865: The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed.
Dec. 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor
Dec. 8, 1863: Lincoln makes Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction.
--Old Secesh
Fredericksburg's Slaughter Pen Farm
This is where the main Union attack took place south of town against Stonewall Jackson's Confederates. It was on a slope, but not as high as Marye's Heights further north.
Union troops crossed the field and 4,500 casualties took place, hence the name Slaughter Pen Farm.
Before the land was bought, the area had only been partially preserved.
The Emerging Civil War blog site has a very interesting series of photos showing how the battle here evolved.
It is from the December 23, 2011 entry "A December Walk Across Slaughter Pen Farm."
--Old Secesh
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 12, December: Battle of Fredericksburg
FREDERICKSBURG, VA. 247 acres saved.
A photo of the Slaughter Pen Farm.
The Civil War Trust purchased the Slaughter Pen Farm for $12 million in 2006 -- the most expensive private battlefield effort in American history.
Five Union soldiers earned the Medal of Honor for their actions on this 208-acre property. Recent efforts by the Trust and its allies have greatly enhanced preservation and interpretive opportunities at the southern end of this battlefield.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 595: (d)allas Thinking of Shaming Itself Again In Dealey Plaza (Where JFK Was Shot)
From the September 18, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Winston-Salem's Confederate monument remains controversial 100 years after dedication. (North Carolina) Imagine a Confederate monument being controversial these days. Who'd have "thunk?"
** (d)allas' Dealey Plaza has a Confederate monument. The Bryan Pergola. John Neely Bryan, the founder of (d)allas served a short time in the Confederate Army. Dealey Plaza is called the "Birthplace of (d)allas." It is also where JFK was assassinated. Famed filmer Abraham Zapruder was standing at the Bryan Pergola when he filmed the Kennedy's assassination.
(d)allas spelled lower case because of its shame with another Confederate monument.
Well. It Just Will Have To Go Then. --Old Secesh
Elmer Ellsworth-- Part 7: The Lincoln Connection
Ellsworth and his Zouave Cadets returned to Chicago on August 15, 1860 and were greatly welcomed. The pride and joy of the city.
Elmer Ellsworth already knew Abraham Lincoln in Illinois. He got Ellsworth to come to Springfield during the 1860 presidential election where he got a job as a clerk in Lincoln's law office and the favor was returned as the young man worked hard for Lincoln's election.
After winning, Lincoln asked Ellsworth to organize his security detail in his trip to Washuington, D.C.. Once there, Lincoln got him a clerkship in the War Office. But, Ellsworth's days in the capital were short as he got a commission and left for New York City to raise a regiment of troops as the war approached.
A Chance to Lead Troops in Battle. --Old Secesh
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Elmer Ellsworth-- Part 6: At West Point and the White House
A high point of the tour for Elmer Ellsworth took place on July 26, 1860, when his outfit performed at West Point. His one great desire earlier had been to attend the Point and become the soldier he wanted to be. Sadly for him, he had no political connections, something that was very important to get appointed to the USMA. Now was his chance to show them what he could do.
And, the two American officers who had written the drill manual for American troops, William Hardee and Winfield Scott were in attendance.
Everyone was impressed. To top it off, on August 4, the Zouave Cadets performed at the White House for President Buchanan.
There was no charge to see the Zouaves perform, but one time in New York City, they drilled inside and $1 was charged for each spectator. This was badly needed as they were running out of money.
In Pittsburgh, Ellsworth was presented with a ceremonial sword. That sword came up for auction a few years ago and had an opening bid of $60,000.
--Old Secesh
Elmer Ellsworth-- Part 5: Proving National Championship
To prove that his United States Zouave Cadets were the national champions in drill, Elmer Ellsworth determined to go on a 20-city tour. But, in order to do so, $7,000 needed to be raised. They sold Zouave drill manuals to raise part of it.
Even though his men were already a well-trained outfit, to be extra sure, Ellsworth launched a vigorous training regime. They trained from 7 to 11 every night except Sunday.
They went on the road, appearing in Adrian, Michigan first and then to Detroit. Ellsworth had strict rules and breaking any of them would get the man sent home immediately.
More stops at Rochester, Syracuse, Albany in New York and his Zouaves were becoming quite the celebrities. with their pomp and showmanship during the drills.
--Old SecZouave
Col. Elmer Ellsworth,
Zouave Cadets,
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Elmer Ellsworth & the U.S. Zouave Cadets-- Part 4: National Champions!
Next, Elmer Ellsworth went to Chicago and took command of the National Guard Cadets in 1859. This group was on the verge of bankruptcy and danger of disbanding. Ellsworth changed their name to the United States Zouave Cadets and started training them the Zouave way. They appeared on July 4, 1859, at the famed hotel, Tremont House, in Chicago.
The Cadets found their new commander and drillmaster really took his job very seriously. They had to sign a pledge not to enter a saloon, house of ill repute or be caught playing billiards anywhere. If they were, expulsion would follow.
The Cadets had an armory and gymnasium in Chicago at the corner of State and Roosevelt.
They then went on competition to get a stand of colors worth $500. They won, but other militias claimed unfairly so. This enabled the U.S. Zouave Cadets to claim the National Championship.
Ellsworth decided to go on a national tour to prove how good they were.
Col. Elmer Ellsworth,
Zouave Cadets,
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Other Events Affecting the Civil War-- Part 6: Confederates Refusing to Cross the Potomac River
Continued from September 28, 2017.
** Mobile as a port was closed in August 1864, but continued being held by Confederates until almost the end of the war.
** Some Confederates refused to cross the Potomac River before the Battle of Gettysburg.
** Inspections of equipment before military issue.
** Grant being appointed to lead the Union armies which led to the first Union coordinated effort.
** Did the South have the right to secede? During the War of 1812, New England came close to it. Plus there was the South Carolina Nullification which President Jackson forced them to back down.
Next month's discussion topic will be "The Top Ten Blunders" of the war.
--Old Secesh
Monday, November 27, 2017
How To Pronounce Zouave
In case you're wondering how to pronounce Zouave:
Now You Know. --Old Secesh
Friday, November 24, 2017
MCCWRT Discussion Group Meeting Nov. 25: The Black Experience in the War
The McHenry County Civil War Round Table Discussion Group will meet Saturday, November 25, 2017, at the Panera Bread Company at 8000 Northwest Highway (US-14) in Crystal Lake, Illinois, from 10 a.m. to noon.
The topic will be the Black Experience in the Civil War.
I will talk about Ann Stokes, U.S. Navy nurse and first black woman to receive a Civil War pension. I will also talk about the movie "Glory."
Looking Forward to It. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Elmer Ellsworth & the U.S. Zouave Cadets-- Part 3: Iron Brigade Connection
Then Elmer Ellsworth went to Rockford, Illinois, and his group of militia made a name for themselves with their precision drill at Camp Sinnissippi in Rockford at an encampment. This is where the Sinnissippi Park is located today. The Kenosha Civil War Museum has a broadside advertisement for this.
Ellsworth fell in love while in Rockford with Carrie Stafford, the daughter of a rich and powerful Rockford father, who did not like Ellsworth's prospects and did what he could to prevent a marriage until Ellsworth could prove he could support his daughter.
Next, Ellsworth went to Madison, Wisconsin, and trained the Governor's Guard, some of those men going on to prominent positions in the famed Iron Brigade during the Civil War. The Iron Brigade originally was made up of the 2nd, 6th and 7th Wisconsin regiments, but was later joined by the 24th Michigan and 19th Indiana regiments.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Elmer Ellsworth and the U.S. Zouave Cadets-- Part 2
Elmer Ellsworth lived in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 1853 to attend Kenosha High School. He came to Chicago in 1854 at age 17 and became a businessman, something that he was not suited for and this venture bankrupted him.
While in the city,thought, he vigorously studied the two main military drill manuals of the day by William Hardee and Winfield Scott. He also got a copy of the Zouave training manual. The Zouaves had impressed the world with their action during the Crimean War.
In 1857, he became drill instructor of the Rockford Greys and in the summer of 1858 taught them the Zouave system of drill. Many of these men later formed three companies in the 19th Illinois Infantry.
--Old Secesh
Monday, November 20, 2017
Elmer Ellsworth and the United States Zouave Cadets-- Part 1
Presentation given to the McHenry County Civil War Round Table November 14, 2017, by Doug Dammann of the Kenosha Civil War Museum (Wisconsin).
Elmer Ellsworth was one of the most influential people of the Civil War, even though he died as young as he did and as early in the war. It was the influence he had on his officers and what they accomplished later on in the war. Mr. Dammann then showed a picture of the Green Bay Packer coaching staff in 1992, featuring head coach Mike Holmgren and his assistants. A whole lot of them went on to head coaching position and success on other teams. And, that was what Ellsworth's officers did.
And, of course, there was the whole Zouave military thing and training.
Besides his own regiment that he raised in New York, the 11th, or Fire Zouaves (raised from New York fire stations) his mark was also on the 19th Illinois and 44th New York.
His great grandfather, George Ellsworth, was a private in the Continental Army during the American revolution. His greatest ambition was to attend West Point but he didn't have the political connections to get nominated and attend. But, he studied the all things military religiously.
Real Military bearing. --Old Secesh
Friday, November 17, 2017
MCCWRT Meeting November 14, 2017
The McHenry County Civil War Round Table's Christmas Party will be Sunday, December 3 at the Bernard Mill Restaurant in Ringwood, Illinois, from 11 to 2. The restaurant is in an actual 19th century mill.
Cost is $30, with proceeds going to the scholarship program. Food will be served family style and guest speaker will be portraying Clara Barton.
The new officers and board were elected.
Our speaker for the night, Doug Dammann is with the Kenosha (Wisconsin) Civil War Museum where he has been for the past ten years. The museum opened in 2008 and they have a Second Friday Lecture once a month as well as a Campaign Tour the second to last weekend in October. They just got back from Sailors Creek, Virginia and the Appomattox Campaign.
He spoke on Elmer Ellsworth and the United States Zouave Cadets. I, of course, knew who Elmer Ellsworth was but didn't know anything about his Zouave Cadets which was why I looked them up and wrote about them this past week.
Well, At Least I May Finally Learn for Sure How to Pronounce Zouave. --Old Secesh
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Civil War II-- 594: Statues in Question
From the September 17, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Confederate Flags not banned in most Lehigh Valley schools. (Win) But guess what they want done.
** Confederate statue at Ole Miss campus rammed by pickup-- not clear if intentional. (Loss) It was in area known as Confederate Circle and honored Confederate dead. The suspected driver was intoxicated and received medical attention along with a passenger. "Hey, let's get drunk and ram that statue!!"
** Confederate statue part of county history, some say. (Bell County)
** Demonstrators gather to remember Confederate statue removed in (d)allas.
--Old Secesh
U.S. Zouave Cadets-- Part 2: Doing That Zouave Thing
There is a song sheet cover for a song dedicated to them called "The U.S. Zouave Quarter Step."
There were numerous Zouave units on both sides during the war, some wearing variations of the loose-fitting uniforms.Elmer Ellsworth received a Zouave drill manual and took over a drill company in Chicago that was about on its last legs. he renamed it the Zouave Cadets and toured nationally one summer/fall before the war.
Ellsworth was a law clerk for Abraham Lincoln before he became president.
Ellsworth's monument and grave are in Hudson View Cemetery in Mechanicsville, New York.
--Old Secesh
Abraham Lincoln,
Col. Elmer Ellsworth,
New York,
Zouave Cadets,
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
November Civil War Chronology-- Part 2: The Gettysburg Address
Nov. 17, 1863: Siege of Knoxville, Tennessee, begins and lasts for 16 days.
Nov. 19, 1863: President Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address at the Pennsylvania Battlefield.
Nov. 23, 1863: Battle of Orchard Knob, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Nov. 24, 1863: Battle of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee.
Nov. 25, 1783: British evacuate New York City.
Nov. 30, 1864: Battle of Franklin, Tennessee.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
MCCWRT Meeting Tonight: Elmer Ellsworth and the Zouave Cadets
The McHenry County Civil War Round Table will be meeting tonight at the Woodstock Public Library in Woodstock, Illinois, at 7 p.m.. The library is located at 414 W. Judd Street, just a couple blocks of the famous 1840s Woodstock Square, where the movie "Groundhog Day" was filmed.
Tonight's presentation will be "Elmer Ellsworth and the Zouave Cadets" given by Doug Dammann.
--Old Secesh
U.S. Zouave Cadets and Elmer Ellsworth-- Part 1
From the Smithsonian.
This will be the topic of the McHenry County Civil War Round Table presentation tonight in Woodstock, Illinois.
Most know Elmer E. Ellsworth was the first Union officer killed in the war on May 24, 1861, when he took down the Confederate flag from the roof of the hotel in Alexandria, Virginia. But not so many know about the group that brought him to military prominence, the Zouave Cadets.
The U.S. Zouave Cadets were organized by Ellsworth in Chicago 1859-1860. They were noted for their precision drills and colorful uniforms. They toured the United States in 1860, putting on shows and in August 1860 were invited to the White House to put on a performance for President James Buchanan and his popular niece, Harriet Lane.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 593: The Right Punishment for Tearing Down a Confederate Monument
From the September 17, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** What's the right punishment for tearing down a Confederate monument? This refers to the August 14 incident where protesters tore down the Confederate monument. For fear of trouble, the police allowed them to tear it down (these are very violent people). But they filmed them and said they would make arrests later.
Several of them were charged with 2 misdemeanors and 2 felonies apiece.: participating in a riot with property damage of more than $1,500, inciting a riot with property damage of over $1,500.
I'm Glad This Happened. It Was Definitely a Hate Crime and That Should Have Been One of the Charges As Well. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 592: Going to a Rally
From the Sept. 17, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate Fort.
** More Confederate symbols around Dallas could be removed. (Loss) Of course.
From Sept. 17, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Pro-Confederate rally drawing more protesters than Confederates. Only a few Neo-Confederates in attendance. Many more Neo-Nazi anti-Confederates. I mean, as long as we are calling Neos.
** One arrested as group rallies behind Confederate monuments. About 200 pro-Confederate rallied in Lee Park in Dallas with few counter-protesters. usually, pro-Confederates are severely outnumbered, much like in the first Civil War.
--Old Secesh
Monday, November 13, 2017
Civil War II-- 591: Now the Plaques
From the September 16, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Confederate monument rally at Madison County courthouse scheduled today. Will not tolerate racism. (Huntsville, Alabama) There is a Confederate statue at the courthouse. Counter protesters are expected The statue erected 1905.
** ECC history professors: Confederate symbols sign of white supremacy. (Elgin Community College, Elgin, Illinois).
** Report: UVA Board of Visitors votes to remove Confederate plaques from Rotunda. (University of Virgina) (Loss) They want to add context to Jefferson owning slaves.
** Passions run high as Confederate monuments are removed.
--Old secesh
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Veterans Day 2017: National Cemeteries
From U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
This being Veterans Day, no better place to honor our veterans than a cemetery or ceremony. I'll be going to the commemoration at the Fox Lake, Illinois, railroad station at 11 a.m..
If your community doesn't have a ceremony, a cemetery is a good place to visit.
There are 135 National Cemeteries for military in 40 U.S. states and Puerto Rico. There are also 33 soldiers' lots and monument sites that are administered by the Department of Veteran Affairs.
Many states also have state veteran cemeteries.
And, for those of you who don't know, by law, Confederate soldiers are considered to be American veterans, so these attacks on Confederate cemeteries and statues is definitely an offense against ALL American veterans.
Saluting ALL of Our American Veterans Today and Every Day. --Old Secesh
Friday, November 10, 2017
Marines in the Civil War
From Wikipedia.
The United States Marines were generally relegated to a minor role during the Civil War, most of their duty being on blockade duty. As more and more Southern states seceded, the Corps lost a third of its officers who started the Confederate States Marine Corps.
A Marine company performed poorly at the First Battle of Bull Run and retreated along with the rest of the Union Army.
Blockade duty included sea-based amphibious landings.
In late November 1861 a group of Marines and sailors from the USS Flag landed in force at Tybee Island, Georgia and occupied the Lighthouse and Martello Tower at the northern end of the island. It would later be an Army base for the bombardment of Fort Pulaski.
--Old SecMarine
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Civil War Timeline for November-- Part 2: Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
NOVEMBER 9, 1864-- Lincoln Re-Elected for second time.
NOVEMBER 13, 1814-- Union General Joseph Hooker born.
NOVEMBER 15, 1864-- Sherman begins his March to the Sea.
NOVEMBER 18, 1863-- Lincoln delivers his Gettysburg Address.
NOVEMBER 23-25, 1863-- Battle of Chattanooga.
NOVEMBER 28, 1861-- Missouri formally admitted to Confederacy.
NOVEMBER 30, 1864-- The Battle of Franklin, Tennessee.
Civil War Timeline for November-- Part 1: McClellan Chosen and Removed
From Mort Kunstler's 2017 Civil War Calendar month of November.
NOVEMBER 1, 1861-- McClellan replaces Scott as Commander of U.S. forces.
NOVEMBER 3, 1816-- Confederate General Jubal A. Early born.
NOVEMBER 5, 1862-- McClellan removed from command.
NOVEMBER 6, 1861-- Jefferson Davis re-elected President of the Confederacy.
NOVEMBER 7. 1861-- Union forces capture Port Royal.
NOVEMBER 8, 1861-- Wilkes seizes Confederate commissioners off the British ship Trent.
NOVEMBER 9, 1825-- Confederate General Ambrose P. Hill born.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Mort Kunstler 2017 Civil War Calendar, November: Clara Barton at Fredericksburg
Clara Barton and Walt Whitman at Chatham, December 1862. The Lacy House, known as "Chatham", was a stately mansion that overlooked the Rappahannock River and Fredericksburg. It became a field hospital for untold numbers of Union and a number of Confederate casualties from the nearby battle at Fredericksburg.
"No fewer than 1,200 wounded men were packed into the rooms and hallways of the mansion. Late arrivals from the battlefield lay on the cold, muddy ground.
Moving among the wounded was a volunteer nurse named Clara Barton. She seemed to be everywhere: distributing food, applying bandages, showing kindness to what she called the "hundreds of the worst wounded men I have ever seen."
Another nurse at the Lacy house was Walt Whitman. The bearded poet was stunned by the crowded and chaotic situation he beheld.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Civil Wat II-- 590: Are Some Confederate Statues Uglier Than Others?
From the September 15, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate Fort.
** Statue of Robert E. Lee removed from (d)allas park. (Loss)
From the September 16, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Confederate rally organizers say they don't know how many people to expect Saturday. (Richmond, Va.)
** America's ugliest Confederate statue isn't coming down anytime soon. (Franklin, Tn.) Statue of Nathan Forrest. And I thought all Confederate statues were ugly to Confederate-haters. Guess some are uglier than others.
**What should you say about a sensitive issue? Learn more about Confederate statue debate.
--Old Secesh
Monuments Around the South Carolina Statehouse
Last week I wrote about a movement to erect a statue of Robert Smalls, a slave who commandeered the Confederate transport Planter in Charleston Harbor, on the grounds of the S.C. statehouse. This is where the confrontation over the Confederate Flag started.
Statues on the grounds include an African-American monument, Robert E. Lee tree memorial, Confederate Women memorial, Confederate soldier monument, Wade Hampton (Confederate general) and Dr. J. Marlon Sims. I have written about Dr. Sims before and his questionable experiments on black women in gynecology so would not have a problem with his statue coming down.
The Statehouse also has bronze star markers where it was struck by Union artillery in 1865.
Again, I would like to see a statue for Robert Smalls there.
--Old Secesh
Monday, November 6, 2017
Civil War II-- 589: How Racist Is the SPLC?
From the September 17, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Changing history? No -- 32 Confederate monuments dedicated in the past 17 years. This according to the very racist Southern Poverty Law Center which really does serous research on all the things they want removed.
This includes public schools, plaques and monuments. Iowa has had three dedicated since 2010. Maybe the SPLC could work more on finding ways to end the mayhem in Chicago instead of keeping track of Confederate monuments.
** Tensions put spotlight on Confederate monument in Houston park.
** How the U.S. military still celebrates Confederate heroes. (Military base names, of course.)
** U.S. military leaders condemn racism following Trump's comments on Charlottesville violence.
** ** Now black lawmakers say its time to get rid of Confederate statues in Congress, including Jefferson Davis and a host of rebel military officers.
It Just Goes On and On. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 588: Going After the Tablets Now
From the September 17, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate Navy and Confederate.
** Protesters rally against the removal of Confederate statue in (d)allas. Too late for that.
** UVa Board of Visitors votes to move Confederate tablets from Rotunda facade. (University of Virginia) (Loss) The plaques honor the school's Confederate dead. Going after the tablets now. What next?
** There are still ten military bases named after Confederate soldiers. And guess what they want done with those names?
--Old Secesh
And Meanwhile, In Chicago, the Deaths Continue to Mount Up
From Hey jackass, Chicago Mayhem and Murder site.
Yesterday, when we heard that a white person had killed all those people in the Texas church, the first thing I thought was "Oh No. Please don't let the church be a black one." That is so sad that I would think that. And my next thought was, "Please don't let him, if this was a black church, been photographed with anything Confederate.
I mean, all this Confederate hate really got started with the black church in Charleston.
But then, I keep seeing all the shootings and murders in Chicago, where a whole lot more than 9 Blacks have been killed. Evidently, the black community only gets really upset when it is a white person who does the shootings and killings. It must not be a problem when it is Blacks killing and wounding other Blacks.
Here are the numbers:
November to Date: 9 killed, 37 wounded
Week in Progress (11-5 to 11-11: 3 Killed, 7 wounded
Year to date: 557 Killed, 2640 wounded
Every 2:19 someone gets wounded
Every 12:21 someone gets killed
The neighborhoods with the most murders and shootings are Black.
Victims are 78.3% Black and 17.6% Hispanic.
Friday, November 3, 2017
In Case You're Wondering What an Iconoclast Is
Well, I had to look it up, but figured it is something I wouldn't want to be called.
Merrian-Webster Dictionary.
Iconoclast: A person who destroys religious images or opposes veneration.
1. A person who attacks cherished beliefs, traditional institutions, as being based on error or superstition.
2. A breaker or destroyer of images, especially those set up for religious veneration.
nonconformist, rebel, dissenter, radical.
How Many of These Fit Those Confederate Haters? --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 587: It's An Iconoclast Thing, You Know
Rubes for September 22, 2017.
Even the comic strips are getting into this. In this single frame comic, a statue is holding a sledgehammer. The person whose image is the statue is standing behind it with a sledgehammer held high and getting ready to hit it from behind.
At the base of the statue is "Iconoclast of the Year."
Iconoclast. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 586: (d)allas Goes to Shame
From the September 15, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
You don't hear these reports of aggression on Confederate monuments everyday on the news, but, as you can see, they continue. Maybe, hopefully, they will take a break for the winter, but I doubt it.
** On the terrible issue of monuments and all that.
** Group that opposes Confederate symbols plans "Confederacy Heritage Awareness Rally in Norfolk. (Virginia)
** Confederate statue removed in (d)allas. (Loss) For its shame, (d)allas goes lower case and I start my boycott of it. It is now on my list of disgraced cities.
** Confederate monument vandalized in Roanoke. (Virginia) (Loss) That is not "vandalized." It is nothing short of a hate crime and should be treated as such. I wonder what they'd call it if a Martin Luther King statue was "vandalized."
** Leftest attacking more than just Confederate monuments.
** Pensacola council discusses fate of Confederate monuments. And, let's hope they decide to let them stay. I'd sure hate to stop visiting the place.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, November 2, 2017
November Civil War Chronology-- Part 1: Lincoln Elected
Nov. 6, 1860: Abraham Lincoln elected 16th president of the United States.
Nov. 7, 1861: Battle of Port Royal Sound, South Carolina.
Nov. 8, 1864: President Lincoln reelected.
Nov. 12, 1864: General William T. Sherman's Federal troops burn the city of Atlanta, Georgia.
Nov. 16, 1864: General Sherman's army departs Atlanta beginning its March to the Sea.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 11, November: Franklin, Tennessee
FRANKLIN, TENN. 178 acres saved.
Battle of Franklin -- November 30, 1864. Photo of Carnton Plantation.
From poster child for the concept of "lost" battlefield to a thriving heritage tourism destination based around a growing community-supported park, Franklin's preservation renaissance has been nothing short of remarkable.
Acre by acre, preservation advocates have secured once-developed parcels at the heart of the battlefield and pursued an ambitious course of landscape restoration.
Way to Go Franklin!! --Old Secesh
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 10, October: Cedar Creek, Va.
CEDAR CREEK, VA. 639 acres saved.
Among the Cedar Creek landmarks protected through Trust efforts is the monument commemorating the valiant stand of the 8th Vermont Regiment -- whose sacrifice allowed the Union Army to regroup in the face of a surprise pre-dawn Confederate attack. -- and Reinzi's Knoll, where Union Major General Philip Sheridan arrived on the field to rally his men and launch a devastating counterattack.
--Old Secesh
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 9: Battle of Antietam
September 2017
ANTIETAM, MD. 314 acres saved
For decades, full interpretation of Antietam National Battlefield faced a major stumbling block; a private inholding within 300 yards of the visitor center and surrounded by park landmarks at the Cornfield and Dunker Church.
That changed with the Trust's acquisition of the bloody "Epicenter" property, which will be restored and transferred to the park.
--Old Secesh
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 8: Battle of Cowpens
August 2017
Few narratives in American military history are as underappreciated by those general public as the Southern Campaign of the American revolution, during which backcountry battles -- often between Patriot and Loyalist colonists and militia rather than formal than formal standing armies -- helped turn the tide of war.
In 2015, the Trust announced a campaign to protect 1,037 acres at six battlefields across South Carolina.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 6: Battle of Gettysburg
July 2017
BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, PA. 1019 acres saved
In the two years between the announcement of the Trust's campaign to acquire Robert E. Lee's Headquarters at Gettysburg and the October 28, 2016, ribbon-cutting event, this four-acre property underwent a dramatic transformation.
Gone are the hotel, swimming pool, parking lit and other signs of development, letting the fully restored historic structure shine.
--Old Secesh
Monday, October 30, 2017
All Sorts of Problems Posting These Blogs
Something seems to be wrong with out internet connection and I am also having big problems getting into my Google Blogspot site. The connecting circle just keeps going round and round.
And sadly, I am supremely technologically challenged in today's pc-speak.
I do not know how I got to post this, but will keep trying to get back.
There could be aserious gap in all my blog posts on all seven blogs.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Civil War II-- 585: More Confederate Symbols Around Dallas Could be Removed
From the September 15, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Update: Confederate rally organizers say they don't know how many people to expect Saturday.
** More Confederate symbols around Dallas could be removed. (Loss)
** Confederate monument debate draws passionate crowd, but no special meeting set. (Pensacola, Fla.)
** Missouri had a star on the Confederate Flag.
** Onteora sets ban on Confederate apparel. (New York) at high school) That should also apply to all items of clothing that anyone finds offensive.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Civil War II-- 584: Who's a Racist?
From the September 15, 2017, Google Alerts for Civil War North Carolina.
** One test to judge which Civil War leaders deserve monuments. The article has a photo of a "vandalized" Confederate monument in Cornelius, N.C.. We all know that is a hate crime.
** Pro-Confederate Republican gets teary-eyed after a constituent calls him a racist. N.C. State Rep. Mike Clampitt (R). Wonder if it was a black person calling him a racist?
Would a Black Person Calling a White Person a Racist Be Considered Racism? --Old Secesh
Civil War-- 583: Who is Confederate General Tilgham
From the September 15, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Kentucky city debates moving Confederate statue. (Paducah) Statue of General Lloyd Tilgham.
** Who was Confederate General Lloyd Tilgham? Good one. I'm not sure myself.
** Dallas ISD proposing new process to rename schools. (ISD-- Independent School District) And you know whose names they want removed from the schools. However, in my opinion, should the majority of the students at a particular school be Black, Remove the name. But not if most are White.
** Richmond police to host meeting ahead of demonstration. (Virginia)
** Scott suggests Trump be more careful on racial matters. (Tim Scott is a black S.C. senator). Trump must remember that Blacks are one of two groups WHO MUST NOT BE OFFENDED.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Woman's Relief Corps
From Wikipedia.
There is some confusion as to whether this is the Women's Relief Corps or Woman's Relief Corps. It is the Woman's Relief Corps.
The Woman's relief Corps (WRC) is an auxiliary to the Grand Army of the republic (GAR) which was an organization made up of members of the Union military during the Civil War. The WRC was established in Denver, Colorado, in 1883 with the express purpose of perpetuating the memory of the GAR.
That has expanded to the veterans of all U.S. wars and the organization still exists.
Everything they did had to be permitted by the GAR and they have always been very involved in Memorial Day observances.
They operate the Grand Army of the Republic Museum in Springfield, Illinois.
--Old Secesh
Monday, October 23, 2017
Woman's Relief Corps Backing Effort in World War II
I recently posted in my Tattooed On Your Soul World War II blog on October 18, 2017, about a member of the Woman's Relief Corps distributing patriotic information to students at Sycamore (Illinois) High School in March 1942. She was a member of the Woman's Relief Corps No. 18.
Her organization was organized in 1883 and was an auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, which was comprised of Union veterans.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 582: Much Discussion at Civil War Round Tables
From the September 14, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Trump is right: Confederate memorials should stay.
** Roundtable focusing on battle over Confederate monuments.
** Confederate monuments and civic values in wake of Charlottesville.
--Old Secesh
Sunday, October 22, 2017
About That (s)t. (l)ouis Thang
Liz was not real happy with me yesterday when she remarked while we were driving around (s)t. (l)ouis (small letters because of its shame) that we had not stopped at Ted Drewes for a concrete ice cream. Though I would definitely have wanted one,, I told her the big reason we didn't go is my boycott of that city because they took down the Confederate statue in Forest Park.
When that happened, (s)t. (l)ouis joined the ever expanding list of cities I am boycotting. If you offend me by taking down a Confederate statue, I certainly won'y spend any money in your city. And that is really too bad because I definitely like (s)t. (l)ouis.
On Friday, I liked at the (s)t. (l)ouis newspaper and saw an article saying that so far this year, murders in that city were at 160, up six from the same time a year ago. Perhaps that city should take care of more pressing problems than Confederate statues.
By the way, that Confederate statue that used to be in Forest Park is not considered a suspect in any of the murders, so I guess we can at least be thankful for that.
You Sure Have to Watch Out for Those Racist Confederate Statues. No One Must Be Offended!! --Old Secesh
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 5: Battle of Brandy Station
June 2017
BRANDY STATION, VA. 2089 acres saved.
With more than 2,000 acres saved forever, more land has been protected at Brandy Station by the Trust than at any other battlefield.
The crowning achievement, however, has been the preservation, restoration and interpretation of the crest of Fleetwood Hill, where the Trust has removed significant modern intrusions and installed walking trails and educational signs.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 5: Battle of Chancellorsville
May 2017
CHANCELLORSVILLE, VA. 847 acres saved
From the site of the opening salvos on the First Day at Chancellorsville, to the open field where Stonewall Jackson crashed into the unsuspecting Union flank -- and a handful of troops attempted to stop him at the Bushbeck Line -- the Trust has saved some of the battlefield's most important landscapes from rapidly encroaching development.
Hopefully, there will be better signage by now. Back in the 70s, Liz and I went on a drive to go over Jackson'd flanking movement and got hopelessly lost. We were wondering if we were even still in Virginia.
Talk About Your Wilderness? --Old Secesh
Monday, October 16, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 4: Battle of Shiloh
April 2017
SHILOH, TENNESSEE 1199 acres saved.
The Trust has transferred approximately 926 acres to Shiloh National Military Park -- including a 491-acre property that represented the largest preservation effort undertaken at Shiloh since the park's creation in 1894.
The anticipated transfer of the trust's 273 acres at Fallen Timbers, the final clash of the Shiloh Campaign, is the focus of boundary expansion legislation pending in Congress.
--Old Secesh
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 3: Battle of Bentonville
March 2017
BENTONVILLE, N.C. 1785 acres saved
In the last 15 years, the exceptional partnership between the Civil War Trust and the State of North Carolina has managed to permanently protect almost one-third of the land over which raged the largest battle ever fought in the Tar Heel State -- giving Bentonville the Trust's second-greatest tally of protected acreage at a single site.
This battle took place about 15 miles from where I was born in Goldsboro, North Carolina.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 2: Petersburg Break Through
FEBRUARY Petersburg, Break Through, Va. 407 acres saved.
Petersburg Breatthrough, April 2, 1865, Petersburg National Battlefield, Va.
Beginning in 2012, the Trust has worked to restore the landscape on our Breakthrough property and provide a unified interpretive experience with adjacent land owned by the National park service and Pamplin Historical Park.
We have cleared nonhistoric trees from 160 acres, removed all modern structures -- including one home, three barns, four grain silos and a seven acre hog farm.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Civil War II-- 581: Poll Finds That Nationally, Most Americans Want Confederate Monuments to Remain
From the September 14, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Nationally, majority favors keeping Confederate monuments, poll finds. (Ipsos Poll on Racial Issues) (Win) Conducted August 21 (After Charlottesville) to September 5.
57% want them to remain
26% remove
17% undecided
Blacks are 54% for removal, Whites had 67% for remaining
89% said all races should be treated equally
31% of Americans say we must protect and preserve white European heritage. 31% disagree. 78% say America must protect and preserve its multi-cultural heritage, 5% disagree.55% agree that racial minorities are under attack
39% agree "White people are currently under attack in this country. 38% disagree
The poll covered 5,360 adults online during the survey.
Never Sure About Polls Myself, But Some Interesting Stats. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Civil War II-- 580: Columbus Statue "Vandalized" What Next, the Statue of Liberty?
From the September 14, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Supporters, opponents of Georgetown's Confederate statue talk options. (Austin, Texas)
** Charlottesville victim's found on Confederate monument. (Roanoke, Va.) (Loss) It has been painted and press calls it "Vandalism."
** Christopher Columbus statue vandalized in Central Park as debate about Confederate monuments continues. (New York City) (Loss) The mayor to reassess city's monuments to determine if they are appropriate. Like President Trump says, what's next.
Hey France gave us a big old statue out in the harbor. Didn't they do horrible things to the Indians and in building their empire? Maybe that will have to come down.
New York Governor Cuomo is Italian and says that the Columbus statue is of honor to Italians.
I Still Wish They Would Stop Calling It "Vandalizing" and Call It What It Really Is, a HATE CRIME. --Old Secesh
Monday, October 9, 2017
Wisconsin Comes Close to Secession?
The topic of Tuesday's McHenry County Civil War Round Table meeting will be "Hotbed of Secession!! Wisconsin??" given by Jerry Allen.
The newsletter had this to say about the presentation:
Wisconsin Governor Alexander Randall abhorred slavery and was known as a rabid abolitionist (I like this description).
By 1860, anti-slavery feeling in Wisconsin was running high, with the governor's full encouragement.
In March, a member of the Wisconsin legislature introduced a bill to declare war on the United States unless it abolished slavery. (That sure takes secession to another level.) There was a lot of support for this. Agents were sent out to see which state militia companies would support secession as it was possible that Governor Randall would have to call out the militia.
For the rest of the story, come to the meeting. Details are on the previous post in this blog.
By the way, Camp Randall Stadium in Madison, where the University of Wisconsin Badgers play football, is a Civil War camp/prison and named after Alexander Randall.
With a Badger Vent. --Old Secesh
Alexander Randall,
Camp Randall Wis.,
Sunday, October 8, 2017
MCCWRT Meeting Oct. 10: Wisconsin the "Hotbed of Secession!"
This Tuesday, October 10, 2017, the McHenry County Civil War Round Table will hold its October meeting at the Woodstock Public Library in Woodstock, Illinois.
Jerry Allen will present "Hotbed of Secession! Wisconsin?" I know about South Carolina and the other Southern states seceding, but, Wisconsin? Should be interesting.
The library is at 414 Judd Street, just a few blocks off the famous 1850s Woodstock Square and where the famous movie "Groundhog Day" was filmed.
The meeting starts at 7.
See You There. --Old Secesh
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Meanwhile in Chicago, the Murders and Shootings Continue: 414 Blacks Killed So Far in 2017
As horrible as Las Vegas (and now we hear the Vegas murderer had gotten a room in Chicago in a hotel overlooking where the huge Lollapalooza concert took place, but didn't show up) was and the nine killed in Charleston, S.C., in June 2015, these numbers coming up in Chicago are really shocking.
From Hey Jackass, Chicago Mayhem and Murder.
58 killed, 273 wounded
Week to Date 10-1 to 10-7
11 killed, 51 wounded
506 killed, 2427 wounded
Of the 506 killed, 414 were Black In 446 homicides the police have no suspects and just 64 charged. This means that the black community is not cooperating.
Meanwhile, in New Orleans where they took down three Confederate monuments, the death toll, mostly Blacks, stands at 121 so far in 2017.
And, we heard that the Las Vegas murderer (I won't use his name and wish the media wouldn't either) had booked the rooms in the same hotel during a rap concert.
Very Alarming Numbers. --Old Secesh
Mort Kunstler Civil War Events in October
From the Mort Kunstler 2017 Civil War Calendar.
10TH-- 1837 -- Col. Robert Gould Shaw, U.S. born
19TH-- 1864:-- Battle of Cedar Creek
20TH-- 1819-- Gen. Daniel E. Sickles, U.S., born
21ST-- 1861-- Battle of Ball's Bluff
--Old Secesh
Friday, October 6, 2017
Mort Kunstler Calendar for October 2017-- Part 2: The Battle of Fredericksburg
The men from Maine pushed their way over the bodies of their fallen comrades to within a stone's throw from the Confederate lines before they were forced to find cover on the body littered slopes of Marye's Heights.
There they stayed in the bitter cold all night and all day, lying amid the bodies of the dead.
Finally, on the afternoon of the next day, they were recalled for the retreat of the Federal army. It was a harrowing and heartrending exposure to the worst of war for Chamberlain and his men. Yet,they had proven their mettle.
The painting shows men lying prone, loading rifles and men standing and firing, including Lt.-Col. Chamberlain firing his pistol and a bullet-riddled U.S. flag. One prone man with a pistol, reaches over to check to see if a man is dead. Quite a gripping picture of big-time bravery.
--Old Secesh
Mort Kunsler Civil War Calendar for October 2017-- Part 1: Courage in Blue
From the Mort Kunstler 2017 Civil War Calendar.
During the Battle of Fredericksburg on December 13, 1962, Northern troops from the Army of the Potomac repeatedly assaulted impregnable Southern positions on Marye's Heights. Wave after wave of Federal troops charged up the hill -- and were slaughtered. Casualties were horrific.
Near dusk, after numerous unsuccessful attempts to break the Confederate line, another assault was ordered. Among the front-line troops chosen for the attack was the 20th Maine Infantry, whose officers included Lieutenant-Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Civil War II-- 579: It Is Time To Stop Calling It "Vandalizing"?
It is time for the media to stop referring to the horrible things being done to Confederate statues and memorials as "vandalizing" and start calling it what it REALLY IS.
And, that would be a HATE CRIME.
And to start treating those who commit these acts as people carrying out a hate crime.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 578: "Silent Sam" Under Attack at UNC
From the September 14, 2017, Google Alerts for Civil War North Carolina.
** Students are threatening to sue University of North Carolina over Confederate statue. (Loss) The "students" are the racist Black Law Student Association. I'm not sure how many members they have.
Their victim is to be "Silent Sam" the statue honoring UNC students who fought for the Confederacy. There have been near daily protests for its removal and an occasional counter-protest. Also clashes. The statue has been "vandalized" as they call it, but in actuality, a hate crime.
In 2005, UNC added a sculpture nearby honoring enslaved blacks. If "Silent Sam" comes down, this new one should also, unless the enslaved blacks were students.
** Questioning the revelance of Confederate statues.
Things to Know About P.G.T. Beauregard-- Part 4: Does This Sound Like the Rantings of a Racist?
** His reputation among Southerners was badly hurt by his outspoken work for human rights. "As part of a coalition of prominent white and black New Orleanians, he not only argued to give black people voting rights but also pushed for integrated schools, public places and transportation.
** "I am persuaded that the natural relation between white and colored people is that of friendship," he wrote in an article published in July 1873 newspaper. "I am persuaded that their interests are identical; that their destinies in this state, where the two races are equally divided, are linked together; and that there is no prosperity for Louisianans which must not result of their cooperation.
"I am equally convinced that the evils anticipated by some men from the practical enforcement of equal are mostly imaginary and that the relation of the races in the exercise of these rights will speedily adjust themselves to the satisfaction of all."
Unfortunately, this black-white movement failed.
Looks like perhaps, the Beauregard statue should not have been taken down.
Beauregard, Supporter of Equal Rights. Enemy of Blacks? --Old Secesh
New Orleans,
P.G.T. Beauregard,
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Things to Know About P.G.T. Beauregard-- Part 3: Ladies Man, Railroad Man and Wealth
** He was quite the ladies man, especially as the "Hero of Fort Sumter" He traveled literally with wagon loads of champagne for entertaining.
** He was instrumental in getting the famous New Orleans street cars running.
** A railroad man. After his return to New Orleans after the war, he served as president of the New Orleans, Jackson Great Northern Railroad. Later he was president of the New Orleans and Carrollton Street Railway, where he invented a system of cable powered street cars.
** He became quite wealthy.
** Appointed head of the Louisiana Lottery in 1877.
--Old Secesh
Monday, October 2, 2017
Civil War II-- Part 577: Watch Out for Those Dangerous Confederate Sweaters!!
From the September 13, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Confederate monuments mark America's prejudice.
** The neighbors mad at you for flying the Confederate battle flag?
** Confederate Flag sweater stirs up debate at Langdale County school. (Loss) You've got to watch out for those prejudiced sweaters. Mighty dangerous, you know.
** Miss New Jersey wants Confederate statues moved to museum. It comes to this?
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- Part 576: UNC Could Be Sued for "Silent Sam"
From the September 13, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Caravan sporting Confederate Flags crosses country.
** Monumental issues: Some want Confederate statues moved. (Bell County, Texas)
** Editorial: Richmond should stand ready for trouble at Confederate demonstration. (Virginia) This was a demonstration put on by C.S.A. II coming up on Saturday.
** North Carolina college could be sued over Confederate statue. (UNC) "Silent Sam"
--Old Secesh
Things to Know About P.G.T. Beauregard-- Part 2:
** Beauregard was also involved with designing the "Confederacy's most enduring and controversial symbol," the Confederate battle flag.
** He didn't like his first name and signed everything G.T. Beauregard.
** Had a French heritage and that was his primary language as a youth.. He didn't learn English until he was 12-years old.
** His nickname was "Little Napoleon" because he was small and had the French heritage as well as a fascination with Napoleon.
** He had been appointed superintendent of West Point in January 1861, but the appointment was withdrawn the next day when Louisiana seceded from the Union.
--Old Secesh
** He didn't like his first name and signed everything G.T. Beauregard.
** Had a French heritage and that was his primary language as a youth.. He didn't learn English until he was 12-years old.
** His nickname was "Little Napoleon" because he was small and had the French heritage as well as a fascination with Napoleon.
** He had been appointed superintendent of West Point in January 1861, but the appointment was withdrawn the next day when Louisiana seceded from the Union.
--Old Secesh
Things To Know About P.G.T. Beauregard-- Part 1: "A Man of Great Contradiction"
From the May 16, 2017 (n)ew (o)rleans Times Picayune "P.G.T. Beauregard: What to know about him before his Confederate monument is removed"
** His roots to (n)ew (o)rleans run much deeper than those of Jefferson Davis or Robert E. Lee. He was born in St. Bernard Parish and spent most of his non-military career in (n)ew (o)rleans.
** He "was a man of great contradiction. He fired the first shots in a war to preserve slavery, yet in defeat argued passionately for human rights and for granting black people the right to vote."
(Actually. Lincoln had already said that slavery would be allowed to remain in the Southern states after he was elected and before the states seceded so i would have to disagree with part of that last statement.)
** His biographer, T. Harry Williams, in his book "P.G.T. Beauregard: Napoleon in Gray," wrote, "but after the war he helped destroy the old agrarian way and to build the New -- the industrial-- South."
--Old Secesh
** His roots to (n)ew (o)rleans run much deeper than those of Jefferson Davis or Robert E. Lee. He was born in St. Bernard Parish and spent most of his non-military career in (n)ew (o)rleans.
** He "was a man of great contradiction. He fired the first shots in a war to preserve slavery, yet in defeat argued passionately for human rights and for granting black people the right to vote."
(Actually. Lincoln had already said that slavery would be allowed to remain in the Southern states after he was elected and before the states seceded so i would have to disagree with part of that last statement.)
** His biographer, T. Harry Williams, in his book "P.G.T. Beauregard: Napoleon in Gray," wrote, "but after the war he helped destroy the old agrarian way and to build the New -- the industrial-- South."
--Old Secesh
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Mapping During the War-- Part 2: "The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War"
Continuied from September 21, 2017.
Ironically, Jedidiah Hotchkiss was born in New York, became a teacher in Pennsylvania and traveled extensively in Pennsylvania before moving to the Shenandoah Valley where he joined Jackson in 1861.
Many of the areas of the South, where most of the fighting would occur had been inadequately mapped before the war.
Both the Union and Confederate leaders relied on their "topography" staffs. Many of these maps were compiled after the war into "The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War." It was compiled between 1891-1895 under a board of directors and credited to Captain Calvin D. Cowles, 23rd U.S. Infantry.
It consists of 821 maps, 106 engravings )mostly of fortifications and 209 drawings of weapons, logistical equipment, uniforms and federal corps flags.
It was tied to the Official Records War of the Rebellion, Union and Confederate.
--Old secesh
Friday, September 29, 2017
Confederates In DeKalb Saturday
The Camp Douglas Memorial Camp #516 and the Rock Island Memorial Camp #2229 will be having a joint meeting/luncheon this Saturday, September 30, 2017, in DeKalb, Illinois.
That's right, there are Confederate hereditary groups right here in Lincoln's home state.
Both camps are named after Civil War prisons in which Confederates died, some 6,000 at Camp Douglas in Chicago alone.
Steve Quick will give the keynote address on "The Past and Future of the hereditary Societies."
--Old Secesh
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Other Events Affecting the Civil War-- Part 5: Improvements in Artillery
** A turning point of the war was the firing on Fort Sumter. It didn't have to happen and made the Confederacy look like the bad guys for starting the war.
Fort Sumter would have had to surrender in a few days because of lack of provisions.
** Incredible improvements in artillery velocity and accuracy made masonry forts obsolete.
** Ironclads made wooden warships obsolete.
** Incredible fortunes were made during the war.
** After the war, the GAR had a huge impact on politics.
** Was Albert Sidney Johnston as good of a general as everyone thought?
--Old Secesh
Fort Sumter would have had to surrender in a few days because of lack of provisions.
** Incredible improvements in artillery velocity and accuracy made masonry forts obsolete.
** Ironclads made wooden warships obsolete.
** Incredible fortunes were made during the war.
** After the war, the GAR had a huge impact on politics.
** Was Albert Sidney Johnston as good of a general as everyone thought?
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Civil War II-- 575: VMI Says They'll Keep Their Confederate Statues
From the September 13, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Battle grows over Confederate remnants. ((t)ampa, Fla.) (Loss) Now want to rename R.E. Lee Elementary School. Again, I have no problem with that if the majority of the students are Blacks.
** Another city could furl state flag with the Confederate emblem. (Meridian, Ms) (Loss) The state flag is not flown at all eight state universities.
** Virginia military college to keep its Confederate statues. (Virginia Military Institute) (Win) With their history, taking them down would have been ridiculous.
** Liberty man places 'Slaves 4 Sale' sign over Confederate Flag to reject racism label. He had been criticized for flying the flag. He said he wasn't a racist. I can't think of a dumber or worse thing he could have done.
Way to Go, VMI!! --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 574: Another Statue "Vandalized" Isn't It About Time To Call This a "Hate Crime"?
From the September 12, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Cincinnati church considers removing Confederate memorial.
** Driver killed in crash with crane en route to remove Confederate statues. (Dallas)
** Ellwood Park Confederate statue vandalized. (Amarillo, Texas) (Loss) "Vandalized?" I think not. This is nothing short of a hate crime.
** Boat in Confederate Flag hubbub draws cops. (Folly Beach, S.C.)
Nothing Short of Boat Hatred. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 573: Confederate Statues in Cemetery Will Need 24-Hour Security
From the September 12, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Fox News host suggests opponents to Confederate memorials will want to take down 9/11 memorials too.
** The battle over the nation's Confederate remnants.
** Marchers in Decatur push for removal of Confederate monument. (Georgia) (Loss)
** Confederate monument to be repaired after it was scratched in move.
** Lexington cemetery agrees to conditionally 2 Confederate statues. (Kentucky) The cemetery says the statues will need 24-hour protection.
--Old Secesh
Civil War-- 572: N.C. Governor Wants Confederate Monuments Removed from Capitol Grounds
From the September 11, 2017, Google Alerts for Civil War North Carolina.
** Three monuments with combined age of 330 years is Cooper's latest stunt. (North Carolina) (Loss) Roy Cooper is governor and he wants them removed from Capitol grounds.
The article did mention that eleven haters were arrested for knocking the Confederate statue over in Durham last month. I'm glad they were arrested and really thought they'd just get away with it. However, Governor Cooper failed to condemn their criminal activity.
** Back to the lawmakers group in North Carolina calling for the removal of Confederate markers in public places.
""WHEREAS, visible and systematic markers of racism and white supremacy, including those commemorating the Confederacy, were erected outside courthouses and centers of government power specifically to reclaim those public spaces for the unjust causes the markers and symbols represent."
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Civil War II-- 571: Ohio and Washington Cities Shame Selves, Welcome to the Lower Case
From the August 21, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate Fort.
** Black mayor: Remove Florida Capitol's Confederate monument. It is 135 years old.
** Ohio cities remove Confederate markers in wake of protests. (Loss) (f)ranklin and (w)orthington. Lower case for their shame.
** Indiana State Fair asks vendors to drop Confederate goods. (Loss)
** Swastikas pop up in (b)ellingham after bride signs honoring Confederate soldier removed. (Washington State) (Loss for the removal of the markers) Captain George E. Pickett, later Confederate general, built Fort Bellingham. The bridge is currently Pickett bridge and will be renamed.
--Old Secesh
Monday, September 25, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 1: Princeton Battlefield
The Civil War Trust is a major battlefield preservation organization, primarily for the Civil War, but they have expanded to buy acreage in American Revolution and War of 1812 battlefields. Like they say, once its gone, its gone. Here are battlefields they have purchased land.
JANUARY-- Princeton, N.J., 6.7 acres. Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777. Princeton battlefield State Park.
In November 2014, Princeton, N.J., served as the backdrop for the official launch of Campaign 1776, our initiative to protect Revolutionary War and War of 1812 battlefields. The next year, we returned to celebrate the new project's first successful acquisition and transfer the land to Princeton Battlefield State Park.
--Old Secesh
JANUARY-- Princeton, N.J., 6.7 acres. Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777. Princeton battlefield State Park.
In November 2014, Princeton, N.J., served as the backdrop for the official launch of Campaign 1776, our initiative to protect Revolutionary War and War of 1812 battlefields. The next year, we returned to celebrate the new project's first successful acquisition and transfer the land to Princeton Battlefield State Park.
--Old Secesh
Civil War Trust,
Revolutionary War,
War of 1812
Civil War II-- 570: Confederate-Haters Show True Colors
From the August 20, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate Fort.
** Charlottesville mayor: I changed my mind about Confederate monuments. (Virginia) (Loss) Mayor Mike Singer voted against removing the Lee statue initially, wanting a new context marker by it. he now wants it gone. My opinion is that the clash in Charlottesville, though both sides had a part in the blame, is the final nail in the coffin of all things Confederate. It started with the idiot murderer in Charleston.
** SC Heritage Act means fate of Fort Mill 4 Confederate monuments will not be decided by public debate. (Win) The legislators will decide.
** Dallas police pull 4 protesters over barriers for their protection in clash over Confederate monument. The four pulled over were there in defense of the statue. This shows you the true colors of the other side just as they did at Charlottesville. The Confederate haters are dangerous.
This monument is in a cemetery. Many of the Confederate haters yelled at the police (not nice words) and threatened the defenders. Sadly, there are a real lot of the haters.
--Old Secesh
Don't Bury the Past, Understand It-- Part 2
Confederate monuments were erected after the Civil War to honor generals and the common soldiers. Many of those common soldiers never owned a slave. They were fighting not to be able to own a slave, but to defend their homes from invasion by enemy soldiers.
Nothing can justify slavery No person or group can be proved innocent of that aspect of our history. "But it did occur. We should not bury it, but we must make an effort to understand it realizing that understanding it does not justify it."
The author thinks taking down the monuments should be done democratically through city and county governments. I would go a step further and really make it a democratic process and have the people vote on it. Majority rules in my country. If the majority votes to take them down, then take them down. Too often, city and county governments are made up of a lot of Blacks or Whites afraid to upset Blacks by retaining the monuments.
"Remember, we are looking at history through 21st century eyes. The people who erected those monuments looked at it and lived through 19th century eyes worth no impact from black comment."
Something to Think About. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 569: Don't Bury the Past, Try To Understand It-- Part 1
From the August 21, 2017, Google Alerts for Civil War North Carolina.
From the August 29, 2017, Salisbury (NC) Post, Post Opinion.
The North Carolina governor wants all Confederate monuments taken down.
The real cause of the Civil War was the geographic differences between North and South. Agriculture was suited for the Southern climate and was the economic means by which the South made its money. Slavery made that money. Slavery made the South economically thrive.
The North's climate was not as conducive to agriculture. Industry grew in New England, powered by an unending flow of free labor from immigrants coming over the Atlantic. The North did not need slavery.
However, the North was not innocent when it came to slavery. At one time New York City was one of the largest cities in the world to which slaves were imported. Also, many Northern ships were used in the slave trade.
By the time of the Civil War, slavery was confined to the 14 states where the climate would support large scale farming which was, in those pre-machinery days, labor intensive. Slaves provided that labor.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, September 23, 2017
The 2017 Great Purge of American History
I must admit that I like this name for what is going on right now with Confederate history. It sums it up quite well.
I first used the term in yesterday's post "Will Dallas Join the 2017 Great Purge of American History.
I am now including this as a label for the Civil War II posts.
It is nothing short of a purge, so let's call it that.
--Old Secesh
Other Events Affecting the Civil War-- Part 4: Month of July 1863
Continued from August.
These were ideas put forth at the MCCWRT discussion group on July 29, 2017.
** Trent Affair and capture of the CSS Florida in Brazil in a highly questionable action on the part of the Union Navy.
** Month of July 1863: Vicksburg, Gettysburg and the capture of Port Hudson.
** Sanitary Commission and advancements in medicine: hospital ship and Ambulance Corps.
** Camp cleanliness. Suturing up wounds with horsehair (after it was boiled).
** Nevada being admitted to the Union. Lots of silver coming out of it to finance the war.
** 1864 Presidential election. Lincoln winning meant that the war was to continue. Essentially the last hope the Confederacy had at this time.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 568: What Should Be Done With All Those Empty Confederate Monument Plinths?
From the September 11, 2017, Google Alerts for Civil War North Carolina.
** What should be done with all the empty Confederate monument plinths? (OK, a plinth is the base supporting a statue.) "As more Confederate statues come down around the U.S., the fate of the remaining, often colossal pedestals with a dark past is now up for debate." A good question. With the words "dark past," I have to wonder what the author wants? This was from Architectural Digest and a lot of the article was about what happened to Soviet Union and German monuments to the Communists and Nazis after they fell.
Sadly, many of these articles rely on information from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is quite an anti-white organization, posing as a fair, unprejudiced, information gathering group, which right now seems to really be involved in counting up and pointing out any and everything remotely connected with the Confederacy with the intention of inciting certain groups to have it all brought down.
This organization says that most Confederate monuments were erected during the Jim Crow Era and the Civil Rights Era. Because of this, the monuments were erected to keep the Blacks in their place. They contend the Jim Crow Era began in the late 19th century and ran until 1965 and the Civil Rights Era. I always thought the Jim Crow Era began shortly after the Civil War ended, as a part of the Black Codes. Another site I found said it began in 1870.
In the late 19th century, Confederate veterans and general were fast fading away to death and the statues were an attempt to honor them while they still lived.
--Old Secesh
Friday, September 22, 2017
MCCWRT Discussion Group Meets Saturday, Sep. 23
The McHenry County Civil War Round Table will be meeting Saturday, September 23, 2017, at the Panera Bread Company in Crystal Lake, Illinois located at the intersection of Main Street and US-14.
The topic of discussion will be Great Innovations of the Civil War.
We will meet from 10 a.m. to noon.
I picked 11 innovations in the Navy and have listed them on my Running the Blockade: Naval Civil War Blog.
--Old Secesh
Civil War-- 567: The 2017 Great Purge of American History
From the September 11, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate Fort.
** Naval Academy to discuss two buildings named for Confederates.
** Whitewashing the realities of history helps nobody.
** Mayor Rawling's task force on Confederate monuments. Does Dallas need a new name? U.S. Vice President George Mifflin Dallas supported the Fugitive Slave Act. Will Dallas join the 2017 Great Purge of American History?
** Last-minute court decision blocks removal of Confederate statue in Dallas.
I Like That 2017 Great Purge of American History Name. --Old Secesh
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Civil War II-- 566: Crane Crash On Way to Remove Confederate Statue in Dallas Causes a Death
From the September 11, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Fox News host asks of 9/11 memorial will come down next. One hundred years in the future, perhaps people won't see things the way we do today.
** Fighting the rhetorical Civil War.
** Kevin O'Brien Norwell: Confederate monuments should be preserved, not razed.
** Fayetteville's Confederate cemetery: Ruminations on the futility of war. (Arkansas)
** Rally to remove Decatur's Confederate monument draws divisive crowd.
** 'Lost Cause puzzle.' Many Kentucky towns have Confederate statues. Here's how they got there. This article lists towns and statues with a short history on each.
"* Crane crashes heading to remove Confederate statue. (Dallas) This was an accident resulting in a fatality.
I Imagine Certain People Will Blame the Death on the Confederate Statue. --Old Secesh
** Fox News host asks of 9/11 memorial will come down next. One hundred years in the future, perhaps people won't see things the way we do today.
** Fighting the rhetorical Civil War.
** Kevin O'Brien Norwell: Confederate monuments should be preserved, not razed.
** Fayetteville's Confederate cemetery: Ruminations on the futility of war. (Arkansas)
** Rally to remove Decatur's Confederate monument draws divisive crowd.
** 'Lost Cause puzzle.' Many Kentucky towns have Confederate statues. Here's how they got there. This article lists towns and statues with a short history on each.
"* Crane crashes heading to remove Confederate statue. (Dallas) This was an accident resulting in a fatality.
I Imagine Certain People Will Blame the Death on the Confederate Statue. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 565: How Far Is Too Far in Removing Confederate Monuments?
From the September 11, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** How far is too far in removing Confederate monuments? Columbus, Ohio, Dispatch, Jack Torry, Sep. 10, 2017. He mentioned the Confederate statues on Capitol Hill in D.C. and the stained glass windows at the National Cathedral.
Last month about 100 people gathered at Columbus City Hall demanding the removal of the city's three Christopher Columbus monuments.
In Durham, New Hampshire, the post office has a mural of an Indian in a menacing pose and there are some who want it removed.
In Memphis, an iconic theater has ended its annual showing of "Gone With the Wind."
He describes this as "the increasingly divisive debate."
And for those of you who still believe these people will stop when all the Confederate monuments are gone from, public spaces, think again.
No Kidding. They're Just Starting. --Old Secesh
Mapping During the Civil War-- Part 1: In Its Infancy
From the September 8, 2017, Coastal Point "Civil War Profiles: Mapping During the Civil War.
This was the age before GPS (Global Positioning System in case you're wondering).
Mapmaking was in its infancy during the Civil War. Military officers often complained about the inaccuracy or nonexistence of maps in the areas in which they were operating. There was, especially for Union commanders, the serious problem of unfamiliarity with their territory.
Jedidiah Hotchkiss, however, was one of the foremost mapmakers of the war. he was Confederate and spent much time with Gen. Stonewall Jackson.
On February 23, 1863, he noted in his diary, "I got secret orders from the General to prepare a map of the Valley of [Virginia] extended to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and then to Philadelphia." The order came from Jackson, but his map was used for his June-July incursion into Pennsylvania leading up to the Battle of Gettysburg.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
"Fighting Guy" Henry-- Part 3: A Commendable Service Record
From the Arlington National Cemetery site.
He served in the First Regiment U.S. Artillery in the early fighting in the Civil War and in 1863 was elected to command the 40th Massachusetts Infantry regiment. Some of his battles and postings: Bull Run Campaign, Key West, Hilton Head, S.C. and the Battle of Pocotaligo, S.C., the attack on Charleston and bombardment of Fort Sumter.
Guy Vernor Henry was brevetted to brigadier general in the U.S. Army for gallantry at the Battle of Rosebud, Montana, June 17, 1876, where he was shot through the face. This was just a few days before Custer's Last Stand.
Later, he commanded the all-black 10th U.S. Cavalry.
The obituary for him saluted "Fighting Guy" Henry for his "brilliant and fearless campaigning."
His grandfather was Daniel D. Thompkins, governor of New York and vice president of the United States.
Again, I Had Never Heard of Him Before. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 564: Confederate Rally Planned for Richmond on September 16
From the September 10, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Booker wins support for his push to remove Confederate statues from Capitol.
** Stonewall Jackson window memorialized at black church in Virginia. (Roanoke) Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. They seem to want it to remain because Jackson was a man of Christ who led Bible study for his slaves and taught them to read and write, although that was illegal in the prewar South.
** Is it time to tear down monuments to the Confederacy?
** Committee for Augusta NAACP chapter to investigate Confederate monuments' history. (Georgia) At least, so far, they are not DEMANDING they be torn down.
** Richmond police prepare for clash as a Confederate group plans rally at Robert E. Lee statue. (Virginia) This coming weekend, September 16. The Confederate group is CSA II: The New Confederate States of America. There is fear that it will result in another Charlottesville.
Sure Hope the Richmond Rally Doesn't Become Another Charlottesville. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 563: Divisive Richmond, Va. Town Hall Meetings on Fate of Confederate Monuments
From the September 10, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Charitable group sporting Confederate flag raises concern.
** Here is the best way to handle Confederate monument issue. The Richmond town hall meetings are full of acrimonies and divisive.
** Cincinnati church considers removing Confederate memorial.
** Mayor: Confederate statues could come with endowment. (Lexington) Private donors have raised $100,000 for removal, upkeep and protection.
** Supreme Court asked to consider Mississippi's use of Confederate image. (On its state flag)
--Old Secesh
What Goes Around Comes Around in (b)altimore
And we're not talking about around the mountain.
Some more on the "hate crime" done to the statue of Francis Scott Key, who wrote the words to our National Anthem.
(b)altimore Mayor Catherine E. Pugh (D) recently removed four Confederate statues. She has no plans to remove the Francis Scott Key statue however.
A statue of Christopher Columbus was also "vandalized" in her city. I sure wish the media would stop using the term vandalism to describe these actions. They are nothing less than hate crimes.
She opened the door, now has to live with it.
Lower case (b) for the city because of its shame. I also do not plan to visit the city even though I really would like to visit Fort McHenry and other historic sites.
Now (b)altimore Has Opened the Door. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Civil War II-- 562: N.C. Governor Wants Confederate Statues on Capitol Grounds Removed to Bentonville.
From the September 9, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Southern Alamance students disciplined for Confederate attire, social media. (North Carolina) Depends upon how they were wearing the attire, especially if in a confrontational mode. Of course, Southern Alamance may have to change the name as Southerners is often used for Confederates during the Civil War.
** Sick of the sudden uproar over Confederate statues -- and response.
** Divide over Confederate statue's removal stands amid removal efforts. (Dallas)
From the Sept. 9, 2017, Civil War North Carolina Google Alerts.
** NC governor has new site in mind for 3 Confederate monuments on Capitol grounds. Wants to move them to the Battle of Bentonville State Historic Site.
** Tearing down prejudice, rather than statues.
** Civil War monuments should be removed, but preserved.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II--561: Three Victories
From the September 9, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Passer-by snags makeshift sign placed at former Franklin Confederate monument. (Ohio) The monument was 90 years old. the sign said, "We do not negotiate with terrorists. BLM is a terrorist organization."
** Tyrone Town Council keeps mural with Confederate soldier as is. (Fayette County, Ga.) (Win)
** County commission votes to keep Confederate plaque. (West Virginia) (Win)
** Manatee County Commission votes against removing Confederate monument. (Florida) (Win) The vote was 4-3. I'd like to know how many of the three voted to remove it were Black?
Can You Believe We Actually Won on Three Things? Maybe There Is a Spark of Hope Still Left. --Old Secesh
Monday, September 18, 2017
Mort Kunstler-- Part 2: September Dates
SEPT. 19-- 1863 Battle of Chickamauga
1864 Battle of the Wilderness
SEPT 24-- Sheridan lays waste to the Shenandoah Valley.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 560: A Cathedral and Re-Enactors
From the September 9, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** A Confederate soldier in this Virginia town should not stand alone. Leave him, but... (Leesburg Courthouse) (Put up one honoring Blacks) Opinion. I can agree with this. I say, leave the Confederate monuments where they are, but definitely put signage with the word slavery, or, even better, honor Blacks in the area who have accomplished things.
** The removal of Confederate windows at National Cathedral was no cause for celebration. (Washington, D.C.) (Loss) Removed September 6, 2017. Lee and Jackson were very devout Christian men.
** Maine's Confederate re-enactors say they show 'history' not racism. They are in the 15th Alabama. A professor at Bates College, a black woman who chairs the African-American Studies Department says their portrayal is disgusting. Coming from a black person, i am not surprised as to her opinion.
i was at the Civil War re-enactments in Wauconda and Hainesville, Illinois, and found no protesting by Confederate re-enactors. That was refreshing.
We're Just Portraying History. --Old Secesh
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