From the January 18, 2017, USA Today "State-By-State."
Arkansas Little Rock.
Every third Monday in January, Arkansas state offices close in observance of the shared birthdays of Martin Luther King Jr. and Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
But Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson wants to remove Lee from the holiday. Critics of the governor say that move would belittle the state's Confederate heritage.
Let us consider whose birthday was celebrated on that day first? That should determine who gets the date.
First Come. --Old Secesh
This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Monday, January 30, 2017
How Did a Small Piece of the Ellsworth Flag End Up in California?-- Part 5
According to the museum curator, "The flag had been heavily 'souvenired' at the time."
Fragments of it are at the National Museum of American History (Smithsonian), the Fort Ward Museum in Alexandria, Virginia, and the Lincoln Presidential Museum in Springfield, Illinois.
The rest of the flag has been in the possession of a military museum since the end of the Civil War. It was briefly on public exhibit in New York from 2011-2012 for the 150th anniversary of the incident.
--Old Secesh
Fragments of it are at the National Museum of American History (Smithsonian), the Fort Ward Museum in Alexandria, Virginia, and the Lincoln Presidential Museum in Springfield, Illinois.
The rest of the flag has been in the possession of a military museum since the end of the Civil War. It was briefly on public exhibit in New York from 2011-2012 for the 150th anniversary of the incident.
--Old Secesh
Friday, January 27, 2017
How Did a Small Piece of the Ellsworth Flag Get to California?-- Part 4: "Piece of the First Rebel Flag Captured"
The San Bernardino County Museum has no specific details on how they got the piece of the flag. It had been buried deep in their collection and they only found it when looking for items to put in their exhibit.
There was a tag on it, however, reading: "Piece of the First Rebel Flag Captured."
It is possible that the piece came from Ellsworth's father, Ephraim Daniel Ellsworth, who cut off some pieces of the flag and gave them to friends and family. Ephraim was later commissioned a captain by Lincoln and served throughout the war.
--Old Secesh
There was a tag on it, however, reading: "Piece of the First Rebel Flag Captured."
It is possible that the piece came from Ellsworth's father, Ephraim Daniel Ellsworth, who cut off some pieces of the flag and gave them to friends and family. Ephraim was later commissioned a captain by Lincoln and served throughout the war.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, January 26, 2017
How Did a Small Piece of the Ellsworth Flag End Up in California?-- Part 3: Death of Ellsworth
Col. Elmer E. Ellsworth became the first Union officer killed in line of duty in the Civil War. His body lied in state at the White House. Then the body and blood-soaked flag was taken home to Mechanicsville, New York, for burial.
His death became a rallying point for recruiting.
His death became a rallying point for recruiting.
Col. Elmer Ellsworth,
Confederate Flags,
New York,
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
How Did a Small Piece of the Ellsworth Flag End Up in California?-- Part 2
Union soldiers were sent across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., to occupy Alexandria on May 24, 1861, the day after Virginia seceded from the Union. They were led by Colonel Elmer E. Ellsworth who'd been a law clerk for Lincoln before entering the Army.
Angered that the flag could be easily seen from the White House, he climbed to the top of the Marshall House Hotel and took it down. On his way back down, James Jackson grabbed his shotgun and killed Ellsworth. Moments later, Jackson also lay dead, killed by Ellsworth's soldiers.
--Old Secesh
Angered that the flag could be easily seen from the White House, he climbed to the top of the Marshall House Hotel and took it down. On his way back down, James Jackson grabbed his shotgun and killed Ellsworth. Moments later, Jackson also lay dead, killed by Ellsworth's soldiers.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 401: That Racist Marching Band
From the January 6, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Houston store owner criticized for selling Confederate merchandise. (Pretty dumb criticism. If you don't like it, don't go into the store.
** La's most racist high school to perform at trump parade. (Louisiana) (West Monroe High School) Were they the ones flying Confederate you-know whats in D.C.?
--Old Secesh
** Houston store owner criticized for selling Confederate merchandise. (Pretty dumb criticism. If you don't like it, don't go into the store.
** La's most racist high school to perform at trump parade. (Louisiana) (West Monroe High School) Were they the ones flying Confederate you-know whats in D.C.?
--Old Secesh
How Did a Small Piece of the Ellsworth Flag End Up in California?-- Part 1
From the October 31, 2016, Inland Valley (California) Daily Bulletin "Just how did a piece of an early Confederate Flag get to the Inland Empire?" by Joe Blackstein.
There is a five-inch square piece of blue and white cloth on display at the San Bernardino County Museum in Redlands. It is in the exhibit "Over here, Over There: In Time of War."
In May 1861, two men died because of that piece of cloth, each becoming a martyr to their side.
It is believed to have been cut from the Marshall House flag, a huge Confederate flag raised over a hotel in Alexandria, Virginia, by its owner, James Jackson. It was huge, measuring 14 X 24 feet and featured three horizontal stripes and a circle of seven stars. The Confederacy's First National Flag.
--Old Secesh
There is a five-inch square piece of blue and white cloth on display at the San Bernardino County Museum in Redlands. It is in the exhibit "Over here, Over There: In Time of War."
In May 1861, two men died because of that piece of cloth, each becoming a martyr to their side.
It is believed to have been cut from the Marshall House flag, a huge Confederate flag raised over a hotel in Alexandria, Virginia, by its owner, James Jackson. It was huge, measuring 14 X 24 feet and featured three horizontal stripes and a circle of seven stars. The Confederacy's First National Flag.
--Old Secesh
Monday, January 23, 2017
Afton, Illinois, in the War
From the History of Afton, Illinois History of DeKalb County, Illinois. By Henry L. Boies, 1922.
I have been writing about this town in my RoadDog's RoadLog Blog in conjunction with the DeKalb Road Day back in 1916.
The name of the town comes from a favorite song of one of the early settlers, "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton."
The town was organized in 1854.
During the Civil War, 81 men went into Union service out of a population of just 516. Fifty-nine of them volunteered When a tax was levied on the town because of the need for more men, seven more joined.
In the summer of 1864, with the huge casualties suffered as Grant battered Lee in Virginia, an additional tax was levied on the town, totaling $14,000 and fifteen more men joined.
Among those Afton residents who gave their lives: Charles Elliott, DempsterWheeler, Alexander Campbell, Emerson T. Knight and Lewis Olverson of the 105th Regiment. Also, L. Deforest of the 8th Cavaltu gave his life for the Union.
I did not know about taxes for troops.
--Old Secesh
I have been writing about this town in my RoadDog's RoadLog Blog in conjunction with the DeKalb Road Day back in 1916.
The name of the town comes from a favorite song of one of the early settlers, "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton."
The town was organized in 1854.
During the Civil War, 81 men went into Union service out of a population of just 516. Fifty-nine of them volunteered When a tax was levied on the town because of the need for more men, seven more joined.
In the summer of 1864, with the huge casualties suffered as Grant battered Lee in Virginia, an additional tax was levied on the town, totaling $14,000 and fifteen more men joined.
Among those Afton residents who gave their lives: Charles Elliott, DempsterWheeler, Alexander Campbell, Emerson T. Knight and Lewis Olverson of the 105th Regiment. Also, L. Deforest of the 8th Cavaltu gave his life for the Union.
I did not know about taxes for troops.
--Old Secesh
Sunday, January 22, 2017
A Short History of the 94th Illinois Infantry Regiment
Of interest, the Illinois regiment raised where I live in McHenry County, Illinois, was the 95th. A quick look at engagements and service shows both were at Vicksburg and Mobile.
The 94th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment was organized in McLean County and mustered into service on August 20, 1862.
It saw duty in Missouri, was at Vicksburg, service in Texas and Mobile Bay.
They were mustered out of service July 17, 1865.
During the war, the regiment lost 8 enlisted men to being killed or mortally wounded. Another 4 officers and 162 enlisted died of disease.
--Old Secesh
The 94th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment was organized in McLean County and mustered into service on August 20, 1862.
It saw duty in Missouri, was at Vicksburg, service in Texas and Mobile Bay.
They were mustered out of service July 17, 1865.
During the war, the regiment lost 8 enlisted men to being killed or mortally wounded. Another 4 officers and 162 enlisted died of disease.
--Old Secesh
Friday, January 20, 2017
Civil War Companies Organized in McLean County, Illinois-- Part 2
37th-- Co. G
39th-- Cos. B and K
58th-- Co. G
62nd-- Co. H
63rd-- Co. D
68th-- Cos. F and G
70th-- Co. H
82nd-- Co. E
94th-- The entire regiment.
116th-- Co. F
117th-- Co. A
145th-- Cos. B, I and K
146th-- Co. G
150th-- Cos. A and B
152nd-- Cos. B and C.
The 94th Illinois Infantry, Pride and Joy of McLean County. --Old Secesh
39th-- Cos. B and K
58th-- Co. G
62nd-- Co. H
63rd-- Co. D
68th-- Cos. F and G
70th-- Co. H
82nd-- Co. E
94th-- The entire regiment.
116th-- Co. F
117th-- Co. A
145th-- Cos. B, I and K
146th-- Co. G
150th-- Cos. A and B
152nd-- Cos. B and C.
The 94th Illinois Infantry, Pride and Joy of McLean County. --Old Secesh
94th Illinois,
McLean County Illinois,
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Civil War Companies Organized in McLean County, Illinois-- Part 1
This site lists 4,349 as having served. I am unable to find the census for the county in 1860 to get some idea as to the percentage of people living there at the time.
1st-- Co. H
3rd-- Co. I
4th-- Cos. G and L
5th Co. C
8th (3 months)-- Co. K
8th (three years)-- Co.K
20th-- Co. C
24th-- Co. B
26th-- Co. K
33rd-- Cos. A, C, and G
More. --Old Secesh
1st-- Co. H
3rd-- Co. I
4th-- Cos. G and L
5th Co. C
8th (3 months)-- Co. K
8th (three years)-- Co.K
20th-- Co. C
24th-- Co. B
26th-- Co. K
33rd-- Cos. A, C, and G
More. --Old Secesh
McLean County Illinois,
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Confederates Buried in McLean County, Illinois-- Part 3
Luther Penick Chandoin (1842-1896) enlisted in the 6th Kentucky (Confederate) Regiment in the fall of 1861. This regiment was part of the famed First Kentucky "Orphan" Brigade initially led by former United States Vice President John C. Breckenridge.
The unit participated in some of the hardest fought battles of the war.
He was wounded and permanently disabled on May 28, 1864, shot in the face during the Atlanta Campaign. He moved to Heyworth some time around 1893 to live with one of his sons, James.
--Old Secesh
The unit participated in some of the hardest fought battles of the war.
He was wounded and permanently disabled on May 28, 1864, shot in the face during the Atlanta Campaign. He moved to Heyworth some time around 1893 to live with one of his sons, James.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Confederates Buried in McLean County, Illinois-- Part 2: Frank M. Crickenberger
Frank M. Crickenberger is one of five Confederate veterans buried at Wiley Cemetery outside of Colfax in Martin Township. A former Virginian he died at age 91 in 1938 and was a very well-respected man. His wife and he settled in Colfax in 1880 and earned a living as a contractor and mason.
Evidently, he was also well-accepted by Union veterans in the area, even with their great dislike for the "damned secesh."
--Old "Damned" Secesh
Evidently, he was also well-accepted by Union veterans in the area, even with their great dislike for the "damned secesh."
--Old "Damned" Secesh
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Charleston Murderer Gets Death Penalty
I was sure happy to see this yesterday. What he did was horrible and now he should pay for it.
However, the sorry excuse now wants to appeal.
Let's hope his death is near.
This should be what happens to all who murder people for racial reasons. Fortunately, South Carolina still has the death penalty. I'd be really sorry if it had happened in a state that doesn't have the death penalty.
There Is Still Some Justice, Evidently. --Old Secesh
However, the sorry excuse now wants to appeal.
Let's hope his death is near.
This should be what happens to all who murder people for racial reasons. Fortunately, South Carolina still has the death penalty. I'd be really sorry if it had happened in a state that doesn't have the death penalty.
There Is Still Some Justice, Evidently. --Old Secesh
Chicago Murder and Shooting Stats for 2016
All the while the black folks are attacking all-things Confederate because of the slavery thing and the Charleston murderer, perhaps they should be more concerned with these stats.
From Hey Jackass: Chicago Murder, Crime and Mayhem site about Chicago murders and shootings.
Final numbers for 2016:
Shot and Killed: 714
Shot and Wounded: 3665
Total Shot: 4379
So Far This Year:
Shot and Killed: 12
Shot and Wounded: 74
And, NONE of them were killed by a Confederate Flag or Memorial. Most of these killed and wounded are blacks. Most of the people doing the shootings are black.
And, the Charleston murderer killed 9.
By the way, U.S. killed in Afghanistan for 2016: 15
Makes You Wonder, Doesn't It. You Black Community Activists Need to Get Your Priorities Right. --Old Secesh.
From Hey Jackass: Chicago Murder, Crime and Mayhem site about Chicago murders and shootings.
Final numbers for 2016:
Shot and Killed: 714
Shot and Wounded: 3665
Total Shot: 4379
So Far This Year:
Shot and Killed: 12
Shot and Wounded: 74
And, NONE of them were killed by a Confederate Flag or Memorial. Most of these killed and wounded are blacks. Most of the people doing the shootings are black.
And, the Charleston murderer killed 9.
By the way, U.S. killed in Afghanistan for 2016: 15
Makes You Wonder, Doesn't It. You Black Community Activists Need to Get Your Priorities Right. --Old Secesh.
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 401: Confederate Memorials Still There
From the December 24, 27, 28, 2016, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** A year later, Confederate memorial remains in Forest Park. (St. Louis) (Win). The fact it is still there is a win The writer of the article was NOT pro-Confederate, either.
** Final report on Confederate memorials presented to City Council. (Charlottesville, Virginia) (Win) The recommendation was to have the statues of Lee and Jackson recontextualized, not relocated. I imagine this means there will have to be some mention of slavery.
** Police Called After Movie-Goer Scared of Confederate Flag -Wearing Person. (Oak Creek, Wisconsin) (Real Stupid)
--Old Secesh
** A year later, Confederate memorial remains in Forest Park. (St. Louis) (Win). The fact it is still there is a win The writer of the article was NOT pro-Confederate, either.
** Final report on Confederate memorials presented to City Council. (Charlottesville, Virginia) (Win) The recommendation was to have the statues of Lee and Jackson recontextualized, not relocated. I imagine this means there will have to be some mention of slavery.
** Police Called After Movie-Goer Scared of Confederate Flag -Wearing Person. (Oak Creek, Wisconsin) (Real Stupid)
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
McLean County, Illinois, Answers the Call to Arms
In conjunction with the last post as far as Confederate veterans buried in McLean County.
In the first months after Fort Sumter was fired upon, 3,200 McLean County (Bloomington-Normal) men enlisted in 15 Union regiments.
Letters back home from McLean soldiers were full of hate for the "damned secesh." (Hey!! That's Me!!!)
By the end of the war, that number stood at 7,000. Some 700 never made it back home.
--Damned Old Secesh
In the first months after Fort Sumter was fired upon, 3,200 McLean County (Bloomington-Normal) men enlisted in 15 Union regiments.
Letters back home from McLean soldiers were full of hate for the "damned secesh." (Hey!! That's Me!!!)
By the end of the war, that number stood at 7,000. Some 700 never made it back home.
--Damned Old Secesh
Monday, January 9, 2017
Mr. Strode and the Scogin Hill Cemetery
Scogin Hill Cemetery is located in two townships in McLean County: Dale and Bloomington. There is also mention of a Scrogin Hill Cemetery in Lexington. I also found that two War of 1812 veterans are buried there. (See my Not So Forgotten War of 1812 Blog for today for more on this.)
This is the final resting place of William B. Strode, Confederate veteran. He was originally buried in the Shirley Cemetery.
I can't find a lot of information on this cemetery, but a picture of its entrance has the date 1828. Evidently, it is on a family named Scogin's land. Quite a few Scogins are buried there. There are 753 internments listed in it.
One is for William Bryand Strode with dates July 31, 1841 and death September 21, 1892.
He married Mary Thomas Jackson Strode (1851-1951).
Other persons with the Strode name buried there:
Lloyd Strode
Baby Strode
Theresse Strode
--Old secesh
This is the final resting place of William B. Strode, Confederate veteran. He was originally buried in the Shirley Cemetery.
I can't find a lot of information on this cemetery, but a picture of its entrance has the date 1828. Evidently, it is on a family named Scogin's land. Quite a few Scogins are buried there. There are 753 internments listed in it.
One is for William Bryand Strode with dates July 31, 1841 and death September 21, 1892.
He married Mary Thomas Jackson Strode (1851-1951).
Other persons with the Strode name buried there:
Lloyd Strode
Baby Strode
Theresse Strode
--Old secesh
Mr. Strode and the Shirley Cemetery
In an earlier post, I wrote about William B. Strode, who rode with General John Hunt Morgan's raid into Indiana and Ohio in 1863, was captured and sent to Camp Douglas in Chicago. Evidently, he found Illinois to his liking as afterwards he got married and settled in Shirley, Illinois, a small town near Bloomington-Normal in the central part of the state.
He was first buried after his death in 1892 at the Shirley Cemetery and then later in the Scogin Hill Cemetery.
I looked up the Shirley Cemetery and have driven by it on occasion on our Route 66 travels. I didn't notice it and from what I gather, it is in very bad shape today.
--Old Secesh
He was first buried after his death in 1892 at the Shirley Cemetery and then later in the Scogin Hill Cemetery.
I looked up the Shirley Cemetery and have driven by it on occasion on our Route 66 travels. I didn't notice it and from what I gather, it is in very bad shape today.
--Old Secesh
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Confederate Veterans Settled in McLean County After War-- Part 1
From the October 9, 2016, Bloomington (Ill.) Pantagraph "PFOP: Confederetae veterans settled here after the war."
Twenty-five or more Confederate veterans are buried in Illinois' McLean County (Route 66 ran through it).
William B. Strode is buried at Wiley Cemetery. He was with John Hunt Morgan during his raid on Indiana and Ohio in the summer of 1863. Captured by Union forces in July 1863 and sent to Camp Douglas in Chicago.
After the war he settled in Shirley. While living there, he recognized a local resident named John Foster. During Morgan's Raid, Foster's family was living in Ohio and Strode had taken an uninvited and unwelcome nap at their home.
Strode died in 1892 and was buried at the Shirley Cemetery but later was reinterred at Scrogin Hill. (Scogin Hill Cemetery).
--Old Secesh
Twenty-five or more Confederate veterans are buried in Illinois' McLean County (Route 66 ran through it).
William B. Strode is buried at Wiley Cemetery. He was with John Hunt Morgan during his raid on Indiana and Ohio in the summer of 1863. Captured by Union forces in July 1863 and sent to Camp Douglas in Chicago.
After the war he settled in Shirley. While living there, he recognized a local resident named John Foster. During Morgan's Raid, Foster's family was living in Ohio and Strode had taken an uninvited and unwelcome nap at their home.
Strode died in 1892 and was buried at the Shirley Cemetery but later was reinterred at Scrogin Hill. (Scogin Hill Cemetery).
--Old Secesh
Saturday, January 7, 2017
Commentary by James I. Robertson, Jr. on Mort Kunstler-- Part 1
"Mort Kunstler revolutionized Civil War art. For over a quarter-century, he elevated knowledge of America's bloodiest war by producing dramatic, unforgettable portraits of moments in that greatest test of nationhood.
"What sets Kunstler in a class of his own are selections of scenes and a talent for infusing human feelings onto inanimate canvas. History is a living subject; humans are motivated by emotions. Because both of these truisms mark every painting Kunstler produces, he has become a legend in his own time."
Nice Words. --Old Secesh
"What sets Kunstler in a class of his own are selections of scenes and a talent for infusing human feelings onto inanimate canvas. History is a living subject; humans are motivated by emotions. Because both of these truisms mark every painting Kunstler produces, he has become a legend in his own time."
Nice Words. --Old Secesh
Charleston Murderer Speaks
I found this piece of work's statement I saw yesterday hard to take. He said, "I have not shed a tear for the innocent people I killed."
At least he admits they were innocent.
And, I wish they would stop showing him holding Confederate flags. I sure didn't and never would have given him permission to hold one. Unfortunately, no one can control who holds the flag.
Here's hoping that no tears will be shed when and if he is executed. I know I will be celebrating his death.
Complete Worthless Excuse. --Old Secesh
At least he admits they were innocent.
And, I wish they would stop showing him holding Confederate flags. I sure didn't and never would have given him permission to hold one. Unfortunately, no one can control who holds the flag.
Here's hoping that no tears will be shed when and if he is executed. I know I will be celebrating his death.
Complete Worthless Excuse. --Old Secesh
Friday, January 6, 2017
Mort Kunstler's Civil War Calendar for 2017, January: Lee's Horse
"There are few relationships more appreciated than that of a horse soldier and his mount. During the American Civil War, over a million horses perished in service to their respective causes.
"Few of them are more remembered and revered today as much as Robert E. Lee's horse, Traveller. Buried at Lee Chapel, at the same site as his commander, this dappled gray American Saddlebred was known for his speed, strength and courage in combat.
"Lee acquired him in 1862, and rode him throughout the war and beyond."
"There are few relationships more appreciated than that of a horse soldier and his mount. During the American Civil War, over a million horses perished in service to their respective causes.
"Few of them are more remembered and revered today as much as Robert E. Lee's horse, Traveller. Buried at Lee Chapel, at the same site as his commander, this dappled gray American Saddlebred was known for his speed, strength and courage in combat.
"Lee acquired him in 1862, and rode him throughout the war and beyond."
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 400: Wal-Mart Website Still has Other BLM Shirts
After reading this article (which also gave the name of the Charleston murderer, something I hate to see), I went to the Wal-Mart website and found a whole lot of BLM tee shirts for sale.
I also looked up Confederate in their offerings and saw two Mississippi state flags and a First National flag. This is surprising, but now at least it will not become necessary to conduct my own boycott of the place. I do enjoy shopping there.
And, since they started in Arkansas, it is a Southern business.
--Old Secesh
I also looked up Confederate in their offerings and saw two Mississippi state flags and a First National flag. This is surprising, but now at least it will not become necessary to conduct my own boycott of the place. I do enjoy shopping there.
And, since they started in Arkansas, it is a Southern business.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, January 5, 2017
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 399: Wal-Mart's Two-Faced Handling of Flags and T-Shirts
From the December 23, 2016, Google Alerts for Confederate.
This one really bothers me.
** Wal-Mart Pulls Back Black Lives Matter "Bullet Proof" T-Shirts After Police Union Objection.
Wal-Mart's statement: "Like other online retailers, we have a market place with millions of items offered by third parties that include Black Lives Matter."
However, in 2015, the store removed all items having to do with the Confederacy.
There is no doubt a connection between the BLM movement and the murders of police across the country as well as the vandalizing of Confederate monuments by their people.
If they would remove Confederate articles after the Charleston murders, why in the world would they show support for BLM?
The Shame of Wal-Mart. Perhaps a Boycott Is In Order. --Old Secesh
This one really bothers me.
** Wal-Mart Pulls Back Black Lives Matter "Bullet Proof" T-Shirts After Police Union Objection.
Wal-Mart's statement: "Like other online retailers, we have a market place with millions of items offered by third parties that include Black Lives Matter."
However, in 2015, the store removed all items having to do with the Confederacy.
There is no doubt a connection between the BLM movement and the murders of police across the country as well as the vandalizing of Confederate monuments by their people.
If they would remove Confederate articles after the Charleston murders, why in the world would they show support for BLM?
The Shame of Wal-Mart. Perhaps a Boycott Is In Order. --Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 398: Another High School Flag Controversy
A couple days ago I mentioned that it seems as if these anti-anything Confederate folks' attacks were waning. But that is NOT to say they have stopped altogether.
From the December 22, 2016, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Marana High bans Confederate Flag calling students' display disruptive. (Marana, Arizona) (Loss)
** However, some students have gotten permission to park across the street the street on private property and fly it. (Win)
The Fight Goes On. --Old Secesh
From the December 22, 2016, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Marana High bans Confederate Flag calling students' display disruptive. (Marana, Arizona) (Loss)
** However, some students have gotten permission to park across the street the street on private property and fly it. (Win)
The Fight Goes On. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Pender County's Burgaw Depot
From the Burgaw website.
During the Civil War, the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, which ran through Burgaw, N.C., was a vital Confederate lifeline. Confederate troops were transported along it and wounded and sick soldiers sent south from Virginia to hospitals.
Even more so, military equipment and supplies, brought into the Confederacy by blockade-runners from nearby Wilmington passed through here on its way to Richmond. The interior of the station still bears charred remains from when a Union cavalry detachment attacked it in 1863.
After the fall of Wilmington on February 22, 1865, the depot station became a Confederate headquarters for retreating troops and it soon fell thereafter to Union forces. For over a week in February, over 6,000 prisoners were held there while negotiations for a massive exchange took place between Richmond and Washington, D.C..
Pender County, named for a Confederate Civil War general, was the last of the 100 North Carolina counties formed, when, in 1875, it was split off from Wilmington's New Hanover County.
This is also the county where my Mom's condo is located at Topsail Beach.
--Old Secesh
During the Civil War, the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, which ran through Burgaw, N.C., was a vital Confederate lifeline. Confederate troops were transported along it and wounded and sick soldiers sent south from Virginia to hospitals.
Even more so, military equipment and supplies, brought into the Confederacy by blockade-runners from nearby Wilmington passed through here on its way to Richmond. The interior of the station still bears charred remains from when a Union cavalry detachment attacked it in 1863.
After the fall of Wilmington on February 22, 1865, the depot station became a Confederate headquarters for retreating troops and it soon fell thereafter to Union forces. For over a week in February, over 6,000 prisoners were held there while negotiations for a massive exchange took place between Richmond and Washington, D.C..
Pender County, named for a Confederate Civil War general, was the last of the 100 North Carolina counties formed, when, in 1875, it was split off from Wilmington's New Hanover County.
This is also the county where my Mom's condo is located at Topsail Beach.
--Old Secesh
Historic Burgaw Depot, N.C.
From the December 2016, Our State magazine (N.C.) "Historic Burgaw Depot" by Katie King.
Historic Burgaw Depot, Pender County.
The last train left the station in 1986, but this former Confederate headquarters was the first stop in Burgaw's revitalization.
Long before there was a town of Burgaw, there was a Burgaw depot. Built in 1850 as a wood and water stop on the Wilmington and Weldon rail line, the depot predates the town by 29 years, making it the oldest standing train depot in North Carolina -- and one of only two remaining antebellum depots (the other is in Selma).
Renovated in 2009, parts of the original structure can still be seen, including wooden doors and ceiling beams charred by an 1863 fire set by Union troops. Now the depot is used for weddings, administrative offices, and a year-round transportation museum -- a small piece of history making its way into our modern-day lives.
--Old Secesh
Historic Burgaw Depot, Pender County.
The last train left the station in 1986, but this former Confederate headquarters was the first stop in Burgaw's revitalization.
Long before there was a town of Burgaw, there was a Burgaw depot. Built in 1850 as a wood and water stop on the Wilmington and Weldon rail line, the depot predates the town by 29 years, making it the oldest standing train depot in North Carolina -- and one of only two remaining antebellum depots (the other is in Selma).
Renovated in 2009, parts of the original structure can still be seen, including wooden doors and ceiling beams charred by an 1863 fire set by Union troops. Now the depot is used for weddings, administrative offices, and a year-round transportation museum -- a small piece of history making its way into our modern-day lives.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 397: Finally, Less Pressure
Again, there are definitely fewer instances of people trampling upon my heritage, but there always will be. I mean, these heritage attacks were certainly going on before the Charleston murders, but the intensity increased many, many times after that. But now, they seem to be decreasing in number, so I am thankful for that.
As I said before, I would much rather be writing about the war itself, not this second war.
I was glad to see that last night, the Charleston murderer (whose name will not be mentioned by me) was declared sane enough to face his sentencing. His was a very calculated attack on innocent people. Hopefully he will not get life imprisonment.
He needs to be no-longer with us.
--Old Secesh
As I said before, I would much rather be writing about the war itself, not this second war.
I was glad to see that last night, the Charleston murderer (whose name will not be mentioned by me) was declared sane enough to face his sentencing. His was a very calculated attack on innocent people. Hopefully he will not get life imprisonment.
He needs to be no-longer with us.
--Old Secesh
Monday, January 2, 2017
Civil War Cannonball Found in South Carolina
From the May 11, 2016, 10 WIS TV "Civil War cannonball found in the Saluda River" by Caroline Patrickis.
Lexington County, S.C.. A cannonball, about the size of a tennis ball, was discovered in the lower Saluda River. The sheriff's department took it to their office immediately and called the bomb squad to check it out.
It is believed that it was uncovered by the October 2015 flood.
The Saluda River flows by Columbia, South Carolina, occupied by General Sherman's Army late in the Civil War.
--Old Secesh
Lexington County, S.C.. A cannonball, about the size of a tennis ball, was discovered in the lower Saluda River. The sheriff's department took it to their office immediately and called the bomb squad to check it out.
It is believed that it was uncovered by the October 2015 flood.
The Saluda River flows by Columbia, South Carolina, occupied by General Sherman's Army late in the Civil War.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 396: Former Police Officer Sues City for Her Firing Over Confederate Flag
From the December 17, 2016, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Former Officer Fired for Flying Confederate Flag Sues City. (Roswell, Georgia) (Win) Silvia Cotriss was a 20-year veteran of the police force with a sergeant rank and fired in July for flying the Confederate Flag at her home.
What she does at home should have no bearing in this case.
But,some sources say she was "unaware" that the flag offends some people. How can you be alive and not know that?
--Old Secesh
** Former Officer Fired for Flying Confederate Flag Sues City. (Roswell, Georgia) (Win) Silvia Cotriss was a 20-year veteran of the police force with a sergeant rank and fired in July for flying the Confederate Flag at her home.
What she does at home should have no bearing in this case.
But,some sources say she was "unaware" that the flag offends some people. How can you be alive and not know that?
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 395: (l)ouisville's Shame
From the Google Alerts for Confederate December 13, 2016.
** (l)ouisville's controversial Confederate monument reassembled in Bradenburg. (Kentucky) (l)ouisville's shame is Brandenburg's shining moment.
The monument was certainly not controversial to me. Too bad the shamed city took it down as I was planning on going to the Kentucky Derby this year.
No more Browns for me, at least in the shamed city.
How do you pronounce (l)ouisville: (l)ewisville or (l)ouieville?. I pronounce it Shameville.
Reckon That Won't Be Happening Now. But, I Do Plan To Go to Brandenburg. --Old Secesh
** (l)ouisville's controversial Confederate monument reassembled in Bradenburg. (Kentucky) (l)ouisville's shame is Brandenburg's shining moment.
The monument was certainly not controversial to me. Too bad the shamed city took it down as I was planning on going to the Kentucky Derby this year.
No more Browns for me, at least in the shamed city.
How do you pronounce (l)ouisville: (l)ewisville or (l)ouieville?. I pronounce it Shameville.
Reckon That Won't Be Happening Now. But, I Do Plan To Go to Brandenburg. --Old Secesh
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Beginning the 11th Year of Saw the Elephant Civil War Blog
I started this one in 2007, posting 55 times that year. This blog grew out of my Cooter's History Thing blog.
In 2016, I had 496 posts.
This is my 4071st post since 2007.
--Old Secesh
In 2016, I had 496 posts.
This is my 4071st post since 2007.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 394: More Confederate Flag Confriontations
From the December 11-12, 2016, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Waukesha Flap Over Confederate Flag. (Waukesha, Wisconsin) People living in an apartment complex put a Confederate Flag in their window and had to take it down because of comments, threats and supposed shots.
** Student suspended for wearing Confederate Flag. (Plum, Pa.) (Loss)
If the Students Can't Wear Confederate Flag Clothing, Then Certain People Shouldn't Be Able to Wear BLM Garb Or Anything Pushing Their Race. --Old Secesh
** Waukesha Flap Over Confederate Flag. (Waukesha, Wisconsin) People living in an apartment complex put a Confederate Flag in their window and had to take it down because of comments, threats and supposed shots.
** Student suspended for wearing Confederate Flag. (Plum, Pa.) (Loss)
If the Students Can't Wear Confederate Flag Clothing, Then Certain People Shouldn't Be Able to Wear BLM Garb Or Anything Pushing Their Race. --Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 393: Student First Has Right, Then Not to Wear Confederate Flag Clothing
Even though the near incessant attacks on my heritage have abated of late, sadly, there are still some.
From the December 10, 2016, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Student Has Right To Wear Confederate Clothing. (Plum, Pennsylvania) (Win) The head of the schools in that town said it was the student's right to wear it. A black student was offended by it.
** School Boss Changes Ruling, Bans Confederate Flag Clothes. (Plum, Pa.) (Loss) After his original decision, many students wore Confederate Flag clothing.
--Old Secesh
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