Continuing with the letter of George Hovey Cadman to his wife. "Last night our company with three others was detailed ton the skirmish line. I thought I would have to go too, but Capt. Orr ordered me to remain in and make out our muster and pay rolls. This is the first clerking I have had to do since he has been with the company, and I was in hopes I was done with it.
"I don't believe Johnnie Reb can stop in front of us much longer. He must either evacuate, surrender or fight, shortly, for we command the railroad between here and Marietta, and he can not run any more trains with supplies."
--Old Secesh
This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
Ohio's Edward F. Noyes-- Part 2
Edward F. Noyes eventually rose through the ranks to colonel of the 39th Ohio (when Cadman wrote about his poor service at the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain.
He was wounded in battle on July 4, 1864, near Ruff's Mills, Georgia, and had his left leg amputated. Three months later, Major General Joseph Hooker assigned him to command Camp Dennison in Cincinnati.
After the war, he resigned his commission and became city solicitor of Cincinnati and was elected governor of Ohio in 1871 and served until 1974.
--Old Secesh
He was wounded in battle on July 4, 1864, near Ruff's Mills, Georgia, and had his left leg amputated. Three months later, Major General Joseph Hooker assigned him to command Camp Dennison in Cincinnati.
After the war, he resigned his commission and became city solicitor of Cincinnati and was elected governor of Ohio in 1871 and served until 1974.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Col. Edward F. Noyes of the 39th Ohio-- Part 1
In the last post, I mentioned a Colonel Noyes who George Hovey Cadman of the 39th Ohio, described as being more than just a drunk and a man willing to have his regiment "sacrificed to whisky and ambition." Cadman was not too keen on his commanding officer.
I had never heard of this Colonel Noyes, so looked him up.
From Ohio History Central site.
Edward F. Noyes was born in Massachusetts in 1832, but grew up in New Hampshire and attended Dartmouth College. In 1853, he got involved with politics, joining the newly-formed Republican party. After graduation, he moved to Cincinnati in 1857 and graduated from law school in 1858 and began his practice.
With the beginning of the Civil War, he left his practice and helped organize the 39th Ohio Volunteer Infantry regiment and was commissioned its major on July 27, 1861.
More to Come. --Old Secesh
I had never heard of this Colonel Noyes, so looked him up.
From Ohio History Central site.
Edward F. Noyes was born in Massachusetts in 1832, but grew up in New Hampshire and attended Dartmouth College. In 1853, he got involved with politics, joining the newly-formed Republican party. After graduation, he moved to Cincinnati in 1857 and graduated from law school in 1858 and began his practice.
With the beginning of the Civil War, he left his practice and helped organize the 39th Ohio Volunteer Infantry regiment and was commissioned its major on July 27, 1861.
More to Come. --Old Secesh
39th Ohio,
Edward F. Noyes,
George Hovey Cadman
The Atlanta Campaign-- Part 1: "Sacrificed to Whisky and Ambition"
From theJune 26, 2014, Civil War Day By Day, UNC Library.
The case of the drunken colonel.
26 June 1864 letter from George Hovey Cadman, 39th Ohio, to his wife Esther.Sunday, June 26, describing Kennesaw Mountain.
"I told you yesterday that Col. Noyes was very anxious to storm the mountain, but that Gen. Fuller feared some trap. For thirty-six hours they kept their artillery masked, and showed nothing but a heavy line of skirmishers, evidently thinking we would advance, but finding suckers did not bite well, yesterday morning they threw off all disguise and opened on us with a full volley of shell.
"I don't think Col. Noyes wants to storm it as badly as he did. Could he have his way, our regiment would have been sacrificed to whisky and ambition. Since our return from furlough he has not been the same man he was before. When we made our reconnaissance at Resaca before the fight, he was so drunk he did not know what he was doing, and he has been worse for liquor several times since.
"The boys are getting perfectly down on him. Fortunately he leaves next month when his three years are up. But keep this to yourself or you may get me into trouble."
--Old Secesh
The case of the drunken colonel.
26 June 1864 letter from George Hovey Cadman, 39th Ohio, to his wife Esther.Sunday, June 26, describing Kennesaw Mountain.
"I told you yesterday that Col. Noyes was very anxious to storm the mountain, but that Gen. Fuller feared some trap. For thirty-six hours they kept their artillery masked, and showed nothing but a heavy line of skirmishers, evidently thinking we would advance, but finding suckers did not bite well, yesterday morning they threw off all disguise and opened on us with a full volley of shell.
"I don't think Col. Noyes wants to storm it as badly as he did. Could he have his way, our regiment would have been sacrificed to whisky and ambition. Since our return from furlough he has not been the same man he was before. When we made our reconnaissance at Resaca before the fight, he was so drunk he did not know what he was doing, and he has been worse for liquor several times since.
"The boys are getting perfectly down on him. Fortunately he leaves next month when his three years are up. But keep this to yourself or you may get me into trouble."
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Atlanta " Pieces"
From the September 3, 2014, Civil War Day By Day, UNC Library. A letter dated 3 September 1864, from George Washington Baker, Co. K, 123rd New York Infantry, to his mother.
"I found that our shell had torn the city to pieces considerable as on one side of the city most every house had a shell through it and some were completely riddled. A great good many inoffensive ones were killed as Hood never gave order for the noncombatants to remove and they curse Hood beyond all account.
"In one house there was a girl ironing when a shell burst in the room and 14 bullets struck her tearing her all to pieces and in one family of 7 they showed where five had been killed by one shell."
--Old Secesh
"I found that our shell had torn the city to pieces considerable as on one side of the city most every house had a shell through it and some were completely riddled. A great good many inoffensive ones were killed as Hood never gave order for the noncombatants to remove and they curse Hood beyond all account.
"In one house there was a girl ironing when a shell burst in the room and 14 bullets struck her tearing her all to pieces and in one family of 7 they showed where five had been killed by one shell."
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Elmira Museum Unveils Civil War Prison Camp Exhibit
From the August 12, 2014, Elmira (NY) Star Gazette.
The Chemung County Historical Society at 415 E. Water Street in Elmira, New York, has a new exhibit "So Far From Home: Life in Elmira's Confederate Prison Camp" which has opened. It is the last in its four-part Chemung County Civil War Experience series.
Earlier in the war, Elmira had been a military recruiting depot where soldiers trained. Later in the war, Elmira became a draft rendezvous and then a prison.
Just three granite markers showing the boundaries of the camp remain. They were dedicated in 1900 by the Baldwin Post of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Two are still outside: Water Street and Hoffman Street (northeast corner), West Water Street east of Gould Street (northwest corner) and one is on display at the Chemung Valley Historical Museum.
You hear so much about the horrors of Confederate prisons, it is good to see that efforts are being made to bring the stories of Union ones to the public. I understand there is a movement to do the same at Chicago's Camp Douglas.
--Old Secesh
The Chemung County Historical Society at 415 E. Water Street in Elmira, New York, has a new exhibit "So Far From Home: Life in Elmira's Confederate Prison Camp" which has opened. It is the last in its four-part Chemung County Civil War Experience series.
Earlier in the war, Elmira had been a military recruiting depot where soldiers trained. Later in the war, Elmira became a draft rendezvous and then a prison.
Just three granite markers showing the boundaries of the camp remain. They were dedicated in 1900 by the Baldwin Post of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Two are still outside: Water Street and Hoffman Street (northeast corner), West Water Street east of Gould Street (northwest corner) and one is on display at the Chemung Valley Historical Museum.
You hear so much about the horrors of Confederate prisons, it is good to see that efforts are being made to bring the stories of Union ones to the public. I understand there is a movement to do the same at Chicago's Camp Douglas.
--Old Secesh
Monday, January 26, 2015
Elmira Civil War Prison Building Arrives Home-- Part 2
Elmira Prison operated from July 6, 1864-July 11, 1865. It was built to hold 5,000 Confederates and ended up with 12,121.
Many of the Confederates captured at Fort Fisher ended up here and died here.
Ron Stack, of North Carolina, had his great-great grandfather held prisoner there. He has twelve letters sent by him. He donated two of them and made copies of the other ten to the Friends of Elmira Prison.
The group also is working to gather material about the prison from other places.
When they were taking the building apart before being moved, they threw away modern nails, but kept the Civil War era rectangular ones and will sail them at a fundraiser.
They are also trying to acquire a 3-inch ordnance Griffin rifle cannon cast in 1863 at Phoenix Foundry, weighing 816 pounds. They also are looking for a carriage for it.
--Old Secesh
Many of the Confederates captured at Fort Fisher ended up here and died here.
Ron Stack, of North Carolina, had his great-great grandfather held prisoner there. He has twelve letters sent by him. He donated two of them and made copies of the other ten to the Friends of Elmira Prison.
The group also is working to gather material about the prison from other places.
When they were taking the building apart before being moved, they threw away modern nails, but kept the Civil War era rectangular ones and will sail them at a fundraiser.
They are also trying to acquire a 3-inch ordnance Griffin rifle cannon cast in 1863 at Phoenix Foundry, weighing 816 pounds. They also are looking for a carriage for it.
--Old Secesh
Elmira New York,
Elmira Prison,
Fort Fisher,
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Elmira Civil War Prison Camp Building Arrives Home-- Part 1
From the Sept. 12, 2014, Elmira (NY) Star-Gazette by Ray Finger.
It finally took a 5 mile journey, but years of planning and acquiring lumber from the only surviving building of the infamous Union Elmira Prison.
Volunteers unloaded, sorted and stacked the lumber behind the Elmira Water Board's pumping station on Winsor Avenue which at one time was part of the former prison camp.
The group Friends of Elmira Civil War Prison Camp were the ones who finished the project, moving the lumber from Big Flats.
The building will be reassembled and used as a museum/learning center.
--Old Secesh
It finally took a 5 mile journey, but years of planning and acquiring lumber from the only surviving building of the infamous Union Elmira Prison.
Volunteers unloaded, sorted and stacked the lumber behind the Elmira Water Board's pumping station on Winsor Avenue which at one time was part of the former prison camp.
The group Friends of Elmira Civil War Prison Camp were the ones who finished the project, moving the lumber from Big Flats.
The building will be reassembled and used as a museum/learning center.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Variances Sought for Elmira Civil War Prison Building
From the July 17, 2014, Elmira (NY) Star-Gazette by Ray Finger.
Zoning variances to allow the only surviving building at the former prison to be reconstructed are before the Chemung County Planning Board. The parcel is zoned residential.
It will not be on the exact spot the building formerly was located.
There is speculation the building might have been used as a grainery, pharmacy, death house for storage of bodies (a lot of Confederates died there) until they could be picked up for burial at Woodlawn Cemetery.
--Old Secesh
Zoning variances to allow the only surviving building at the former prison to be reconstructed are before the Chemung County Planning Board. The parcel is zoned residential.
It will not be on the exact spot the building formerly was located.
There is speculation the building might have been used as a grainery, pharmacy, death house for storage of bodies (a lot of Confederates died there) until they could be picked up for burial at Woodlawn Cemetery.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Dixie's Loss Is Montana's Gain
From the Dec. 27, 2014, Great Falls (Montana) Tribune.
When the Confederacy was defeated, many former Southerners moved west and north to Montana.
Fort Benton, Montana was "a multi-racial melting pot that practically constituted an appendage of Missouri."
James William and Charlie Conrad were from the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia.
James and Maria Conrad raised 13 children on Wapping Plantation. With the war over, their 11 slaves gone, the plantation in ruins, they moved to Fort Benton according to family lore with nothing but a "single silver dollar." From that, they built a business empire on the frontier.
Former Confederate veterans were in on the discovery of most of the largest strikes.
The songs "Dixie" and "Bonnie Blue Flag" were heard often and when news of Lincoln's assassination reached Montana, there was cheering in the streets.
This information is taken from a new book "Confederates in Montana Territory: In the Shadow of Price's Army" by Ken Robinson.
--Old Secesh
When the Confederacy was defeated, many former Southerners moved west and north to Montana.
Fort Benton, Montana was "a multi-racial melting pot that practically constituted an appendage of Missouri."
James William and Charlie Conrad were from the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia.
James and Maria Conrad raised 13 children on Wapping Plantation. With the war over, their 11 slaves gone, the plantation in ruins, they moved to Fort Benton according to family lore with nothing but a "single silver dollar." From that, they built a business empire on the frontier.
Former Confederate veterans were in on the discovery of most of the largest strikes.
The songs "Dixie" and "Bonnie Blue Flag" were heard often and when news of Lincoln's assassination reached Montana, there was cheering in the streets.
This information is taken from a new book "Confederates in Montana Territory: In the Shadow of Price's Army" by Ken Robinson.
--Old Secesh
Monday, January 19, 2015
General Stephen Dodson Ramseur, C.S.A.-- Part 2: Of North Carolina
Stephen Ramseur was born in Lincolnton, North Carolina, and an 1860 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point.
In a surprise attack on the Union Army at Cedar Creek on October 19, 1864, the Confederates under Gen. Jubal Early routed the Army of Gen. Phil Sheridan and forced it out of their camps in disorganization. Unfortunately for the Confederates, their troops were hungry and exhausted leading to them falling out of ranks to pillage the Union camps.
When Sheridan's counterattack struck, Ramseur was able to get a few hundred back in line and held off the Union attack for one and a half hours, showing great valor and bravery.
He was mounted on horseback and drew heavy fire the whole time. He was wounded in the arm and his horse shot out from under him. A second horse was also killed. He was on his third horse when he was shot through both lungs, fell and was captured by the 1st Vermont Cavalry.
He died the following day at Meadow Mills, Virginia at Sheridan's headquarters at Belle Grove Manison.
The day before the battle, word had reached the gallant Ramseur of the birth of his daughter. He was buried at St. Luke's Episcopal Cemetery in Lincolnton, North Carolina.
--Old Secesh
In a surprise attack on the Union Army at Cedar Creek on October 19, 1864, the Confederates under Gen. Jubal Early routed the Army of Gen. Phil Sheridan and forced it out of their camps in disorganization. Unfortunately for the Confederates, their troops were hungry and exhausted leading to them falling out of ranks to pillage the Union camps.
When Sheridan's counterattack struck, Ramseur was able to get a few hundred back in line and held off the Union attack for one and a half hours, showing great valor and bravery.
He was mounted on horseback and drew heavy fire the whole time. He was wounded in the arm and his horse shot out from under him. A second horse was also killed. He was on his third horse when he was shot through both lungs, fell and was captured by the 1st Vermont Cavalry.
He died the following day at Meadow Mills, Virginia at Sheridan's headquarters at Belle Grove Manison.
The day before the battle, word had reached the gallant Ramseur of the birth of his daughter. He was buried at St. Luke's Episcopal Cemetery in Lincolnton, North Carolina.
--Old Secesh
Stephen Dodson Ramseur, C.S.A.-- Part 1
From Wikipedia.
In the last post, Gen. Sheridan mentioned that Confederate General Ramseur had been captured and was "perhaps mortally wounded." I was familiar with this general's name, but didn't know much about him, so had to do further research.
(May 31, 1837-October 20, 1864)
Was one of the youngest generals on either side during the war, just 27 when he was killed.
He distinguished himself at the Battles of Malvern Hill, Chancellorsville( where his brigade led the flank attack), the Overland Campaign and Valley Campaign. He was mortally wounded at the Battle of Cedar Creek as Sheridan had mentioned.
--Old Secesh
In the last post, Gen. Sheridan mentioned that Confederate General Ramseur had been captured and was "perhaps mortally wounded." I was familiar with this general's name, but didn't know much about him, so had to do further research.
(May 31, 1837-October 20, 1864)
Was one of the youngest generals on either side during the war, just 27 when he was killed.
He distinguished himself at the Battles of Malvern Hill, Chancellorsville( where his brigade led the flank attack), the Overland Campaign and Valley Campaign. He was mortally wounded at the Battle of Cedar Creek as Sheridan had mentioned.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Sheridan's Report on Battle of Cedar Creek-- Part 2
"At three o'clock in the afternoon, after some charges of the cavalry from the left to right flank, I attacked with great vigor, driving and routing the enemy, capturing, according to the last report, forty-three pieces of artillery and many prisoners.
"I do not know yet the number of casualties or the losses of the enemy. Wagons, trains, ambulances and caissons in large numbers are in our hands. They also burned some of their trains.
"General Ramseur is a prisoner in our hands, severely and perhaps mortally wounded. I have to regret the loss of Gen. Bidwell, killed and gens. Wright, Grover and Ricketts, wounded. Wright is slightly wounded.
"Affairs at times looked badly, but by the gallantry of our brave officers and men, disaster has been converted into a splendid victory. Darkness again intervened to shut off the greater result."
A Big, Come From behind, Victory for the Union. --Old Secesh
"I do not know yet the number of casualties or the losses of the enemy. Wagons, trains, ambulances and caissons in large numbers are in our hands. They also burned some of their trains.
"General Ramseur is a prisoner in our hands, severely and perhaps mortally wounded. I have to regret the loss of Gen. Bidwell, killed and gens. Wright, Grover and Ricketts, wounded. Wright is slightly wounded.
"Affairs at times looked badly, but by the gallantry of our brave officers and men, disaster has been converted into a splendid victory. Darkness again intervened to shut off the greater result."
A Big, Come From behind, Victory for the Union. --Old Secesh
Friday, January 16, 2015
Sheridan's Report of Battle of Cedar Creek-- Part 1
From the October 1864 Chicago Tribune.
"To Lieutenant General Grant, City Point:
Cedar Creek, Oct 19-- 10 p.m.
I have the honor to report that my army at Cedar Creek was attacked this morning and my left was turned and driven in confusion. In fact most of the line was driven in confusion, with the loss of twenty pieces of artillery.
I listened from Winchester, where I was on my return from Washington, and found the army between Middleton and Newton, having been driven back about four miles. I here took the affair in hand and quickly united the corps and formed a compact line of battle in time to repulse the attack of the enemy, which was done handsomely at about one o'clock in the afternoon."
More to Come. --Old Secesh
"To Lieutenant General Grant, City Point:
Cedar Creek, Oct 19-- 10 p.m.
I have the honor to report that my army at Cedar Creek was attacked this morning and my left was turned and driven in confusion. In fact most of the line was driven in confusion, with the loss of twenty pieces of artillery.
I listened from Winchester, where I was on my return from Washington, and found the army between Middleton and Newton, having been driven back about four miles. I here took the affair in hand and quickly united the corps and formed a compact line of battle in time to repulse the attack of the enemy, which was done handsomely at about one o'clock in the afternoon."
More to Come. --Old Secesh
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Fort Fisher Falls 150 Years Ago Today
Today, January 15, 2015, marks the sesquicentennial of the capture of Fort Fisher, North Carolina, by a combine Navy and Army attack. This effectively closed the port of Wilmington and closed the Confederacy to the outside world.
I have written about this fort often in this blog and a whole lot in my Running the Blockade Civil War Navy Blog, including a whole lot in the past month. For the account of the battle, read that blog.
Fort Fisher holds a special place in my heart as it was that place that got me interested in the Civil War and then, history in general. This is why I taught for 33 years.
A Real Big Thing. --Old Secesh
I have written about this fort often in this blog and a whole lot in my Running the Blockade Civil War Navy Blog, including a whole lot in the past month. For the account of the battle, read that blog.
Fort Fisher holds a special place in my heart as it was that place that got me interested in the Civil War and then, history in general. This is why I taught for 33 years.
A Real Big Thing. --Old Secesh
Chicago Tribune Headlines for Battle of Cedar Creek
NEWS BY TELEGRAPH October 21, 1864
More Thunder from the Shenandoah
Gen. Sheridan Defeats Longstreet and Captures 43 Guns
A Critical Situation Turned to a Victory
Full Official Dispatch from General Sheridan
Full Notes of Wednesday's Battle
Sheridan's Appearance Saves the Day and the Army
How to sell newspapers in 1864. The telegraph was a big thing in getting war news to other places with hours of events out east.
--Old Secesh
More Thunder from the Shenandoah
Gen. Sheridan Defeats Longstreet and Captures 43 Guns
A Critical Situation Turned to a Victory
Full Official Dispatch from General Sheridan
Full Notes of Wednesday's Battle
Sheridan's Appearance Saves the Day and the Army
How to sell newspapers in 1864. The telegraph was a big thing in getting war news to other places with hours of events out east.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Find Out About General Sheridan's Role in Chicago's History and Postwar Career
The last several days I have been writing about General Philip Sheridan's postwar career in Chicago and as commander of the U.S. Army on the Great Plains in my RoadDog's RoadLog Blog. According to the Chicago Tribune article, Sheridan is credited with saving the city three times, twice during and after the Great Chicago Fire. He also saved it from the civil unrest of the 1880s and was key in the removal of Plains Indians to reservations.
Sheridan Road connecting Chicago and Wisconsin along Illinois' North Shore and Fort Sheridan in Highland Park were named for him.
--Old Secesh
Sheridan Road connecting Chicago and Wisconsin along Illinois' North Shore and Fort Sheridan in Highland Park were named for him.
--Old Secesh
Great Chicago Fire,
Great Plains,
Phil Sheridan
"A Splendid Victory Was Won by Gen. Sheridan"
From the Dec. 14, 2014, Chicago Tribune, "Why it's called Sheridan Road" by Ron Grossman.
Followers of my RoadDog's Roadlog Blog have been reading about General Philip H. Sheridan's role in Chicago history which led to a major north-south road and a fort being named for him in the area.
This was from an article in the 1864 Tribune announcing the general's huge victory at the Battle of Cedar Creek in Virginia. It is the text of a military telegraph message from Secretary of War E.M. Stanton to Major General Dix on October 20, 1864.
"A great battle was fought and a splendid victory was won by Gen. Sheridan over Longstreet yesterday at Cedar Creek. Forty-three pieces of artillery were captured and many prisoners, among whom were rebel Gen. Ramseur.. On our side Gens. Wright and Ricketts were wounded, and Gen. Bidwell killed.
"Particulars so far as received will be furnished as fast as the operator can transmit them."
E.M. Stanton
Secretary of War
Followers of my RoadDog's Roadlog Blog have been reading about General Philip H. Sheridan's role in Chicago history which led to a major north-south road and a fort being named for him in the area.
This was from an article in the 1864 Tribune announcing the general's huge victory at the Battle of Cedar Creek in Virginia. It is the text of a military telegraph message from Secretary of War E.M. Stanton to Major General Dix on October 20, 1864.
"A great battle was fought and a splendid victory was won by Gen. Sheridan over Longstreet yesterday at Cedar Creek. Forty-three pieces of artillery were captured and many prisoners, among whom were rebel Gen. Ramseur.. On our side Gens. Wright and Ricketts were wounded, and Gen. Bidwell killed.
"Particulars so far as received will be furnished as fast as the operator can transmit them."
E.M. Stanton
Secretary of War
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
North Carolina's Fort York to be Saved
From the Jan. 9, 2015, Davidson County (NC) Dispatch "state gives grant for acquiring property at Fort York."
The Clean Water Management Trust Fund gave $187,000 to help the Land Trust for Central North Carolina acquire about 13 acres on the Yadkin River in Davidson County.
This acreage contains parts of the former Fort York historic site, where one of the last Confederate victories of the war took place. Unaware that the war had ended three days earlier (Lee's surrender which actually did not end the war), Confederates fought in April 1865 to prevent destruction of a rail bridge over the river.
Plans call for reopening the area and fort, long identified as one of the state's most significant unprotected Civil War sites.
--Old Secesh
The Clean Water Management Trust Fund gave $187,000 to help the Land Trust for Central North Carolina acquire about 13 acres on the Yadkin River in Davidson County.
This acreage contains parts of the former Fort York historic site, where one of the last Confederate victories of the war took place. Unaware that the war had ended three days earlier (Lee's surrender which actually did not end the war), Confederates fought in April 1865 to prevent destruction of a rail bridge over the river.
Plans call for reopening the area and fort, long identified as one of the state's most significant unprotected Civil War sites.
--Old Secesh
Springfield, Mass., November 1864-- Part 3: St. Albans Raid, Battle of Honey Hill, S.C.
NOVEMBER 26, 1864-- The lone victim killed in the October St. Albans Raid was Elinus J. Morrison, a building contractor from Manchester, N.Y.. He had a life insurance policy with Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. in Springfield. "The company has promptly paid over the money to the family of the deceased, which places them in comfortable circumstances."
One of the wounded was Peter Brace of St. Albans, Vermont, who was a member of the 54th Massachusetts. He is the great, great Uncle of Ron Brace, who started the Peter Brace Brigade of Civil War Re-enactors, based out of Springfield, Massachusetts.
BATTLE OF HONEY HILL-- Took place in Jaspar County, S.C.. Both the 54th and 55th Massachusetts, both black units, took part in it. Many of the men were from western Massachusetts.
The entrenched Confederates were victorious. Union forces lost 89 killed, 629 wounded and 28 captured. Confederate losses were put at 8 killed and 39 wounded.
--Old Secesh
One of the wounded was Peter Brace of St. Albans, Vermont, who was a member of the 54th Massachusetts. He is the great, great Uncle of Ron Brace, who started the Peter Brace Brigade of Civil War Re-enactors, based out of Springfield, Massachusetts.
BATTLE OF HONEY HILL-- Took place in Jaspar County, S.C.. Both the 54th and 55th Massachusetts, both black units, took part in it. Many of the men were from western Massachusetts.
The entrenched Confederates were victorious. Union forces lost 89 killed, 629 wounded and 28 captured. Confederate losses were put at 8 killed and 39 wounded.
--Old Secesh
Monday, January 12, 2015
Civil War Transparencies
I was wondering what a Civil War-era transparency was. I know what they were when I was teaching, a piece of clear plastic on which you could write stuff and show it on a screen large enough for the students to see at their desks. It was a much better way than writing the information on a chalkboard.
Bit what was one like in the Civil War?
The article was nice enough to include a picture of one and an explanation. A transparency back then was a cloth-covered box with the likeness of their candidate cut into it. They would be held aloft on a pole and illuminated by a small lantern.
--Old Secesh
Bit what was one like in the Civil War?
The article was nice enough to include a picture of one and an explanation. A transparency back then was a cloth-covered box with the likeness of their candidate cut into it. They would be held aloft on a pole and illuminated by a small lantern.
--Old Secesh
Civil War Springfield, Mass., Nov. 1864- Part 2: A Fight Breaks Out Over the Election
NOV. 1ST-- The Jr. Union Club, too young to vote and supporters of Lincoln had a march "carrying new transparencies" of Lincoln. Supporters of McClellan cut into the march and carried their own McClellan transparencies.
A fight broke out " and one of the Lincoln boys was badly injured by a rock thrown by the opposition and another youth had his nose broken by a club."
NOV. 3RD-- The Republican newspaper reported that the noon express was late because of the extra cars added carrying 1,410 soldiers home to vote.
Before the election, votes taken at Mr. Foster's Grammar School showed Lincoln with a 61-14 win.
Workers at Smith & Wesson returned a 66-20 victory for Lincoln.
Giant American flags were over the streets with either "Union Party" or"Vote for Mac."
Of Course, Lincoln Won. --Old Secesh
A fight broke out " and one of the Lincoln boys was badly injured by a rock thrown by the opposition and another youth had his nose broken by a club."
NOV. 3RD-- The Republican newspaper reported that the noon express was late because of the extra cars added carrying 1,410 soldiers home to vote.
Before the election, votes taken at Mr. Foster's Grammar School showed Lincoln with a 61-14 win.
Workers at Smith & Wesson returned a 66-20 victory for Lincoln.
Giant American flags were over the streets with either "Union Party" or"Vote for Mac."
Of Course, Lincoln Won. --Old Secesh
Civil War in Springfield, Mass., November 1864-- Part 1: The Presidential Election
From the Nov. 3, 2014, MassLive "Civil War 150th anniversary: Fighting in the streets of Springfield breaks out during the Lincoln vs. McClellan election of 1864" by Wayne Phaneuf.
Continuing with this very interesting series of monthly article. I wish I had discovered it earlier during this sesquicentennial of the war and will be definitely catching up on it.
During the first of Nov. 1864, trains packed with soldiers streamed through Springfield Depot. Most of the passengers on these trains in uniform weren't fighting. They were coming home to cast their ballots for presidents.
I wonder for whom they would be voting? Most likely for McClellan. I have also heard that soldiers in the field were allowed to vote as well. This would be something Democratic politicians would definitely want.
--Old Secesh
Continuing with this very interesting series of monthly article. I wish I had discovered it earlier during this sesquicentennial of the war and will be definitely catching up on it.
During the first of Nov. 1864, trains packed with soldiers streamed through Springfield Depot. Most of the passengers on these trains in uniform weren't fighting. They were coming home to cast their ballots for presidents.
I wonder for whom they would be voting? Most likely for McClellan. I have also heard that soldiers in the field were allowed to vote as well. This would be something Democratic politicians would definitely want.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Springfield, Mass. Oct. 1864-- Part 4: A Horrible Train Wreck
SHOCKING RAILROAD ACCIDENT: A train carrying 275 sick and wounded soldiers from New Haven to Reidsville ,near Boston, derailed at a deep cut known as Rocky Ledge near Lyme, Connecticut. Twelve soldiers were killed and 35 wounded as the cars slammed into the rocky cliffs.
Among those killed was John B. Baxter of Springfield, a member of the 34th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment.
--Old Secesh
Among those killed was John B. Baxter of Springfield, a member of the 34th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment.
--Old Secesh
Springfield, Mass. October 1864-- Part 3: St. Albans Raid Shocks New England
Continuing with news for the month from the town's Republican newspaper.
Among the people moving to Springfield were more Catholics. Two Catholic churches were under construction.
Springfield and Western Massachusetts was very shocked to read on October 20th of the Confederate raid that had taken place on St. Albans, Vermont, the day before. Confederates had attacked the town. Several townspeople were reportedly shot in early reports: two fatally, and there banks robbed of $153,000. The raiders had then fled back to Canada on 20 stolen horses.
This was the first time that the war had come to New England.
The next day, Oct. 21, it was reported that ten of te raisers had been captured by authorities in Canada and that only one St. Albans resident had died.
--Old Secesh
Among the people moving to Springfield were more Catholics. Two Catholic churches were under construction.
Springfield and Western Massachusetts was very shocked to read on October 20th of the Confederate raid that had taken place on St. Albans, Vermont, the day before. Confederates had attacked the town. Several townspeople were reportedly shot in early reports: two fatally, and there banks robbed of $153,000. The raiders had then fled back to Canada on 20 stolen horses.
This was the first time that the war had come to New England.
The next day, Oct. 21, it was reported that ten of te raisers had been captured by authorities in Canada and that only one St. Albans resident had died.
--Old Secesh
Springfield Massachusetts,
St. Albans Raid
Friday, January 9, 2015
Civil War Springfield, Mass.-- Part 2: October Crime Reports
The increased population led to increased crime and there had been a recent rash of burglaries and arson fires.
The Republican newspaper gave stats for police court for the year ending September 30th:
There had been 797 cases. A breakdown of these cases was included: drunkenness 346, assault and battery 156, larceny 122, disturbing the peace 44, fornication 17, search warrants 14, houses of ill repute 11, violation of Sunday laws 10, malicious conduct 9, evading railroad fares 8, unlawful driving of the horse of another 5 and other things like lewd persons, glass breaking and cruelty to animals.
So, Not Everyone Was an Abider. --Old Secesh
The Republican newspaper gave stats for police court for the year ending September 30th:
There had been 797 cases. A breakdown of these cases was included: drunkenness 346, assault and battery 156, larceny 122, disturbing the peace 44, fornication 17, search warrants 14, houses of ill repute 11, violation of Sunday laws 10, malicious conduct 9, evading railroad fares 8, unlawful driving of the horse of another 5 and other things like lewd persons, glass breaking and cruelty to animals.
So, Not Everyone Was an Abider. --Old Secesh
The Civil War in Springfield, Massachusetts-- Part 1: October School Problems
From the MassLive site.
I came across this very interesting look back at what was going on in Springfield, Massachusetts month-by-month during the war as reported by the town's Republican newspaper.
I found it for November, but am going back to October.
Springfield thrived during the war especially with business directed to the Springfield Armory which never did a better business. However, this business caused many people to move to the city and caused housing shortages as well as overcrowding in the schools.
On October 3rd, 60 children were turned away from the Charles Street School due to overcrowding. Most of their parents had been taxed to provide schooling and certainly weren't getting their money's worth.
There was a huge increase in population and a resulting increase in crime.
--Old Secesh
I came across this very interesting look back at what was going on in Springfield, Massachusetts month-by-month during the war as reported by the town's Republican newspaper.
I found it for November, but am going back to October.
Springfield thrived during the war especially with business directed to the Springfield Armory which never did a better business. However, this business caused many people to move to the city and caused housing shortages as well as overcrowding in the schools.
On October 3rd, 60 children were turned away from the Charles Street School due to overcrowding. Most of their parents had been taxed to provide schooling and certainly weren't getting their money's worth.
There was a huge increase in population and a resulting increase in crime.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, January 8, 2015
"Went With the Wind"
From Wikipedia.
Here is some more information on Carol Burnett's "Went With the Wind" skit.
It was shown on the 8th episode of the 10th season on November 13, 1976. Carol Burnett played Starlet O'Hara, Harvey Korman was Capt. Ratt Butler, Dinah Shore was Melody Hamilton (I was trying to figure out who she was), Vicki Lawrence was Sissy and Tim Conway was Brashley Wilkes. The action took place at Terra Plantation.
There are segments all over You Tube as well.
Lots of cultural references:
Bobbie Gentry's "Ode to Billy Joe"
Tony Orlando & Dawn's "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Around the Old Oak Tree"
"Dixie" with Harvey's hilarious version of it
"Camptown Races"
Chicken of the Sea and tuna casserole
The curtain dress scene was named #2 on TV Guide's Jan-23-29, 1999 list of Funniest Moments on TV. The entire outfit, including curtain rod, is on display at the Smithsonian. Mattel has released a doll of Burnett dressed like that in its Barbie Celebrity Doll in 2004.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Carol Burnett's "Went With the Wind" on TV Monday Night
A couple nights ago, Liz called downstairs to have me tune to one of those old TV stations. I did and found that famous skit Carol Burnett and cast did called "Went With the Wind." Of course, a takeoff on the famous movie "Gone With the Wind."
This has to be one of the funniest skits she ever did (out of many, many, many). It was amazing how she followed the general script of the original but did it in such a funny way. Tim Conway played Brashly and Harvey Korman Captain Ratt Butler.
Conway cracked up Korman when he did his walk down the stairs and I don't know how Korman kept a straight face when Burnett walked down the stairs in that curtain dress.
This is definitely one of the best of the best comedy bits ever done. I'm glad Liz alerted me to it.
You can see it on You Tube.
Still Laughing About It. --Old Laughing 'Cesh.
"Gone With the Wind",
"Went With the Wind",
Georgia's "Gone With the Wind" Trail-- Part 4
Thirty minutes south of Atlanta. Home to Margaret Mitchell's maternal parents, the Fitzgeralds, who owned a plantation outside of town. In 1969, Clayton County and Jonesboro designated it as "The Official Home of "Gone With the Wind."
Sherman did not destroy the plantation, but the main house caught fire after the war, leaving only the fireplaces standing. It was moved to the Margaret Mitchell Memorial Park on the 1839 Stately Oaks Plantation, considered to be the inspiration for her Tara.
In downtown Jonesboro, there is the Road to Tara Museum located in the 1867 train depot. It has a large collection of "Gone With the Wind" artifacts, even a "Sherman Necktie," a piece of railroad track twisted into a loop that Sherman's men were so good at making.
More info at the Gone With the Wind Trail at
--Old Secesh
Georgia's "Gone With the Wind" Trail-- Part 3: More Atlanta Area Sites
LIVINGSTON'S RESTAURANT IN THE GEORGIAN TERRACE HOTEL-- Where the post premier party was held. Also where Margaret Mitchell gave her manuscript to her editor.
SOCIAL CIRCLE, GEORGIA-- 45 minutes east of downtown Atlanta and a favorite destination of the young Margaret Mitchell who visited the estate during her courtship to her first husband, Redd Upshaw, her inspiration for Rhett Butler. In 1991, it became the Blue Willow Inn.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Georgia's "Gone With the Wind" Trail-- Part 3: Atlanta
Still in Atlanta, other Margaret Mitchell, "Gone With the Wind" related places to visit:
The 5th floor has a Margaret Mitchell collection, including the second-hand Remington typewriter she used to write her book. Also personal items, photos and rare editions of her novel.
Where Margaret Mitchell is buried.
Which Margaret Mitchell often frequented while writing and after her book was published.
--Old Secesh
Georgia's "Gone With the Wind" Trail-- Part 2
Just 20 miles away from Marietta is Atlanta, the city that was burned in November 1864 and less than 75 years later, Margaret Mitchell wrote her Pulitzer Prize-winning book in a small downtown apartment she shared with her husband John Marsh. Mitchell called the two-bedroom basement apartment "The Dungeon." It is still there and now called the Margaret Mitchell House. Tours are offered and it has two exhibition galleries pertaining to the book and movie.
On 33 acres and consists of a historical village and museum on Gone With the Wind and the Wilbur G. Kurtz "History of Gone With the Wind" until April. 2015.
A huge circular canvas of the Battle of Atlanta.
More to See in Atlanta. --Old Secesh
Monday, January 5, 2015
Who Are the Windies?
By the way, in case you're wondering, big-time "Gone With the Wind" movie fanatics are called "Windies."
I am somewhat of a "Windie" as it never fails to bring tears to my eyes when I see that scene with all the dead and wounded Confederates in the street as the camera fans back past that Confederate flag. Gets me every time.
A good question, however, what is the singular of Windies? Would that make me a "Windy?" Didn't the Association have a song about that back in the '60s?
--Old Secesh
"Gone With the Wind",
Confederate Flags,
Georgia's "Gone With the Wind" Trail-- Part 1
From the August 31, 2014, St. Louis Post-Dispatch "Marching down Georgia's 'Gone With the Wind' Trail" by Suzanne Corbett.
Last year, 2014, marked the 75th anniversary of what is still considered one of the greatest movies ever made, "Gone With the Wind." That movie now serves as Georgia's newest tourism trail.
Here are some highlights of it:
MARIETTA-- Kennesaw House Hotel. Converted into a hospital and, on July 3, 1864, became Union General Sherman's headquarters. Today it serves as the Marietta Museum of History.
One block away is the Marietta "Gone With the Wind" Museum:Scarlet on the Square which opened in 2003 with all sorts of items related to the movie including her Bengaline honeymoon dress.
--Old Secesh
More Civil War Books Than You'd Expect at Small Town Library
From the August 31, 2014, Tampa Tribune "Tiny town's library holds a treasure of Civil War books" by Keith Morelli.
E.C. Rowell Public Library in Webster, Florida is quite small, but has in its collection, over 1300 Civil War books with many first editions and some printed in the 1800s. Included are two sets of the Official Records. There are also periodicals, novels, photos and reference books.
Most of them were donated from the personal collection of E.C. Rowell, for whom the library is named. He was the former speaker of the Florida House of Representatives and Civil War buff who died in 1992.
Even better, these books are now accessible to everyone.
--Old Secesh
E.C. Rowell Public Library in Webster, Florida is quite small, but has in its collection, over 1300 Civil War books with many first editions and some printed in the 1800s. Included are two sets of the Official Records. There are also periodicals, novels, photos and reference books.
Most of them were donated from the personal collection of E.C. Rowell, for whom the library is named. He was the former speaker of the Florida House of Representatives and Civil War buff who died in 1992.
Even better, these books are now accessible to everyone.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Edward Anderson, CSA-- Part 3: Refused to Surrender
Edward Johnson was then commissioned in the Virginia Provisional Army and served at Norfolk, St. Helena and Crainey Island until the evacuation of the area. He then joined the Army of Northern Virginia and participated in the Peninsula Campaign.
After that, he served as chief ordnance officer on Lee's staff and later chief ordnance officer for General William Dorsey Pender and then for Gen. Cadmus M. Wilcox.
Later, he was commissioned a captain in the regular Confederate Artillery and was at Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Petersburg and Appomattox.
He refused to surrender with Lee at the latter and made his way south to join Johnston's Army in North Carolina. When it surrendered, he made his way to Texas to join General Kirby Smith's Army which was still in the field. When he found they had surrendered, he made his way back to Virginia.
Anderson then studied law and ran a successful law firm in Washington, D.C.. He was also actively involved in Confederate affairs for the rest of his life as past commander of Camp 171 of the United Confederate Veterans and helped found the Charles Broadway Rouss Camp 1191.
He died September 2, 1915.
--Old Secesh
After that, he served as chief ordnance officer on Lee's staff and later chief ordnance officer for General William Dorsey Pender and then for Gen. Cadmus M. Wilcox.
Later, he was commissioned a captain in the regular Confederate Artillery and was at Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Petersburg and Appomattox.
He refused to surrender with Lee at the latter and made his way south to join Johnston's Army in North Carolina. When it surrendered, he made his way to Texas to join General Kirby Smith's Army which was still in the field. When he found they had surrendered, he made his way back to Virginia.
Anderson then studied law and ran a successful law firm in Washington, D.C.. He was also actively involved in Confederate affairs for the rest of his life as past commander of Camp 171 of the United Confederate Veterans and helped found the Charles Broadway Rouss Camp 1191.
He died September 2, 1915.
--Old Secesh
Friday, January 2, 2015
Edward Anderson, CSA-- Part 2: Correct Birth Date
I came across Edward Anderson's obituary in the December 1915 Confederate Veteran Magazine of the United Confederate Veterans from which the Arlington National Cemetery was most likely taken.
It has Edward Anderson being born in St. Augustine, Florida, November 11, 1841.
This date would make his being a cadet at West Point at the outbreak of the war more accurate.
--Old Secesh
It has Edward Anderson being born in St. Augustine, Florida, November 11, 1841.
This date would make his being a cadet at West Point at the outbreak of the war more accurate.
--Old Secesh
Edward Anderson, CSA-- Part 1:Refused to Take Oath of Allegiance at Beginning of the War
From the Arlington National Cemetery Site.
Born January 1849 in Florida (I kind of doubt this date as that would have made him a West Point cadet in 1861 at the age of 12. Kind of too young, I believe). He was the son of Captain James W. Anderson who served in the Seminole and Mexican War and was killed in action at the Battle of Cherubusco (August 20, 1847, again, would have Edward born too long after his father's death).
His paternal grandfather, Col. William Anderson served under Decatur and his maternal grandfather, Elihu Brown, commanded a privateer in the War of 1812.
He was appointed to West Point by General Winfield Scott in recognition of his father's service. Although ranked #2 in his class at the time, he became the first cadet to refuse to take the oath of allegiance to the United States and left the USMA.
--Old Secesh
Born January 1849 in Florida (I kind of doubt this date as that would have made him a West Point cadet in 1861 at the age of 12. Kind of too young, I believe). He was the son of Captain James W. Anderson who served in the Seminole and Mexican War and was killed in action at the Battle of Cherubusco (August 20, 1847, again, would have Edward born too long after his father's death).
His paternal grandfather, Col. William Anderson served under Decatur and his maternal grandfather, Elihu Brown, commanded a privateer in the War of 1812.
He was appointed to West Point by General Winfield Scott in recognition of his father's service. Although ranked #2 in his class at the time, he became the first cadet to refuse to take the oath of allegiance to the United States and left the USMA.
--Old Secesh
Edward Anderson CSA,
Mexican War,
West Point,
Winfield Scott
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Eighth Year for This Blog
My Saw the Elephant Civil War Blog enters its eighth year today. I started it back on November 10, 2007, with four posts: CSMC, Happy 232nd Birthday to USMC, Lt. Benjamin H. Porter killed at Fort Fisher and One Small Victory for the Flag.
This blog grew out of my Cooter's History Thing Blog when I saw that so many of my posts in that one were on the Civil War, the reason I got interested in history in the first place. The Cooter's History Thing Blog grew out of my Down Da Road I Go Blog which was about things I am interested in and what I'm doing.
Since then, I was writing so many posts about Fort Fisher and the Navy during the war, that I decided to spin off my Running the Blockade Civil War Navy Blog.
Posts by Year for this blog:
2007-- 55
2008-- 375
2009-- 464
2010-- 492
2011-- 532
2012-- 286
2013-- 373
2014-- 465
The name "Saw the Elephant" comes from the Civil War phrase for battle. You went into battle and saw the elephant.
--Old Secesh
This blog grew out of my Cooter's History Thing Blog when I saw that so many of my posts in that one were on the Civil War, the reason I got interested in history in the first place. The Cooter's History Thing Blog grew out of my Down Da Road I Go Blog which was about things I am interested in and what I'm doing.
Since then, I was writing so many posts about Fort Fisher and the Navy during the war, that I decided to spin off my Running the Blockade Civil War Navy Blog.
Posts by Year for this blog:
2007-- 55
2008-- 375
2009-- 464
2010-- 492
2011-- 532
2012-- 286
2013-- 373
2014-- 465
The name "Saw the Elephant" comes from the Civil War phrase for battle. You went into battle and saw the elephant.
--Old Secesh
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