The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Chicago Tribune Reports the End of the War-- Part 6: The Fall of Richmond

April 4, 1865.

The good news kept coming.  On April 4, the Tribune headlines read 'RICHMOND IS OURS" and "THE OLD FLAG FLOATS OVER THE REBEL CAPITAL."  Chicagoans were overjoyed, not the least of them the Tribune editors, who barely contained themselves:

"The rebel capital has fallen.  Richmond is ours!  The news spread through the country yesterday on the wings of lightning, and lighted up the nation with a blaze of glory.  ...Richmond has fallen, and a day of jubilee has come to the whole nation.

"We do well to rejoice, for this is the grandest event that ever happened to us as a people."

--Old Secesh

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