The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

William Herndon Speaks About Abraham Lincoln-- Part 2: Undisciplined Kids

According to Herndon, Lincoln had a great dislike for anything manual labor saying his father had taught him to work, but had not taught him to like it.  Above all else, Lincoln's two sons, Tad and Willie, drove him crazy.  Lincoln would bring them to work and get absorbed in something and completely ignore them.  They responded by running rampant over the office, screaming and yelling as well as overturning things.

They were spoiled and lacked discipline and out of control.  And there sat Lincoln, completely oblivious.

Herndon's relationship with Mrs. Lincoln was nonexistent.  She hated him and Herndon described her as a "a whole other can of worms."

Me No Like.  --Old Secesh

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