The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

William Herndon Speaks About Abraham Lincoln-- Part 1: "Billy"

From the joint meetings of the McHenry County Historical Society and Civil War Round Table.

William Herndon was the junior partner in the Lincoln-Herndon law office and Lincoln always called him "Billy."  Lincoln, despite Herndon's junior status, always divided fees equally.  Lincoln was never particular about what food he ate, nor was he much on how he dressed.

His trousers almost invariably were too short.

While on the circuit court and traveling, Lincoln used a carpet bag to carry his papers and changes of underwear.  Back in Springfield, Lincoln would arrive at the office most days at around 9 a.m., then proceed to lie down on the sofa and read the newspaper which invariably was done aloud, much to "Billy's" consternation.  That drove him crazy, but Lincoln said that reading aloud helped him remember what he read as he had not only seen the news, but heard it as well.

--Old Secesh

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