Under the circumstances for what the letters stand for, perhaps it shouldn't be NAACP, which stands for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. I didn't think Blacks liked to be referred to as Colored People anymore.
Perhaps the letters should be changed to NAAAA, the N Quadruple A. You know, National Association for the Advancement of African-Americans. But wait!! The term African-Americans offends me.
Or, how about NAARCP, the N Double ACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Racist Colored People. It seems they really have a racist problem with people of Confederate heritage.
Or, in current days, the NAHATC, The National Association for Hatred of All Things Confederate?
It's Too Bad It Doesn't Matter What Offends Me. --Old Secesh
This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Monday, July 31, 2017
Friday, July 28, 2017
McHenry Civil War Round Table Discussion Group Meets Saturday, July 29: Topic Is the Twenty Most Significant Events Of/Affecting the Civil War
The McHenry Civil War Round Table will be meeting Saturday, July 29, 2017, at the Panera Bread Company in Crystal Lake, Illinois, at US-14 and Main Street.
The meeting will go from 10: a.m. to noon.
This month's discussion is a good one and should get a lot of input. It is "The Twenty Most Significant Events of / Affecting of the Civil War."
I have my list already prepared and will give some of them. The rest will be next week.
1. The enlistment of blacks into the Union Army.
2. Northern industry.
3. Collapse of the Southern will to fight.
4. Advances in Naval architecture: growth of steam power, bigger guns, ironclads and turrets.
5. Special use warships and blockade-runners.
Looking forward to hearing what others have to say.
Should be a Good One. See You There. --Old Secesh
The meeting will go from 10: a.m. to noon.
This month's discussion is a good one and should get a lot of input. It is "The Twenty Most Significant Events of / Affecting of the Civil War."
I have my list already prepared and will give some of them. The rest will be next week.
1. The enlistment of blacks into the Union Army.
2. Northern industry.
3. Collapse of the Southern will to fight.
4. Advances in Naval architecture: growth of steam power, bigger guns, ironclads and turrets.
5. Special use warships and blockade-runners.
Looking forward to hearing what others have to say.
Should be a Good One. See You There. --Old Secesh
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Civil War II-- 517: What About Non-Confederate Slaveowners? Should They Also Be "Erased?"
From the July 12, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** What should we do with monuments to slaveholders who weren't Confederates? That is a good question. If monuments to Confederates have to come down because of slavery, then monuments to anyone who ever had slaves, Confederate or not, need to come down as well.
The writer of the article said that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and James Madison owned slaves. I didn't know that Benjamin Franklin owned slaves, however. A total of 12 United States presidents were slaveowners. All vestige of them need to be removed according to Blacks and their minions.
And Lincoln, though he freed the slaves, was not originally going to abolish slavery in the South, just contain it. Since he was ok with its existence, all things with his name on it have to be removed as well.
Washington, D.C.? --Old Secesh
** What should we do with monuments to slaveholders who weren't Confederates? That is a good question. If monuments to Confederates have to come down because of slavery, then monuments to anyone who ever had slaves, Confederate or not, need to come down as well.
The writer of the article said that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and James Madison owned slaves. I didn't know that Benjamin Franklin owned slaves, however. A total of 12 United States presidents were slaveowners. All vestige of them need to be removed according to Blacks and their minions.
And Lincoln, though he freed the slaves, was not originally going to abolish slavery in the South, just contain it. Since he was ok with its existence, all things with his name on it have to be removed as well.
Washington, D.C.? --Old Secesh
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Civil War II-- 516: The Racist NAACP Wants Chattanooga Confederate Statues Removed
From the July 12, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Tennessee NAACP to ask for Chattanoogooga Confederates statues removed. (Loss) Real Big surprise here. Imagine the NAACP wanting to erase someone's heritage?
NAACP, one of the biggest racist groups around.
Should we add to their name? Perhaps Neo-Racist? Or, Real Racist? Or, the Black KKK?
Trying to Deal With the Biggest-Ever Racists. --Old Secesh
** Tennessee NAACP to ask for Chattanoogooga Confederates statues removed. (Loss) Real Big surprise here. Imagine the NAACP wanting to erase someone's heritage?
NAACP, one of the biggest racist groups around.
Should we add to their name? Perhaps Neo-Racist? Or, Real Racist? Or, the Black KKK?
Trying to Deal With the Biggest-Ever Racists. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Civil War II-- 515: A New Confederate Flag Goes Up in North Carolina
From the July 11, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Sons of Confederate Veterans raises flag on 85-foot pole near Newton. (North Carolina) (Win) It is by N.C. Highway 16. Whenever I see the flag flying high and proud, it is a thumb to the old nose to Confederate-haters. We're still here and not going away.
** Confederate Flags fly high in Catawba County as monuments go down (across the South). (North Carolina) (Win) The flag is on private property. There is also a Confederate Flag flying at a local business.
--Old Secesh
** Sons of Confederate Veterans raises flag on 85-foot pole near Newton. (North Carolina) (Win) It is by N.C. Highway 16. Whenever I see the flag flying high and proud, it is a thumb to the old nose to Confederate-haters. We're still here and not going away.
** Confederate Flags fly high in Catawba County as monuments go down (across the South). (North Carolina) (Win) The flag is on private property. There is also a Confederate Flag flying at a local business.
--Old Secesh
Monday, July 24, 2017
Civil War II-- 514: Still Over 1,500 Confederate Statues, Memorials and Monuments To Go for Some Blacks
From the July 9, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Confederate Monuments: Dozens Across South Have Been Removed Or Renamed. (NBC) That famous anti-Confederate organization, Southern Poverty Law Center, estimates that there are more than 1,500 remaining that need to come down.
Of course, now in Massachusetts and Maryland (see last post), there are people wanting markers removed. Any marker mentioning anything Confederate will need to go, evidently. That means that on battlefields there will be a dire shortage of information as to what took place at that spot.
This is getting ridiculous. And certain people and their minions want them ALL down!! Well, if we fight them on each and everyone., maybe they will tire and turn to their real problems like their people shooting each other and that mess in the inner city in general.
Sure Hope People Come To Their Senses and Stop Trying To Erase History. So Many Statues, So Little Time for NAACP and BLM. --Old Secesh
** Confederate Monuments: Dozens Across South Have Been Removed Or Renamed. (NBC) That famous anti-Confederate organization, Southern Poverty Law Center, estimates that there are more than 1,500 remaining that need to come down.
Of course, now in Massachusetts and Maryland (see last post), there are people wanting markers removed. Any marker mentioning anything Confederate will need to go, evidently. That means that on battlefields there will be a dire shortage of information as to what took place at that spot.
This is getting ridiculous. And certain people and their minions want them ALL down!! Well, if we fight them on each and everyone., maybe they will tire and turn to their real problems like their people shooting each other and that mess in the inner city in general.
Sure Hope People Come To Their Senses and Stop Trying To Erase History. So Many Statues, So Little Time for NAACP and BLM. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 513: About the John Winder Marker in Maryland
From the July 8, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Rally to keep confederate general marker on courthouse grounds set for Saturday. (Salisbury, Md.) (Win) There is a petition going around to remove the marker of John Winder. I was kind of surprised to see that local ABC affiliate 47 ABC spelled confederate without a capital letter.
It was put up by the Maryland Civil War Centennial Commission. I did not know this was a white supremacist organization. They would have to be if they put up a marker to a Confederate general. Well, at least according to today's Confederate haters.
I do not know this general so will do research.
** Ole Miss to Recognize Slave Labor on Pre-Civil War Buildings. (Win) Slave labor was used. I imagine they will be using signage instead of renaming or tearing down the buildings.
Again, I Support Signage Instead of Tearing Down or Renaming If That Will Keep the Anti's Happy. --Old Secesh
** Rally to keep confederate general marker on courthouse grounds set for Saturday. (Salisbury, Md.) (Win) There is a petition going around to remove the marker of John Winder. I was kind of surprised to see that local ABC affiliate 47 ABC spelled confederate without a capital letter.
It was put up by the Maryland Civil War Centennial Commission. I did not know this was a white supremacist organization. They would have to be if they put up a marker to a Confederate general. Well, at least according to today's Confederate haters.
I do not know this general so will do research.
** Ole Miss to Recognize Slave Labor on Pre-Civil War Buildings. (Win) Slave labor was used. I imagine they will be using signage instead of renaming or tearing down the buildings.
Again, I Support Signage Instead of Tearing Down or Renaming If That Will Keep the Anti's Happy. --Old Secesh
Friday, July 21, 2017
I'd Much Rather Be Doing This One On the Discovery of Col. Shaw's Sword, 54th Massachusetts
I would much rather be doing entries on the Civil War, the original Civil War, not the new one. I call Civil War II. As long as these horrible attacks continue on my heritage, I will continue to defend.
From the July 13, 2017, CBS News, Boston "Civil War Colonel Robert Gould Shaw's long-lost sword found in attic."
He was the commanding officer of the Union's first all-black regiment, the 54th Massachusetts, and his sword has been given by his descendants to the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston. There is a famous statue of Shaw and the 54th in front of the Massachusetts State House.
In 1863, he led the 54th in a valiant, but futile, attack on the Confederate Fort Wagner guarding Charleston, South Carolina in an exploit made famous by the 1989 critically acclaimed movie "Glory." He was killed in action and his sword stolen.
It was recently discovered in a Boston North Shore family attic by Mary Minturn Wood and her brother, descendants of Shaw's sister Susannah. When they saw the initials "RGS" engraved on the sword, they knew it was his and they decided to gift it to the historical society even though they could have made a lot of money at auction.
The sword went on display at the Massachusetts Historical Society on Tuesday, the 18th of July.
More Power to the Family for Gifting It Instead of Selling It At Auction. --Old Secesh
From the July 13, 2017, CBS News, Boston "Civil War Colonel Robert Gould Shaw's long-lost sword found in attic."
He was the commanding officer of the Union's first all-black regiment, the 54th Massachusetts, and his sword has been given by his descendants to the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston. There is a famous statue of Shaw and the 54th in front of the Massachusetts State House.
In 1863, he led the 54th in a valiant, but futile, attack on the Confederate Fort Wagner guarding Charleston, South Carolina in an exploit made famous by the 1989 critically acclaimed movie "Glory." He was killed in action and his sword stolen.
It was recently discovered in a Boston North Shore family attic by Mary Minturn Wood and her brother, descendants of Shaw's sister Susannah. When they saw the initials "RGS" engraved on the sword, they knew it was his and they decided to gift it to the historical society even though they could have made a lot of money at auction.
The sword went on display at the Massachusetts Historical Society on Tuesday, the 18th of July.
More Power to the Family for Gifting It Instead of Selling It At Auction. --Old Secesh
156 Years Ago-- July 20 and 21, 1861: Confederate Congress Meets and the Battle of First Bull Run
Looking at the Chicago Daily News, July 20 and 21
** 1861-- The Congress of the Confederate States of America began holding sessions in Richmond, Virginia. The original Confederate capital had been in Montgomery, Alabama.
** 1861-- The First Battle of Bull Run was fought at Manassas, Virginia, resulting in a Confederate victory.
Things Were Sure Looking Good Back Then. --Old Secesh
** 1861-- The Congress of the Confederate States of America began holding sessions in Richmond, Virginia. The original Confederate capital had been in Montgomery, Alabama.
** 1861-- The First Battle of Bull Run was fought at Manassas, Virginia, resulting in a Confederate victory.
Things Were Sure Looking Good Back Then. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 512: KKK and Protesters Meet in Charlottesville
July 8, 2017, Yahoo! News "KKK marchers in Virginia met by throngs of counter-protesters" A.F.B. by Sebasien Blane.
"Supporters of white supremacist Ku Klux Klan marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday to protest the planned removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee...."
Police kept the two groups separated, but there were lots of chants back and forth, some not so nice. And there was not-so-nice language as well.
Fortunately, there were no shootings. This is what I really worry about whenever flashpoints of idiots (both sides) like this occur, especially with one of the groups being the KKK.
The name of Lee Park has already been changed (which puts Charlottesville in line for lower case (c)harlottesville and a boycott by me). But as long as the statue remains in place, the city hasn't shamed itself so will stay capitalized.
The anti-Confederate protesters have already vandalized the Lee statue as is their usual mode of operation.
This Confrontation, Thankfully, Was Not Worse. --Old Secesh
"Supporters of white supremacist Ku Klux Klan marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday to protest the planned removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee...."
Police kept the two groups separated, but there were lots of chants back and forth, some not so nice. And there was not-so-nice language as well.
Fortunately, there were no shootings. This is what I really worry about whenever flashpoints of idiots (both sides) like this occur, especially with one of the groups being the KKK.
The name of Lee Park has already been changed (which puts Charlottesville in line for lower case (c)harlottesville and a boycott by me). But as long as the statue remains in place, the city hasn't shamed itself so will stay capitalized.
The anti-Confederate protesters have already vandalized the Lee statue as is their usual mode of operation.
This Confrontation, Thankfully, Was Not Worse. --Old Secesh
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Civil War II-- 511: KKK Not Who We Want Supporting Us
From the Google Alerts for Confederate for July 8, 2017.
** KKK protesters 'will be armed' when they protest in support of Confederate statue. (Charlottesville, Va.) (Loss) Virginia is an open carry state, but a headline like this is bound to bring out the other side's idiots. There won't be enough room for two sets of idiots at the protest.
Let's see, KKK and "will be armed." Sure makes us look bad.
And, I sure hate to see the KKK word mixed up with our defense of the statues and flag.
Like I said before, both sides have plenty of idiots.
** Confederate Flag will -temporarily-fly again at South Carolina Statehouse on Monday. (Columbia) (Win) The South Carolina Secessionist Party will fly it.
Hey, That's My Name. Copy Cats!!
--Old Secesh
** KKK protesters 'will be armed' when they protest in support of Confederate statue. (Charlottesville, Va.) (Loss) Virginia is an open carry state, but a headline like this is bound to bring out the other side's idiots. There won't be enough room for two sets of idiots at the protest.
Let's see, KKK and "will be armed." Sure makes us look bad.
And, I sure hate to see the KKK word mixed up with our defense of the statues and flag.
Like I said before, both sides have plenty of idiots.
** Confederate Flag will -temporarily-fly again at South Carolina Statehouse on Monday. (Columbia) (Win) The South Carolina Secessionist Party will fly it.
Hey, That's My Name. Copy Cats!!
--Old Secesh
Confederate Statues Unmoved in Richmond-- Part 4: Two Different Sides
Not everyone is happy about the mayor's decision.
Phil Wilayto hates the sic Confederate monuments, saying they are "a virtual shrine to the slavery defending Confederacy." I guess that means the majority of the Confederate soldiers who did not even own a slave, were fighting to defend the rich folks' owning of slaves.
Frank Earnest, heritage defense coordinator of the Virginia Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans said his group would likely challenge any new signage, which he said would amount to "defacing" the monuments.
The issue has even gotten into the state politics. In the June 13 GOP primary for Virginia governor, Corey Stewart who has made the state's preservation of the monuments his rallying cry, narrowly lost to Ed Gillespie, a far-better-funded rival.
--Old Secesh
Phil Wilayto hates the sic Confederate monuments, saying they are "a virtual shrine to the slavery defending Confederacy." I guess that means the majority of the Confederate soldiers who did not even own a slave, were fighting to defend the rich folks' owning of slaves.
Frank Earnest, heritage defense coordinator of the Virginia Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans said his group would likely challenge any new signage, which he said would amount to "defacing" the monuments.
The issue has even gotten into the state politics. In the June 13 GOP primary for Virginia governor, Corey Stewart who has made the state's preservation of the monuments his rallying cry, narrowly lost to Ed Gillespie, a far-better-funded rival.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Confederate Statues Unmoved in Richmond-- Part 3: A List of Dishonored Cities
Continued from July 7, 2017.
Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney's signage approach to Confederate statues could set his city apart from other Southern cities with their treatment of symbols.
In (s)t. (l)ouis the city's decision to remove a Confederate monument prompted scuffles last month between supporters and opponents of the plan. In (n)ew (o)rleans city workers took down three Confederate statues and other one.
In (c)halottesville, Virginia, torch-wielding opponents to the statue removal marched through downtown. The KKK plans a rally there in July.
But even with signage on the six monuments, many are still not happy.
I Can Live With Signage So Long As the Monuments Remain. Like I Said, If You Don't Like It, Don't look At It. --Old Secesh
Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney's signage approach to Confederate statues could set his city apart from other Southern cities with their treatment of symbols.
In (s)t. (l)ouis the city's decision to remove a Confederate monument prompted scuffles last month between supporters and opponents of the plan. In (n)ew (o)rleans city workers took down three Confederate statues and other one.
In (c)halottesville, Virginia, torch-wielding opponents to the statue removal marched through downtown. The KKK plans a rally there in July.
But even with signage on the six monuments, many are still not happy.
I Can Live With Signage So Long As the Monuments Remain. Like I Said, If You Don't Like It, Don't look At It. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 510: And, Now the Tampa Bay Rays?
From the July 7, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Tampa Bay Rays support removing Confederate Monument from downtown Tampa. (Loss) Now this. We have angered the baseball gods. I tell you, we can't win. What next, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers will come out for removing it?
And then we might get Lightninged, but not to worry, no Blackhawk fans will be hurt as they don't allow Blackhawk fans at their home games.
Throw the Ball, Hit the Ball and Run to the Base.
What Place Are the Rays In Anyway? --Old Secesh
** Tampa Bay Rays support removing Confederate Monument from downtown Tampa. (Loss) Now this. We have angered the baseball gods. I tell you, we can't win. What next, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers will come out for removing it?
And then we might get Lightninged, but not to worry, no Blackhawk fans will be hurt as they don't allow Blackhawk fans at their home games.
Throw the Ball, Hit the Ball and Run to the Base.
What Place Are the Rays In Anyway? --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 509: Shouldn't It Be Black Lives Matter Vandalizers Instead of Activists?
From the July 5, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Black Lives Matter Activists Rally for Removal of Confederate Monument. (San Antonio) (Loss) It is in Travis Park. Then, they will probably vandalize it. Instead of Black Livers Matter "Activists," it should be Black Lives Matter "Vandalizers."
As usual, very racist of them. OK for Blacks to vandalize white monuments. Not OK if Whites vandalize Black things.
And, shouldn't it really be African-American Lives Matter?
** County commissioner wants another vote on Tampa's Confederate Monument. (Loss) And, since he is a black man, he'll probably get a revote.
Just Imagine What They'd Think If We Vandalized Something Dear To Them. --Old Secesh
** Black Lives Matter Activists Rally for Removal of Confederate Monument. (San Antonio) (Loss) It is in Travis Park. Then, they will probably vandalize it. Instead of Black Livers Matter "Activists," it should be Black Lives Matter "Vandalizers."
As usual, very racist of them. OK for Blacks to vandalize white monuments. Not OK if Whites vandalize Black things.
And, shouldn't it really be African-American Lives Matter?
** County commissioner wants another vote on Tampa's Confederate Monument. (Loss) And, since he is a black man, he'll probably get a revote.
Just Imagine What They'd Think If We Vandalized Something Dear To Them. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Civil War II-- 508: Hollywood, Fla., Renaming Confederate Streets
From the July 3, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Florida city to rename streets honoring Confederate generals. (Hollywood) (Loss) They will begin the process and renaming Lee, Hood and Forrest streets. What will happen when we need to begin renaming MLK streets?
** Confederate Flag found in Gainesville NAACP president's property. (Florida) (Loss) We sure don't need to be stirring up the hornet's nest. You know how the NAACP feels about that Flag.
Like I Said, We Got Them Idjits On Both Sides. --Old Secesh
** Florida city to rename streets honoring Confederate generals. (Hollywood) (Loss) They will begin the process and renaming Lee, Hood and Forrest streets. What will happen when we need to begin renaming MLK streets?
** Confederate Flag found in Gainesville NAACP president's property. (Florida) (Loss) We sure don't need to be stirring up the hornet's nest. You know how the NAACP feels about that Flag.
Like I Said, We Got Them Idjits On Both Sides. --Old Secesh
Monday, July 17, 2017
Mort Kunstler's Civil War Calendar, July 2017: On This Date
18-- 1863, the Battle of Fort Wagner
21-- 1861, The First Battle of Bull Run
22-- 1864, Battle of Atlanta
29-- 1862, the "Alabama" sails out of England
30-- 1864, Battle of the Crater
--Old Secesh
18-- 1863, the Battle of Fort Wagner
21-- 1861, The First Battle of Bull Run
22-- 1864, Battle of Atlanta
29-- 1862, the "Alabama" sails out of England
30-- 1864, Battle of the Crater
--Old Secesh
"Angel of the Confederacy",
Mort Kunstler
Friday, July 14, 2017
Sure Got My Civil War On This Past Week: Civil War Days and Round Table Meeting
Sunday I went out to the 26th Annual Civil War Days event in Wauconda, Illinois, at Lakewood Forest Preserve. Tuesday I went to Woodstock, Illinois, for the McHenry County Civil War Round Table meeting.
I always enjoy getting together with other persons of like interest. And never a disparaging word was said about the Confederacy.
Now, this is the part of being interested in the Civil War that I really enjoy. I do not much like all the Civil War II blog entries. Growing up I could never have imagined something this horrible happening in the United States.
If the attacks cease, so will the Civil War II.
So Tired. --Old Secesh
I always enjoy getting together with other persons of like interest. And never a disparaging word was said about the Confederacy.
Now, this is the part of being interested in the Civil War that I really enjoy. I do not much like all the Civil War II blog entries. Growing up I could never have imagined something this horrible happening in the United States.
If the attacks cease, so will the Civil War II.
So Tired. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 507: Missouri Civil War Museum Gets (s)t. (l)ouis' Time Capsule
From the June 30, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Time Capsule retrieved From Base of (s)t. (l)ouis' Confederate Monument. (Win/Loss) It will be going to the Missouri Civil War Museum. The city knew it was there and even after the monument had completely been removed, they continued to look for it. (Proving that they at least have some idea of historical significance.)
The UDC bequeathed it as well as the monument to the museum.
(s)t. (l)ouis agreed to let the museum have the monument as long as it is not displayed in the city or St. Louis County (not the city so hasn't been shamed). This is alright for me as I would like to see the monument but now I am boycotting (s)t. (l)ouis so wouldn't get to see it.
The museum plans to open the time capsule in August during a fundraising event to raise money to honor Confederate soldiers from Missouri by re-erecting the monument.
Where Do I Send Money? --Old Secesh
** Time Capsule retrieved From Base of (s)t. (l)ouis' Confederate Monument. (Win/Loss) It will be going to the Missouri Civil War Museum. The city knew it was there and even after the monument had completely been removed, they continued to look for it. (Proving that they at least have some idea of historical significance.)
The UDC bequeathed it as well as the monument to the museum.
(s)t. (l)ouis agreed to let the museum have the monument as long as it is not displayed in the city or St. Louis County (not the city so hasn't been shamed). This is alright for me as I would like to see the monument but now I am boycotting (s)t. (l)ouis so wouldn't get to see it.
The museum plans to open the time capsule in August during a fundraising event to raise money to honor Confederate soldiers from Missouri by re-erecting the monument.
Where Do I Send Money? --Old Secesh
Is There Room in Arlington National Cemetery and In Our Memories for Confederate Soldiers?-- Part 2
Continued from July 11, 2017.
"But today, revisionists are moving to eliminate prominent reminders of the war, arguing there is nothing noble worth remembering about the battlefield sacrifices of Southern soldiers, most of whom weren't slaveowners and fought mainly with the passionate belief they were defending their homes.
"Perhaps then, those Southerners buried in the sacred grounds of Arlington should be disinterred, their memories removed. Would that finally heal the wounds of slavery? or would it be better to continue to acknowledge that history is unchangeable and we need constant reminders that millions of Americans had to die on both sides to begin the drawn-out process of keeping the promise of our finders."
And, sure to infuriate our Confederate-haters club, they also have a monument in Arlington National Cemetery. This seems to be something they hate more than a simple Confederate gravestone.
This was by Dan K. Thomasson.
I like this person's thoughts on the subject. True.
--Old Secesh
"But today, revisionists are moving to eliminate prominent reminders of the war, arguing there is nothing noble worth remembering about the battlefield sacrifices of Southern soldiers, most of whom weren't slaveowners and fought mainly with the passionate belief they were defending their homes.
"Perhaps then, those Southerners buried in the sacred grounds of Arlington should be disinterred, their memories removed. Would that finally heal the wounds of slavery? or would it be better to continue to acknowledge that history is unchangeable and we need constant reminders that millions of Americans had to die on both sides to begin the drawn-out process of keeping the promise of our finders."
And, sure to infuriate our Confederate-haters club, they also have a monument in Arlington National Cemetery. This seems to be something they hate more than a simple Confederate gravestone.
This was by Dan K. Thomasson.
I like this person's thoughts on the subject. True.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Civil War II-- 506: Confederate Flags Will Be Sold at Lorain County Fair
From the June 29, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Washington National Cathedral is taking its time to ponder its Confederate windows. (Washington, D.C.) Since they are thinking more about removing them, this is a good thing, so (Win).
** Confederate Flags Will definitely Be On Sale At the Lorain County Fair. (Ohio) (Win) Hey, it it offends, don't buy it. Avert your eyes. "Look Away, Look Away..".Oops, Sorry 'Bout That. At least I didn't use the "D" word. You know D-X-E.
If you had told me ten years ago that Confederate Flags (I capitalize Flag out of respect for the flag in the face of all this hatred) wouldn't be sold at fairs, I would have seriously doubted it
Selling the flags shouldn't be that big of a thing, but, unfortunately, in these days a Confederate hatred and rage, it is. A real small victory, but we'll take it.
** Pittsfield man puts swastikas, Confederate Flags on his front porch. (New Hampshire) (Loss) Never a good idea to put our flags together with swastikas.
Like I Said Before, We Have Idiots On Both Sides. --Old Secesh
** Washington National Cathedral is taking its time to ponder its Confederate windows. (Washington, D.C.) Since they are thinking more about removing them, this is a good thing, so (Win).
** Confederate Flags Will definitely Be On Sale At the Lorain County Fair. (Ohio) (Win) Hey, it it offends, don't buy it. Avert your eyes. "Look Away, Look Away..".Oops, Sorry 'Bout That. At least I didn't use the "D" word. You know D-X-E.
If you had told me ten years ago that Confederate Flags (I capitalize Flag out of respect for the flag in the face of all this hatred) wouldn't be sold at fairs, I would have seriously doubted it
Selling the flags shouldn't be that big of a thing, but, unfortunately, in these days a Confederate hatred and rage, it is. A real small victory, but we'll take it.
** Pittsfield man puts swastikas, Confederate Flags on his front porch. (New Hampshire) (Loss) Never a good idea to put our flags together with swastikas.
Like I Said Before, We Have Idiots On Both Sides. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Civil War II-- 505: (s)t. (l)ouis Went and Did It: For Its Shame, Goes Lower Case
From the June 29, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Remaining pieces of Confederate Monument removed from Forest Park. ((s)t. (l)ouis) (Loss)
It has been coming and we all knew it was going to happen, but (s)t. (l)ouis has now joined the growing list of southern cities turning their backs on their heritage because certain groups are offended by their very presence.
For me, that marks one more city which I will only drive through if necessary, and then just straight through, stopping at no place. My own little boycott if you will, but I'm sure they won't miss me. After all, they have all those good folks in Ferguson to help take up slack from the loss of my money.
And, I really Liked (s)t. (l)ouis. Oh Well. Life Goes On. --Old Secesh
** Remaining pieces of Confederate Monument removed from Forest Park. ((s)t. (l)ouis) (Loss)
It has been coming and we all knew it was going to happen, but (s)t. (l)ouis has now joined the growing list of southern cities turning their backs on their heritage because certain groups are offended by their very presence.
For me, that marks one more city which I will only drive through if necessary, and then just straight through, stopping at no place. My own little boycott if you will, but I'm sure they won't miss me. After all, they have all those good folks in Ferguson to help take up slack from the loss of my money.
And, I really Liked (s)t. (l)ouis. Oh Well. Life Goes On. --Old Secesh
Is There Room in Arlington National Cemetery and In Our Memories for Confederate Soldiers?-- Part 1
From, the June 26, 2017, Dallas News.
I have written extensively about these Confederates buried in Arlington National Cemetery in earlier blogs. Just click on the Arlington National Cemetery label.
By Dan K. Thomasson.
This is an interesting article and you should go read the whole thing.
Arlington National Cemetery is running out of room. They expect to be completely out of room near 2050.
Then, there is Section 16 in it which is set aside for Confederates. "With today's full-out mania to wipe away visible Civil War history," it is surprising that they would be allowed to remain.
But one reason they are still there is that most Americans do not know 482 Confederates "are taking up room in this hallowed ground."
These Confederates have government-provided gravestones which come to a point at the top, to keep Confederate-haters from sitting on them, according to stories, but actually to distinguish these from the rounded tops of Union veterans.
I Like the "Full-Out Mania To Wipe Away Civil War History" Quote. It Sure Is. --Old Secesh
I have written extensively about these Confederates buried in Arlington National Cemetery in earlier blogs. Just click on the Arlington National Cemetery label.
By Dan K. Thomasson.
This is an interesting article and you should go read the whole thing.
Arlington National Cemetery is running out of room. They expect to be completely out of room near 2050.
Then, there is Section 16 in it which is set aside for Confederates. "With today's full-out mania to wipe away visible Civil War history," it is surprising that they would be allowed to remain.
But one reason they are still there is that most Americans do not know 482 Confederates "are taking up room in this hallowed ground."
These Confederates have government-provided gravestones which come to a point at the top, to keep Confederate-haters from sitting on them, according to stories, but actually to distinguish these from the rounded tops of Union veterans.
I Like the "Full-Out Mania To Wipe Away Civil War History" Quote. It Sure Is. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 504: Mississippi State Flag Goes to U.S. Supreme Court
From the June 29, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Fight over Confederate-themed flag going to U.S. Supreme Court. (Mississippi) (Win or Loss) Believe it or not, it is a black person doing this. Even though I am sure the Supreme Court will side with the black man, what if they don't order it removed? Will there be rioting, burning and looting as so often happens?
Something To Think About. --Old Secesh
** Fight over Confederate-themed flag going to U.S. Supreme Court. (Mississippi) (Win or Loss) Believe it or not, it is a black person doing this. Even though I am sure the Supreme Court will side with the black man, what if they don't order it removed? Will there be rioting, burning and looting as so often happens?
Something To Think About. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 503: Anti-Confederate Incident in Charleston and So Sad St. Louis.
From the June 27-28, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Secessionist Party member hit by car in Confederate Flag incident says it was intentional. (Charleston, S.C.) The anti-Confederate person tore the vanity plates off the car and then backed into a man carrying a Confederate Flag. Idiot.
** Crews begin dismantling Confederate monument in St. Louis. That city definitely is intent on shaming itself.
When That Statue Comes Down, St. Louis Goes Lower Case. --Old Secesh
** Secessionist Party member hit by car in Confederate Flag incident says it was intentional. (Charleston, S.C.) The anti-Confederate person tore the vanity plates off the car and then backed into a man carrying a Confederate Flag. Idiot.
** Crews begin dismantling Confederate monument in St. Louis. That city definitely is intent on shaming itself.
When That Statue Comes Down, St. Louis Goes Lower Case. --Old Secesh
Monday, July 10, 2017
Friends of Fort Fisher Attend Elmira (NY) Prison Dedication
From the July 2, 2017, Star Gazette "Letters: Out of Town Praise for Elmira Civil War Camp" by Tom Fagart.
July 23-24, 2017, the Friends of Elmira Civil War Prison Camp in Elmira, New York, dedicated a restored original prison camp building and also held a memorial service in the Woodlawn National Cemetery, where many of the Confederate prisoners who died there are buried.
It was attended by a number of people from North Carolina and other Southern states, including eight members of the Friends of Fort Fisher.
Mr. Fagart is a member of the Friends of Elmira Prison Camp.
Elmira Prison existed from July 6, 1864, to July 11, 1865 and was dubbed "Hellmira" by the Confederate prisoners held there. In just over 12 months, 2.970 of the 12,100 held there died of malnutrition, exposure to harsh weather, sanitary conditions, lack of medicine and disease.
Many of the dead were captured at Fort Fisher January 15, 1865.
--Old B-Runner
July 23-24, 2017, the Friends of Elmira Civil War Prison Camp in Elmira, New York, dedicated a restored original prison camp building and also held a memorial service in the Woodlawn National Cemetery, where many of the Confederate prisoners who died there are buried.
It was attended by a number of people from North Carolina and other Southern states, including eight members of the Friends of Fort Fisher.
Mr. Fagart is a member of the Friends of Elmira Prison Camp.
Elmira Prison existed from July 6, 1864, to July 11, 1865 and was dubbed "Hellmira" by the Confederate prisoners held there. In just over 12 months, 2.970 of the 12,100 held there died of malnutrition, exposure to harsh weather, sanitary conditions, lack of medicine and disease.
Many of the dead were captured at Fort Fisher January 15, 1865.
--Old B-Runner
Civil War II-- 502: St. Louis Set to Shame Self
From the June 26-27, 2017 Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Confederate Monument Will Go To Civil War Museum in Legal Settlement. (St. Louis) (Win, but in a Loss)
** St. Louis to Remove Its Confederate Monument. (Loss) Let's see what they will become-- (s)t. (l)ouis. Too bad, as I really liked visiting the town. From now on it will be just to drive Route 66 through it.
I'll Miss Those Ted Drewes Concretes and Had Wanted to Visit the Transportation Museum. Guess Not Now.
--Old Secesh
** Confederate Monument Will Go To Civil War Museum in Legal Settlement. (St. Louis) (Win, but in a Loss)
** St. Louis to Remove Its Confederate Monument. (Loss) Let's see what they will become-- (s)t. (l)ouis. Too bad, as I really liked visiting the town. From now on it will be just to drive Route 66 through it.
I'll Miss Those Ted Drewes Concretes and Had Wanted to Visit the Transportation Museum. Guess Not Now.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 501: Yep, We've Got Idiots on Both Sides
From the June 25, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Woman charged after tearing Confederate Flag tag off truck, hitting man. (Charleston, S.C.) (Loss)
** Unhinged liberal goes on positively hysterical rant over Confederate Flags on 'Dukes of Hazzard' car. (Toronto, Canada) (Loss) You've got to love the wording of this headline. Even Canada? What next, Outer Mongolia?
Well, these two items sure make the ant-Confederate side look bad, but the truth is, we have complete idiots on both sides. There are plenty of times some of our idiots have embarrassed me.
Too Bad We Can't Sanely Discuss This. --Old Secesh
** Woman charged after tearing Confederate Flag tag off truck, hitting man. (Charleston, S.C.) (Loss)
** Unhinged liberal goes on positively hysterical rant over Confederate Flags on 'Dukes of Hazzard' car. (Toronto, Canada) (Loss) You've got to love the wording of this headline. Even Canada? What next, Outer Mongolia?
Well, these two items sure make the ant-Confederate side look bad, but the truth is, we have complete idiots on both sides. There are plenty of times some of our idiots have embarrassed me.
Too Bad We Can't Sanely Discuss This. --Old Secesh
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Civil War II-- 500: Now, It's the Confederate Statues and School Names in Jacksonville, Fla.
From the June 24, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Group seeks removal of Jacksonville's Confederate statue. (Jacksonville, Fla.) (Loss) A 60-foot memorial with a Confederate soldier on top in Hemming Park. It has been there for 120 years.
They don't stop there, however.
There is a statue of Confederate General Joseph Finnegan in the Old City Cemetery and a statue dedicated to the Woman of the Confederacy in Confederate Park (any you can be sure they're not too happy about that park's name either.)
Plus, there are schools in Jacksonville named after Confederates: Robert E. Lee High School, Jefferson Davis Middle School, Kirby Smith Middle School and J.E.B. Stuart Middle School.
--Old Secesh
** Group seeks removal of Jacksonville's Confederate statue. (Jacksonville, Fla.) (Loss) A 60-foot memorial with a Confederate soldier on top in Hemming Park. It has been there for 120 years.
They don't stop there, however.
There is a statue of Confederate General Joseph Finnegan in the Old City Cemetery and a statue dedicated to the Woman of the Confederacy in Confederate Park (any you can be sure they're not too happy about that park's name either.)
Plus, there are schools in Jacksonville named after Confederates: Robert E. Lee High School, Jefferson Davis Middle School, Kirby Smith Middle School and J.E.B. Stuart Middle School.
--Old Secesh
Friday, July 7, 2017
The Next Post Will Be Civil War II's #500 for This New Round of Attacks on the Confederacy
And, that dates from the Charleston murders on June 17, 2015.
And, those attacks were getting more abusive and regular leading up to the murders. What really started the attacks was the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War back 2011-2015. What I figured to be a more immersive period of time, and one that would be a lot better in that I was just age 10-14 back when we had the Centennial back in 1961-1965, did not come to pass.
But, then came Charleston.
The avalanche of Confederate hatred does not diminish from then on. At first Blacks and their white minions went after Confederate Flags and I though that was bad enough. But now the targets are statues, monuments and memorials to the Confederacy. This takes it a whole lot more painful.
And, I really hate spending all this time writing about it. I would much rather be doing research and digging deep into the Civil War than this.
But, as long as it continues, I will continue in my defense of them.
At first I called the anti-Confederate attacks, Heritage Attacks. These blog entries are not numbered. Then, after Charleston it became The Confederacy Under Attack and I started numbering them. For a week I called it CUA, short for Confederacy Under Attack, but that wasn't very clear.
Now I call it Civil War II. Just as the Confederacy was under attack in the First Civil War, we are surely under attack now.
I sure wish we could reach some kind of a compromise on the issue, but I think it will continue until we have the Black Final Solution to the Confederacy.
--Old Secesh
And, those attacks were getting more abusive and regular leading up to the murders. What really started the attacks was the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War back 2011-2015. What I figured to be a more immersive period of time, and one that would be a lot better in that I was just age 10-14 back when we had the Centennial back in 1961-1965, did not come to pass.
But, then came Charleston.
The avalanche of Confederate hatred does not diminish from then on. At first Blacks and their white minions went after Confederate Flags and I though that was bad enough. But now the targets are statues, monuments and memorials to the Confederacy. This takes it a whole lot more painful.
And, I really hate spending all this time writing about it. I would much rather be doing research and digging deep into the Civil War than this.
But, as long as it continues, I will continue in my defense of them.
At first I called the anti-Confederate attacks, Heritage Attacks. These blog entries are not numbered. Then, after Charleston it became The Confederacy Under Attack and I started numbering them. For a week I called it CUA, short for Confederacy Under Attack, but that wasn't very clear.
Now I call it Civil War II. Just as the Confederacy was under attack in the First Civil War, we are surely under attack now.
I sure wish we could reach some kind of a compromise on the issue, but I think it will continue until we have the Black Final Solution to the Confederacy.
--Old Secesh
Confederate Statues Unmoved in Richmond, Va.-- Part 2
And, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney lamblasted everything about the Confederacy in a news conference last week at City hall: "Equal parts myth and deception, they were the 'alternative facts' of their time -- a false narrative etched into stone and bronze more than 100 years ago -- not only to lionize the architects and defenders of slavery, but to perpetuate the tyranny and terror of Jim Crow and reassert a new era of white supremacy."
Here is obviously a man who does not care for the Confederacy. That was scathing.
And, who were his "architects of slavery?"
Isn't there something about Blacks in Africa selling Blacks into slavery, or white European and Northern merchants buying the slaves in Africa and transporting them to the New World, or the fact that slavery was tried in the North, but failed (the 1800 census of New York City showed about a third of the people listed in some sections as being slaves). Then, what did those Northerners do with their slaves? Give them their freedom?
Nope, they sold them to the South.
Who really were the architects of slavery?
I'd have to say pretty much everybody, just the South got caught holding the bag.
Will Those Without the Stain of Slavery Please Stand Up. --Old Secesh
Here is obviously a man who does not care for the Confederacy. That was scathing.
And, who were his "architects of slavery?"
Isn't there something about Blacks in Africa selling Blacks into slavery, or white European and Northern merchants buying the slaves in Africa and transporting them to the New World, or the fact that slavery was tried in the North, but failed (the 1800 census of New York City showed about a third of the people listed in some sections as being slaves). Then, what did those Northerners do with their slaves? Give them their freedom?
Nope, they sold them to the South.
Who really were the architects of slavery?
I'd have to say pretty much everybody, just the South got caught holding the bag.
Will Those Without the Stain of Slavery Please Stand Up. --Old Secesh
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Confederate Statues Unmoved in Richmond, Va.-- Part 1: But With New Signage
From the June 28, 2017, Chicago Tribune by Laura Vozzella.
"The young, African-American mayor of the one-time capital of the Confederacy has vowed to confront his city's towering tributes to Southern Civil War figures with words instead of wrecking balls.
"Mayor Levar Stoney said he would not seek to remove the monuments lining the city's most famous boulevard. Instead, he announced the formation of a commission to find other ways -- new signage and perhaps additional monuments -- to correct the 'false narrative' conveyed by the statues that give Monument Avenue its name."
Again, this person hates the Confederacy, but is willing to allow the statues to stand, but with new signage. Even though I am sure the new wording will not be favorable for us, but I can live with this compromise.
I have a hard time accepting the desecration of cities where they took down the statues.
--Old Secesh
"The young, African-American mayor of the one-time capital of the Confederacy has vowed to confront his city's towering tributes to Southern Civil War figures with words instead of wrecking balls.
"Mayor Levar Stoney said he would not seek to remove the monuments lining the city's most famous boulevard. Instead, he announced the formation of a commission to find other ways -- new signage and perhaps additional monuments -- to correct the 'false narrative' conveyed by the statues that give Monument Avenue its name."
Again, this person hates the Confederacy, but is willing to allow the statues to stand, but with new signage. Even though I am sure the new wording will not be favorable for us, but I can live with this compromise.
I have a hard time accepting the desecration of cities where they took down the statues.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 499: Business Hurt By Confederate Flag in S.C.
From the June 24, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Owner can't take down Confederate Flag flying over his business. (Orangeburg, S.C.) (Loss) The business is the Edisto River Creamery. The former owner was Maurice Bessinger who ran a chain of bbq places in South Carolina and was an avid Confederate. He sold a tiny parcel to the local SCV Camp 842 who are keeping the flag flying.
This is one flag I support coming down under the circumstances as the business says they lose a lot of sales because of it.
** Confederate Memorial Removal Halted. (St. Louis) (Win, well I'm sure just temporarily.) There was an injunction. Keep it as long as we can.
Take This One Down. --Old Secesh
** Owner can't take down Confederate Flag flying over his business. (Orangeburg, S.C.) (Loss) The business is the Edisto River Creamery. The former owner was Maurice Bessinger who ran a chain of bbq places in South Carolina and was an avid Confederate. He sold a tiny parcel to the local SCV Camp 842 who are keeping the flag flying.
This is one flag I support coming down under the circumstances as the business says they lose a lot of sales because of it.
** Confederate Memorial Removal Halted. (St. Louis) (Win, well I'm sure just temporarily.) There was an injunction. Keep it as long as we can.
Take This One Down. --Old Secesh
At Least 8 Dead Out of 60 Shot Over Long Weekend in Chicago: Most Are Black, None Shot By Confederate Statues
From the July 5, 2017, Chicago Tribune by Peter Nickeas, Elvia Malagon and Elyssa Cherney.
Those were the headlines on page four.
"July 4 holiday violence similar to that of recent years."
"Dozens of people were struck by gunfire in Chicago, some of them fatally, during the traditionally violent Fourth of July weekend, mostly in parts of the South and West sides that have long been plagued by gang crime and gun violence.
"From Friday afternoon through Tuesday afternoon about 60 people were shot with at least eight killed.The shootings took place in communities long beset by violence such as Roseland, Greater Grand Crossing and Back of the Yards on the South Side and East Garfield Park, Austin and North Lawndale on the West Side."
Shootings persisted in two of the city's most violent police districts: Englewood and Harrison.
These are black communities. These are the same ones that are so hateful of anything Confederate.
However, not one Confederate Flag-waving white racist, Confederate statue or memorial is suspected of any of the shootings or murders.
Makes You Wonder. Really, Really Wonder. --Old Secesh
Those were the headlines on page four.
"July 4 holiday violence similar to that of recent years."
"Dozens of people were struck by gunfire in Chicago, some of them fatally, during the traditionally violent Fourth of July weekend, mostly in parts of the South and West sides that have long been plagued by gang crime and gun violence.
"From Friday afternoon through Tuesday afternoon about 60 people were shot with at least eight killed.The shootings took place in communities long beset by violence such as Roseland, Greater Grand Crossing and Back of the Yards on the South Side and East Garfield Park, Austin and North Lawndale on the West Side."
Shootings persisted in two of the city's most violent police districts: Englewood and Harrison.
These are black communities. These are the same ones that are so hateful of anything Confederate.
However, not one Confederate Flag-waving white racist, Confederate statue or memorial is suspected of any of the shootings or murders.
Makes You Wonder. Really, Really Wonder. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
And, Meanwhile in Chicago... Murders and Shootings Continue
From the July 5, 2017, Hey Jackass, Chicago Mayhem and Murder site.
JULY TO DATE: 5 killed, 49 wounded.
JUNE TOTALS: 77 killed 323 wounded.
SO FAR IN 2017: 319 killed, 1509 wounded.
These are mostly Blacks killing other Blacks.
In Chicago, a person is shot every 2:26 hours and a person murdered every 12:55 hours.
The Deadliest 'hoods are Black.
And yet they get all hot and bothered about anything Confederate which offends them. I'd think your people killing each other would be the bigger issue.
And, not one Confederate flag, statue, monument or memorial is suspected in any of the shootings and murders.
The nine murders in Charleston a couple years ago really got them mad and resolved to eradicate anything connected with the Confederacy. Evidently 319, mostly Black, murders so far this year doesn't mean as much since they weren't done by white racists.
Makes You Wonder About Black Priorities. --Old Secesh
JULY TO DATE: 5 killed, 49 wounded.
JUNE TOTALS: 77 killed 323 wounded.
SO FAR IN 2017: 319 killed, 1509 wounded.
These are mostly Blacks killing other Blacks.
In Chicago, a person is shot every 2:26 hours and a person murdered every 12:55 hours.
The Deadliest 'hoods are Black.
And yet they get all hot and bothered about anything Confederate which offends them. I'd think your people killing each other would be the bigger issue.
And, not one Confederate flag, statue, monument or memorial is suspected in any of the shootings and murders.
The nine murders in Charleston a couple years ago really got them mad and resolved to eradicate anything connected with the Confederacy. Evidently 319, mostly Black, murders so far this year doesn't mean as much since they weren't done by white racists.
Makes You Wonder About Black Priorities. --Old Secesh
What About Those Murders in (n)ew (o)rleans for 2017? Homicide Rate Greater Than Chicago in First Four Months
From WWL TV. In the first four months of 2017, the homicide rate in (n)ew (o)rleans was higher than in Chicago.
So far to the end of April, there were 71 murders, most Black on Black. Of course, Chicago's population is much higher an it was also pointed out that in Chicago 1 in 5 shootings result in death, whereas in (n)ew (o)rleans it is 1 in 3. Better shots?
As of today, according to the (n)ew (o)leans Murder Map site today, there have been 97 murders so far in 2017. In 2016, there were 175.
And, not ONE of those murders were committed by those Confederate statues. Most were Blacks killing other Blacks.
And they get all hot and bothered about those statues. Remember the big celebration when they took the three Confederate statues down?
Makes You Wonder. --Old Secesh
So far to the end of April, there were 71 murders, most Black on Black. Of course, Chicago's population is much higher an it was also pointed out that in Chicago 1 in 5 shootings result in death, whereas in (n)ew (o)rleans it is 1 in 3. Better shots?
As of today, according to the (n)ew (o)leans Murder Map site today, there have been 97 murders so far in 2017. In 2016, there were 175.
And, not ONE of those murders were committed by those Confederate statues. Most were Blacks killing other Blacks.
And they get all hot and bothered about those statues. Remember the big celebration when they took the three Confederate statues down?
Makes You Wonder. --Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 498: Keep the Confederate Statues in Richmond, But Add Context
From the June 24, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Richmond mayor: Keep Confederate statues, but add context. (Virginia) (I'll Call This a Win) And Mayor Levar Stoney is Black. From what he said, he has no love at all for the Confederacy, but at least he proposes to allow the statues along the famous Monument Avenue to remain, just add context markers to them.
I can definitely go along with the mayor on this one. As if there is anyone now who doesn't know that the Confederacy was fighting to keep slavery.
This is an amazing statement, especially coming from a black person. We need more like him.
To me it would be a reasonable compromise. At least our monuments would not be desecrated as they were in (l)ouisville, (n)ew (o)rleans and (o)rlando.
The Chicago Tribune had an article on this story which I will write about in the next few days.
Thanks, Mayor! --Old Secesh
** Richmond mayor: Keep Confederate statues, but add context. (Virginia) (I'll Call This a Win) And Mayor Levar Stoney is Black. From what he said, he has no love at all for the Confederacy, but at least he proposes to allow the statues along the famous Monument Avenue to remain, just add context markers to them.
I can definitely go along with the mayor on this one. As if there is anyone now who doesn't know that the Confederacy was fighting to keep slavery.
This is an amazing statement, especially coming from a black person. We need more like him.
To me it would be a reasonable compromise. At least our monuments would not be desecrated as they were in (l)ouisville, (n)ew (o)rleans and (o)rlando.
The Chicago Tribune had an article on this story which I will write about in the next few days.
Thanks, Mayor! --Old Secesh
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Would the Confederacy Have Celebrated the Fourth of July?
From the July 3, 2014, Atlantic.
Back in 1861, a reporter for the New York Times, on the first July 4th since the beginning of the war, described it thus: "It is like the anniversary of a divorced couple's wedding." I can definitely agree with that.
In a 2009 paper in the Journal of Southern History, historian Paul Quigley wrote that while some Southerners were conflicted with celebrating the holiday, the acknowledgement of the significance of the day continued.
In Charleston, S.C., in 1861, a committee of five decided the "public procession, solemn oration, and political language ought to be omitted on the present occasion," but offices would be closed.
Even before the war, the meaning of the Fourth of July was changing. In the North, the abolitionists used the declaration's language of freedom to call for an end to slavery. In the South, secessionists used the language of willful rebellion to call for a new country, insisting that the North had not lived up to the Declaration of Independence's promise.
I'll Shoot Off the Fireworks Anyway. Maybe Just Aim Them Northward. --Old Secesh
Back in 1861, a reporter for the New York Times, on the first July 4th since the beginning of the war, described it thus: "It is like the anniversary of a divorced couple's wedding." I can definitely agree with that.
In a 2009 paper in the Journal of Southern History, historian Paul Quigley wrote that while some Southerners were conflicted with celebrating the holiday, the acknowledgement of the significance of the day continued.
In Charleston, S.C., in 1861, a committee of five decided the "public procession, solemn oration, and political language ought to be omitted on the present occasion," but offices would be closed.
Even before the war, the meaning of the Fourth of July was changing. In the North, the abolitionists used the declaration's language of freedom to call for an end to slavery. In the South, secessionists used the language of willful rebellion to call for a new country, insisting that the North had not lived up to the Declaration of Independence's promise.
I'll Shoot Off the Fireworks Anyway. Maybe Just Aim Them Northward. --Old Secesh
July 4, 1863, A Particularly Bad Day for the Confederacy
From History In An Hour.
Two separate events took place on July 4, 1863 which definitely led to the end of the war.
The Battle of Gettysburg marked the second time Confederate General Robert E, Lee had invaded the North, and it was the second time he was defeated. Sometimes called the High Tide of the Confederacy, it was all downhill after this.
The battle itself took place July 1-3. But the Confederates did not retreat from the field until July 4th.
The second event took place out west, along the Mississippi River where the Confederate garrison at Vicksburg surrendered July 4th. The Union now had control of the length of the Mississippi River, dividing the Confederacy in half.
And, a new hero came to the forefront for the Union and he was U.S. Grant, the man who knew how to beat Lee.
It Was a Particularly Bad Day for the Confederacy To Say The Least. --Old Secesh
Two separate events took place on July 4, 1863 which definitely led to the end of the war.
The Battle of Gettysburg marked the second time Confederate General Robert E, Lee had invaded the North, and it was the second time he was defeated. Sometimes called the High Tide of the Confederacy, it was all downhill after this.
The battle itself took place July 1-3. But the Confederates did not retreat from the field until July 4th.
The second event took place out west, along the Mississippi River where the Confederate garrison at Vicksburg surrendered July 4th. The Union now had control of the length of the Mississippi River, dividing the Confederacy in half.
And, a new hero came to the forefront for the Union and he was U.S. Grant, the man who knew how to beat Lee.
It Was a Particularly Bad Day for the Confederacy To Say The Least. --Old Secesh
Monday, July 3, 2017
Top Ten Black Slaveowners-- Part 3: Judge for Yourself
In 1860, about 28% of the free black population of New Orleans owned slaves.
Six owned 65 or more.
Many of the ten listed were from either New Orleans or South Carolina.
5. The Pendarvis family-- owned 123 slaves
4. Marie Therese Metoyer-- owned 287
3. Antoine Debuclet-- From Louisiana owned 100 slaves.
2. William (April) Ellison-- South Carolina-- a slave breeder.
1. Anthony Johnson
Since All Must be Punished, What Black Monuments Need To Come Down? --Old Secesh
Six owned 65 or more.
Many of the ten listed were from either New Orleans or South Carolina.
5. The Pendarvis family-- owned 123 slaves
4. Marie Therese Metoyer-- owned 287
3. Antoine Debuclet-- From Louisiana owned 100 slaves.
2. William (April) Ellison-- South Carolina-- a slave breeder.
1. Anthony Johnson
Since All Must be Punished, What Black Monuments Need To Come Down? --Old Secesh
Black Slaveowners,
Top Ten Black Slaveowners-- Part 2: Bought Her Husband
Here are Aubrey Henderson's Top Ten. You can go to her June 6, 2017, Listverse entry "Top Ten Black Slaveowners" to read more about these people. Makes for interesting reading. I am just giving a little information.
10. Dilsey Pope-- Born a free woman, but bought the man she loved. Yes, make your wife mad at you and get sold.
9. Jacob Gasker
8. Nat Butler
7. Justus Angel and Mistress L. Horry-- owned 168 slaves
6. Widow C. Richards and son P.C. Richards owned 152 slaves.
--Old Secesh
10. Dilsey Pope-- Born a free woman, but bought the man she loved. Yes, make your wife mad at you and get sold.
9. Jacob Gasker
8. Nat Butler
7. Justus Angel and Mistress L. Horry-- owned 168 slaves
6. Widow C. Richards and son P.C. Richards owned 152 slaves.
--Old Secesh
Black Slaveowners,
Top Ten Black Slaveowners-- Part 1: Yes, There Were Black Slaveowners in the South Before the War!!
From the June 6, 2017, Listverse by Aubrey Henderson.
These are two words you'd never think you'd see together: Black and Slaveowners. How could this be? Especially considering how much hatred we see these days from the black folks about THAT country whose ONLY reason for being was to keep their ancestors in slavery. You know, the CONFEDERACY.
But,there were some black people who not only participated in the slave trade, but also profited from it.
Some of them were even considered slave magnates, owning 50+ slaves.
Imagine, a Black owning another Black.
How could that be? Wouldn't you think they would know better?
If all things connected with the Confederacy need to be eliminated, then what should we do about all things connected with Blacks. One group punished for something, only fair that all be punished.
Next, I will give you Ms. Henderson's Top Ten.
Well, What Gives Here? --Old Secesh
These are two words you'd never think you'd see together: Black and Slaveowners. How could this be? Especially considering how much hatred we see these days from the black folks about THAT country whose ONLY reason for being was to keep their ancestors in slavery. You know, the CONFEDERACY.
But,there were some black people who not only participated in the slave trade, but also profited from it.
Some of them were even considered slave magnates, owning 50+ slaves.
Imagine, a Black owning another Black.
How could that be? Wouldn't you think they would know better?
If all things connected with the Confederacy need to be eliminated, then what should we do about all things connected with Blacks. One group punished for something, only fair that all be punished.
Next, I will give you Ms. Henderson's Top Ten.
Well, What Gives Here? --Old Secesh
Black Slaveowners,
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Civil War II-- 497: Tampa Stands the Tide!!
From the June 22, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Tampa leaders won't remove Confederate memorial. (Tampa, Florida) (Win) Thank you Tampa leaders for standing up to all this Confederate hatred.
** Removing Confederate statues right and righteous. (The Commercial Appeal newspaper in Memphis, Tennessee) (Loss) Clearly an anti-Confederate paper. Cancel my subscription.
With All These Southern Cities Submitting to the Yoke of the Anti-Confederate Tyranny It Sure Is Great To See One Stand Up To It. --Old Secesh
** Tampa leaders won't remove Confederate memorial. (Tampa, Florida) (Win) Thank you Tampa leaders for standing up to all this Confederate hatred.
** Removing Confederate statues right and righteous. (The Commercial Appeal newspaper in Memphis, Tennessee) (Loss) Clearly an anti-Confederate paper. Cancel my subscription.
With All These Southern Cities Submitting to the Yoke of the Anti-Confederate Tyranny It Sure Is Great To See One Stand Up To It. --Old Secesh
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Mort Kunstler's Civil War July Calendar-- Part 2: Daily Happenings
These are the daily notes for July.
July 1-3, 1863: Battle of Gettysburg
July 4, 1863: Vicksburg Surrenders, Independence Day
July 5, 1801: Adm. David G. Farragut born 1801
July 9, 1863: Port Hudson on Mississippi River surrenders
July 9, 1864: The Battle of Monocacy
July 13, 1821: Gen. Nathan B. Forrest born
July 13, 1861: Union forces secure West Virginia
July 13, 1862: The First Battle of Murfreesboro
July 14: Bastille Day
--Old Secesh
July 1-3, 1863: Battle of Gettysburg
July 4, 1863: Vicksburg Surrenders, Independence Day
July 5, 1801: Adm. David G. Farragut born 1801
July 9, 1863: Port Hudson on Mississippi River surrenders
July 9, 1864: The Battle of Monocacy
July 13, 1821: Gen. Nathan B. Forrest born
July 13, 1861: Union forces secure West Virginia
July 13, 1862: The First Battle of Murfreesboro
July 14: Bastille Day
--Old Secesh
Mort Kunstler's July Civil War Calendar-- Part 1: Grant Takes Vicksburg
"General Ulysses S. Grant at Vicksburg
"On July 4, 1863, jubilant Union soldiers marched past the gaunt defenders of Vicksburg and into the city which was the final Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River.
"General Ulysses S. Grant, in his typically informal dress without swordbelt, rode to the Old Landing to meet and congratulate Admiral David Porter, commander of the river fleet, aboard his flagship, USS Benton. There were more than eight thousand Union troops on hand cheering, waving flags, and celebrating this great victory.
"The fall of Vicksburg placed the entire Mississippi River in Union hands."
There are many Union soldiers cheering Grant as he rides past them. Grant looks to them and raises his hat. There are Union ironclads and warships in the river in the background.
Between this and Gettysburg the day before, the real beginning of the end for the Confederacy.
--Old Secesh
"General Ulysses S. Grant at Vicksburg
"On July 4, 1863, jubilant Union soldiers marched past the gaunt defenders of Vicksburg and into the city which was the final Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River.
"General Ulysses S. Grant, in his typically informal dress without swordbelt, rode to the Old Landing to meet and congratulate Admiral David Porter, commander of the river fleet, aboard his flagship, USS Benton. There were more than eight thousand Union troops on hand cheering, waving flags, and celebrating this great victory.
"The fall of Vicksburg placed the entire Mississippi River in Union hands."
There are many Union soldiers cheering Grant as he rides past them. Grant looks to them and raises his hat. There are Union ironclads and warships in the river in the background.
Between this and Gettysburg the day before, the real beginning of the end for the Confederacy.
--Old Secesh
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