The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Two East Tennessee Men Get Jail Time for Illegal Digging

From the August 8, 2015, New historian by David DeMar.

The men received a 30-month federal prison sentence for their four-year illegal archaeological dig at Battle Creek at the bottom of Fort McCook, a Union encampment overrun by Confederates on August 27, 1862.  The fort was renamed Fort Maxey after its Confederate capture and then Fort Thomas during the Chickamauga Campaign.

The site of Fort McCook, adjacent to the South Pittsburg Municipal Park, is on the property of the Tennessee Valley Authority, which supplies electricity to the southeastern United States and is owned by the Federal government.

Among the items they dug up were two Hotchkiss shells which were fired from 3-inch rifled cannons.

--Old Seecsh

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