The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 88: "No Thank You" to New Va. SCV License Plates

From the October 18, 2015, Google Alerts for Confederate.

Confederate emblem a sticky election topic in Mississippi.  (Loss)  (Salt Lake Tribune)

Virginia Ordered Drivers to Turn in Their Confederate Flag License Plates, Here's What Happened.  By Mike Miller.  (Loss and Win)  Loss because of what happened and Win because of response.

As of October 4, 2015, it was illegal to drive a vehicle in Virginia with the old license plate that featured the logo of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.  Warning letters were sent.  They were also told to return the old plates.  Of the 1,600 drivers who received the letter, only 187 original plates were returned.  Some sent the replacement plates back with a "No Thank You" note.

The Virginia DMV told WAVY that they had asked the SCV for help in designing the new tags, but never heard back.  Of course, they always intended to remove the flag so what difference would it make.

--Old Secesh

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