The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 93: Did Ole Miss Secede from State?

From the October 22, 2015, Google Alerts for Confederate.

Bowdoin College drops award honoring Confederate president.  (Maine) (Loss)

School Board To Draft Policy Banning Confederate Flag.  (Montgomery County, Virginia.  Those good folks from Christiansburg) (Loss)  It will ban all clothing, emblems, decals and jewelry representing the Confederate Flag.  Time to start our list of what offends us so they will also have to ban these things.

Confederate rally to defend UNC's Silent Sam coming to Chapel Hill.  (North Carolina)  (Win)

Ole Miss vote latest shot fired in the Mississippi long-running flag battle. (Loss) The student senate voted 33-15 Tuesday to ask Ole Miss to keep the flag off campus.   Isn't this a form of secession?

The Hurtful Confederate Flag at Harvard.  (Loss)

Pro-Confederate Flaggers want to rally at Stone Mountain, Georgia.

--Old Secesh

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