The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Civil War II-- 544: Hate Crime in Ohio, Confederate Statue Beheaded in Cemetery

From the August 23, 2017, Dubuque (Iowa) Telegraph Herald "More Confederate memorials under fire", AP.

Police say a Confederate soldier statue at a cemetery in Ohio has been damaged by vandals who took its head.

Columbus police say the vandals climbed onto an arched memorial at the Camp Chase Confederate cemetery and toppled the statue atop the monument to the ground.

The soldier's head and hat were then knocked off.  The vandals took the head but left the hat.

Police say the vandalism occurred early Tuesday at the cemetery where 2,000 Confederate soldiers are buried.  Camp Chase was the site of a Union prison for Confederates and these men died at the camp.

I like the way the desecraters were referred to as vandals in the article..  Since the Confederates were white, I'd say a hate crime was committed.

It is one thing to do something illegal like defacing and tearing down a Confederate monument that is not built over a grave, but to do something like that over 2,200+ bodies.  Something just isn't right.  Especially people who died at the hands of the Union after they were captured.  Maybe we should start thinking about taking down statues to Union soldiers in the North as well.

And, Again, the Confederate-Haters Say They Just Want Confederate Statues Removed From Public Places Like Courthouses.  --Old Secesh

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