Unfortunately, reading these headlines over the last several months gives an idea of where all this is heading. And, all the while, the blacks who seem to be the most offended by the Confederate Flag and are all into the Black Lives Matter thing, especially where it concerns racist whites killing blacks, don't seem to be that concerned about the black on black murders that take place daily across the United States and nowhere more evident than in Chicago.
Chicago set a record in September with 60 murders, most of whom are black. And there is one day left. Over one recent 18 hour period, six were murdered and an 11-month-old child wounded. By the way, for the Black Lives Matter folk, two white police officers are credited with saving the child's life.
Now, I know that not all of the murders were of blacks, but a lot of them were. Unfortunately, the local media doesn't keep tabs on the number of blacks who are killed, just the overall numbers. But when I see pictures in the Tribune or TV reports, the people I see are most often black and the areas the murders occur are in black areas of the city.
I'd have to say the time has come to get priorities straight. Blacks kill far more other blacks than the Confederate Flag or symbols do.
Time to Stop Lamenting, Crying and Saying Something Needs to Be Done and Do Something. --Old Secesh
This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 62
From the Sept. 26, 2015, Google Confederate Alerts.
Lakeland discusses C statue in park. (Florida) Other counties also considering removing Confederate statues from court houses.
Students with Confederate Flags protest at Vinton-Shellsburg High School. (Iowa)
Bradenton-area lawmaker Darryl Rouson files bill to outlaw Confederate Flag on public property. (Florida)
Confederate Statue Could Be Moved By End of Year, (Maryland) Much discussed, much vandalized.
Confederate Battle Flag at School Leads to Lockdown. (Georgia) Three students surrendered after altercation when a white one had a Confederate Flag on his back pack and two black students accosted him. Rockmart High School. A lockdown took place after rumors that other students might have Confederate Flags. Sounds like a racist thing if you ask me.
Sadly, it appears that high school students are in the forefront of defense of the flag. School administrations and boards seem to be in the anti-flag camp.
--Old Secesh
Lakeland discusses C statue in park. (Florida) Other counties also considering removing Confederate statues from court houses.
Students with Confederate Flags protest at Vinton-Shellsburg High School. (Iowa)
Bradenton-area lawmaker Darryl Rouson files bill to outlaw Confederate Flag on public property. (Florida)
Confederate Statue Could Be Moved By End of Year, (Maryland) Much discussed, much vandalized.
Confederate Battle Flag at School Leads to Lockdown. (Georgia) Three students surrendered after altercation when a white one had a Confederate Flag on his back pack and two black students accosted him. Rockmart High School. A lockdown took place after rumors that other students might have Confederate Flags. Sounds like a racist thing if you ask me.
Sadly, it appears that high school students are in the forefront of defense of the flag. School administrations and boards seem to be in the anti-flag camp.
--Old Secesh
Monday, September 28, 2015
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 61
From Sepetem,ber 27, 2015, Google Alerts.
Confederate belt flags concern in school. (Niceville, Florida)
Confederate Flag debate comes to Bend high schools. (Oregon)
Confederate march off 'without a hitch.' (Dobson, North Carolina)
Confederate Flags found in old SBHS yearbooks. "South Burlington High School in Vermont. Yearbooks from the 1960s found to have numerous Confederate flags in pictures. At the time the school's teams were named the "rebels" and still are. However, their Confederate Colonel mascot was dropped twenty years ago. Obviously there are those who want the name "Rebels:" changed.
Confederate Flag doesn't reflect nest of Southern heritage.
--Old Secesh
Confederate belt flags concern in school. (Niceville, Florida)
Confederate Flag debate comes to Bend high schools. (Oregon)
Confederate march off 'without a hitch.' (Dobson, North Carolina)
Confederate Flags found in old SBHS yearbooks. "South Burlington High School in Vermont. Yearbooks from the 1960s found to have numerous Confederate flags in pictures. At the time the school's teams were named the "rebels" and still are. However, their Confederate Colonel mascot was dropped twenty years ago. Obviously there are those who want the name "Rebels:" changed.
Confederate Flag doesn't reflect nest of Southern heritage.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, September 26, 2015
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 60
From Google Alerts for September 25, 2015.
Community organizations mediate efforts to resolve Confederate Flag debate at Christiansburg. (Virginia)
Sons of Confederate veterans, state compromise on license plate design. (Georgia)
Little Rock Officials Vote to Rename Confederate Boulevard. (Arkansas)
Confederate Rock finds new home at Centralia Battlefield site. (Missouri) Five and a half-ton granite boulder that had been moved to the Boone County Courthouse in 1975 after black students at the University of Missouri objected to its presence on campus. Now moved from the courthouse to the battlefield because of protests.
Vinton High School student sent home for flying Confederate Flag. (Iowa) On his truck.
Confederate statue to be moved from downtown Gainesville. (Florida)
Officials Want To Move Confederate Statue To Rockville Park. (Virginia)
--Old Secesh
Community organizations mediate efforts to resolve Confederate Flag debate at Christiansburg. (Virginia)
Sons of Confederate veterans, state compromise on license plate design. (Georgia)
Little Rock Officials Vote to Rename Confederate Boulevard. (Arkansas)
Confederate Rock finds new home at Centralia Battlefield site. (Missouri) Five and a half-ton granite boulder that had been moved to the Boone County Courthouse in 1975 after black students at the University of Missouri objected to its presence on campus. Now moved from the courthouse to the battlefield because of protests.
Vinton High School student sent home for flying Confederate Flag. (Iowa) On his truck.
Confederate statue to be moved from downtown Gainesville. (Florida)
Officials Want To Move Confederate Statue To Rockville Park. (Virginia)
--Old Secesh
Friday, September 25, 2015
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 59
From the September 24, 2015, Google Alerts for "Confederate."
Confederate Flag returns to Georgia license plates. (Redesigned plates for SCV still feature the logo which contains the flag.)
Confederate Flag Riles Some City of Burlington Employees. --(Vermont) Someone flying flag from vehicle.
School district back's school's Confederate Flag ban. (Baldwin, Florida)
South Norfolk residents concerned about neighbor's Confederate Flag with noose. (Virginia) Flag yes, noose no. And racists wonder why the flag is under such attack.
Students turn in petition to display Confederate Flag. (Hastings, Michigan) Which appears to be the new Christiansburg battlefield.
Sons of Confederate Veterans weigh in on Confederate Flag controversy at Christiansburg High School.
Pressure Mounts Against School's Confederate Ties. (Jack C. Hays High School in Buda, Rexas)
Teen Upset With School After Being Forced To Cover Confederate Flag Patch. (North Allegheny High School, Pittsburgh, Pa.)
--Old Secesh
Confederate Flag returns to Georgia license plates. (Redesigned plates for SCV still feature the logo which contains the flag.)
Confederate Flag Riles Some City of Burlington Employees. --(Vermont) Someone flying flag from vehicle.
School district back's school's Confederate Flag ban. (Baldwin, Florida)
South Norfolk residents concerned about neighbor's Confederate Flag with noose. (Virginia) Flag yes, noose no. And racists wonder why the flag is under such attack.
Students turn in petition to display Confederate Flag. (Hastings, Michigan) Which appears to be the new Christiansburg battlefield.
Sons of Confederate Veterans weigh in on Confederate Flag controversy at Christiansburg High School.
Pressure Mounts Against School's Confederate Ties. (Jack C. Hays High School in Buda, Rexas)
Teen Upset With School After Being Forced To Cover Confederate Flag Patch. (North Allegheny High School, Pittsburgh, Pa.)
--Old Secesh
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Gen. Beauregard's Forgotten Civil Rights Cause-- Part 1
From the September 6, 2015, New Orleans Times-Picayune "A Confederate general's forgotten cause, Beauregard and unification: Our Times" by James Karst.
One of the Confederate statues New Orleans is considering removing is that of Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard, a native of St. Bernard Parish who grew up in New Orleans. He went on to become a Confederate hero for his victory on April 12, 1861, at Fort Sumter to open the Civil War. Later he gained even more fame for the victory at 1st Bull Run (Manassas).
His full name was Pierre Gustave Toutant-Beauregard.
The bronze statue of him in Confederate uniform astride his horse was erected at the Esplanade Avenue entrance to City Park in 1915. His is one of the four Confederate statues targeted for removal by Mayor Mitch Landrieu.
He preferred to be called G.T. Beauregard and he graduated from West Point second in his class and served in the Mexican War. After the war, he returned to New Orleans and ran for mayor and pushed for the construction of the Customs House.
After the Civil War he was an early proponent of equal rights in Louisiana.
I'm guessing the anti-statue folk either can't get past his Confederate service or don't know.
--Old Secesh
One of the Confederate statues New Orleans is considering removing is that of Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard, a native of St. Bernard Parish who grew up in New Orleans. He went on to become a Confederate hero for his victory on April 12, 1861, at Fort Sumter to open the Civil War. Later he gained even more fame for the victory at 1st Bull Run (Manassas).
His full name was Pierre Gustave Toutant-Beauregard.
The bronze statue of him in Confederate uniform astride his horse was erected at the Esplanade Avenue entrance to City Park in 1915. His is one of the four Confederate statues targeted for removal by Mayor Mitch Landrieu.
He preferred to be called G.T. Beauregard and he graduated from West Point second in his class and served in the Mexican War. After the war, he returned to New Orleans and ran for mayor and pushed for the construction of the Customs House.
After the Civil War he was an early proponent of equal rights in Louisiana.
I'm guessing the anti-statue folk either can't get past his Confederate service or don't know.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 58
Decades after historic integration case, Little Rock considers renaming Confederate Boulevard. (Arkansas)
Dozens support Confederate Flag at school meeting. (Harrisburg, Illinois)
School asks students not to display Confederate Flag. (Hastings, Michigan)
County will give 'Old Joe' Confederate statue to museum. (Gainesville, Florida)
State rep calls Confederate Flag removal 'first step.' (Clemson, S.C.)
Confederate Flag going up near Gretna. (Virginia)
Danville responds to Confederate Flag lawsuit. (Virginia)
Confederate Flag tolerance evoked by 9/11 ceremony.
--Old Secesh
Dozens support Confederate Flag at school meeting. (Harrisburg, Illinois)
School asks students not to display Confederate Flag. (Hastings, Michigan)
County will give 'Old Joe' Confederate statue to museum. (Gainesville, Florida)
State rep calls Confederate Flag removal 'first step.' (Clemson, S.C.)
Confederate Flag going up near Gretna. (Virginia)
Danville responds to Confederate Flag lawsuit. (Virginia)
Confederate Flag tolerance evoked by 9/11 ceremony.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 57
From my September 22, 2015, Google Alerts.
Confederate Group Attempts to Disrupt Black Lives Matter Protest With Elaborate Stunt, Except.... (Richmond, Va.) Talking about misspelled "Heros" banner.
Students, parents show up in support of Confederate Flag in Hastings schools. (Hastings, Michigan)
Battle brewing in Hastings over Confederate Flag.
Petition calls for removal of Williamson County Confederate statue. (Texas)
Confederate Flag controversy can be 'teachable moment' for students, superintendent says.
David Vitter, Scott Angelle want to keep Confederate monuments in New Orleans.
--Old Secesh
Confederate Group Attempts to Disrupt Black Lives Matter Protest With Elaborate Stunt, Except.... (Richmond, Va.) Talking about misspelled "Heros" banner.
Students, parents show up in support of Confederate Flag in Hastings schools. (Hastings, Michigan)
Battle brewing in Hastings over Confederate Flag.
Petition calls for removal of Williamson County Confederate statue. (Texas)
Confederate Flag controversy can be 'teachable moment' for students, superintendent says.
David Vitter, Scott Angelle want to keep Confederate monuments in New Orleans.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 56
From my September 21, 2015, Google Alerts.
The Confederate Flag, the First Amendment and public schools. (From the Washington Post)
Confederate Flag supporters will host rally at Christiansburg High School. (Virginia)
Forum: Time for the Nation to put Confederate Flag to rest.
Confederate questions remain in Maryland.
Public forum planned Monday to discuss Lexington Confederate statues, historic marker. (Kentucky)
Special Commission Focuses on Baltimore's Confederate Monuments.
Va. News: Confederate Flags, Voting teens.
The Confederate Flag and other evils of history. (Winona)
Marylanders weigh in on removing Confederate memorials.
--Old Secesh
The Confederate Flag, the First Amendment and public schools. (From the Washington Post)
Confederate Flag supporters will host rally at Christiansburg High School. (Virginia)
Forum: Time for the Nation to put Confederate Flag to rest.
Confederate questions remain in Maryland.
Public forum planned Monday to discuss Lexington Confederate statues, historic marker. (Kentucky)
Special Commission Focuses on Baltimore's Confederate Monuments.
Va. News: Confederate Flags, Voting teens.
The Confederate Flag and other evils of history. (Winona)
Marylanders weigh in on removing Confederate memorials.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 55
These are headlines from my September 20, 2015, Google Alerts under the heading "Confederate."
Confederate Heroes Banner Flown Over Richmond. (Virginia) This was a small plane pulling a banner.
Pro Confederate Flag Group Advertises Cause With Misspelled Banner. (Virginia) I was wondering how long it would take them to catch on to that.
Editorial: Rename Kirby-Smith Center. (Gainesville, Florida)
Bring back the magnolia flag to Mississippi. (Vicksburg, Miss.) From 1861.
There were fewer articles today. It will be nice when we eventually see fewer attacks. Unfortunately, we are two months after Charleston and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. And, in the meantime, how many blacks have been killed by other blacks? Even if you just look at the numbers from Chicago.
--Old Secesh
Confederate Heroes Banner Flown Over Richmond. (Virginia) This was a small plane pulling a banner.
Pro Confederate Flag Group Advertises Cause With Misspelled Banner. (Virginia) I was wondering how long it would take them to catch on to that.
Editorial: Rename Kirby-Smith Center. (Gainesville, Florida)
Bring back the magnolia flag to Mississippi. (Vicksburg, Miss.) From 1861.
There were fewer articles today. It will be nice when we eventually see fewer attacks. Unfortunately, we are two months after Charleston and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. And, in the meantime, how many blacks have been killed by other blacks? Even if you just look at the numbers from Chicago.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 54
Google Alert headlines from September 19, 2015.
NAACP seeks dialogue amid protest over Confederate Flag. (Christiansburg, Virginia)
'Confederate heros matter' banner flown over protest of Confederate monuments. (Richmond, Va.) Wonder if anyone is going to catch the misspelling?
Group protests removal of Confederate Flag outside GOP forum. (Greenville, S.C.)
'Duke4s of Hazzard' car with Confederate Flag comes to auction.
Rockville Historic District Commission Grants County's Request top Move Confederate Statues. (Maryland?)
Uncovering layers of Confederate past. (Pennsylvania. (A very, very negative article, including "...the Alamo's defenders, later hailed as martyrs, defined freedom as preserving their right to own slaves."
Nikki Hayley greeted with Confederate Flags in Greenville, South Carolina.
--Old Secesh
NAACP seeks dialogue amid protest over Confederate Flag. (Christiansburg, Virginia)
'Confederate heros matter' banner flown over protest of Confederate monuments. (Richmond, Va.) Wonder if anyone is going to catch the misspelling?
Group protests removal of Confederate Flag outside GOP forum. (Greenville, S.C.)
'Duke4s of Hazzard' car with Confederate Flag comes to auction.
Rockville Historic District Commission Grants County's Request top Move Confederate Statues. (Maryland?)
Uncovering layers of Confederate past. (Pennsylvania. (A very, very negative article, including "...the Alamo's defenders, later hailed as martyrs, defined freedom as preserving their right to own slaves."
Nikki Hayley greeted with Confederate Flags in Greenville, South Carolina.
--Old Secesh
Monday, September 21, 2015
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 53
Google Alerts from September 18, 2015.
NAACP seeks dialogue amid protests over Confederate Flag. (Christiansburg, Virginia)
Ole Miss player delivers message to fans with Confederate flags. (Mississippi. He was a black player, what do you suppose he had to say?)
Donor for Confederate Statue Removal in New Orleans Remains Anonymous.
Durham school board urged to tackle Confederate Flag ban. (N.C.)
Neighbor dispute involving Confederate Flag is subject of grand jury probe. (Shreveport, Louisiana)
Lebanon County teen kicked out of school for wearing Confederate Flag shirt. (Pennsylvania)
Suspended students protest school ban on Confederate Flags. (Christiansburg, Virginia)
If Anything Offends Anyone, It Must Be Banned. I'll Start Listing Things That Offend Me. --Old Secesh
NAACP seeks dialogue amid protests over Confederate Flag. (Christiansburg, Virginia)
Ole Miss player delivers message to fans with Confederate flags. (Mississippi. He was a black player, what do you suppose he had to say?)
Donor for Confederate Statue Removal in New Orleans Remains Anonymous.
Durham school board urged to tackle Confederate Flag ban. (N.C.)
Neighbor dispute involving Confederate Flag is subject of grand jury probe. (Shreveport, Louisiana)
Lebanon County teen kicked out of school for wearing Confederate Flag shirt. (Pennsylvania)
Suspended students protest school ban on Confederate Flags. (Christiansburg, Virginia)
If Anything Offends Anyone, It Must Be Banned. I'll Start Listing Things That Offend Me. --Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 52
Google Alerts from September 17, 2015.
I do not include stories I've already headlined if they essentially cover the same thing unless there are changes. A lot of headlines lately have been dealing with the 20+ students suspended from the Christiansburg High School in Virginia for wearing Confederate clothing. They do this because they don't want to offend anyone. I wonder if they know that the word Christian offends some groups. Next they should be considering changing the name of their town and high school to some less offensive term.
What really hurts with this story is that the school is located in Virginia. You'd think they would know a little more about their heritage.
Virginia high school students suspended for wearing Confederate Flag apparel. (Christiansburg, Va. 23 suspended)
New Orleans City Council to hear recommendations on future of Confederate statues at Thursday's meeting.
Confederate monuments in Baltimore could be removed.
Battle over Confederate images still simmering as Baldwin County steps into controversy. (Florida)
Wake Forest hosts panel discussion on symbolism of Confederate Flag. (N.C.)
Quantico councilwoman's Confederate Flag comes down. (Virginia)
Across state, Marylanders weigh removing Confederate memorials.
Georgetown church starts petition to remove Confederate monument by Williamson County Courthouse. (Texas?)
California Bill Banning Confederate Names on Public Building Passes State Senate, Awaits Governor's Signature.
Do You Think He Will Sign It? --Old Secesh
I do not include stories I've already headlined if they essentially cover the same thing unless there are changes. A lot of headlines lately have been dealing with the 20+ students suspended from the Christiansburg High School in Virginia for wearing Confederate clothing. They do this because they don't want to offend anyone. I wonder if they know that the word Christian offends some groups. Next they should be considering changing the name of their town and high school to some less offensive term.
What really hurts with this story is that the school is located in Virginia. You'd think they would know a little more about their heritage.
Virginia high school students suspended for wearing Confederate Flag apparel. (Christiansburg, Va. 23 suspended)
New Orleans City Council to hear recommendations on future of Confederate statues at Thursday's meeting.
Confederate monuments in Baltimore could be removed.
Battle over Confederate images still simmering as Baldwin County steps into controversy. (Florida)
Wake Forest hosts panel discussion on symbolism of Confederate Flag. (N.C.)
Quantico councilwoman's Confederate Flag comes down. (Virginia)
Across state, Marylanders weigh removing Confederate memorials.
Georgetown church starts petition to remove Confederate monument by Williamson County Courthouse. (Texas?)
California Bill Banning Confederate Names on Public Building Passes State Senate, Awaits Governor's Signature.
Do You Think He Will Sign It? --Old Secesh
Saturday, September 19, 2015
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 51
Headlines from Google Alerts for September 16, 2015.
Blindfolded Again: Security cameras now watching Confederate memorial at UNC.
State gives Confederate group a say, but not slave descendants. (South Carolina)
Confederate Flag discussion held in Marion County. (Florida)
Confederate Flag flown in Independence County outside courthouse. (Batesville, Arkansas) County officials voted unanimously to keep it flying.
2 who brought down Confederate Flag to speak at college. Warren Wilson College in North Carolina.
Patrick County finds new home for portrait of Confederate general. (Virginia, J.E.B. Stuart)
Confederate Flag, speed bumps stir community center crowd. (Winona, possibly Minnesota)
Action delayed on Confederate Flag removal in Wichita. (Kansas)
--Old Secesh
Blindfolded Again: Security cameras now watching Confederate memorial at UNC.
State gives Confederate group a say, but not slave descendants. (South Carolina)
Confederate Flag discussion held in Marion County. (Florida)
Confederate Flag flown in Independence County outside courthouse. (Batesville, Arkansas) County officials voted unanimously to keep it flying.
2 who brought down Confederate Flag to speak at college. Warren Wilson College in North Carolina.
Patrick County finds new home for portrait of Confederate general. (Virginia, J.E.B. Stuart)
Confederate Flag, speed bumps stir community center crowd. (Winona, possibly Minnesota)
Action delayed on Confederate Flag removal in Wichita. (Kansas)
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 50: We Can't Make the Past Go Away By Destroying Our History
From the September 16, 2015, Baltimore Sun. A letter to the editor. My thought is that this is finally the voice of reason in "political-correctness run amok."
Should we scrap "The Star-Spangled Banner" because Francis Scott Key owned slaves and his descendants fought for the Confederacy?
Eight U.S. presidents owned slaves while in office. Should we erase everything they did and all their honors because of that? Should the names George Washington and Thomas Jefferson be stripped from the United States? Andrew Jackson was a Tennessee slave owner who was the hero of the Battle of New Orleans and also took Florida from Spain. But, he was also responsible for the Indian Removal and Trail of Tears.
Four other presidents owned slaves at one time while in office, but not while in office.
Abraham Lincoln viewed slavery as a violation of human rights, but only initially sought to prevent the spread of it to new states. He was more than happy to allow and protect it where it already existed.
FDR sent the Japanese-Americans to internment camps and Harry Truman, of course, ordered the atom bombs dropped on Japan.
Should everything good that they did be stripped away because some perceive other things they did as bad?
"To strip out the good to punish the nation for past sins is no better than the Taliban destroying the Bamiyan Buddha statues in Afghanistan or ISIS destroying 2,000-year-old temples in Palmyra."
--Old Secesh
"However, I find it despicable that the culture of the South is being systematically attacked by destroying and changing the names of roads and streets named for Southern heroes."
Friday, September 18, 2015
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 49
From the September 15, 2015 Google Alerts. these are just the headlines for the most part. They are accompanied full articles.
Kettering schools set new Confederate Flag policy. (Kettering, Ohio)
Virginia school bans Confederate symbols from parking lot.
Mid-City Neighborhood Organization to lead discussion on Confederate statue removal. (New Orleans)
Board delays decision on Confederate Flag at Veterans Memorial Park for now. (Kansas)
Crestview to give Confederate Flag, memorial to Lundys. (Lundys are a family. Florida)
--Old Secesh
Kettering schools set new Confederate Flag policy. (Kettering, Ohio)
Virginia school bans Confederate symbols from parking lot.
Mid-City Neighborhood Organization to lead discussion on Confederate statue removal. (New Orleans)
Board delays decision on Confederate Flag at Veterans Memorial Park for now. (Kansas)
Crestview to give Confederate Flag, memorial to Lundys. (Lundys are a family. Florida)
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 48
Google Alerts from September 14, 2015.
Easton Residents Debate Presence of Confederate Statue. (Maryland)
Woman 'bares all' to protest Confederate Flag rally.
Christiansburg school bans Confederate symbols from parking lot. (Virginia)
Aftermath of Confederate Flag removal far from over. (South Carolina)
Nikki Haley's Welfare Agency Wants to Change 'Confederate Avenue. --Columbia, S.C.)
Bailey: Textbooks were 'racist to the core.'
--Old Secesh
Easton Residents Debate Presence of Confederate Statue. (Maryland)
Woman 'bares all' to protest Confederate Flag rally.
Christiansburg school bans Confederate symbols from parking lot. (Virginia)
Aftermath of Confederate Flag removal far from over. (South Carolina)
Nikki Haley's Welfare Agency Wants to Change 'Confederate Avenue. --Columbia, S.C.)
Bailey: Textbooks were 'racist to the core.'
--Old Secesh
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Wish I had the Courage to Do That
Today, while at the Wal-Mart in McHenry, Illinois, I saw a pickup truck in the parking lot flying both a United States and a Confederate Flag. I wish I had that kind of courage to thumb my nose at the great mass of pc-ers who have jumped on the anti-Confederate bandwagon.
I imagine I would be in big trouble now as I had a painting of Robert E. Lee in my classroom as well as wore a Confederate Flag belt buckle while teaching. My key ring has a C.S.A. on it and I've had it for around 35 years.
Plus, my truck had a Sons of Confederate Veterans emblem on it. That is the one that has caused such an uproar because it had the battle flag on it. I used to drive it to school and park it in the lot.
And i never had one negative word about any of those.
I guess I would no longer be allowed to do this in today's climate.
--Old Secesh
I imagine I would be in big trouble now as I had a painting of Robert E. Lee in my classroom as well as wore a Confederate Flag belt buckle while teaching. My key ring has a C.S.A. on it and I've had it for around 35 years.
Plus, my truck had a Sons of Confederate Veterans emblem on it. That is the one that has caused such an uproar because it had the battle flag on it. I used to drive it to school and park it in the lot.
And i never had one negative word about any of those.
I guess I would no longer be allowed to do this in today's climate.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 47
Google Alerts From September 13, 2015.
The Confederate Flag's ongoing saga.
Confederate Flag has no place at festivals. (Columbus, Ohio)
Patrick County protestors want Confederate portrait back in courtroom. (Virginia)
Confederate Flag ride set for Sunday.
Here are streets in Alexandria that are named for Confederate heroes. (Virginia) I am a bit surprised the writer would have referred to them as heroes. After all, they were slave owners. A slave owner could never be a hero.
Virginia removes Confederate Flag from custom license plates.
Flag expert to speak on the Confederate Flag. (Texas) And what about Six Flags Over Texas. One of those was a Confederate Flag.
Day wrong on focusing on Confederate Flag.
--Old Secesh
The Confederate Flag's ongoing saga.
Confederate Flag has no place at festivals. (Columbus, Ohio)
Patrick County protestors want Confederate portrait back in courtroom. (Virginia)
Confederate Flag ride set for Sunday.
Here are streets in Alexandria that are named for Confederate heroes. (Virginia) I am a bit surprised the writer would have referred to them as heroes. After all, they were slave owners. A slave owner could never be a hero.
Virginia removes Confederate Flag from custom license plates.
Flag expert to speak on the Confederate Flag. (Texas) And what about Six Flags Over Texas. One of those was a Confederate Flag.
Day wrong on focusing on Confederate Flag.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Frank Crawford Talks About His New Book "In the Shadows of Lincoln"-- Part 2
Frank Crawford had both of his books with him and was selling them at about 2/3 of what you get get it for on Amazon, $20 each. I was tempted to buy one, especially after finding he was a history buff after my own heart One more interested in the "small history."
But, I already have too many books and need to start getting rid of some, one reason I usually got to meetings with old college books on the war to the McHenry Civil War Round Table meetings for their raffle.
Crawford said he chose twenty men for his "In the Shadows of Lincoln" book. Each one of them had something to do with Lincoln's assassination. They did things heroic and not so heroic. Who were they, what had they been doing before and what happened to them afterwards.
What happened to the Union soldier who let John Wilkes Booth and David Herold leave Washington?
What happened to the man who fought off Seward's attacker that night.
What about the man chosen to stand under Marry Surratt's hanging spot at Old Capitol Prison? Mr. Crawford said he had been wounded at the Battle of Petersburg and had lost a finger. He was now in the Veterans Reserve Corps and chosen to be a knocker.
What Is a Knocker at a Hanging? --Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 46
From the September 11, 2015, Google Alerts under the word Confederate.
Hear Steve Earle's call for Mississippi to lose Confederate battle flag. "It's Time, Mississippi."
Redesigned Sons of Confederate Veterans Virginia License Plates Shipped. (The SCV logo, featuring the Confederate Flag was dropped. Personally, if I had one, I'd cancel it. But, I guess that is the only way the SCV could keep it in today's political climate.)
Virginia spends thousands to replace Confederate license plates. (I am so sad about their spending all the money.)
LSU NAACP 'Confederate Barbecue' was blown way out of proportion. students say. (And KA Fraternity can't march in Confederate uniforms because it might offend someone. Time to get this offending stuff more equal.)
6 named to panel to plan Confederate Flag display.
Pace football team captain suspended for appearing to do Nazi salute while draped in Confederate Flag in Snapchat photo. (Pace University in New York)
David Duke joins student demonstration on LSU's campus in support of Confederate symbol. (Just what we need, his support.)
Confederate Flag sales won't be banned at NE Ohio fair. (OK, one small win for our side. But the fact that it was even considered shows how bad we have lost.)
Perspective: If Florida boots Confederate general's statue, here are some candidates to replace him.
--Old Secesh
Hear Steve Earle's call for Mississippi to lose Confederate battle flag. "It's Time, Mississippi."
Redesigned Sons of Confederate Veterans Virginia License Plates Shipped. (The SCV logo, featuring the Confederate Flag was dropped. Personally, if I had one, I'd cancel it. But, I guess that is the only way the SCV could keep it in today's political climate.)
Virginia spends thousands to replace Confederate license plates. (I am so sad about their spending all the money.)
LSU NAACP 'Confederate Barbecue' was blown way out of proportion. students say. (And KA Fraternity can't march in Confederate uniforms because it might offend someone. Time to get this offending stuff more equal.)
6 named to panel to plan Confederate Flag display.
Pace football team captain suspended for appearing to do Nazi salute while draped in Confederate Flag in Snapchat photo. (Pace University in New York)
David Duke joins student demonstration on LSU's campus in support of Confederate symbol. (Just what we need, his support.)
Confederate Flag sales won't be banned at NE Ohio fair. (OK, one small win for our side. But the fact that it was even considered shows how bad we have lost.)
Perspective: If Florida boots Confederate general's statue, here are some candidates to replace him.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 45
Headlines from Google Alerts for September, 12, 2015. When the location is not in the headline, I attempt to find out where it takes place, but am not always successful as sometimes it is well hidden. I wish all newspapers would put what city they are located in right up by their banner.
Steve Earle sings "Mississippi, It's Time" to drop Confederate Symbol from the state flag. (I saw the video. Good song, unfortunately. Sadly, I may have to turn in all my Steve Earle albums and CDs, though. I'm a big fan, but....)
DMV ships out new plates without Confederate Flag. (Virginia)
Confederate Flag causes controversy at Sonora High School. (California)
Lloyd Daggett says opposition to Confederate Flag limits delayed House action on spending. (Texas)
WCCC bans Confederate Flag clothing. (Washington County Career Center either Ohio or West Virginia.)
Confederate Flag at Pioneer festival sent wrong message. (Kentucky)
Hood: Columnist went 'A Bridge Too Far' in Confederate critique. (Athens, Georgia?)
Letter: No lack of maturity in Confederate debate. (Louisiana)
Carving depicts three Confederate figures from the Civil War. (Trip Advisor on Stone Mountain, Ga.)
--Old Secesh
Steve Earle sings "Mississippi, It's Time" to drop Confederate Symbol from the state flag. (I saw the video. Good song, unfortunately. Sadly, I may have to turn in all my Steve Earle albums and CDs, though. I'm a big fan, but....)
DMV ships out new plates without Confederate Flag. (Virginia)
Confederate Flag causes controversy at Sonora High School. (California)
Lloyd Daggett says opposition to Confederate Flag limits delayed House action on spending. (Texas)
WCCC bans Confederate Flag clothing. (Washington County Career Center either Ohio or West Virginia.)
Confederate Flag at Pioneer festival sent wrong message. (Kentucky)
Hood: Columnist went 'A Bridge Too Far' in Confederate critique. (Athens, Georgia?)
Letter: No lack of maturity in Confederate debate. (Louisiana)
Carving depicts three Confederate figures from the Civil War. (Trip Advisor on Stone Mountain, Ga.)
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 44
From the September 9, 2015 Google Alerts.
California lawmakers vote to ban Confederate names from public buildings,
Alexandria City Council Votes to Ban Flying of Confederate Flags. (Virginia)
Lawmaker seeks to replace statue of Confederate general (Florida) This would be the statue of Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith in the U.S. Capitol since 1922.)
Dowd YMCA plans to remove monument with Confederate battle flag carving. (Charlotte, N.C.)
Lorain County Fair Board unanimously votes to permit Confederate Flag. (Ohio)
Judge orders Confederate memorabilia removed from Pittsylvania County courtroom. (Chatham, Virginia)
Ploice Argument over Confederate Flag led to Rock Hill assault. (Either Ga. or S.C.)
Lawsuit challenges Gov. Bentley's authority to remove Confederate Flags from Capitol grounds dismissed. (Alabama)
LSU students plan 'Confederate barbecue' as protest against Daughters of Confederacy meeting. (Louisiana)
--Old Secesh
California lawmakers vote to ban Confederate names from public buildings,
Alexandria City Council Votes to Ban Flying of Confederate Flags. (Virginia)
Lawmaker seeks to replace statue of Confederate general (Florida) This would be the statue of Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith in the U.S. Capitol since 1922.)
Dowd YMCA plans to remove monument with Confederate battle flag carving. (Charlotte, N.C.)
Lorain County Fair Board unanimously votes to permit Confederate Flag. (Ohio)
Judge orders Confederate memorabilia removed from Pittsylvania County courtroom. (Chatham, Virginia)
Ploice Argument over Confederate Flag led to Rock Hill assault. (Either Ga. or S.C.)
Lawsuit challenges Gov. Bentley's authority to remove Confederate Flags from Capitol grounds dismissed. (Alabama)
LSU students plan 'Confederate barbecue' as protest against Daughters of Confederacy meeting. (Louisiana)
--Old Secesh
Monday, September 14, 2015
Frank Crawford Talks About In the Shadows of Lincoln at MCCWRT September Meeting-- Part 1
Long-time member of the McHenry County Civil War Round Table in Illinois gave the talk, somewhat revolving around his most current book "In the Shadows of Lincoln." This book did not detail the assassination which has been covered in so many other books and research, but goes into the lives of others, generally of lesser importance and research who were involved with aspects of it.
I was sorely tempted to buy a copy as this sort of Civil War history interests me and I get into it a lot in these blogs, but I am trying to only buy books associated with the naval war.
Mr. Crawford also has another book "Proud To Say I Am a Union Soldier: The Last Letters Home From federal Soldiers Written During the War" where he writes about the lives of twenty-one different Union soldiers.
He spent some of the time talking about the many problems getting books published, including finding a publisher, reviews by critics and problems arising when the publisher wants changes in the manuscript.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 43
Google Alerts from September 8, 2015.
I am aware that the word flag would not be capitalized after the word Confederate, but do it out of respect.
"This is my tradition" Confederate Flags still fly at Darlington. (Darlington Racetrack in S.C.)
Alexandria to take up its Confederate memorial tonight. (Va.)
Charlotte YMCA to remove monument with Confederate carving. (N/C.)
Why Jindal's Defense of Confederate Monument Is Smart Politics. (Louisiana)
J.E.B. Stuart High School students fight to rename school that honors Confederate general. (Virginia)
The South rises in support of Confederate art at the Capitol. (Georgia)
Pickup truck with Confederate Flags was targeted in deliberate fire owner says. (N.C.)
Marchers in Maryland carry Confederate Flag in Labor Day parade, nothing ensues.
Confederate battle flag flown by vendor at fair offends black family. (Oklahoma)
Stolen Confederate Flags restored to flagpole. (S.C.)
Minnesota Group Rallies Around Confederate Flag, Sparks Counter Protest.
--Old Secesh
I am aware that the word flag would not be capitalized after the word Confederate, but do it out of respect.
"This is my tradition" Confederate Flags still fly at Darlington. (Darlington Racetrack in S.C.)
Alexandria to take up its Confederate memorial tonight. (Va.)
Charlotte YMCA to remove monument with Confederate carving. (N/C.)
Why Jindal's Defense of Confederate Monument Is Smart Politics. (Louisiana)
J.E.B. Stuart High School students fight to rename school that honors Confederate general. (Virginia)
The South rises in support of Confederate art at the Capitol. (Georgia)
Pickup truck with Confederate Flags was targeted in deliberate fire owner says. (N.C.)
Marchers in Maryland carry Confederate Flag in Labor Day parade, nothing ensues.
Confederate battle flag flown by vendor at fair offends black family. (Oklahoma)
Stolen Confederate Flags restored to flagpole. (S.C.)
Minnesota Group Rallies Around Confederate Flag, Sparks Counter Protest.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, September 12, 2015
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 42
From September 7, 2015.
Hillsborough to remove Confederate Memorial from museum. (N.C.)
Rally at Minnesota Capitol for Confederate Flag fizzles.
Confederate memorial in Faulkner's works. (Refers to author William Faulkner.)
Confederate Flag supporters need history lesson.
Share Your View on What to Do With Confederate Statue. (Maryland)
House Democratic leader presses case against rebel flag. (Mississippi)
Monuments to Civil War dot New Mexico, but I-10 called Jefferson Davis Memorial Highway.
Ken Burns says the Civil War still relevant.
No Kidding. --Old Secesh
Hillsborough to remove Confederate Memorial from museum. (N.C.)
Rally at Minnesota Capitol for Confederate Flag fizzles.
Confederate memorial in Faulkner's works. (Refers to author William Faulkner.)
Confederate Flag supporters need history lesson.
Share Your View on What to Do With Confederate Statue. (Maryland)
House Democratic leader presses case against rebel flag. (Mississippi)
Monuments to Civil War dot New Mexico, but I-10 called Jefferson Davis Memorial Highway.
Ken Burns says the Civil War still relevant.
No Kidding. --Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 41
9-3-15 Where does Confederate Flag still fly? At Huntington Beach Civil War Days, though not without hesitation. (California)
8-18-15 Dead Confederate Blog. Johnny Reb's Dixie Cafe in Hearne, Texas, changed signs which feature Confederate Flag and, of course, the name.
9-7- 15 NASCAR's thorny throwback problem: The Confederate Flag.
9-9-15 Senate sends Brown bill on Confederate names. (California)
--Old Secesh
8-18-15 Dead Confederate Blog. Johnny Reb's Dixie Cafe in Hearne, Texas, changed signs which feature Confederate Flag and, of course, the name.
9-7- 15 NASCAR's thorny throwback problem: The Confederate Flag.
9-9-15 Senate sends Brown bill on Confederate names. (California)
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 40
September 4, 2015.
A Confederate Flag flies in Stonington. (S.C.)
Emails to McCrory: Don't scrap Confederate license plates. (N.C.) McCrory is governor.
Mayor names Confederate monument review commission. (Baltimore, Md.)
Confederate 'sons' honor ancestors in Montgomery park. (Tennessee?)
Time to follow Gen. Buckner's example and pull down the Confederate Flag.
"Keep iy in our history": Group in Sheboygan plans to honor Confederate Flag on 9/11. (Wisconsin)
Police chief receives KKK flyer, Confederate Flag. (Charlotte, N.C.)
Glasses Malone Threatens Yelawolf Over Comments After Taking Down Confederate Flag Post. (hip-hop)
--Old Secesh
A Confederate Flag flies in Stonington. (S.C.)
Emails to McCrory: Don't scrap Confederate license plates. (N.C.) McCrory is governor.
Mayor names Confederate monument review commission. (Baltimore, Md.)
Confederate 'sons' honor ancestors in Montgomery park. (Tennessee?)
Time to follow Gen. Buckner's example and pull down the Confederate Flag.
"Keep iy in our history": Group in Sheboygan plans to honor Confederate Flag on 9/11. (Wisconsin)
Police chief receives KKK flyer, Confederate Flag. (Charlotte, N.C.)
Glasses Malone Threatens Yelawolf Over Comments After Taking Down Confederate Flag Post. (hip-hop)
--Old Secesh
Friday, September 11, 2015
Remembering 9/11 in 2015: "Courtesy of the Red, White & Blue (The Angry American)"
Continued from my Cooter's History Thing blog.
Lyrics to Toby Keith's "Courtesy of the Red, White & Blue."
Continuing with the spoken words.
Never heard him cry about it one time
he was glad to go, do it, that's why we're free today
And it's our turn to stand on what our fathers and forefathers did for us
And make sure we don't let 'em down.
I wrote a song in the following days after September 11th.
It's called the angry American
I wanna send this out to my father tonight.
American girls and guys
We'll always stand up and salute, we'll always recognize
When we see Old Glory flying, there's a lot of men dead
So we can sleep in peace at night when we lay down our head.
My daddy served in the Army where he lost his right eye
But he flew a flag out in our yard 'til the day that he died
He wanted my mother, my brother, my sister and me
To grow up and live happy in the land of the free.
Continued on my Running the Blockade Civil War Naval blog.
Lyrics to Toby Keith's "Courtesy of the Red, White & Blue."
Continuing with the spoken words.
Never heard him cry about it one time
he was glad to go, do it, that's why we're free today
And it's our turn to stand on what our fathers and forefathers did for us
And make sure we don't let 'em down.
I wrote a song in the following days after September 11th.
It's called the angry American
I wanna send this out to my father tonight.
American girls and guys
We'll always stand up and salute, we'll always recognize
When we see Old Glory flying, there's a lot of men dead
So we can sleep in peace at night when we lay down our head.
My daddy served in the Army where he lost his right eye
But he flew a flag out in our yard 'til the day that he died
He wanted my mother, my brother, my sister and me
To grow up and live happy in the land of the free.
Continued on my Running the Blockade Civil War Naval blog.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Lots of Civil War Stuff Going On in the Northeastern Illinois Area
Several announcements were made at Tuesday's (September 8, 2015) meeting of the McHenry County Civil War Round Table at Woodstock, Illinois, concerning things going on concerning our favorite subject.
There will be a trip to the Kenosha (Wis.) Civil War museum for its Lunchbox Talk about the Lincoln family after Ford's theatre.
On September 19th, there will be a Woodstock Cemetery Walk starting at 10 a.m. The same day there will be the huge Civil War Show in Wheaton.
The MCCWRT is happy to announce that there more Union soldier markers have been placed in Coral Cemetery. There are now 13 that have been placed by the Round table at the Cemetery. These ar to replace damaged or non-existing ones.
We will be starting meetings at the Woodstock Library at 7 p.m. instead of 7:30 as the library closes at 9 and sometimes the presentations run long.
Next month's presentation will be on Blackhawk War veterans who also fought in the Civil War.
The September discussion group meets at Panera Bread in Crystal lake and the topic will be the Not So Solid South. Parts of the Confederacy who weren't so Confederate.
Lots Going On. --Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 39
From August 26, 2015
Yelawolf Defends Confederate Flag. (Hip-Hop artist)
Confederate battle flag evokes history, hate: Your Say.
Kentucky State Fair Vendors Divided Over ban on Confederate Flag Merchandise.
Norfolk Confederate monument protest. (Virginia)
Idaho state lawmaker's Confederate Flag photo disappointing to some.
Confederate Flag discussed at forum. (Georgia)
New Orleans Organization Plans Public Forum Hoping to Preserve Confederate Monuments.
Confederate heir dislikes new DMV license plates. (The Va. SCV license plates have been redesigned to drop the SCV emblem which features a Confederate battle flag. Now it just says Sons of Confederate Veterans across the bottom. Sad that this happened, but unfortunately it may be the only way they can be continued in today's anti-Confederate climate.)
Fair sells it all, from Confederate Flags to gravestones. (New York)
--Old Secesh
Yelawolf Defends Confederate Flag. (Hip-Hop artist)
Confederate battle flag evokes history, hate: Your Say.
Kentucky State Fair Vendors Divided Over ban on Confederate Flag Merchandise.
Norfolk Confederate monument protest. (Virginia)
Idaho state lawmaker's Confederate Flag photo disappointing to some.
Confederate Flag discussed at forum. (Georgia)
New Orleans Organization Plans Public Forum Hoping to Preserve Confederate Monuments.
Confederate heir dislikes new DMV license plates. (The Va. SCV license plates have been redesigned to drop the SCV emblem which features a Confederate battle flag. Now it just says Sons of Confederate Veterans across the bottom. Sad that this happened, but unfortunately it may be the only way they can be continued in today's anti-Confederate climate.)
Fair sells it all, from Confederate Flags to gravestones. (New York)
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 38
From the September 2, 2015 Google Alerts.
Hillsborough County could replace the Confederate banner with military flags during board meeting. (Florida)
Confederate general portrait removed from Virginia courtroom. (J.E.B. Stuart's portrait)
San Antonio Officials Find 9 Confederate Symbols In Inventory. (Texas)
Where You can Find a Confederate Flag flying in Wisconsin.
Where you can find a Confederate Flag flying in Wyoming.
Confederate Flags prompts safety concern at high school. (Harrisburg, Illinois)
Mayor pushes to remove Confederate Flag etching on City Hall. (New Orleans)
Fairgrounds at center of Confederate Flag debate. (Nashville, Tennessee)
Darlington Offers Flag Exchange:Confederate for American. (Darlington Raceway in South Carolina)
Voice of the Southern: Rallying around Confederate hate in Harrisburg. (Illinois)
--Old Secesh
Hillsborough County could replace the Confederate banner with military flags during board meeting. (Florida)
Confederate general portrait removed from Virginia courtroom. (J.E.B. Stuart's portrait)
San Antonio Officials Find 9 Confederate Symbols In Inventory. (Texas)
Where You can Find a Confederate Flag flying in Wisconsin.
Where you can find a Confederate Flag flying in Wyoming.
Confederate Flags prompts safety concern at high school. (Harrisburg, Illinois)
Mayor pushes to remove Confederate Flag etching on City Hall. (New Orleans)
Fairgrounds at center of Confederate Flag debate. (Nashville, Tennessee)
Darlington Offers Flag Exchange:Confederate for American. (Darlington Raceway in South Carolina)
Voice of the Southern: Rallying around Confederate hate in Harrisburg. (Illinois)
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
McHenry County Civil War Round Table Meeting Tonight
The McHenry Civil War Round Table will be meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Woodstock Library at 414 West Judd Street in Woodstock, Illinois.
Tonight's topic will be "In the Shadows of Lincoln and the Civil War." It will be given by Frank Crawford, the author of the book of the same name.
I'll Be There. --Old Secesh
Discussion and Movie on Sherman-- Part 3: Easing Up on North Carolina
Sherman was shown to be a master of strategy. He saw the destruction his men were inflicting as necessary to shorten the war. Destroy the ability and will of the enemy to continue fighting.
Sherman had 60,000 men in two wings forming a 60-mile wide front and path of destruction. They burned and pillaged their way across Georgia and South Carolina. However, when they reached North Carolina, he had his men ease up on the destruction partly because the state was the last one to join the Confederacy.
That didn't stop them from burning the Fayetteville Arsenal, though. Actually, I have heard that Sherman specifically ordered its destruction as it had provided much ordnance and ammunition to the Confederacy.
After leaving Fayetteville, Sherman feinted toward Raleigh to keep Joe Johnston and his Confederate Army guessing as to his destination, which was the railroad hub of Goldsboro.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 37
Mississippi voters may decide whether Confederate emblem stays on state flag.
Confederate parade coming to Bucyrus. (Ohio)
Idaho student asked to remove Confederate Flag from his truck.
Butler County City nixes proposed ban on Confederate Flags.
Local police chief not apologizing for Confederate Flag vest.
Spartanburg schools will not single out Confederate Flag. (SC)
Florida principal sends girl home for giant Confederate Flags--and now he is the one apologizing.
--Old Secesh
Mississippi voters may decide whether Confederate emblem stays on state flag.
Confederate parade coming to Bucyrus. (Ohio)
Idaho student asked to remove Confederate Flag from his truck.
Butler County City nixes proposed ban on Confederate Flags.
Local police chief not apologizing for Confederate Flag vest.
Spartanburg schools will not single out Confederate Flag. (SC)
Florida principal sends girl home for giant Confederate Flags--and now he is the one apologizing.
--Old Secesh
Monday, September 7, 2015
Discussion and Movie on General Sherman-- Part 2: Helped End the War More Quickly
Sherman's March was the subject of the movie presented at Wayne Community College in Goldsboro, North Carolina. Actually, he had two marches. The most famous was the March to the Sea across Georgia. But then he had his March Through the Carolinas when he went through South and North Carolina.
The event had special meaning for Wayne County residents Goldsboro was his main objective with its rail connections. Sherman planned to meet up with two other Union forces for his final drive against Confederate General Joe Johnston. He did do a great job of keeping the Confederates guessing what his ultimate goal was, however.
Local historian Kirk Keller spoke before and after the movie and offered the opinion that Sherman was not the monster many Southerners have always considered him to be.
According to Keller, "Try to look at it from the outside in." His hard style of fighting helped bring about the end of the war more quickly and saved lives as a result.
This Would Be a Hard One to Accept. --Old Secesh
The event had special meaning for Wayne County residents Goldsboro was his main objective with its rail connections. Sherman planned to meet up with two other Union forces for his final drive against Confederate General Joe Johnston. He did do a great job of keeping the Confederates guessing what his ultimate goal was, however.
Local historian Kirk Keller spoke before and after the movie and offered the opinion that Sherman was not the monster many Southerners have always considered him to be.
According to Keller, "Try to look at it from the outside in." His hard style of fighting helped bring about the end of the war more quickly and saved lives as a result.
This Would Be a Hard One to Accept. --Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 36
Missouri residents show support for the Confederate Flag, while others disagree.
Confederate Flag pole snapped in half at high school football game.
Convoy rallies support for Confederate Flag.
Confederate Flags forced down at Elizabethtown Fair. (Pennsylvania)
Confederate Flag controversy at Lorain County Fair. (Ohio)
Montgomery County Presents Five Options for Relocation of Confederate Statue.
Case built to protect Confederate monument vandalized twice (N.C.)
Petition seeks Confederate Flag removal.
Confederate Flag not welcome at WMHS (Louisiana)
--Old Secesh
Missouri residents show support for the Confederate Flag, while others disagree.
Confederate Flag pole snapped in half at high school football game.
Convoy rallies support for Confederate Flag.
Confederate Flags forced down at Elizabethtown Fair. (Pennsylvania)
Confederate Flag controversy at Lorain County Fair. (Ohio)
Montgomery County Presents Five Options for Relocation of Confederate Statue.
Case built to protect Confederate monument vandalized twice (N.C.)
Petition seeks Confederate Flag removal.
Confederate Flag not welcome at WMHS (Louisiana)
--Old Secesh
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Where Are Jesse and Al? What's Racist for One Is Racist for All
I am very surprised that I have heard absolutely nothing from Jesse J. and Al S. concerning the two white journalists killed and the wounding of the white woman being interviewed in Virginia by the racist black man.
Nor have I heard any remarks from them regarding the horrible and sadistic racist attack on the Willowbrook, Illinois, woman by the black man from Indiana.
And then, there was that racist cold-blooded murder of the cop in Texas by a black man.
Hey guys, what's racist for one group is also racist for another.
And come to think of it, I haven't heard any public outcry or attempts to destroy black heritage such as is happening with all things Confederate as a result. Hey, all these attacks on the Confederacy took place after the senseless Charleston murders. It would only seem natural that the reverse should happen.
Perhaps White Lives Don't Matter To Them. --Old Secesh
Nor have I heard any remarks from them regarding the horrible and sadistic racist attack on the Willowbrook, Illinois, woman by the black man from Indiana.
And then, there was that racist cold-blooded murder of the cop in Texas by a black man.
Hey guys, what's racist for one group is also racist for another.
And come to think of it, I haven't heard any public outcry or attempts to destroy black heritage such as is happening with all things Confederate as a result. Hey, all these attacks on the Confederacy took place after the senseless Charleston murders. It would only seem natural that the reverse should happen.
Perhaps White Lives Don't Matter To Them. --Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 35
Alabama Confederate flagger is shocked when nobody shows up for his secession rally.
Confederate Flag displays prompt mixed reactions.
Confederate monument near CPCC temporarily boarded up.
Share Your View on What to Do With Confederate Statue.
Forum Confronts history of Vanderbilt's Confederate Memorial Hall.
County Leaders Review Locations for Relocating Confederate Soldier statue.
Differing historical views of Confederate Flag parade.
--Old Secesh
Alabama Confederate flagger is shocked when nobody shows up for his secession rally.
Confederate Flag displays prompt mixed reactions.
Confederate monument near CPCC temporarily boarded up.
Share Your View on What to Do With Confederate Statue.
Forum Confronts history of Vanderbilt's Confederate Memorial Hall.
County Leaders Review Locations for Relocating Confederate Soldier statue.
Differing historical views of Confederate Flag parade.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 35
These are headlines coming up on Google Alerts.
From Sept. 4
Confederate Flag sales booming.
Where Confederate soldier statue could be moved.
California Assembly Approves Bill banning Confederate Flags.
Where You can Find a Confederate Flag Flying in Minnesota.
August 31
Confederate Flag visible, but not gone from NYS Fair, thanks to Hank Williams, Jr.
Confederate Battle Flag restricted at Louisiana high school.
Confederate Pride Parade Causes Controversy.
--Old Secesh
From Sept. 4
Confederate Flag sales booming.
Where Confederate soldier statue could be moved.
California Assembly Approves Bill banning Confederate Flags.
Where You can Find a Confederate Flag Flying in Minnesota.
August 31
Confederate Flag visible, but not gone from NYS Fair, thanks to Hank Williams, Jr.
Confederate Battle Flag restricted at Louisiana high school.
Confederate Pride Parade Causes Controversy.
--Old Secesh
Friday, September 4, 2015
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 34
And these just keep coming. It is getting disheartening to see so many jumping on the anti-Confederate bandwagon. Seems to be the pc thing to do.
Key West Preserves Memorials To Confederate and Union Armies.
University of Texas removes statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis from campus.
Va. NAACP sees compromise on Confederate issue.
Heritage Preservation Association puts up another Confederate Flag in Danville.
Schools reaction to Confederate Flag shirt sparking controversy in Southern Illinois.
Middle Tennessee State students protest campus building named for Confederate leader.
Where You Can Find Confederate Flags Flying in Missouri.
--Old Secesh
Key West Preserves Memorials To Confederate and Union Armies.
University of Texas removes statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis from campus.
Va. NAACP sees compromise on Confederate issue.
Heritage Preservation Association puts up another Confederate Flag in Danville.
Schools reaction to Confederate Flag shirt sparking controversy in Southern Illinois.
Middle Tennessee State students protest campus building named for Confederate leader.
Where You Can Find Confederate Flags Flying in Missouri.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 33
Texas judge clears way for removal of Jefferson Davis statue.
Confederate memorabilia gets favorable attention at Westmoreland Fair.
Mecklenburg County guards Confederate monument with plexiglass.
Confederate Flag removal paves the way for Charleston bowl game.
Dems shut northeast Ohio county fair booth over Confederate Flag sales.
Wilder student asked to remove Confederate Flag from truck.
No Confederate ban in Spartanburg schools.
Walpole High School votes to block Confederate Flag. (Massachusetts)
Confederate soldiers deserve honor too.
--Old Secesh
Confederate memorabilia gets favorable attention at Westmoreland Fair.
Mecklenburg County guards Confederate monument with plexiglass.
Confederate Flag removal paves the way for Charleston bowl game.
Dems shut northeast Ohio county fair booth over Confederate Flag sales.
Wilder student asked to remove Confederate Flag from truck.
No Confederate ban in Spartanburg schools.
Walpole High School votes to block Confederate Flag. (Massachusetts)
Confederate soldiers deserve honor too.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Discussion and Movie on General Sherman in Goldsboro, N.C.-- Part 1
From the March 11, 2015, Goldsboro (NC) News-Argus "Lecture shares view of Civil War general" by Dennis Hill.
"One hundred and fifty years ago this week, residents of Goldsboro were scared.
"The Civil War had raged for more than four years, the army of Union Gen. William T. Sherman had entered North Carolina after laying waste to much of Georgia and South Carolina, and people in the state feared the worst."
Sherman's March was the subject of a film and lecture presented at Wayne Community College. Iy had special meaning to Goldsboro and Wayne County residents as Goldsboro was the objective of Sherman's march as he was hoping to meet up with other Union forces moving inland from the coast.
Local historian Kirk Keller gave the lecture and said that Sherman's hard-nosed (and much hated) mode of fighting helped quicken the end of the war, which, by 1865, the Confederacy didn't have any chance of winning.
This film/lecture is part of a series of events leading up to the March 21-22 re-enactment of the Battle of Bentonville. March 17, Dean Harry, president of the Friends of Bentonville Battlefield will give a talk on the battle itself at Wayne Community College. On March 20, a Civil War concert will also be held at the college.
Don't "Shermanize" My Steak. --Old Secesh
"One hundred and fifty years ago this week, residents of Goldsboro were scared.
"The Civil War had raged for more than four years, the army of Union Gen. William T. Sherman had entered North Carolina after laying waste to much of Georgia and South Carolina, and people in the state feared the worst."
Sherman's March was the subject of a film and lecture presented at Wayne Community College. Iy had special meaning to Goldsboro and Wayne County residents as Goldsboro was the objective of Sherman's march as he was hoping to meet up with other Union forces moving inland from the coast.
Local historian Kirk Keller gave the lecture and said that Sherman's hard-nosed (and much hated) mode of fighting helped quicken the end of the war, which, by 1865, the Confederacy didn't have any chance of winning.
This film/lecture is part of a series of events leading up to the March 21-22 re-enactment of the Battle of Bentonville. March 17, Dean Harry, president of the Friends of Bentonville Battlefield will give a talk on the battle itself at Wayne Community College. On March 20, a Civil War concert will also be held at the college.
Don't "Shermanize" My Steak. --Old Secesh
Battle of Bentonville Re-Enactment, 150 Years Later
From the March15, 2015, Goldsboro (NC) News-Argus "The last battle" by Ethan Smith.
The filds and forests of Johnston County are a lot quitere now than they were 150 years ago when two great armies clashed as the Civil War was drawing to a close.
On Saturday and Sunday, march 21-22, the battle will occur again, this time with some 4,000 re-enactors and as many as 50,000 spectators.
Among those re-enactors will be several local men, members of the Wayne County History Club: Randy Sauls, Lynn Bull and Bob Richter. They participate in some of the area re-enactments, but not all, but say Bentonville is special because of its sheer magnitude where some 80,000 men took part back in 1865. They took part in the 145th re-enactment five years ago. I was there for that one.
Bob Richter says he was a Boy Scout in 1965 when his troop went to a re-enactment at Bentonville and he really goy hooked on the cannons.
The Bentonville re-enactment occurs only every five years, something that started in 1995. As such, a huge push is made to get re-enactors. Like I mentioned earlier, I was at the one in 2010, but was very disappointed in not being able to see much of the fighting. I did, however, get the idea of what a regiment would look like on the march as I saw Union re-enactors in a large number marching through the woods to the battlefield.
Another nice thing about re-enactments at Bentonville is that they take place on the actual battlefield, something that can't be done on a National Battlefield.
--Old Re-EnactSecesh
The filds and forests of Johnston County are a lot quitere now than they were 150 years ago when two great armies clashed as the Civil War was drawing to a close.
On Saturday and Sunday, march 21-22, the battle will occur again, this time with some 4,000 re-enactors and as many as 50,000 spectators.
Among those re-enactors will be several local men, members of the Wayne County History Club: Randy Sauls, Lynn Bull and Bob Richter. They participate in some of the area re-enactments, but not all, but say Bentonville is special because of its sheer magnitude where some 80,000 men took part back in 1865. They took part in the 145th re-enactment five years ago. I was there for that one.
Bob Richter says he was a Boy Scout in 1965 when his troop went to a re-enactment at Bentonville and he really goy hooked on the cannons.
The Bentonville re-enactment occurs only every five years, something that started in 1995. As such, a huge push is made to get re-enactors. Like I mentioned earlier, I was at the one in 2010, but was very disappointed in not being able to see much of the fighting. I did, however, get the idea of what a regiment would look like on the march as I saw Union re-enactors in a large number marching through the woods to the battlefield.
Another nice thing about re-enactments at Bentonville is that they take place on the actual battlefield, something that can't be done on a National Battlefield.
--Old Re-EnactSecesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 32
All 173 Confederate Flag rallies since the Charleston massacre, mapped. (Mostly in the South)
Confederate heritage group rallies at the Capitol. (In South Carolina)
Civities: Why can you fly the rainbow flag but can't fly the Confederate Flag (Gay flags also offend a lot of people.)
School board member's Confederate Flag post sparks attention.
Cary man fights order to remove Confederate-style flag by homeowners association. (Also, has the N.C. state flag incorporated elements of the Confederate Flag?)
The Confederate Flag, memorial Items Come Down at Virginia College. (William and Mary)
GOP candidates for governor oppose removing Confederate monuments in Louisiana.
Confederate Flag rally at Capitol. (Missouri)
--Old Secesh
Confederate heritage group rallies at the Capitol. (In South Carolina)
Civities: Why can you fly the rainbow flag but can't fly the Confederate Flag (Gay flags also offend a lot of people.)
School board member's Confederate Flag post sparks attention.
Cary man fights order to remove Confederate-style flag by homeowners association. (Also, has the N.C. state flag incorporated elements of the Confederate Flag?)
The Confederate Flag, memorial Items Come Down at Virginia College. (William and Mary)
GOP candidates for governor oppose removing Confederate monuments in Louisiana.
Confederate Flag rally at Capitol. (Missouri)
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
The Famed Irish Brigade
Of course, this consisted mostly of men of Irish descent.
It consisted of five regiments, but originally was made up of three regiments:
69th New York
63rd New York
88th New York
It was later joined by the 29th Massachusetts who disliked having to fight alongside Irish and after the Battle of Antietam was replaced by the 28th Massachusetts and then the 116th Pennsylvania were added.
--Old Secesh
It consisted of five regiments, but originally was made up of three regiments:
69th New York
63rd New York
88th New York
It was later joined by the 29th Massachusetts who disliked having to fight alongside Irish and after the Battle of Antietam was replaced by the 28th Massachusetts and then the 116th Pennsylvania were added.
--Old Secesh
The Irish Brigade's Father William Corby
From Wikipedia.
Yesterday's post about the Mort Kunstler painting featured Father William Corby.
Born October 2, 1833, Died December 28, 1987
Attached to the Irish Brigade during the Civil War. Born in Detroit, Michigan and enrolled at the then ten-year old Notre Dame College in South Bend, Indiana. Wonder if he was able to get tickets to the game.
Ordained there and then taught there and returned to the school after the war and stayed there the rest of his life.
He is best known for giving General Absolution to the Irish brigade the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg. This absolves you of your sins. The Irish brigade brought 5,000 into the battle and only 500 remained after it.
A statue of Father Corby was erected at the Gettysburg Battlefield in 1912.
--Old Secesh
Yesterday's post about the Mort Kunstler painting featured Father William Corby.
Born October 2, 1833, Died December 28, 1987
Attached to the Irish Brigade during the Civil War. Born in Detroit, Michigan and enrolled at the then ten-year old Notre Dame College in South Bend, Indiana. Wonder if he was able to get tickets to the game.
Ordained there and then taught there and returned to the school after the war and stayed there the rest of his life.
He is best known for giving General Absolution to the Irish brigade the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg. This absolves you of your sins. The Irish brigade brought 5,000 into the battle and only 500 remained after it.
A statue of Father Corby was erected at the Gettysburg Battlefield in 1912.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Mort Kunstlers's 2015 Civil War Calendar for September-- Part 2
While the 2nd Corps lost more men in the Civil War than any other unit in the Federal Army, they continued to fight bravely.
Many of the men were practicing Catholics (a big surprise among Irish) and the brigade chaplain, Father William Corby, would regularly perform the act of "Last Rites" before going into battle in anticipation of lives lost.
Even during battle, Father Corby was present, offering spiritual strength, guidance, and peace of mind to soldiers through absolution.
--Old Secesh
Many of the men were practicing Catholics (a big surprise among Irish) and the brigade chaplain, Father William Corby, would regularly perform the act of "Last Rites" before going into battle in anticipation of lives lost.
Even during battle, Father Corby was present, offering spiritual strength, guidance, and peace of mind to soldiers through absolution.
--Old Secesh
Mort Kunstler's 2015 Civil War Calendar for September-- Part 1
Members of the Irish Brigade are lines up off a road, holding their hats in the air while a mounted officer holds his sword aloft and a priest does absolution, I'm guessing, also from horseback. The U.S. flag is being held alongside the famous green harp flag.
IRISH BRIGADE AT ANTIETAM, SEPT. 17, 1862. The Irish Brigade served in the 1st Division of the 2nd Corps in the Army of the Potomac during the Civil War. The men bravely fought and suffered many casualties in difficult assignments, as was displayed when the 2nd Corps was assigned to a position later called "Bloody Lane" during the Battle of Antietam.
--Old Secesh
Members of the Irish Brigade are lines up off a road, holding their hats in the air while a mounted officer holds his sword aloft and a priest does absolution, I'm guessing, also from horseback. The U.S. flag is being held alongside the famous green harp flag.
IRISH BRIGADE AT ANTIETAM, SEPT. 17, 1862. The Irish Brigade served in the 1st Division of the 2nd Corps in the Army of the Potomac during the Civil War. The men bravely fought and suffered many casualties in difficult assignments, as was displayed when the 2nd Corps was assigned to a position later called "Bloody Lane" during the Battle of Antietam.
--Old Secesh
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