The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Where Are Jesse and Al? What's Racist for One Is Racist for All

I am very surprised that I have heard absolutely nothing from Jesse J. and Al S. concerning the two white journalists killed and the wounding of the white woman being interviewed in Virginia by the racist black man.

Nor have I heard any remarks from them regarding the horrible and sadistic racist attack on the Willowbrook, Illinois, woman by the black man from Indiana.

And then, there was that racist cold-blooded murder of the cop in Texas by a black man.

Hey guys, what's racist for one group is also racist for another.

And come to think of it, I haven't heard any public outcry or attempts to destroy black heritage such as is happening with all things Confederate as a result.  Hey, all these attacks on the Confederacy took place after the senseless Charleston murders.  It would only seem natural that the reverse should happen.

Perhaps White Lives Don't Matter To Them.  --Old Secesh

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