The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 171: Confederate "Cleansing" Continues

From the Jan. 22-23, Google Alerts for Confederate.

**  "Maryland, Mt Maryland" state song latest target in nationwide Confederate cleansing.  (Maryland) (Loss)  No kidding about the "cleansing" part.

**  Fewer words proposed to tell history of Helena monument to Confederate soldiers.  (Montana)  Confederate Memorial Fountain in Hill park, constructed by UDC in 1916.  Plans are to rewrite the marker with fewer words.  Well, at least they're keeping it.

**  Atlanta Fed to move meeting over Confederate Flag.  (Georgia)  (Loss)  The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta had been holding their annual meeting at Stone Mountain but now moving it to Amelia Island, Florida.

--Old secesh

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