The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Illinois Andersonville Monument-- Part 2: Commission Made Up of Former Prisoners Held There

Illinois was behind other states in erecting monuments of the Andersonville grounds:

Ohio 1901
Rhode Island 1903
Michigan 1904
Wisconsin 1907
Tennessee 1915

Illinois Governor Charles Deneen (1905-1913) approved an Illinois monument after Indiana placed their monument.  Illinois lost 889 soldiers at the prison.

In 1908, the Andersonville Commission was founded and consisted of some Illinois veterans held at Andersonville.

A.H. McCracken, Chicago, president
G.J. George, Springfield, vice president
Lewis F. Lake, Rockford, secretary and treasurer
William H. Hainline
James M. Swales

Swales was a sergeant with the 10th Illinois and captured August 1, 1864.  He weighed 185 pounds when he arrived at Andersonville and 85 when he was released.

--Old Secesh

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