I came across a video of the desecration of the Robert E. Lee statue in new orleans. It hurt me to the bone. Tears to my eyes. I couldn't watch long. (n)ew (o)rleans lower case because of its shame.
And the crowd there celebrating and laughing and playing that rap music. It was way too much.
Lee came down because he fought for the Confederacy. The Confederacy offends the feelings of Blacks, and I can understand that. If I was Black I would most likely also not like the Confederacy.
But, what about my feelings. I am proud of my ancestors who fought for the Confederacy and to have their good names dragged through the mud and the overall attempt to erase and dishonor the effort to create their own country after it became apparent that they could no longer be in a country increasingly against the South, is way too much.
We're definitely living in the days of Black Tyranny!!!!
Sadly, White Feelings Don't Matter Anymore. --Old Secesh
This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
And Paying Special Honor to the United States Colored Troops on This Memorial Day-- Part 1
Continuing one more day with my salute to the United States military on Memorial Day 2017.
The USCT, United States Colored Troops, played an increasing role in the Civil War. These regiments consisting of former slaves and free men.
These troops had to put up with racism from their fellow white soldiers, but also, the anger and possible slaughter if captured by Confederates.
Yet, they overcame.
Wikipedia has a good article on the USCT.
The United States Colored Troops consisted of 175 regiments and numbered 180,000. By April 1865, they comprised about one tenth of Union forces. They were the precursor of the famous Buffalo Soldier units created after the war. (I had the honor of meeting one of the last of the Buffalo Soldiers last June in Goldsboro, N.C., where Black veterans had a reunion.)
The USCT, United States Colored Troops, played an increasing role in the Civil War. These regiments consisting of former slaves and free men.
These troops had to put up with racism from their fellow white soldiers, but also, the anger and possible slaughter if captured by Confederates.
Yet, they overcame.
Wikipedia has a good article on the USCT.
The United States Colored Troops consisted of 175 regiments and numbered 180,000. By April 1865, they comprised about one tenth of Union forces. They were the precursor of the famous Buffalo Soldier units created after the war. (I had the honor of meeting one of the last of the Buffalo Soldiers last June in Goldsboro, N.C., where Black veterans had a reunion.)
Monday, May 29, 2017
Confederates Are U.S. Veterans Also
Honoring Those Who Served in the Confederate Military Today. This Memorial Day
Maybe the anti-Confederate folks don't know it, but Confederate soldiers are considered to be veterans of the United States as well.
So, today, we pay respects to Confederate States of America soldiers, sailors and Marines.
Also, we pay our respect to those soldiers, sailors and Marines who served in the Union milit
The Brave.
Maybe the anti-Confederate folks don't know it, but Confederate soldiers are considered to be veterans of the United States as well.
So, today, we pay respects to Confederate States of America soldiers, sailors and Marines.
Also, we pay our respect to those soldiers, sailors and Marines who served in the Union milit
The Brave.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
These Lives Mattered ... Your Offended Feelings Don't
Yesterday, a friend of my wife sent her a picture on Facebook that she showed me and I definitely liked it.
It was the famous picture of the dead Confederates by the Dunker Church at the Battle of Antietam.
Along the top was written the words "These Lives Mattered." At the bottom was "Your Offended Feelings Don't!"
And, I'd be willing to bet that not a single one of them even owned a you-know-what.
That Pretty Well Sums It Up for Me. --Old Secesh
It was the famous picture of the dead Confederates by the Dunker Church at the Battle of Antietam.
Along the top was written the words "These Lives Mattered." At the bottom was "Your Offended Feelings Don't!"
And, I'd be willing to bet that not a single one of them even owned a you-know-what.
That Pretty Well Sums It Up for Me. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
CUA-- 462: Orlando's Confederate Statue
The Confederacy Under Attack
From May 16, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** House votes to let people decide on Confederate monuments. (Louisiana) (Win) As any statue removal should be. Let the people decide. Either that or find some lawmakers with backbone to stand up to the tyranny of that one group.
** Orlando's Confederate statue should be moved from Lake Eola Park, Mayor Dyer says. (Florida) (Loss) He wants it moved to Greenwood Cemetery.
Looks like we might have another city looking to go lower case for its shame if this happens.
** Controversy continues over Confederate statue in downtown Orlando. (Florida) (Sad) There shouldn't be a controversy. There were large crowds on both sides.
--Old Secesh
From May 16, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** House votes to let people decide on Confederate monuments. (Louisiana) (Win) As any statue removal should be. Let the people decide. Either that or find some lawmakers with backbone to stand up to the tyranny of that one group.
** Orlando's Confederate statue should be moved from Lake Eola Park, Mayor Dyer says. (Florida) (Loss) He wants it moved to Greenwood Cemetery.
Looks like we might have another city looking to go lower case for its shame if this happens.
** Controversy continues over Confederate statue in downtown Orlando. (Florida) (Sad) There shouldn't be a controversy. There were large crowds on both sides.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Our Lost Monuments: A Tale of Desecration The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 463
From Wikipedia.
Dedicated in 1884-- Desecrated on May 19, 2017. Built for $36,000 raised by the Robert E. Lee Monument Association.
Listed on National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in 1991. In 2011 the New Orleans magazine said it was one of the city's most important statues.
Dedicated in 1915. Desecrated May 16-17, 2017
Listed National Register of Historic Places on Feb. 18, 1999.
Dedicated Feb. 22, 1911. Desecrated May 11, 2017.
My thought is that the city should reimburse Confederate organizations for the dishonorable thing they did. Plus, one would think that being on the NRHP would carry some weight. Obviously not.
At Least BLM and Black Racists Can No Longer Vandalize These Monuments. --Old Secesh
Dedicated in 1884-- Desecrated on May 19, 2017. Built for $36,000 raised by the Robert E. Lee Monument Association.
Listed on National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in 1991. In 2011 the New Orleans magazine said it was one of the city's most important statues.
Dedicated in 1915. Desecrated May 16-17, 2017
Listed National Register of Historic Places on Feb. 18, 1999.
Dedicated Feb. 22, 1911. Desecrated May 11, 2017.
My thought is that the city should reimburse Confederate organizations for the dishonorable thing they did. Plus, one would think that being on the NRHP would carry some weight. Obviously not.
At Least BLM and Black Racists Can No Longer Vandalize These Monuments. --Old Secesh
CUA Doesn't Make It For Me
CUA was my thought yesterday of a way to shorten the headline introduction from Confederacy Under Attack
I was looking at the Blog Archives and the CUA standing for Confederacy just doesn't make it for me. I am going to have to come up with some other, shorter name than CUA, "The Confederacy Under Attack."
Surely, we are under attack, but I have to figure out some other name.
Right now, I am thinking of Civil War II.
This would seem to be the Civil War-- Part 2. Just as there was a World War II, this is our Civil War II. This time, instead of working just to defeat the Confederacy, our opponents are trying to absolutely eradicate it and to dishonor the men, women and children who put their lives on the line to start a new country, just as our forefathers did back in 1775-1783.
And So It Continues --Old Secesh
I was looking at the Blog Archives and the CUA standing for Confederacy just doesn't make it for me. I am going to have to come up with some other, shorter name than CUA, "The Confederacy Under Attack."
Surely, we are under attack, but I have to figure out some other name.
Right now, I am thinking of Civil War II.
This would seem to be the Civil War-- Part 2. Just as there was a World War II, this is our Civil War II. This time, instead of working just to defeat the Confederacy, our opponents are trying to absolutely eradicate it and to dishonor the men, women and children who put their lives on the line to start a new country, just as our forefathers did back in 1775-1783.
And So It Continues --Old Secesh
Monday, May 22, 2017
CUA-- 461: Louisiana House Backs Ban on Monument Removal
The Confederacy Under Attack
From the Google Alerts for May 15, 2017, for Confederate.
** Louisiana House backs ban on removal of Confederate statues. (Win) The vote was 65-31. Every single Black voted against it and all walked off the House floor. Very racist of them.
The bill now goes to the Senate. We already know how the Blacks there will vote. Hopefully the Whites will have the backbone to stand up against the tyranny.
The bill blocks the removal of all military monuments until the people vote on it. Of course, this applies primarily to Confederate monuments. That is the way it should be.
Too bad it is too late for the monuments in new orleans.
We'll Take Any Break We Can Get. --Old Secesh
From the Google Alerts for May 15, 2017, for Confederate.
** Louisiana House backs ban on removal of Confederate statues. (Win) The vote was 65-31. Every single Black voted against it and all walked off the House floor. Very racist of them.
The bill now goes to the Senate. We already know how the Blacks there will vote. Hopefully the Whites will have the backbone to stand up against the tyranny.
The bill blocks the removal of all military monuments until the people vote on it. Of course, this applies primarily to Confederate monuments. That is the way it should be.
Too bad it is too late for the monuments in new orleans.
We'll Take Any Break We Can Get. --Old Secesh
CUA-- 460: Charlottesville Protest
The Confederacy Under Attack
From the May 15, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Torch-Wielding Group Protests Confederate Statue Removal. (Charlottesville, Va.) (Win) This is over the Lee statue in Lee Park. Besides using the term torch-wielding, harkening back to the days of KKK and the Nazis, the writer made sure to mention that a well-known white nationalist was in attendance.
I kind of know which side the writer favors by his choice of words and phrases.
Looks like we have another city looking to join (n)ew (o)rleans and (l)ouisville in shame and dishonor.
--Old Secesh
From the May 15, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Torch-Wielding Group Protests Confederate Statue Removal. (Charlottesville, Va.) (Win) This is over the Lee statue in Lee Park. Besides using the term torch-wielding, harkening back to the days of KKK and the Nazis, the writer made sure to mention that a well-known white nationalist was in attendance.
I kind of know which side the writer favors by his choice of words and phrases.
Looks like we have another city looking to join (n)ew (o)rleans and (l)ouisville in shame and dishonor.
--Old Secesh
CUA: Confederacy Under Attack
I will now start my headlines with CUA which will stand for Confederacy Under Attack, which is surely happening now and I'd have to say this new attack is even worse than it was back in the real war.
What that murderer in Charleston, S.C., did was as bad as what John Wilkes Booth did back in 1865 which brought on a much worse Reconstruction program that what it might have been under President Lincoln's direction.
I will be happy if the Blacks ever get satisfied and stop these attacks on my heritage. I would much rather be writing about the war and aftermath like in my recent posts on the Confederate veterans home in Hitchcock, Texas.
--Old Secesh
What that murderer in Charleston, S.C., did was as bad as what John Wilkes Booth did back in 1865 which brought on a much worse Reconstruction program that what it might have been under President Lincoln's direction.
I will be happy if the Blacks ever get satisfied and stop these attacks on my heritage. I would much rather be writing about the war and aftermath like in my recent posts on the Confederate veterans home in Hitchcock, Texas.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 459: Tension Over Confederate Flag in S.C.
From the Google Alerts for May 13, 2017 , for Confederate.
** Tension builds in South Carolina town over Confederate 'flagging' event. (Summerville) (Sad) If you don't like it, don't look at it.
--Old Secesh
** Tension builds in South Carolina town over Confederate 'flagging' event. (Summerville) (Sad) If you don't like it, don't look at it.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Mayor (m)itch Completes His Ugly Mission, (n)ew (o)rleans Must Now Bear His Guilt The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 458
I am angry. I am hurt to the core.
I read this morning that the last of the three Confederate statues in new orleans, Robert E. Lee, was taken down yesterday, evidently done in the daylight this time and not undercover of the night as were the others.
I hope the Blacks are happy as they got their way. I am sure Mayor mitch is happy as he being a Democrat in a city with a lot of Blacks, he has assured himself of getting reelected as many times as he wants the job. If he has any national aspirations, he surely won't get my vote and I'll certainly work for and support his opponents.
But, be assured, there will not be riots, looting and burning because we did not get our way. Our heritage was severely disregarded and dragged through the mud. No one should have this happen to their heritage.
Lee, Beauregard and Davis all served their country, the United States, long and faithfully until events in the North forced them to take a hard decision and cast their lot with a new country, just as our Founding Fathers found themselves back in 1775.
And, we don't know what the mayor and his council intend to do with the statues. My guess it will be something else dishonorable.
Well, at least this ugly affair is over and I can start getting over it.
This Whole Thing Is Shameful and Dishonorable. --Old Secesh
I read this morning that the last of the three Confederate statues in new orleans, Robert E. Lee, was taken down yesterday, evidently done in the daylight this time and not undercover of the night as were the others.
I hope the Blacks are happy as they got their way. I am sure Mayor mitch is happy as he being a Democrat in a city with a lot of Blacks, he has assured himself of getting reelected as many times as he wants the job. If he has any national aspirations, he surely won't get my vote and I'll certainly work for and support his opponents.
But, be assured, there will not be riots, looting and burning because we did not get our way. Our heritage was severely disregarded and dragged through the mud. No one should have this happen to their heritage.
Lee, Beauregard and Davis all served their country, the United States, long and faithfully until events in the North forced them to take a hard decision and cast their lot with a new country, just as our Founding Fathers found themselves back in 1775.
And, we don't know what the mayor and his council intend to do with the statues. My guess it will be something else dishonorable.
Well, at least this ugly affair is over and I can start getting over it.
This Whole Thing Is Shameful and Dishonorable. --Old Secesh
And Meanwhile in (n)ew (o)rleans: Crime and Murders Continue
From new orleans Murder Map: 76 murders in 2017, 175 in 2016. This also shows where the murders occurred.
From NOLA Defender.
These are overnight police reports for the last eight days:
May 12-- 2 armed robberies, shooting, unclassified death
May 13-- 2 shootings, 2 cuttings, 3 robberies, carjacking, homicide, suicide, unclassified death
May 14-- 3 shootings, 2 stabbings, 2 robberies, burglary, unclassified death
May 15-- 3 shootings, 2 traffic fatalities, sexual assault, robbery, unclassified death
May 16-- 2 homicides, shooting, armed robbery, rape
May 17-- 5 robberies, 3 shootings, 2 homicides, rape, carjacking, property snatching, unclassified death
May 17-- Two arrested at the Beauregard statue
May 18-- 4 armed robberies, shooting, stabbing, homicide
May 19-- armed robbery, stabbing, purse snatching
And, all the while there was a big police presence at the statues.
Makes you wonder where the mayor's priorities are. Old statues that haven't hurt anyone other than causng certain people to be offended...or crime.
--Old Secesh
From NOLA Defender.
These are overnight police reports for the last eight days:
May 12-- 2 armed robberies, shooting, unclassified death
May 13-- 2 shootings, 2 cuttings, 3 robberies, carjacking, homicide, suicide, unclassified death
May 14-- 3 shootings, 2 stabbings, 2 robberies, burglary, unclassified death
May 15-- 3 shootings, 2 traffic fatalities, sexual assault, robbery, unclassified death
May 16-- 2 homicides, shooting, armed robbery, rape
May 17-- 5 robberies, 3 shootings, 2 homicides, rape, carjacking, property snatching, unclassified death
May 17-- Two arrested at the Beauregard statue
May 18-- 4 armed robberies, shooting, stabbing, homicide
May 19-- armed robbery, stabbing, purse snatching
And, all the while there was a big police presence at the statues.
Makes you wonder where the mayor's priorities are. Old statues that haven't hurt anyone other than causng certain people to be offended...or crime.
--Old Secesh
Friday, May 19, 2017
Mayor (m)itch to Do the Deplorable in (n)ew (o)rleans The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 457
I came across articles saying that new orleans' mayor was going to have a press conference today about the last Confederate statue of Robert E. Lee coming down. I was looking to see if he was a white or black person.
This has been a very trying and draining experience for me.
For now, I boycott that city if it thinks so lowly of my heritage (and ITS HERITAGE). It is also relegated to lower case for its shame and dishonor.
A Time To Be Sad. --Old Secesh
This has been a very trying and draining experience for me.
For now, I boycott that city if it thinks so lowly of my heritage (and ITS HERITAGE). It is also relegated to lower case for its shame and dishonor.
A Time To Be Sad. --Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 456: Relief in State Legislatures
From the May 12, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Removal of Confederate monuments stirs backlash in statehouses. (CNN) (Win) I am glad to see at least some support in the legislatures.
The anti-Confederate organization Southern Poverty Law Center says that at least 60 publicly funded symbols of the Confederacy have been removed since the Charleston murders, but state laws are being passed or pushed through state governments to prevent local governments from removing Confederate monuments and symbols.
North Carolina and Tennessee already have laws on the books. Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Virginia are working on laws to do that.
You'd Better Hurry Up, Mitch, With That Last Monument. --Old Secesh
** Removal of Confederate monuments stirs backlash in statehouses. (CNN) (Win) I am glad to see at least some support in the legislatures.
The anti-Confederate organization Southern Poverty Law Center says that at least 60 publicly funded symbols of the Confederacy have been removed since the Charleston murders, but state laws are being passed or pushed through state governments to prevent local governments from removing Confederate monuments and symbols.
North Carolina and Tennessee already have laws on the books. Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Virginia are working on laws to do that.
You'd Better Hurry Up, Mitch, With That Last Monument. --Old Secesh
Thursday, May 18, 2017
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 455: Shreveport's Confederate Monument
From the May 12, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Shreveport's Confederate monument should stay, most speakers say. (Louisiana) (Win) They held the first of four public hearings. The monument was dedicated in 1906 and has a Confederate soldier and four generals: Henry Watkins Allen, Beauregard, Lee and Jackson. It is in front of the Caddo Parish Courthouse. At least they are discussing it.
Let's Hope They Keep It Where It Is. --Old Secesh
** Shreveport's Confederate monument should stay, most speakers say. (Louisiana) (Win) They held the first of four public hearings. The monument was dedicated in 1906 and has a Confederate soldier and four generals: Henry Watkins Allen, Beauregard, Lee and Jackson. It is in front of the Caddo Parish Courthouse. At least they are discussing it.
Let's Hope They Keep It Where It Is. --Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 454: Confederate Memorial Day Stirs Controversy
From the May 11, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Plane with Confederate Flag banner flies over SC State House on Confederate Memorial Day. (South Carolina) (Win) Here's thumbing the nose.
** (n)ew (o)leans removes 2nd Confederate-era monument. (Loss) This was the one, the Davis statue, that made the city lower case for its shame and dishonor.
** Confederate Memorial Day stirs controversy. (Loss) It should not draw controversy. If you don't like it, don't commemorate it. Ignore it.
Sure Sorry About the Situation in new orleans. --Old Secesh
** Plane with Confederate Flag banner flies over SC State House on Confederate Memorial Day. (South Carolina) (Win) Here's thumbing the nose.
** (n)ew (o)leans removes 2nd Confederate-era monument. (Loss) This was the one, the Davis statue, that made the city lower case for its shame and dishonor.
** Confederate Memorial Day stirs controversy. (Loss) It should not draw controversy. If you don't like it, don't commemorate it. Ignore it.
Sure Sorry About the Situation in new orleans. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
(n)ew (o)rleans Takes Down the Beauregard Statue: The Confederacy Under Attack
This occurred the night of May 16-17 and is out of order.
Now, fully lower case for its shame and dishonor.
I was listening to WXRT this morning and heard Mary Dixon say that (n)ew (o)rleans had taken down the second Confederate monument.
Undercover of the night, as they have done with the Davis and Liberty Place statues, the city of new orleans took down the P.G.T. Beauregard statue. We all know what happens at night and this is nothing short of it. And the sad thing, even though Beauregard was a Confederate general, he also was a force in new orleans after the war for the equality and voting rights of Blacks.
The city now has double shame to deal with.
I, for one, will not be going there anytime soon, if ever.
I know the mayor and his cohorts could care less about my little boycott, but is there are a lot of other offended people like me, maybe that could have some bite. Too bad I am the wrong color so my being offended doesn't matter.
And, I Really Liked new orleans At One Time. --Old Secesh
Now, fully lower case for its shame and dishonor.
I was listening to WXRT this morning and heard Mary Dixon say that (n)ew (o)rleans had taken down the second Confederate monument.
Undercover of the night, as they have done with the Davis and Liberty Place statues, the city of new orleans took down the P.G.T. Beauregard statue. We all know what happens at night and this is nothing short of it. And the sad thing, even though Beauregard was a Confederate general, he also was a force in new orleans after the war for the equality and voting rights of Blacks.
The city now has double shame to deal with.
I, for one, will not be going there anytime soon, if ever.
I know the mayor and his cohorts could care less about my little boycott, but is there are a lot of other offended people like me, maybe that could have some bite. Too bad I am the wrong color so my being offended doesn't matter.
And, I Really Liked new orleans At One Time. --Old Secesh
Hitchcock's Confederate Veterans Home-- Part 2:
The home has been partially restored and is on the NRHP. It hosts Juneteenth celebrations. It was built by Virginian Henry Martyn Stringfellow, a private in the Confederate Army who fought at the battles of Yorktown and Richmond.
He accompanied Major General Magruder to Galveston and fought at the Battle of Galveston. Promoted afterwards to captain, he was put in charge of the Houston ordnance department. In 1863, he married Alice Johnston of Houston and settled in Galveston.
In 1866, he got involved in growing grapes for wine and in 1883, he started Stringfellow Orchards.
In 1894, he sold the property and it went through several owners and over the years it deteriorated.
--Old Secesh
He accompanied Major General Magruder to Galveston and fought at the Battle of Galveston. Promoted afterwards to captain, he was put in charge of the Houston ordnance department. In 1863, he married Alice Johnston of Houston and settled in Galveston.
In 1866, he got involved in growing grapes for wine and in 1883, he started Stringfellow Orchards.
In 1894, he sold the property and it went through several owners and over the years it deteriorated.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Hitchcock's Confederate Veterans' Home-- Part 1: Now Owned By a Black Man
From the November 4, 2016, Houston Chronicle "Historic irony in the preservation of Confederate veterans home" by Joe Holley.
Stringfellow Orchards in Hitchcock, Texas, was built for Confederate veterans in 1884 and is a house on nine acres of land. Today, it is owned by Sam Collins, III, a black man.
Said Minnette Boesel: "We've been going around the country tearing down Confederate statues, and here he is, an African American preserving the Confederate soldier's legacy home. He recognizes the significance of the place as a teaching tool. Our kids are learning their history from it."
--Old Secesh
Stringfellow Orchards in Hitchcock, Texas, was built for Confederate veterans in 1884 and is a house on nine acres of land. Today, it is owned by Sam Collins, III, a black man.
Said Minnette Boesel: "We've been going around the country tearing down Confederate statues, and here he is, an African American preserving the Confederate soldier's legacy home. He recognizes the significance of the place as a teaching tool. Our kids are learning their history from it."
--Old Secesh
Monday, May 15, 2017
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 453: South Carolina Has Confederate Memorial Day
From the May 10, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** SC employees get day off to honor Confederate dead. (South Carolina) (Win) This is held on May 10, the day in 1863 when Confederate General Stonewall Jackson died of pneumonia. South Carolina is one of six states to observe it. However, the state agency-run Confederate Relic Room and Museum in Columbia remained open, as it should be.
I wonder if any of the Blacks and Whites who hate all-things Confederate so much took the day off or worked in protest.
** New Orleans needs help moving Confederate statues -- and stopping extremists in the way. (Washington Post editorial) (Loss) A very negative editorial accusing our side of making efforts to stop this disgraceful removal "By intimidation or open threat of violence, a motley band of white supremacists, Confederate sympathizers and self-appointed advocates of Southern heritage."
Gee, I wonder whose side these folks are on?
Can't Win in the Papers Either. --Old Secesh
** SC employees get day off to honor Confederate dead. (South Carolina) (Win) This is held on May 10, the day in 1863 when Confederate General Stonewall Jackson died of pneumonia. South Carolina is one of six states to observe it. However, the state agency-run Confederate Relic Room and Museum in Columbia remained open, as it should be.
I wonder if any of the Blacks and Whites who hate all-things Confederate so much took the day off or worked in protest.
** New Orleans needs help moving Confederate statues -- and stopping extremists in the way. (Washington Post editorial) (Loss) A very negative editorial accusing our side of making efforts to stop this disgraceful removal "By intimidation or open threat of violence, a motley band of white supremacists, Confederate sympathizers and self-appointed advocates of Southern heritage."
Gee, I wonder whose side these folks are on?
Can't Win in the Papers Either. --Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 452: Largest Confederate Flag Raised
From the May 7-9, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Largest known Confederate Flag raised in Blairs (Virginia) (Win) The former tattered one was taken down and replaced with this 51-foot by 31-foot flag. Always great to se the flag flying high and proud. It is essentially a nose thumb and an up yours to the attackers.
** Groups clash over removal of New Orleans Confederate monuments. I am glad to see no one has been hurt as of yet. Hope it stays that way.
** Man Sues to Stop New Orleans From Removing Confederate Statue. (Win) But, there is no way we'll win in any court.
Flying the Flag. --Old Secesh
** Largest known Confederate Flag raised in Blairs (Virginia) (Win) The former tattered one was taken down and replaced with this 51-foot by 31-foot flag. Always great to se the flag flying high and proud. It is essentially a nose thumb and an up yours to the attackers.
** Groups clash over removal of New Orleans Confederate monuments. I am glad to see no one has been hurt as of yet. Hope it stays that way.
** Man Sues to Stop New Orleans From Removing Confederate Statue. (Win) But, there is no way we'll win in any court.
Flying the Flag. --Old Secesh
Saturday, May 13, 2017
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 451: Statue Supporters at Baton Rouge
From the May 5, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Confederate sympathizers descend on Capitol. (Louisiana) (Win) This took place in the state capital at Baton Rouge. They were there in support of the Confederate monuments in New Orleans.
** Police report filed after Confederate Flag allegedly stolen from cemetery. (Selma, Alabama) (Loss) Took place at Old Live Oak Cemetery. Report filed April 25, 2017.
Sad to think someone would take a flag off a grave.
--Old Secesh
** Confederate sympathizers descend on Capitol. (Louisiana) (Win) This took place in the state capital at Baton Rouge. They were there in support of the Confederate monuments in New Orleans.
** Police report filed after Confederate Flag allegedly stolen from cemetery. (Selma, Alabama) (Loss) Took place at Old Live Oak Cemetery. Report filed April 25, 2017.
Sad to think someone would take a flag off a grave.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 450: Protesters in New Orleans
From the May 3 and 7, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Black Lawmakers Set Boycott Over Confederate Emblem on Flag. (Mississippi) Real big surprise there.
** New Orleans (remains capitalized until May 10): Protesters face off over Confederate monuments. It is alright to peacefully protest. No violence, though.
It took place by the Robert E. Lee statue. Emotions were high in the estimated crowd of 700. Three were arrested. The anti-Confederate group called themselves "Take Em Down NOLA."
--Old Secesh
** Black Lawmakers Set Boycott Over Confederate Emblem on Flag. (Mississippi) Real big surprise there.
** New Orleans (remains capitalized until May 10): Protesters face off over Confederate monuments. It is alright to peacefully protest. No violence, though.
It took place by the Robert E. Lee statue. Emotions were high in the estimated crowd of 700. Three were arrested. The anti-Confederate group called themselves "Take Em Down NOLA."
--Old Secesh
Thursday, May 11, 2017
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 449: (n)ew (o)rleans Disgraces Itself: The Shame of a City
Mark May 10-11 as a sad time in U.S. history.
I was very sad to learn today that last night, under the cover of night and in secrecy, the city of (n)ew (o)rleans took down the Jefferson Davis monument that had been standing since 1911.
It was done in early-morning darkness, the preferred time for criminals and ne'er-do-wells. Which is exactly my opinion of the city now.
This occurred just over 155 years after the city fell to Union forces during the Civil War. A second fall.
Now, (n)ew (o)rleans joins its sister city, (l)ouisville in Shame.
It Hurt Me to the Quick. But My Feelings Are of No Concern. Just One Group's Feelings Matter. --Old Secesh
I was very sad to learn today that last night, under the cover of night and in secrecy, the city of (n)ew (o)rleans took down the Jefferson Davis monument that had been standing since 1911.
It was done in early-morning darkness, the preferred time for criminals and ne'er-do-wells. Which is exactly my opinion of the city now.
This occurred just over 155 years after the city fell to Union forces during the Civil War. A second fall.
Now, (n)ew (o)rleans joins its sister city, (l)ouisville in Shame.
It Hurt Me to the Quick. But My Feelings Are of No Concern. Just One Group's Feelings Matter. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Monuments to the Honorable Still Stand in New Orleans, But Not For Long
As New Orleans continues its headlong dive into shame, at least as of yesterday, the three monuments to Lee, Beauregard and Davis are still standing. I am sure this has to be really bugging the mayor.
There have been confrontations, especially by the Robert E. Lee statue, which possibly is the next slated to be ripped down. Fortunately, no injuries, but words were said and a few arrests made.
The mayor and his largely black city council need to know that there are people who take their actions seriously as an impugn to their heritage, including me.
Mayor, put the removal up to a vote of the people, at least on New Orleans, but Louisiana as well. There are enough Blacks and their white supporters to vote for removal. I'll live with the voice of the people. It is time for the mayor to pay some respect to those of Confederate heritage in New Orleans.
And, who knows, perhaps avoid people getting hurt.
But, I Am Sure The Sad Day Is Near. --Old Secesh
There have been confrontations, especially by the Robert E. Lee statue, which possibly is the next slated to be ripped down. Fortunately, no injuries, but words were said and a few arrests made.
The mayor and his largely black city council need to know that there are people who take their actions seriously as an impugn to their heritage, including me.
Mayor, put the removal up to a vote of the people, at least on New Orleans, but Louisiana as well. There are enough Blacks and their white supporters to vote for removal. I'll live with the voice of the people. It is time for the mayor to pay some respect to those of Confederate heritage in New Orleans.
And, who knows, perhaps avoid people getting hurt.
But, I Am Sure The Sad Day Is Near. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Stoneman's Raid and the Battle of Fort York
It was during tghis raid that the Battle of Fort York took place.
His roommate at West Point was Stonewall Jackson.
George Stoneman had led a previous raid in Virginia in 1863, before the Battle of Chancellorsville was fought. He was later captured during the Atlanta Campaign.
This raid began March 23, 1865, in Knoxville, Tennessee. His command consisted of 4,000 troopers. They headed east into North Carolina where they plundered and destroyed towns. Then they went into Virginia on April 2 where they destroyed 150 miles of railroad track.
Seven days later, on April 9, they returned to North Carolina and went to the towns of Winston and Salem, now Winston-Salem,, then toward High Point.
On April 12, Stoneman's men entered Salisbury with the intention of setting free Union prisoners held there. But, they had already been removed. Stoneman then set fire to the town. It was at this time that the battle of Fort York took place.
Leaving Salisbury, Stoneman plundered Statesville, Lincolnton, Taylorsville and Asheville before returning to Tennessee on April 26th.
They had covered 600 miles and three states during the raid.
--Old Secesh
It was during tghis raid that the Battle of Fort York took place.
His roommate at West Point was Stonewall Jackson.
George Stoneman had led a previous raid in Virginia in 1863, before the Battle of Chancellorsville was fought. He was later captured during the Atlanta Campaign.
This raid began March 23, 1865, in Knoxville, Tennessee. His command consisted of 4,000 troopers. They headed east into North Carolina where they plundered and destroyed towns. Then they went into Virginia on April 2 where they destroyed 150 miles of railroad track.
Seven days later, on April 9, they returned to North Carolina and went to the towns of Winston and Salem, now Winston-Salem,, then toward High Point.
On April 12, Stoneman's men entered Salisbury with the intention of setting free Union prisoners held there. But, they had already been removed. Stoneman then set fire to the town. It was at this time that the battle of Fort York took place.
Leaving Salisbury, Stoneman plundered Statesville, Lincolnton, Taylorsville and Asheville before returning to Tennessee on April 26th.
They had covered 600 miles and three states during the raid.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 448: Louisiana Military Memorial Conservation Act
From the May 3, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Bill to stop Confederate monument removals puts power in people's hands passes committee. (Louisiana) (Win) It is currently in the House of representatives and is called the Louisiana Military Memorial Conservation Act, House Bill 71.
The bill forbids the removal, renaming or alteration of any military monument to any war.
It would require citizens to vote on any removal.
This would be a great one to have in the books. I can live with it if any Confederate monument is removed after the people vote to do it. But leaving the decision up to elected officials is a no-win for us.
Unfortunately, this will be too late to save the remaining three Confederate monuments in New Orleans.
--Old Secesh
** Bill to stop Confederate monument removals puts power in people's hands passes committee. (Louisiana) (Win) It is currently in the House of representatives and is called the Louisiana Military Memorial Conservation Act, House Bill 71.
The bill forbids the removal, renaming or alteration of any military monument to any war.
It would require citizens to vote on any removal.
This would be a great one to have in the books. I can live with it if any Confederate monument is removed after the people vote to do it. But leaving the decision up to elected officials is a no-win for us.
Unfortunately, this will be too late to save the remaining three Confederate monuments in New Orleans.
--Old Secesh
Monday, May 8, 2017
MCCWRT Meeting May 9,2017
TheMcHenry County Civil War Round Table will be meeting at the Woodstock, Illinois, Public Library on May 9, 2017 at 7 p.m.. The library is located at 414 West Judd Street, right off the Woodstock Square
Steve Fratt will have a presentation on Civil War Tactics and Combat.
I'll be there.
Before the meeting, a group of members will be having dinner at Three Brothers on Illinois Highway 47.
--Old Secesh
Steve Fratt will have a presentation on Civil War Tactics and Combat.
I'll be there.
Before the meeting, a group of members will be having dinner at Three Brothers on Illinois Highway 47.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 447: New Orleans
From the May 2, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Two arrested at Confederate monument protests, New Orleans police say. (Loss) Again, protest alright. Violence not.
** Beauregard and Lee monuments vandalized. (New Orleans) (Loss) Another thing that is not ok.
--Old Secesh
** Two arrested at Confederate monument protests, New Orleans police say. (Loss) Again, protest alright. Violence not.
** Beauregard and Lee monuments vandalized. (New Orleans) (Loss) Another thing that is not ok.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Fort York, North Carolina-- Part 4: Part of Stoneman's Raid
The Battle of Fort York was fought April 12, 1865, three days after General Lee surrendered at Appomattox.
Col. John K. Miller arrived by the fort with 1,000 Union troops at 2 a.m.. His first two scouts to arrive at the site were killed.
He sent word back to General Stoneman who was busy pillaging and plundering nearby Salisbury that he needed artillery to take the fort. The artillery arrived an hour or so later and a five and a half hour battle ensued. The Union force lost 16 soldiers.
With dark approaching, Col. Miller retreated back to Salisbury after tearing up tracks on their side of the Rowan River, but they did not destroy their target, the trestle railroad bridge.
It is believed that the Confederates lost two men.
So, the Confederacy won the last pitched battle in North Carolina. Even though Lee had surrendered, neither side knew about it.
--Old Secesh
Fort York N.C.,
George Stoneman,
Stoneman's Raid,
Zebulon York
Friday, May 5, 2017
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 446: Huge Confederate Flag on I-95 in North Carolina
From the May 2, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Myron Pitts, a black commentator saw a huge Confederate Flag near Fayetteville, N.C. and didn't like it. I'm so surprised he didn't much care for it.. But this was the first I heard about it, so thanks, Mr. Pitts, for bringing it to my attention.
He described it as a huge Confederate Flag 20 foot X 30 foot on a 90 foot tall pole by I-95, 15 miles north of Fayetteville, It was placed there by the North Carolina Division of the SCV as part of their Flags Across the Carolinas program.
I sure enjoy seeing those flags flapping in the breeze. We may be losing the war against those who want to erase all aspects of the Confederacy, but this shows there is still some fight left.
Kind of an Up Yours, You Know. --Old Secesh
** Myron Pitts, a black commentator saw a huge Confederate Flag near Fayetteville, N.C. and didn't like it. I'm so surprised he didn't much care for it.. But this was the first I heard about it, so thanks, Mr. Pitts, for bringing it to my attention.
He described it as a huge Confederate Flag 20 foot X 30 foot on a 90 foot tall pole by I-95, 15 miles north of Fayetteville, It was placed there by the North Carolina Division of the SCV as part of their Flags Across the Carolinas program.
I sure enjoy seeing those flags flapping in the breeze. We may be losing the war against those who want to erase all aspects of the Confederacy, but this shows there is still some fight left.
Kind of an Up Yours, You Know. --Old Secesh
Thursday, May 4, 2017
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 445: Alabama House Votes on Confederate Monuments Bill
From the April 27 and 28, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Alabama House to vote on Confederate monuments bill. (Win) The bill forbids alterations or removal of any markers over 20 years old. It was passed, but black Democrats "railed" against it. Who is being a racist now?
** Business owner offers to tear down Confederate Memorial for free. (St. Louis) (Loss) The monument is in Forest Park. Stuart Keeting is the owner of Earthbound Brewery. I know one place in St. Louis where I shall not imbibe or eat.
--Old Secesh
** Alabama House to vote on Confederate monuments bill. (Win) The bill forbids alterations or removal of any markers over 20 years old. It was passed, but black Democrats "railed" against it. Who is being a racist now?
** Business owner offers to tear down Confederate Memorial for free. (St. Louis) (Loss) The monument is in Forest Park. Stuart Keeting is the owner of Earthbound Brewery. I know one place in St. Louis where I shall not imbibe or eat.
--Old Secesh
Fort York, North Carolina-- Part 3: "One Wing York" and "Galvanized Yankees"
General Zebulon York of Louisiana was in command of the fort which was named after him. he had previously lost an arm and his troops nicknamed him "One Wing York. About 600 of his troops were "Galvanized Yankees."
He went to the Confederate Salisbury Prison and picked out "Catholics, Irishmen and Scottish men" who would not as likely be loyal to the Union because they had not been born there. The Confederacy had a serious manpower problem at this late date. General York's other troops were mostly Home Guard.
The battle took place on April 12, 1865.
--Old Secesh
He went to the Confederate Salisbury Prison and picked out "Catholics, Irishmen and Scottish men" who would not as likely be loyal to the Union because they had not been born there. The Confederacy had a serious manpower problem at this late date. General York's other troops were mostly Home Guard.
The battle took place on April 12, 1865.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 444: Liberty Place Statue Comes Down in New Orleans
From the April 25, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Undercover Of Night New Orleans Begins Dismantling Confederate Monument. (New Orleans) (Loss, well sort of) The monument was Liberty Place where according to the article a "white supremacist paramilitary group" attempted to take down the government of Louisiana in the 1870s.
Of course, to me most criminal activity takes place at night.
The workers were wearing flak jackets and helmets.
New Orleans' Mayor Mitch Landrieu Tweeted: "Relocating these confederate statues is not about taking away from someone else. It's about choosing a better future."
Hey, mayor, "confederate" is spelled with a capital "C". As for taking away from someone, you sure are.
Remember, Your City Goes Lower Case As Soon As You Take Any Of The Other Three Down. Your Shame Will Be the Same As (l)ouisville's. --Old Secesh
** Undercover Of Night New Orleans Begins Dismantling Confederate Monument. (New Orleans) (Loss, well sort of) The monument was Liberty Place where according to the article a "white supremacist paramilitary group" attempted to take down the government of Louisiana in the 1870s.
Of course, to me most criminal activity takes place at night.
The workers were wearing flak jackets and helmets.
New Orleans' Mayor Mitch Landrieu Tweeted: "Relocating these confederate statues is not about taking away from someone else. It's about choosing a better future."
Hey, mayor, "confederate" is spelled with a capital "C". As for taking away from someone, you sure are.
Remember, Your City Goes Lower Case As Soon As You Take Any Of The Other Three Down. Your Shame Will Be the Same As (l)ouisville's. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Fort York, N.C.-- Part 2: Two Lines of Trenches and Artillery Batteries
I have been so tied up with the Confederacy Under Attack, I wasn't able to finish this blog post from April 6, 2017.
Fort York had a system of small artillery batteries connected by trenches. The inner line consisted of 720 feet of trenches and three artillery batteries. The outer line had 1,155 feet of trenches and four batteries..
Maybe half of the original fort was destroyed by the construction of three highways on three sides of it. I-85 eliminates part of the outer trench system. US-29 goes right through the fort. Old Salisbury Highway (now Trading Ford Way) cuts between the fort and the Yadkin River. Trading Ford Way passes the site of the famous old York Hill restaurant that was destroyed by fire five years ago.
At one time the fort had between 1,000 and 1,600 Confederate soldiers and its purpose was to defend the railroad trestle bridge over the river.
--Old Secesh
Fort York had a system of small artillery batteries connected by trenches. The inner line consisted of 720 feet of trenches and three artillery batteries. The outer line had 1,155 feet of trenches and four batteries..
Maybe half of the original fort was destroyed by the construction of three highways on three sides of it. I-85 eliminates part of the outer trench system. US-29 goes right through the fort. Old Salisbury Highway (now Trading Ford Way) cuts between the fort and the Yadkin River. Trading Ford Way passes the site of the famous old York Hill restaurant that was destroyed by fire five years ago.
At one time the fort had between 1,000 and 1,600 Confederate soldiers and its purpose was to defend the railroad trestle bridge over the river.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 443: New Orleans Begins Tearing Down First Monument
From the April 24, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** New Orleans Begins Tearing Down Confederate Statues. (Loss) Although, at this point I understand it was the Liberty Place statue and I will give the Neo-Haters a pass on this one. As soon as any of the other three come down, the city goes to lower case (n)ew (o)rleans for its shame. I also start my boycott of that shamed place.
** Confederate Memorial Day is still celebrated in these states. (Mississippi and Alabama) (Win) State offices are closed Monday in these states. Georgia used to mark it, but removed the Confederate in it and just refer to it as a state holiday. South Carolina holds Confederate memorial Day in May to mark the death of Stonewall Jackson.
--Old Secesh
** New Orleans Begins Tearing Down Confederate Statues. (Loss) Although, at this point I understand it was the Liberty Place statue and I will give the Neo-Haters a pass on this one. As soon as any of the other three come down, the city goes to lower case (n)ew (o)rleans for its shame. I also start my boycott of that shamed place.
** Confederate Memorial Day is still celebrated in these states. (Mississippi and Alabama) (Win) State offices are closed Monday in these states. Georgia used to mark it, but removed the Confederate in it and just refer to it as a state holiday. South Carolina holds Confederate memorial Day in May to mark the death of Stonewall Jackson.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Murders in New Orleans (Still Upper Case) for 2017
New Orleans is still in upper case as it has not shamed itself yet but I came across a headline saying that as of Monday, May 1, the statue of Jefferson Davis still stands. When that is taken down, the city becomes (n)ew (o)rleans and my boycott begins. And, I am going to hate to boycott the place. I like a whole lot about it (especially Bourbon Street and the fantastic music).
There was a confrontation of sorts at the Jefferson Davis statue and a large police presence to keep the peace. Evidently, this statue is the next target of the extremists.
Anyway, I came across a site called the New Orleans Murder Map which says that so far in 2017, there have been 64 murders in the city. In 2016, there were 175. Unfortunately, the race of the victims was not given, but judging by the names, I would say a lot of them were Blacks.
Of interest, not one single police report blames a Confederate statue for the murders.
Yet, Those Statues Are the Real Big Deal in New Orleans. Makes You Wonder What the Mayor and the Black Community Considers To Be of Importance. --Old Secesh
There was a confrontation of sorts at the Jefferson Davis statue and a large police presence to keep the peace. Evidently, this statue is the next target of the extremists.
Anyway, I came across a site called the New Orleans Murder Map which says that so far in 2017, there have been 64 murders in the city. In 2016, there were 175. Unfortunately, the race of the victims was not given, but judging by the names, I would say a lot of them were Blacks.
Of interest, not one single police report blames a Confederate statue for the murders.
Yet, Those Statues Are the Real Big Deal in New Orleans. Makes You Wonder What the Mayor and the Black Community Considers To Be of Importance. --Old Secesh
Meanwhile, the Murders and Shootings Continue in Chicago
From the May 2, 2017, Hey Jackass! Chicago Murder and Mayhem site.
This is a very interesting site with a lot more detail than I print. Check it out.
Again, the vast majority of these murders and shootings are of Blacks on other Blacks.
Yesterday, WXRT, 93.1 FM, reported twenty shootings in Chicago since Friday, with three dead.
46 killed
270 wounded
THIS WEEK April 30 to May 6:
1 killed
18 wounded
183 killed
873 wounded
Of interest, police reports show that not one of these murders or shootings were committed by a Confederate Flag, statue or memorial.
Just Saying, As They Say. --Old Secesh
This is a very interesting site with a lot more detail than I print. Check it out.
Again, the vast majority of these murders and shootings are of Blacks on other Blacks.
Yesterday, WXRT, 93.1 FM, reported twenty shootings in Chicago since Friday, with three dead.
46 killed
270 wounded
THIS WEEK April 30 to May 6:
1 killed
18 wounded
183 killed
873 wounded
Of interest, police reports show that not one of these murders or shootings were committed by a Confederate Flag, statue or memorial.
Just Saying, As They Say. --Old Secesh
Murders in Chicago,
shootings in Chicago
Mort Kunstler's May 2017 Calendar: The Bloody Angle
May 2017 Civil War Calendar by Mort Kunstler.
"Spotsylvania, Va, May 12, 1864.
"General Ulysses Grant's 1864 invasion of Virginia seemed unstoppable -- until Grant ran onto Robert E. Lee's rock-hard defense at Spotsylvania Courthouse.
"One section of Lee's line was in the shape of a mule shoe and defied repeated attacks by courageous Northern troops. Finally, struggling mightily in the rain, Northern troops broke through the Confederate line.
"Desperate moments followed until a Confederate counterattack drove back the attackers. The fighting was among the bloodiest of the war.
"With only a log and earthen wall separating them, combatants shot, stabbed and clubbed each other for almost eighteen hours until darkness ended the ordeal."
Hand-to-hand action over the earthworks and shot-up flags from both sides and in all that rain.
I've always had a problem with spelling Spotsylvania. Is it one or two "t's"
A Place I Definitely Would Not Want to Be. --Old Secesh
"Spotsylvania, Va, May 12, 1864.
"General Ulysses Grant's 1864 invasion of Virginia seemed unstoppable -- until Grant ran onto Robert E. Lee's rock-hard defense at Spotsylvania Courthouse.
"One section of Lee's line was in the shape of a mule shoe and defied repeated attacks by courageous Northern troops. Finally, struggling mightily in the rain, Northern troops broke through the Confederate line.
"Desperate moments followed until a Confederate counterattack drove back the attackers. The fighting was among the bloodiest of the war.
"With only a log and earthen wall separating them, combatants shot, stabbed and clubbed each other for almost eighteen hours until darkness ended the ordeal."
Hand-to-hand action over the earthworks and shot-up flags from both sides and in all that rain.
I've always had a problem with spelling Spotsylvania. Is it one or two "t's"
A Place I Definitely Would Not Want to Be. --Old Secesh
Monday, May 1, 2017
I Will be Attempting to Keep More Current With the Confederacy Under Attack
With the ongoing events in New Orleans with those statues, I will make more of an attempt to stay current with these posts.
It appears that all is lost in regards to the statues remaining where they are in New Orleans. Hopefully the city will give the statues to other cities that are more sensitive to the issue. I would also like to see some sort of restitution for the offenses be made to Confederate descendant groups as a way of apologizing.
I am sorry to hear about the threats and hope they were not made. All the police presence at the work site as well as workers wearing "war" gear is a sad thing. Of course, there are many more places in New Orleans where people are not safe from the residents. Perhaps police presence there would be better spent.
A Sad Time. --Old Secesh
It appears that all is lost in regards to the statues remaining where they are in New Orleans. Hopefully the city will give the statues to other cities that are more sensitive to the issue. I would also like to see some sort of restitution for the offenses be made to Confederate descendant groups as a way of apologizing.
I am sorry to hear about the threats and hope they were not made. All the police presence at the work site as well as workers wearing "war" gear is a sad thing. Of course, there are many more places in New Orleans where people are not safe from the residents. Perhaps police presence there would be better spent.
A Sad Time. --Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 442: The Shame of Charlottesville and Biloxi
From the April 19 and 25, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Amid Lawsuits To Stop Them, Virginia City Votes To Sell Off Confederate Statue. (Charlottesville, Virginia) (Loss) Virginia law prohibits tearing down memorials to war veterans. Selling the statue is their attempt to get around the law. Lawmakers breaking the law, who'd have figured?
If they sell it and remove it, they go to lower case for their shame. Then, they will have to sale all statues and memorials to all soldiers in all wars.
** Another Mississippi city lowers Confederate-themed flag. (Biloxi) (Loss) It joins all the state colleges and several other cities refusing to fly the state flag. Again, the state needs to cut off funds to any and all who refuse to fly the state flag.
--Old Secesh
** Amid Lawsuits To Stop Them, Virginia City Votes To Sell Off Confederate Statue. (Charlottesville, Virginia) (Loss) Virginia law prohibits tearing down memorials to war veterans. Selling the statue is their attempt to get around the law. Lawmakers breaking the law, who'd have figured?
If they sell it and remove it, they go to lower case for their shame. Then, they will have to sale all statues and memorials to all soldiers in all wars.
** Another Mississippi city lowers Confederate-themed flag. (Biloxi) (Loss) It joins all the state colleges and several other cities refusing to fly the state flag. Again, the state needs to cut off funds to any and all who refuse to fly the state flag.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 441: There's That Neo-Confederate Tag Again
From the Google Alerts for April 18, 2017, for Confederate.
** Candidate for Virginia governor was endorsed by neo-Confederates at 'Old South Ball. (Virginia) (Not sure if Win or Loss) The candidate was Corey Stewart. The neo-Confederate group was the Save Southern Heritage. Stewart also said at the Old South Ball that the removal of Confederate monuments was "historical vandalism." Again, I would be happy to support this man if I knew how else he stood on other issues.
There they go again with that Neo-Confederate label. Neo-Nazis, anyone? Maybe we should start calling anti-Confederates Neo-Confederate Haters.
You can always tell which side the writer or newspaper is on when they use the term Neo-Confederate. They are trying to compare us to Nazis.
** Mississippi having a Confederate History Month does not harm anyone. (Win) Hey, isn't there a Black History Month? It never hurt me. And I agree that there should be a Black History Month. Too long were their contributions and struggles ignored in history books. There should also be a Confederate History Month.
** Mid-South Confederate monument vandalized overnight. (Jackson, Tennessee) (Loss). It is so sad that the BLM folks and Neo-Confederate Haters have to do things like this.
Perhaps We Should Place Law Enforcement Around the Statues All the Time. --Old Secesh
** Candidate for Virginia governor was endorsed by neo-Confederates at 'Old South Ball. (Virginia) (Not sure if Win or Loss) The candidate was Corey Stewart. The neo-Confederate group was the Save Southern Heritage. Stewart also said at the Old South Ball that the removal of Confederate monuments was "historical vandalism." Again, I would be happy to support this man if I knew how else he stood on other issues.
There they go again with that Neo-Confederate label. Neo-Nazis, anyone? Maybe we should start calling anti-Confederates Neo-Confederate Haters.
You can always tell which side the writer or newspaper is on when they use the term Neo-Confederate. They are trying to compare us to Nazis.
** Mississippi having a Confederate History Month does not harm anyone. (Win) Hey, isn't there a Black History Month? It never hurt me. And I agree that there should be a Black History Month. Too long were their contributions and struggles ignored in history books. There should also be a Confederate History Month.
** Mid-South Confederate monument vandalized overnight. (Jackson, Tennessee) (Loss). It is so sad that the BLM folks and Neo-Confederate Haters have to do things like this.
Perhaps We Should Place Law Enforcement Around the Statues All the Time. --Old Secesh
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