The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

(n)ew (o)rleans Takes Down the Beauregard Statue: The Confederacy Under Attack

This occurred the night of May 16-17 and is out of order.

Now, fully lower case for its shame and dishonor.

I was listening to WXRT this morning and heard Mary Dixon say that (n)ew (o)rleans had taken down the second Confederate monument.

Undercover of the night, as they have done with the Davis and Liberty Place statues, the city of new orleans took down the P.G.T. Beauregard statue.  We all know what happens at night and this is nothing short of it.  And the sad thing, even though Beauregard was a Confederate general, he also was a force in new orleans after the war for the equality and voting rights of Blacks.

The city now has double shame to deal with.

I, for one, will not be going there anytime soon,  if ever.

I know the mayor and his cohorts could care less about my little boycott, but is there are a lot of other offended people like me, maybe that could have some bite.  Too bad I am the wrong color so my being offended doesn't matter.

And, I Really Liked new orleans At One Time.  --Old Secesh

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