This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Fond du Lac's 3rd Wisconsin-- Part 2: "The Common Man" Regiment
The company that was marching across the bridge in the mishap that I wrote about last week, was the Green County Volunteers which became Company C in the 3rd Wisconsin.
The 3rd Wisconsin was the second regiment raised in the state after Lincoln called for all those volunteers after the Confederates fired on Fort Sumter. It is often called the "Common Man Regiment" as its members represented a cross-section of Wisconsin's civilian men.
They fought at Cedar Mountain, Antietam, Gettysburg, Resaca, the March to the Sea and Carolinas Campaign. Additionally, they were involved in the war's biggest cavalry battle at Brandy Station in Virginia and even a naval battle when they captured the Confederate gunboat Resolute at Argyle Island, North Carolina.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Finding the Real "Old Glory"-- Part 12
That same year, the Peabody Essex also sent its "Old Glory" to the Smithsonian who regards Roland's flag as the real one for these reasons. It was directly descended from William Driver and there is documentary evidence in the Tennessee State Library and Archives suggests the one hidden in the quilt and presented to Union troops is Roland's.
Plus, it is common sense that Driver would have hoisted his largest flag over the dome.
So, Is "Old Glory" the One That Is Displayed? --Old Secesh
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Finding the Real "Old Glory"-- Part 11; Who Has the Real Flag?
Continued from October 22nd. After William Driver's death, this is when the family feud began. His niece, Harriet Ruth Waters Cooke, a Salem-born socialite claimed to have inherited it. She presented her flag to the Essex Institute of Salem, now the Peabody Essex Museum.
One has to wonder why Driver would have given "Old Glory" to a niece in faraway Massachusetts, unless he was worried about his pro-Confederate family in Nashville.
However, the Nashville-born daughter of Driver, Mary Jane Roland, came up with the history of the flag her father had given her and published it in 1918. In 1922, she presented her "Old Glory" to President Warren G. Harding, who, in turn, delivered it to the Smithsonian.
So, Whose "Old Glory" is Real? --Old Secesh
"Old Glory",
Nashville Tennessee,
William Driver
Monday, October 28, 2013
Fond du Lac's 3rd Wisconsin Infantry-- Part 1
From Wikipedia.
Last week, I was writing about Camp Hamilton/Wood in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, which served as a training camp and mustering camp for the 3rd Wisconsin Infantry which mustered into service June 19, 1861. They were the second regiment raised in Wisconsin.
They served throughout the war and participated in the Grand Review of the Armies in Washington, DC, on May 24, 1865, before mustering out at Louisville, Kentucky, on July 18, 1865.
Originally 979 men mustered in and later another 940 were recruited during the course of the war for a total of 1919 men.
Killed in Action or mortally wounded: 9 officers and 158 enlisted.
Died of disease: 2 officers and 113 enlisted.
Colonels commanding the unit were Charles Hamilton, Thomas H. Ruger and William Hawley.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, October 26, 2013
General Edward S. Bragg
From Wikipedia.
Earlier this week I was writing about Camp Bragg on Oshkosh, Wisconsin, named for General Edward S. Bragg (probably no relation to Confederate General Braxton Bragg from North Carolina.) . I'd never heard of him. Born Feb. 20, 1827. Died June 20, 1912.
Member of the US House of Representatives from Wisconsin 1877-1883 and 1885-1887 and foreign diplomat. Born in Unadilla, New York and one of the charter members of Kappa Alpha Society, considered the first collegiate fraternity formed at Union College in Schenectaty, NY.
In 1850, he moved to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.
When the Civil War started, he became a captain in the 6th Wisconsin which became a part of the famous Iron Brigade. Became a Lt. Col June 21, 1862 and colonel of the regiment March 10, 1863. Missed the Battle of Gettysburg because of wounds received at the Battle of Chancellorsville.
Became brigadier general of volunteers June 25, 1864. He is interred at Rienzi Cemetery in Fond du Lac.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Yes, It Was Probably That Rodman Who Inspected the Napoleons at Camp Bragg
Thomas Jackson Rodman, the man who inspected the Napoleons at Oshkosh's Camp Bragg Memorial Park, was the famed ordnance man and inventor of the Rodman guns.
From 7 February 1862 to 7 April 1864, the Revere Copper Co. in Boston built 433 bronze Napoleons. Some 245 are known to still survive today. Rodman probably did not work for the Revere Company, but inspected submissions for the federal government.
I have been writing about the Revere Company also casting the ship's bell for the USS Constitution in my War of 1812 blog this past week. That bell was destroyed in the battle with the HMS Guerriere.
So, Now You Know. --Old Secesh
Napoleon Cannons,
Rodman Guns,
Thomas Jackson Rodman
Wisconsin's Camp Bragg in Oshkosh-- Part 2
From HMDB.
Photo of the Camp Bragg Memorial with a plaque on stone reading: "Near this spot in the autumn of 1862 the 21st and 32nd Regiments Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry were encamped for organization before proceeding to the front. Erected 1915."
Some more information: It was eracted in 1915 by the Camp Bragg Memorial Association on plans drawn by sculptor Karl Bitter. It is flanked by 4 smoothbore Napoleon cannons mounted in concrete. They were shipped by railroad to Oshkosh on June 15, 1915 from the Rock Island Arsenal in Rock Island, Illinois.
The muzzle loading cannon were made by the Revere Copper Company (yes, that Revere as in Paul) in Boston. Each barrel weighs 1216 pounds and were inspected by Thomas Jackson Rodman (was he the man of the Rodman guns?).
Just Some More Info.. --Old Secesh
Wisconsin's Camp Bragg in Oshkosh B'Gosh
From Iron Brigade: Wisconsin's Black Hat Brigade site.
The temporary organization and training center for the 21st and 32nd Wisconsin Infantry Regiments. Named in honor of Brigadier General Edward S. Bragg of the "Iron Brigade" 6th Wisconsin Infantry.
The site of the post us now within the Camp Bragg Memorial Park on the northwest corner of Hazel and Cleveland streets in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, in Winnebago County.
We have been meaning to go back to the area and this will give me something to look for when we do. Oshkosh is about ten miles or so north of Fond du Lac which I have been posting about the last several entries.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Another Version of How Not to Cross a Bridge-- Part 3
Another version of this story had the whole bridge collapsing, "...there came a crash, a few yells, some swearing...and the proud military organization was floundering in the depths below, amid planks, joists, logs and their individual selves, while a few had clutched the boxed trusses upon either side of the roadway, looking down, horror stricken, upon their scrambling comrades below."
The men finally made it into camp, wet, bruised, and perhaps not quite so confident in their skills as soldiers. To add injury to insult, the only weapon in camp, Captain Martin Flood's Masonic Sword, was lost in the river."
You Have to Wonder If That Sword Is Still At the Bottom of the River? --Old Secesh
3rd Wisconsin,
Camp Hamilton,
Fond du Lac Wisconsin,
How Not to Cross a Bridge-- Part 2
The "Green County Volunteers" arrived in Fond du Lac on June 14, 1861, eager to show off their already-learned military prowess and show off for the locals.
Colonel Hamilton reported that when the group entered the city they crossed a wooden bridge "in a perfect step." Unfortunately, that much weight and in step like that proved too much for that bridge and its sidewalk broke and several men were thrown into the water.
One of them, William Carter "struck upon a saw log and was considerably injured. Thus was learned the military rule to march over bridges at route step."
Some Things You Learn the Hard Way. --Old Secesh
3rd Wisconsin,
Camp Hamilton,
Fond du Lac Wisconsin,
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Incident on the Fond du Lac Bridge: Or How Not to Move Across a Bridge-- Part 1
From the Iron Brigade Wisconsin's 'Black Hat' Brigade site. I did not come across what the 3rd Wisconsin had to do with the famed Iron Brigade. US Highway 12 through Illinois is called the Iron Brigade Highway, though. This is also the group that fought the Col. Leventhorpe and his 11th North Carolina so hard during the first day's fighting at Gettysburg.
While doing some research on Camp Hamilton/Wood in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, I came across this interesting account of the arrival of the first volunteers at the new military installation.
Camp Hamilton was named after Col. Charles S. Hamilton, commander of the 3rd Wisconsin, the first unit to train there. It was located on the west side of the city, between Johnson and Division streets and from Lincoln Avenue (then Waupun St.) to Hickory Street where it intersects with Forest Avenue.
The "Green County Volunteers" were the first unit to arrive in Fond du Lac on June 14, 1861.
Talking About Your Grand Entrance. --Old Secesh
Camp Hamilton/Wood in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Following up on the entries from earlier this month on Private Stockwell's gun and the 14th Wisconsin Infantry.
The 14th Wisconsin were mustered in on January 30, 1862, at Camp Wood in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, which was their training camp. The place was originally named Camp Hamilton after Charles S. Hamilton, the commander of the 3rd Wisconsin Infantry who trained there before mustering into Union service.
It became Camp Wood when the 14th Wisconsin trained there and was named after its commander, Col. David E. Wood.
During the war, it was outside of Fond du Lac, but now is inside the city. Only a small park marks its existence these days.
--Old Secesh
Finding the Real "Old Glory"-- Part 10: "I Have Always Cherished It"
William Driver spent the rest of the war as provost martial in Nashville and worked in hospitals.
According to his daughter Mary Jane Roland, several years before his death, he gave her "Old Glory" on July 10, 1873, saying, "This is my old ship flag Old Glory. I love it as a mother loves her child; take it and cherish it as I have always cherished it; for it has been my steadfast friend and protector in all parts of the world--savage, heathen and civilized."
William Driver died on March 3, 1886, and is buried in Nashville.
The Man Sure Loved His Flag. --Old Secesh
"Old Glory",
Nashville Tennessee,
William Driver
Monday, October 21, 2013
Finding the Real "Old Glory"-- Part 9
The confusion over which flag is the "Real Old Glory" began that night. A storm developed and threatened to tear "Old Glory" to pieces and William Driver apparently replaced it with a newer, stronger one and once-again took "Old Glory" home with him. There were also reports that Diver gave the flag to the Sixth Ohio when it left Nashville.
According to expert Rowand, the real one remained in the Driver home until December 1864 at the second battle of Nashville when Confederate General John Bell Hood destroyed his army trying to recapture the city.
During the battle, Driver hung his flag out of his third-story window "in plain sight" of the southerners. He then went to defend the city,saying "If Old Glory is not in sight, I'll blow the house out of sight too."
--Old Secesh
"Old Glory",
Nashville Tennessee,
William Driver
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Finding the Real "Old Glory"-- Part 8: Up High and Flying Proud
The bed quilt was carefully opened and the large American flag pulled out. William Driver handed it to Gen. Nelson saying, "This is the flag I hope to see hoisted on the flagstaff in place of the [damned] Confederate flag set there by that [damned] rebel governor, Isham G. Harris. I have had hard work to save it; my house has been searched for it more than once."
General Nelson accepted the flag and ordered it run up on the statehouse flagstaff, whereupon it was greeted with "frantic cheering and uproarious demonstrations by soldiers."
The Sixth Ohio especially enjoyed it and later would adopt the name "Old Glory" as its motto.
--Old Secesh
Friday, October 18, 2013
Finding the Real "Old Glory"-- Part 7: "Over My Dead Body"
Locals made another attempt to take the flag. When an armed squad arrived on his front porch, William Driver confronted them, "If you want my flag you'll have to take it over my dead body." They retreated.
Driver was now convinced that the flag was in imminent danger and with the help of Unionist women in the neighborhood, had it sewn into a coverlet where it remained until late February 1862 when Nashville was taken, the first Confederate capital to be captured.
Union troops led by the 6th Ohio entered the city. When Driver saw the Stars and Stripes and regimental flags go up on the flagstaff of the Capitol building, he made his way to General William "Bull" Nelson and introduced himself as a former sea captain and loyal Unionist and then produced his coverlet.
And the General's Sitting There Wondering, "What?" --Old Secesh
"Old Glory",
6th Ohio,
Nashville Tennessee,
William Driver
Finding the Real "Old Glory"-- Part 6: "Produce Your Warrant!"
As secession came nearer for Tennessee, not surprisingly William Driver's flag became a source of contention between him and his neighbors. Even his own family was bitterly divided. Two of his sons were fervent Confederates and enlisted in local regiments; one of them would die of his wounds at the Battle of Perryville.
In March 1862, a sad Driver wrote, "Two sons in the army of the South! My entire house estranged...and when I come one to soothe me."
Confederate authorities tried to get Driver's "Old Glory soon after the state seceded. A committee came to house to demand the flag and Driver met them at the door saying, "Gentlemen...if you are looking for stolen property in my house, produce your search warrant." The committee left.
Yes, just try to fly your Confederate flag ANYWHERE these days and see where it gets you.
Don't Mess With My Flag. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Finding the Real "Old Glory"-- Part 5: "My Staunch Companion and Protection"
Sea captain William Driver said, "It has ever been my staunch companion and protection. Savages and heathen, lowly and oppressed, hailed and welcomed it at the far end of the wide world. Then, why should it not be called Old Glory?"
He made his fortune in the tortoise-shell trade. His family tells of his seizing his ship's wheel in storms and even facing down a New Zealand tribal chief with pistol in hand and a dirk in his mouth.
He took a bit of his beloved America everywhere he went.
Driver gave up seafaring in 1837 after his wife died, leaving him with three small children. They all moved to Nashville where his three brothers had opened a store, and, at age 34, remarried a girl half his age and started another family.
"Old Glory" flew on every holiday, rain or shine. It was so large he'd attach it to a rope from his attic window and stretch it across the street on a pulley to a locust tree.
In 1860, he and his family repaired the flag, sewing on an additional ten stars and an anchor to signify his career.
But Secession Was Nearing and That's When the Famous History of the Flag Began. --Old Secesh
Finding the Real Old Glory-- Part 4
I knew that "Old Glory" refers to the U.S. flag in general, but I always thought if it referred to a specific flag that would be the Fort McHenry flag.
I did not know anything about this particular flag (and the Smithsonian Magazine has a picture of it where it appears quite worn).
Well, Now I know. Thanks Smithsonian. --Old Secesh
Monday, October 14, 2013
Finding the Real Old Glory-- Part 3: "My Ship, My Country, My Flag. 'Old Glory'"
The flag was originally made to fly from a ship's mast and was homemade with 24 stars in 1824, sewn by William Driver's mother and other Salem females to celebrate his appointment, at age 21, as a master mariner and commander of his own ship, the Charles Doggett.
Legend has it that when he raised the flag, he lifted his hat and said, "My ship, my country, and my flag. Old Glory."
However, historians have found no definite proof that he actually said it. Most likely, he named the flag when writing about his twenty-year seagoing career which took him all over the world. At one point he even ferried survivors of the HMS Bounty from Tahiti to Pitccairn Island.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Finding the Real Old Glory-- Part 2: The Importance of Flags
Civill-War folk were really passionate about their flags. After the fall of Fort Sumter, the U.S. flag that flew above it went on tour around the country for the duration of the war. Each regiment carried two flags into battle, the U.S. one and the regimental one, and it was considered a great honor to carry it. At the same time, color-bearers were major targets of the opposing side, so it was quite a dangerous "honor."
Poet and hospital attendant Walt Whitman lamented the amount of blood spilled to keep a simple, four-cornered regimental flag. "I have a little flag....It was taken by the Secesh (hey, that's me, secessionists) in a cavalry fight, and rescued by our men in a bloody little skirmish. It cost three men's lives, just to get one little flag, four by three."
Telling It Like It Is, Walt. --Old Secesh
Friday, October 11, 2013
Finding the Real Old Glory-- Part 1: The Nashville, Tn. One
From the October 2013 Smithsonian Magazine "Glory, Glory" by Sally Jenkins.
"A tale of fidelity, family feud and argument over ownership is the subject of a new inquiry by the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. Old Glory, the weather-beaten 17-by 10-foot banner that has long been a primary NMAH artifact, is second only to Francis Scott Key's Star-Spangled Banner as a patriotic symbol, and is the source of the term now applied generically to all American flags.
"During the Civil War, no flag became a more popular symbol of Union loyalty than the worn and imperiled standard belonging to 19th-century sea captain William Driver, who was originally from Salem, Massachusetts. His defiant flying of it--from his Nashville, Tennessee household during the midst of the conflict--made national news."
And-I'd Never Heard of This Particular Flag Or Its Story Before. --Old Secesh
"Old Glory",
Nashville Tennessee,
William Driver
The New Lincoln-- Part 2: "That's Him!"
Christopher Oakley made his big "Lincoln Find" while studying an enlargement of one of the images of the crowd. To create the image, photographer Alexander Gardner employed a new technique creating photos simultaneously called a stereograph. These would yield a 3-D image when seen through an early version of a View-Master. (I've seen one at the Lincoln Home in Springfield, Illinois.)
While looking, Oakley came across the image of Secretary of State William H. Seward. He knew that Lincoln sat near Seward at the ceremony and figured he must be somewhere nearby. To Seward's left sat a vague outline of a bearded figure with a stovepipe hat. Zooming in tighter, Oakley sprang from his chair and exulted, "That's him!"
Well worth reading the rest of the article.
Will the Real Mr. Lincoln Please Stand Up. --Old Secesh
Thursday, October 10, 2013
The New Lincoln-- Part 1: Lincoln at Gettysburg
From the October 2013 Smithsonian Magazine "The New Lincoln" by Franz Ledz.
In the bleak hours before dawn of March 5th this year, Christopher Oakley "stumbled upon what looks to be the most significant, if not the most provocative, Abraham Lincoln photo find of the last 60 years."
Oakley taught New Media at UNC-Asheville and was in his home studio working on a 3-D animation of Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg Address. Using the Evergreen gatehouse, a flagpole and four photos taken at the time they have produced digital images of the event. They hope to be finished with the project in time for the 150th anniversary of the speech on Nov. 19th.
There are only 70-known photographs of Abraham Lincoln in all, and ones of him at Gettysburg for the address, just three and the two found in 2007 have been challenged.
Will the Real A. Lincoln Please Stand Up. --Old Secesh
Old Glory and the New Lincoln in the Smithsonian
From the October 2013 Smithsonian Magazine.
Two very interesting articles in this month's Smithsonian Magazine. The first is titled "The New Lincoln" by Frandz Lidz, about the very likely identification of Abraham Lincoln in the famous photograph of the Gettysburg Address. The other is on a famous flag named "Old Glory" by Sally Jenkins. I'll go into some more detail in the next two posts, but best if you get ahold of a copy of the artciles which will also have pictures.
I knew about the Lincoln photograph (but not the new image), but didn't know there was an actual flag named "Old Glory." I just thought it referred to the U.S. flag in general.
Always Interested In Anything Civil War. --Old Secesh
"Old Glory",
Abraham Lincoln,
Gettysburg Address,
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Cornwallis' Cave?
From Civil War Talk.
You might be wondering what a Revolutionary War English general would have to do with the Civil War? Passed down stories have it as being Cornwallis' hiding place during American and French bombardments while his troops were besieged at Yorktown, Virginia.
Whether he actually used it in 1781 is not known for sure, but during the Civil War, it was used to store powder by the Confederates. It is on Water Street by the James River.
Now, You Know. --Old Secesh
Monday, October 7, 2013
Fayetteville (NC) Female High School
From July 2013 to April 2014, I was unable to use paragraphs in any of my blogs. Here in 2018, I am going back through them and inserting paragraphs. This is how the non-paragraph entries looked.
From the July 29, 2012 Fayetteville (NC) Observer "Civil War 150th Anniversary--July 1862 developments." . The paper goes back to its editions printed back then for these stories. //// From the July 14, 1862 newspaper. "The all-absorbing war has not extinguished the interest of out citizens in this favorite institution (the Fayetteville Female High School). //// Its 7th Annual Commencement gave occasion last week, with diplomas conferred upon the following young ladies, members of the Senior Class of 1862: Irene McNeill, C. Myrover, Joanna McRae, Hattie Starr, Atilia Whitted, Olivia Stedman, E. Rose, E. Tillinghast, Joanna Watts, Alice Cook, Fannie Hinsdale and Hattie Kershaw." //// You have to wonder how the war impacted these young ladies. How many boyfriends were away in the service? --Old Secesh
Fayetteville NC,
high school,
What's the Smithsonian Doing for the War
From the September Smithsonian Magazine "From the Castle" by G. Wayne Clough.
There are exhibitions at many of the Smithsonian's 19 museums. For an overview, check out You should experiment with the interactive map of the Battleof Gettysburg, which has troop movements (great if you get confused by such matters and photographic displays of terrain as various military units would have seen them.
This month, Smithsonian will publish their new book "Smithsonian Civil War: Inside the National Collection" where historians have chosen 150 noteworthy and often moving objects such as weapons, uniforms, portraits and even a slave ship manifest. Three shows tied to it will be airing on the Smithsonian Channel (which, unfortunately, I don't get).
Worth Checking Out. --Old Secesh
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Football in the Civil War? You Betcha, Well, Sort Of
In the last post, I mentioned a plaque at Camp Randall in Madison, Wisconsin, with the names of 27 men from the 14th Wisconsin who were wounded and died at the Battle of Shiloh on April 7, 1862. The only Camp Randall in Madison, Wisconsin, that I know of is Camp Randall Stadium where the University of Wisconsin-Madison Badgers play their home football games.
Could this Camp Randall have a connection?
Turns out it does. Camp Randall Stadium was actually a Civil War training camp where some 70,000 Wisconsin volunteers and draftees learned how to be soldiers during the war.
So there you have your Civil War- football Connection.
Wonder if Badger units marched off to the strains of "On Wisconsin?"
One Has to Wonder. --Old Secesh
14th Wisconsin,
Battle of Shiloh,
Camp Randall Wis.,
The 14th Wisconsin Infantry: Private Stockwell's Regiment
From Wikipedia.
Four members of the 14th won the Medal of Honor at the Battle of Corinth, Oct. 3-4, 1862, including Color-Sergeant (carried the battleflag) Denis J.F. Murphy of Green Bay who was wounded three times.
The 14th organized in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, on January 30, 1862 and mustered out at Mobile, Alabama on October 9, 1965.
During the course of the war, 6 officers and 116 enlisted men were killed in action or mortally wounded. Another 3 officers and 194 enlisted died from diseases.
There is a small metal plaque at Camp Randall in Madison (where the University of Wisconsin plays football) that says 27 men of the 14th died of wounds received at the Battle of Shiloh (where Elisha Stockwell was wounded) on April 7, 1862.
It was sometimes called the Northwest Regiment (because most of the men were from the northern part of the state) or the Wisconsin Regulars. Private Stockwell's Company I was called the Black River Rangers.
The Story of a Regiment. --Old Secesh
Friday, October 4, 2013
A General's Journey From Goat to Hero: Thomas J. Word-- Part 2
After the defeat, Rosecrans accused Word of not moving his division as ordered. Then arose a question of whether he was following orders. Because of this, Confederates under Gen. Longstreet attacked where Wood's division had just been and were able to break the Union line and win the Battle of Chickamauga.
His reputation under fire, Word redeemed himself at the Battle of Chattanooga when his division was only supposed to make a feint at Confederate lines on Missionary Ridge, but continued on to force the Confederates to retreat and break the siege of Chattanooga.
Goat to Hero. --Old Secesh
A General's Journey From Goat to Hero: Thomas J. Word-- Part 1
From the September 22, 2013, Washington Post by Jeff Leen.
Union Brigadier General Thomas J. Word, a career Army officer and West Point graduate served in the Mexican War and had cavalry postings along the frontier. His worst time was at the Battle of Chickamauga, but he fully exonerated his name at the Battle of Chattanooga.
When Union General Rosecrans took Chattanooga from Confederate General Bragg, it opened the door directly on the Heart of Dixie, the Confederate military complex at Atlanta.
Confederates sent reinforcements to Bragg.
On September 19, 1863, the Confederates won a huge victory at the Battle of Chickamauga and forced Rosecrans back to Chattanooga and besieged the city.
General Word became a scapegoat.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, October 3, 2013
The 69th Indiana
From Wikipedia.
The 69th Indiana was organized in Richmond, Indiana, and mustered in for three years service on August 19, 1862 under the command of Col. Thomas Warren Bennett. They mustered out July 5, 1865.
They fought at the Battle of Richmond, Kentucky, on August 30, 1862 and the regiment was captured and paroled.
Next they took part in operations against and around Vicksburg, Mississippi, including Sherman's Yazoo Expedition, Chickasaw Bluff, Port Gibson, Champion Hill and the Siege of Vicksburg. After that they were at the Siege of Jackson, Mississippi.
On December 18, 1863, they were sent to Matagorda, Texas, where the incident with the 23 men from the regiment drowning took place March 13, 1864. (See today's Running the Blockade Civil War Navy blog entry.)
During the course of the war, the regiment lost 331 men who died. Three officers and 77 enlisted were killed or mortally wounded in action. Three officers and 248 men died from diseases.
--Old Secesh
Private Stockwell's 1863 Springfield Rifle Musket
Indeed, the new rifle muskets used during the Civil War were a huge advancement over the muskets used during the Napoleonic Wars. Back then, opposing armies could stand within a hundred yards of each otehr and not many men would get hit, but not so with the new weapons with their rifling in the bores which increased the distance and accuracy the guns could be fired.
Merritt Roe of MIT said that the creation of tne technical know-how that could produce precisely tooled, interchangeable parts for hundreds of thousands of rifles essentially did in the South who couldn't match the industrial might of the North.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Some More On Private Stockwell
Elisha Stockwell's memoirs were put into a book in 1985 "Private Elisha Stockwell, Jr. Sees the Civil War," 224 pages, edited by Byron R. Abernathy.
Several sources said it was good reading, especially to get a teenager's view of service during the war. He enlisted in 1862 at the age of 15.
He was in Co. I, of the 14th Wisconsin, Infantry from Fon du Lac, Wisconsin.
--Old Secesh
Pvt. Stockwell's Rifle Musket
From the September 2013 Smithsonian Magazine "From the Castle" by G. Wayne Clough.
This 1863 Springfield rifle musket was once owned by Private Elisha Stockwell Jr, who lied about his age and enlisted in the Union Army at age 15. He took a cannister shot in the arm and a bullet in his shoulder at the Battle of Shiloh in 1862.
He recovered and was around for General Sherman's campaign to capture Atlanta.
Then, at age 81 and nearly blind, finally got around to writing about his wartime experience. As to the wounds at Shiloh, he wrote: "I thought my arm was gone, but I rolled on my right side and...couldn't see anything wrong with it."
Spotting ripped flesh, a lieutenant ordered Stockwell to sit out a charge which possibly saved his life.
Private Stockwell's rifle is part of the Smithsonian's American History Museum's 5,700 firearm collection.
--Old Secesh
General Collett Leventhorpe-- Part 2: Badly Wounded At Gettysburg and Captured
Took part at the Battle of Gettysburg as part of Pettigrew's Brigade, Heth's Division. On first day of battle he was badly wounded and then captured during the retreat to Virginia. Not exchanged for nine months.
After return, appointed by Governor Zebulon Vance brigadier general of state troops and operated on the Roanoke River and along the Weldon Railroad until end of war.
President Davis appointed him a brigadier general in Confederate service on February 18, 1865 and was confirmed by the Senate, but declined the appointment on March 6, 1865.
After the war, he made his home at his wife's sister and husband's homestead at "The Fountain" in the valley of the Yadkin (Wilkes County, NC) where he died Dec. 1, 1889. He is buried at the Episcopal Cemetery in Happy Valley, near Lenoir, NC.
So, There You Have It. --Old Secesh
General Collett Leventhorpe-- Part 1: Born in England
From "Generals in Gray" by Ezra J. Warner. I was a bit surprised that Col. Leventhorpe of the 11th NC, who I have been writing about the last month or so, became a general, figuring his injuries at Gettysburg would have ended his military career. But, not so, and I found a short article about him in this book.
Born in Exmouth, Devonshire, England, May 15, 1815. Received appointment to Her Majesty's 14th Regiment of Foot and served a number of years on colonial service. Later emigrated to U.S. and married into a prominent North Carolina family.
Offered services to that state at outbreak of war and elected colonel of the 34th NC in 1862 and then the 11th NC when it was organized from the old 1st NC, the "Bethel" regiment.
Mainly on duty in NC where he gained honor at several engagements. In 1863, the 11th sent to the Army of Northern Virginia.
--Old Secesh
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