The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Firing on Star of the West Re-enacted

From the Jan. 8, 2011, Washington Post.

Gray-clad cadets from South Carolina's Citadel University re-enacted what their counterparts did 150 years ago, when the US government attempted to resupply the defenders of Fort Sumter, fired on the unarmed vessel.

Back then, fire from the cadets manning a battery on James Island struck the ship and it turned around and steamed off.

Some twenty cadets and their advisors spent the chilly weekend in tents on a barren, windswept island that is no longer occupied. Back in 1861, there were buildings in which the cadets took shelter.

A tour boat was chartered by school alumni to play the part of the Star of the West. When it approached, the cadets fired seven times both Saturday and Sunday, the 9th which was the actual anniversary of the event. Of course, the shots were not real.

As of yet, I have not read about any NAACP protests over the event.

And, So It Begins. --Old B-Runner

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