The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Friday, April 21, 2017

The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 435: Confederate Monument Removal Bids Due in New Orleans

From the April 4, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.

I sure wish I didn't have to keep doing these.  It takes away from what I'd rather be doing in this blog and that is research and interesting articles.

**  April 5--  Confederate monument bids due today.  (New Orleans)  (Loss)  This is the next big confrontation, though it has been going on ever since Charleston.  Maybe we can convince the haters to back off after what the black man did in Fresno.  After all, he did what the Charleston murderer did and for the same reason.

Of course, that will not happen.  These most recent murders are not receiving the publicity that the Charleston ones did.  Had it been a white man killing blacks in Fresno, the black community would have been outraged.

--Old Secesh

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